Evidence Of Filming

Post on 26-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Evidence Of Filming

Evidence of Filming Planning

Leeza Ah-WanCandidate Number: 6593

After deciding on our plot, prior to filming, myself and my group visited various locations to see if any of them could be used in the actual filming stages. We also used this time to become familiar with the filming equipment and to practice different shot types.

Location prior to filming

This is where we filmed the scene of a male character coming across the victims red ribbon “signifying”’ (De Saussure) that something dreadful has happened to her.

Shallow Focus Shot in trailer

From the moment we decided on our plot, we agreed as a group that using a shallow focus shot in our trailer would look extremely effective. However, we wanted to ensure that when we took the shot it would be of excellent quality so doing trial shots was really important. This allowed us to become familiar with changing the focus on the camera in a smooth and professional way.

Unused footage of the hand

Although we were initially going to have a shot capturing the hand of the victim, when I inserted the footage into our trailer, the cut from the victims body to her hand seemed disjointed. This was because a pan shot was used for the body so it didn’t look right cutting back to the hand after seeing the face of the victim. Nevertheless, taking these shots were an important part of planning in allowing us to enhance our photography skills. Whilst the first image was taken with the camera in focus, the focus was manipulated for the second shot to create a shallow focus shot.

Shot with camera in focus

Shallow focus shot

Footage from trailer

We were originally going to use an over the shoulder shot, where one of the characters is watching a female, without her realising. However, after thinking about this, I realised that although it fitted in with the theme of secrecy, it would be more effective if the female character was captured running away from something that the audience couldn't see instead. I believed this would be more effective in creating suspense and fear.

Evidence of Filming

Leeza Ah-WanCandidate Number: 6593