Evaluation of thriller opening

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation of thriller opening

Presentation By

Name : Shailen SankreachaCandidate Number : 9442

Name : James JessieCandidate Number : 8451


Our storyline was decent even though a lot of editing

had to be made. However, it didn't affect the storyline

of our thriller film opening. But, it did add in a lot of

twists. For example, our original story board

consisted of when James finds a garden folk hidden

behind his curtain and is perplexed of the current

situation. Afterwards, the shovel is placed next to his

shed. He is then seen in a park being chased by a

masked man, restrained and threatened to kill Rosie.

However, In our correctly edited thriller opening, it

primarily portrays James reading the message that is

written on the Christmas card. Next, he turns around

and sees a garden folk as he then picks it up and

places it next to the shed. From this, the audience are

able to visualise that he has chosen to kill Rosie as

he had not reacted strongly about the card.

After James exits his house, instead of him going out

to look for Rosie the audience see James sitting next

to a tree, adding on curiosity, also questioning the

audience about the current storyline.







By looking at the video you can see that the male

protagonist is not shocked to seeing the garden folk

placed behind him. Neither was he terrified to

seeing, ‘kill Rosie’, written on the card. This could

connote bravery or he may be compelled to

accomplishing the job.

Another advantage of our film opening was that we had

used our own sound track . Furthermore, the sound

track correctly played through our opening helped with

the rise in tension. This is important because it creates a

curious atmospheric vibe in which could attract the

viewers to keep watching.

At the start of our thriller opening, the volume of the

music track used was low due to the high volume of

diegetic sound. However, when James read the

message the volume of the track was on top as there

was not many more diegetic sounds being heard


The use of the sound track was essential as it mainly

played the part of heightening tension.





Furthermore, another advantage of our group’s thriller

opening was that it included different urban locations

and rural location. This supports the conventions of

thrillers as all thriller films have used more than one

urban or rural location. Moreover, with our thriller film,

we decided to set the first part of our thriller film

opening at James’ house, so that we can introduce

our audience to his character. The idea of him waking

up in a large, well manufactured house, on his own,

could possibly signify the idea that he may be a

sinister and mysterious person. Due to this inkling, it

may procreate doubts about him, from a negative

perspective. Since he is a low class citizen, the

audience may wonder how he is able to buy such a

well manufactured house.

By doing this, it creates an enigma within our thriller

film opening. Potentially, the sub-genre of our thriller

film was crime. This sub-genre could relate to the fact

that him living on his own may possibly create the idea

of him being a killer. As the audience may think he

might be an assassin. In addition to this, assassins

given tasks complete them on their own, therefore

correlating to James’ isolated state.

Coincidently, the second setting is set in the woods.

The use of this setting heightens tension and

questions the audience, ‘is he going to kill Rosie’.

Ultimately, another convention that our group have used within our thriller film opening is crime and murder. The reason why

crime and murder was included is because it supports the crime sub-genre. This is a positive element to consider because

in both our questionnaires we conducted, our audience wanted us to include crime and murder within our thriller film. This is

due to today's modern society as the public would be more engaged to watching a film that provides thrill as well as crime.

Whereas, crime and murder are the centre points of a thriller opening because it develops a storyline.

Firstly, we didn't use our original storyboard. This was

because there was a change in the plot since we made the

animated storyboard. The change was an appearance of a

masked man, chasing James and restraining him. What we

wanted to put in our initial storyboard had exceeded 2

minutes because our opening lasted for 3-5 minutes which

meant that we had to cut out a lot of the shots, so that the

length of the opening turns out to be 2 minutes.

Secondly, by doing this we did cut out a lot from our thriller

film because in our original storyboard, it is seen at the end a

man dressed in black is approaching James and chases him.

Furthermore, this part of the opening was thought to be the

most exciting because foot chases rise tension. In addition to

this, the audience tend to be engaged with the action

currently occurring in the film. Since this scene is not in our

correctly edited film, this convention is not met.

Finally, when watching our opening, you will see James

sitting on his own against a tree. This portrays a sense of

enigma and can still make our thriller curious because in the

mind of the audience they could be thinking, ‘is he planning

to kill Rosie’. Through this, it creates a cliff hanger letting the

viewers know there is more to the enigma that is being






The second negative approach to our film opening was

that a lot of our shots were blurry as footage was

captured with low focus. As a result of this, the audience

weren't able to see James’ facial expression.

