Every Moment Counts

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Every Moment Counts

Every Moment Counts Possibilities not limits.


Marilyn, Sue and Kerry

The vulnerable dilemma So who calls the shots?

The vulnerable dilemma Those responsible for high care environments are

well intentioned and want to minimize any potential difficulties or struggle. There is a need to explore whether this is really in our best interests

or are we capable of defining our own personal futures and direction through active participation

and decision making.

The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia

Belonging Involves: Knowing where and with whom

you belong

Building independence and

relationships with others

Identifying with groups of people

Being Involves Living and learning in the ‘here

and now’

Learning that is more then

preparation for the future

Enjoying the moment

In your own space and reality

Finding and maintaining your

sense of self

Becoming involves: Acquiring and transforming new


Turning existing knowledge into a new perspective

Promoting capabilities and potential

Being shaped by different, events, relationships and circumstances

the Doors Changing the Locks The Keys

Restitution not institution : Believing in Possibilities

Unlocking the Doors The tools

Changing the locks

The Master Key Opening the doors

Exploring the spaces

To see each person with wisdom, humor and heart

The Tools • Cross-Pollination

• Level of Perspective

• Growth Mindset

• Curling

• Positioning

• Zone of Potential Ability


Influence or inspiration between or among diverse groups or individuals

Educational professionals and partners from the wider community need support to work in the spaces between their different areas of expertise – to talk and listen to each other -

across professional, sector, industry, cultural boundaries

The difference between leadership & management

Systems & Structures


Patterns of Behaviour


Mental Models











(Daniel Kim)

Fixed verses Growth mindsets - Carol Dweck


Avoid challenges

Give up easily

I can do some things but can’t do others

I give up and retreat to comfort

I hide mistakes and conceal deficiencies


Embrace challenges

Persist in the face of setbacks

If I make an effort I will learn new things

I am not afraid of failing and try new strategies

I capitalize on mistakes and confront deficiencies

The gem cannot be polished without friction nor a person perfected without challenges - Chinese Proverb


Wanting to make everything


Preventing struggles, failure, risks

Loss of voice

Learned dependence

Parent, Adult, Child – modes of communication

Transactional Analysis

Ineffective Modes

Criticizing mode – others cannot do things, not capable

Interfering mode – doing things for others they could do for themselves

Inconsistent mode – unpredictably and random way

Over adapted mode – over adapt - depression and unrealistic anxiety. ‘I’m not ok, your not ok.”

Oppositional mode – resisting what others put forward

Reckless mode – not take responsibility and run wild without focus or boundaries

Effective Modes

Structuring mode – caring while firm

Supporting mode – affirming and considerate

Co-creating – finding solutions together

Playful mode – confront people playfully as a way of dealing with difficult situations

Positioning Primordial we

Below Position

Equal position

Above position

Independent position

Progress is made by getting in the learning zone –

James Nottingham




Current Ability

Subconscious Ability

Potential Ability

Too Easy

Too Hard





The Teaching Target Model (TTM)




Changing the locks Not everything is bad but everything is dangerous – Michael Foucalt

Myths and realities The mismatch between policy and practice Examining and changing assumptions beliefs and


Care verses creativity

The emphasis on basic needs overshadows an innate drive for growth and fulfillment

- Maslow A learned dependence

Staff perceptions

Needs Are Met Needs Needs Not Met

Sense of identity, growth and development

Self actualisation The motivation to realise one’s potential

Feelings of restlessness, lack of fulfilment and boredom

Feelings of self-respect, confidence, generosity and cooperation

Esteem Self-esteem: inner strength, self confidence, independence and freedom Respect: desire for recognition, fame, prestige and attention

Fearful of criticism and of failure, feelings of inferiority, frustration and envy

Feelings of love, trust and connectedness

Love/Belonging The need to give and receive love and affection; to have roots and connections

Feeling lonely, rejected and a hostility towards ‘outsiders’

Feeling of security and safety, relaxed about these needs

Safety Needs Personal, financial, health and resource security

Anxiety, dread, fight or flight, aggression

A feeling of generally good physical health

Physiological Needs Breathing, food, drink, sex, clothing, shelter

Cravings or obsession for basic needs

Challenging Learning – James Nottingham

The Crab Bucket Front of house and back of house


Venting frustration and anger

Marginalizing others by

demanding compliance

Constraining aspirations of

leadership and initiative

The Master Key Learning is not the product of schooling but a lifelong attempt to acquire it

Albert Einstein

Lifelong learning

Life – Long Learning.

Positive dispositions towards learning

Personal interests and priorities

Ownership & engagement in the learning

Re-visiting former learning – existing knowledge into a new perspective

Rich and stimulating environment

Inclusive praxis – flexible, creative, innovative, least restrictive environment adaptations, incidental learning

Opening the doors Working towards goals of individuality,

personal autonomy and institutional flexibility and creativity

Exploring the spaces

Our identity our voice

Connecting to others

Keeping well

Active in learning

Communication that


Our identity our voice


A sense of self

Decision making



Connecting to others Relationships Celebrations

Diversity Natural environment

Keeping well Physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual

Spaces – physical environment

Risk and challenge

Basic needs

Active in learning Authentic experiences

Representation and signifiers


Problem solving

Cognitive conflict

Communication that counts Critical conversations Learning stories and narratives Performing arts Literacy

What will the face of high care environments look like in the future?

Shift away from institutionalization to

So who calls the shots?

Next Generation of Consumers

Current consumers The last of the ‘yes’ generation. A generation of people who ‘don’t want to be a bother’. Often indicate they are okay Next generation of consumers Baby boomers - between the years 1946 and 1964 (post war baby boom) boomers are widely associated with privilege and don’t suffer fools lightly Hot on their footsteps Gen X - 1963 to the early 1980s Offay with social media, technology, expect a quick solution and don’t accept having to wait