Evaluation Question Four

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation Question Four

Construction and Research

This is the Pentax DSLR camera and basic tripod that we used to film our music video with. Depending on the different scenes and what we would be shooting the settings would be changed according to it. We not only used this camera to

gain footage for the music video but it was also used to get feedback from students and our target audience. We used this camera for any shoots that we did for the digi pack or poster.

This is how I would position the camera before filming something like the class

giving us feedback on our screening

When I filmed some of the narrative scenes I used the same Pentax DSLR camera and basic tripod to hold it in place. When assembling the tripod I would make sure that the balance bubble was in the the middle of its circle. By checking this every time it means that I know that when I film the camera will be level. After checking that the tripod is secure and the equipment attaching the camera to the tripod is safely attached I then would begin to change the settings on the camera to fit its surroundings and what is going to be filmed.

When filming the performance shots we would now make sure that we change the focus manually. This is because of the movement involved in the performance it can sometimes change whether the performer is in focus or not. Therefore this has to be done manually when I am performing, however for narrative scenes is is easier to put the camera at auto focus.

This is an example of something I have learnt about the technological equipment that we use, which I didn’t know before. By doing things like test shoots and multiple shoots it means that you can learn as a group the best way to use the equipment in order to get the correct shot for the final product.

Checking the settings on the camera before


Checking the positioning of the camera and certain factors like


Once in position I asked someone to see if it was

in focus

Test run of performance before checking it and then continuing to film

During class and after school this is the editing machine that we shared with another group. We

have sheets on the wall were you can book it but for of the project we would speak to them about when it was best for each group to use it. When we sat down as a group to edit we would usually have one person working the mouse and the other on the keyboard. This worked especially well for us when we had to

import new footage. It meant that we could see what worked and what didn’t and whilst one could sync the clips in the other could label them each one.

We would play the music from my phone during performances in the studio. This would mean I could lip sing to the song correctly so that when we edited the clips it would match the song on our sequence. The key thing for us was that we needed to make sure that the song used in the performance was exactly the

same song on our project, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to sync up the clips properly.

These are the computers that we use in school. I would use a computer like this for my research in this project. By having the

computers available every lesson it means that we were able to use the to do a wide range of research over the internet.

I also used the scanner in school to put things on my blog like storyboards and notes I made in my book. This meant that when we were filming if we ever forgot the storyboards we had them

online to look back on.

Planning and Evaluation

I used the DSLR camera when filming the class and my teacher during our initial screening. I also used the camera when doing a one on one interview with my target audience. I then used the editing

machine to put it all together

At home I used the iPad to do any quick research. I also used it to take pictures of the feedback notes and any other work I wanted to transfer to my computer to continue on it. If I thought of any work that I wanted to put on blogger straight away I downloaded the blogger app as well. I also used the iPad to create my voice notes and then transferred it to my computer. I then played the recordings into a speaker on my mac to create a video because a couldn’t find another way to make the audio play on blogger. I used the mac computer at

home for programs like word and power point as well.

Overall I used a variety of technology that not only built on the skills I already had in knowing how to use it but I can now use it more effectively. I have also learnt new things with the equipment I needed and found the

technology available extremely useful in the different stages of this project.