Furthermore, in a lot of our feedback that we received,

from our audience who watched our film opening, said

that they wanted to know more information about James’

character. Also, since some of the shots were blurry it

prevented our audience from gaining the knowledge that

James was a depressed person.



Examples of blurry scenes

Subsequently, the third disadvantage of our group’s thriller film was that the characters weren't presented that well.

Since our thriller film was over 2 minutes, we had to cut out the part where Shailen chases James. Furthermore, we

feel that the role James played wasn't introduced that well to our thriller film opening (despite the planning) because in

a lot of our feedback, not enough information of James was signified.

The last disadvantage is the title of our thriller, as it had looked mundane. On the other hand, the colour red was very good

since red represents blood, relating to crime and murder and that something sinister may occur.

However, since the title did not look engaging, we could have changed the font that it could turn out to be eye-catching.

We could have done this by showing the red colour sliding downwards off each letter – as shown below – to represent the

blood falling. The blood relates to the murders that occur in our full movie. Each letter would be big and bold, in capitals

signifying the big jeopardy that occurs in the film.



For our thriller film opening, we had decided to use the social age group of young male adults aged between 25- 30. This

is because when reviewing other thriller film openings, such as: Drive, The Dark Knight; inception, a lot of the protagonists

were young males which would attract young females due to their masculinity as well as their charm and bravery. This is

stereotypical as the idea of women being attracted to male protagonists is often seen in most thriller films despite of it’s

sub-genre. Therefore, in comparison to our opening scene, this stereotype will help attract more audience members (of the

ages targeted) to come and watch our opening because its mainly aimed at young adults. Since a lot of action is consisted

within the full movie itself, due to our treatment, thrill seekers are more than likely to attend and watch the film. Moreover,

we had used a young male in the film as this would lead to the conventions of females being attracted to young males,

therefore resulting in females watching the film.

In addition to this, we decided to make our protagonist a low class, middle aged, male citizen who has no contact with any

friends nor his family members. The reason we agreed on this inkling is because in our treatment, we had mentioned that

our protagonist would have a history of murdering people and committing crimes. Similarly, other thriller films, such as:

The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy; The Bourne Ultimatum, used idea of hiding from society due to who they are

as well as them staying away from publicity. The male protagonist in these three films have an objective to hide and run.

He finds shelter or seeks help for an escape (The Bourne Identity). The protagonist wants to live a normal life, however it

cannot be done as people are trying to kill him (relating to our treatment) and that he is followed by a record of some sort

based on him being a threat.

In terms of ethnicity, the male protagonist in those films mentioned, is a white a male. This is a stereotype correlating to

the idea of how actors of a white ethnicity emerge victorious. However, in relation to our treatment, the antagonist

threatening James for revenge emerges victorious as Shailen’s ethnicity is Asian which contradicts the idea of an innocent

male surving a major threat. Also, this subverts the stereotype of white ethnicities having an outcome of triumph as an

Asian prevails. In filmography, Asians are thought to be foreigners which normally play the part of the antagonist in which

our opening has met that criteria.

Ultimately, we had decided to convey the protagonist of our thriller film as an isolated individual who has no contact with

friends or family (as mentioned earlier) because it manufactures an enigma and heightens curiosity within our film as it

also intrigues the audience and encourages questioning about the character. For instance, who is he, why is ‘kill Rosie’

written on the card, why does he not look terrified when he sees the card and how is he able to afford a good quality home

as a low class citizen.

In the feedbacks we had received, one of the groups had mentioned that the enigma created or used in our thriller opening

was really good as it rose tension due to how James is portrayed. As a result, this will then encourage our audience to

continue to watch the thriller opening as they would want to gain more knowledge about the protagonist as there may be a

surreptitious secret about him. This secret could lead to the reason why he is in this isolated state. However, in the

opening, there is no evidence to why he is in this state. We had recently thought that a flashback of his past would support

the idea of him being portrayed in this manner, of an isolated young male. This is the main negativity about our opening

and how the protagonist is shown as the storyline creates an enigma due to this error.

