Post on 14-Jan-2017

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B 514 Adli Palinoloji

Doç. Dr. Talip ÇETER



Initial crime scene notation

1 .Secure the Crime Scene2 .Record the Crime Scene

3.Photography:Crime scene photography is very important

“A picture is worth a thousand words figureVideotape – the use of videotape is being implemented on a widespread basis in crime scene investigation recently


Where to search for evidence

Many people do not know that pollen can play an important role in exposing the crimes, it is in most cases the investigation get the equivalent of only ten grams of dust, It is the amount of hard to see it, and be the source of this dust is usually inside a bag person or clothes or murder's car or even from inside the bomb,



Plant evidence should be stored in cool dry areaPressing and dryingSpecimens are pressed flat and dried between sheets of absorbent blotters or semi-absorbent paper such as newspaper The plant should be carefully laid out between the drying sheets, as their form at this stage largely determines their ultimate appearance. The flowers should be spread out with the petals carefully arranged .


Documentation of botanical evidence

Crime scene documentation is necessary to preserve the character and manner in which evidence was located and collected from a scene, and in showing the relationship of that evidence to the overall scene and other evidence. Proper scene documentation involves multiple formats, such as general note taking, photography, videotaping, and sketches and diagrams. Each form of documentation is meant to complement the other.


How to have botanical evidence analysed

pollen can be used to connect a suspect to a victim or scene. Pollen is a powder-like substance released by plants as part of their reproductive cycle. Since it is produced in large volumes and is easily transported by wind, pollen grains are often found on clothes, hair or skin. If investigators find a rare plant type near a murder victim, the presence of its pollen on a suspect could place them at the scene. Even for common plants, each environment has its own unique combination of pollens, and this 'signature' can link an individual or object to a location. Pollen signatures may also indicate that a body has been moved or suggest the type of area where the original crime took place.


Where to find a botanist

Virtually all community colleges, and universities have a botanist on their faculty. Botanists work in laboratories, offices and in the field, both alone and with other life scientists. They may work irregular hours and live in remote areas when carrying out research.


Type of cases

laws list some plants used as medicines or drugs or those believed to be noxious weeds as illegal. Therefor possession of any these listed plants is illegal , but the first step is identification, which often demands someone with special training for example Marijuana is an illegal and drug plant


Evidence analysis

-Step1- The Evidence Analysis Question - Specify a question in a defined area of practice; or state a tentative conclusion or recommendation that is being considered. Include of the target specimens involved, the alternatives under consideration, . Step 2 - Gather and Classify the Evidence Step 3 - Critically Appraise Each Article Step 4 - Summarize the Evidence Step 5 - Write and Grade the Conclusion Statement


Laboratory reports

Are written for several reasons. One reason is to communicate the laboratory work to management. This presents a commonly used organization for laboratory reports:-Abstract-Introduction- Results and Discussion-Conclusions-Appendices


Transportation of botanical evidence

The purpose of this final stage of the investigation and inquiry in the process of crime scene to pick and transport and storage appropriate to the type of physical evidence in order to ensure integrity of the evidence submitted to the laboratory storage.


Evidence retention and disposition

The evidence must be handled and packaged in a way that prevents any change from occurring. The evidence must be properly packaged according to type and properly labeled and sealed with appropriate initials to maintain chain of custody. The integrity of evidence is best maintained when it is kept in its original condition as found at the crime scene. Trace evidence should not be removed from the objects they’re found on unless it is impossible to transport the item.


step-wise method for the collection of botanical evidence

1.Find a specimen

2.Use secateurs for a clean cut of the stem

3.Every specimen should be tagged


4.Attach tags securely to each specimen