Respectively, we feel that websites such as, YouTube and Twitter, would allow us to distribute our work since anyone can post

things of their choice on these websites. Furthermore, websites such as: YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, are very popular within

today's society because more than 500 million people use Facebook, 232 million people use twitter and YouTube have

approximately 1 billion active users. People who are using these websites are likely to watch our video. Additionally, ¾ of the public

would prefer watching films that are posted on these websites than watching films that are supported by famous production

companies, such as: universal, 20th century fox, etc. Moreover, posting films on YouTube will be very cheap since we don't have to

pay anything to the manager of this website to advertise our thriller film. Also, films that are supported by these production

companies cannot be accessed as these films have to be seen at the cinema since it is a paid production. However, if these films

are accessible through the web, some web companies would want their viewers to pay them, so that the audience can watch the

films that are posted on the company's webpage.

Essentially, our thriller opening can be distributed through DVD’s, however in order for this to work we would have to advertise our

thriller film on, Television, Radio or any other social media websites. This is because if our thriller film is on DVD and is sold in

shops, people would not be compelled to buying the product as they have never heard of its release due to the lack of poster

advertisements or film trailers. Secondly, they have never heard of the production company used and would not know whether our

company is trust worthy or not. In spite of this, people in today's society would buy products if they’re made from a well known

brand. For example, companies such as: Apple and Samsung, have sold a lot of high-tech products encouraging a lot of the

general public to buy their products. This is because their products tend to be of good quality as they’re also trust worthy

companies. Similarly, this idea correlates to production companies because majority of the public would purchase a film that has

been created by a well known company, such as, universal or 20th century, since the consumer knows that these production

companies are reliable.

We feel that since our thriller film is mainly aimed at the young male population, it can also be aimed at the female

audience because some females tend to watch thriller films. Since a young male has a role within the film, females

would be encouraged to watch the film as this is a supported stereotype where females would be driven to seeing

attractive males in films. Furthermore, a lot of the females that gave us feedback about our thriller film said they enjoyed

the tension that was being created within our opening.

On the other hand, by watching our thriller opening, it can be seen that our thriller is mainly aimed at the male population

because there is a rise tension, then resulting to murder. This in which females may not be satisfied in watching as this

supports the stereotypical view of females being engaged in romantic films. For example, during the opening, the

protagonist is manipulated by a certain individual (by the card sent) that James has forgotten of. The idea of murder and

crime is influenced from then onwards. Secondly, males are engaged into films consisting of, gang warfare , crime;

action, as they tend to be thrill seekers. Ultimately, in our survey that we had conducted, a lot of the males mentioned

they prefer to watch thriller films more than females. Evidently, 47% of females surveyed said they would want to watch

a thriller film despite of what it consists of. In conclusion to our questionnaire, males are more than likely to watch our

thriller or any thriller film than females. Due to this, the amount of crime and action that we have included within the film

opening would intrigue males more than females.

How does your thriller hold the audience’s attention?

Our film opening doesn’t consist of a lot of thriller conventions, however there's a rise in suspense, and

curiosity is created. Suspense is raised due to the soundtrack being played in the background. The idea of

tension heightening within the film opening, could possibly suggest an appearance of something or someone.

This is evident to the garden folk shown behind the curtain.

The use of this, questions the audience making them curious on how the folk got there. In addition to their

curiosity, it also intrigues them as this is a mystery, and why James was told to kill Rosie. Furthermore, by

watching the film opening it gives the audience to think about many things.

For instance:

•who is James – is he an assassin or is he a victim to a major threat.

•At the end – is he planning to kill Rosie or has he already done it.

•When James reads the card – who is Rosie, what is the relationship between James and Rosie, what is the

reason to kill Rosie, whoever sent the card are they behind the plot.

Why would they want to carry on watching after your opening has ended?

At the end of the opening scene, it shows James suddenly entering a park alone and sitting down. James is

also seen to be calm about the card sent to him. Both these parts of the film opening could possibly indicate

James may be an assassin and that he is on his own in the park to plan Rosie’s death or may have already

done it. Overall, this relates to the idea of curiosity, questioning the audience upon what is happening,

therefore encouraging the audience to carry on watching the film.

Write about your audience feedback, what did they say they enjoyed?

The feedback received consisted of the same fatal flaws. For instance, blurry video footage is used, the

opening needs more than one person, unstable camera footage is used, the opening needs an increase in

momentum and the use of more lighting. However, there was mostly good feedback as my class peers and

others stated that they enjoyed listening to the sound track as that heightened suspense, they also enjoyed the

storyline because it manufactured enigma and is easy to follow. Furthermore, they said there is a good range

of shots used.


During the film production, my group had used a digital camera and a tripod. By using the digital camera, after

experience from the preliminary task, I was able to correctly use the camera. I now also know how to change the

focus, produce a zooming effect and editing the picture by changing the scenery colour, such as: negative, sepia,

solar, etc. Essentially, I find using the tripod the easiest because it is just mechanical. This means its all about

understanding how to set it up which is what I have learnt to do. In addition to this, a tripod is used to keep the camera

stable so that blurred images are not captured and that the image is a still image. Potentially, I have learnt how to tell if

the tripod is balanced. The tripod is seen to be balanced when the small bubble is between the two vertical lines. If the

tripod is balanced it disallows a tilted a image to be captured.


Essentially, the main software we used to edit our film was ‘imovie’. Using ‘iMovie’ at first to edit my preliminary task

was difficult because I never knew how to crop, import videos, add text, add transitions and access master settings –

audio, visual & clip settings. However, after the training session on using ‘iMovie’, I have definitively understood how to

accomplish all these things and apply them to our film opening. Subsequently, in the end I had also learned how to

import the universal opening, exporting the ‘iMovie’ file and uploading our film opening to YouTube.

Internet sites

The internet sites I had used during the film opening production were: Blogger, Edmodo, Divshare and



My class and I have had to use blogger as part of our research and planning. Mainly, the reason for blogging

was to help us understand what media is, genres involved; sub-genres within thrillers as well as its

conventions. Towards the end it was based on planning our thriller film opening. The main reason for blogging

was to blog whatever we learnt in lessons. This includes planning elements such as: a storyboard, an

animated storyboard, a soundtrack, a shooting schedule, a shot log, etc. Additionally, the reason for blogging

was to gather our planned ideas and transform it into an opening. Moreover, I have learnt the importance of

blogging which is mainly organisation of media information and understanding how well-known directors

produce such good quality films, also due to camera work, transitions, editing, etc. Ultimately, it was vital for

me to know all the conventions of thriller and apply them to our film opening, so it supports the thriller genre.

Conventions of thriller, such as: good versus bad, fight scenes and car chases.


We were told to use this website by our teachers only because teachers and students can follow each other to

see new uploaded blog posts. Edmodo was mainly used to share files amongst each other. Essentially, I have

learnt how to share files and the importance to do so. Sharing files on this website is important because people

in a group can access the same file without the hassle of sending files by email as it takes a longer time to

upload and send files.


This website had been the most useful to me because during our film production it was necessary to upload a

sound track to each of our blogger accounts as part of our planning. I was the first in my class to find a way to

upload a mp3 file to my blog. Without this website, it is difficult. Ultimately, through this I can say that I have

correctly understood how to upload an audio file to blogger.

1) Upload the music file to Divshare

2) Once done copy the embed code

3) Paste the embed code onto HTML (top left on a post on blogger)

4) Finally, click compose and it will show a play button


By using this website I have learnt how to upload a video successfully to YouTube.

1) Export ‘iMovie’ file by exporting via QuickTime

2) Once done, drag and drop the file from the folder to the YouTube upload main menu

3) Finally, give the video a title and wait for upload to finish

What have you learned?

Ultimately, I have learned how to correctly use ‘iMovie’, to edit any piece of video footage used for our film

opening. In addition to this, practical work is important too. Through this, I have learned how to carefully handle

the cameras used to film as well as setting up the tripod. It is important to know how to use the tripod because

it’s the only piece of equipment used to keep the camera stable, so that a blurred image is not captured.

Moreover, I now know and have learnt how each website played a part in this film production.

What skills have you gained?

Potentially, the skills I have gained from the start of this film production until the end is being able to use the

‘iMovie’ software, as I have had no troubles of editing the opening scene since the media training session.

Moreover, I have gained practical skills. This mainly includes filming. Knowing how to use the filming

equipment is important because it results in a pleasant production. Ultimately, through my practical skills in

which I have gained, I was able to apply them during the film production, therefore achieving good quality


Preliminary Task

At first we were given a preliminary task. This was a practice filming session as we had to think of a simple and easy

idea, mainly based on the concept of conversation. This means that within this short practice opening must include a two

shot as well as a conversation. In addition to this, we were given filming equipment – tripods and ipads. I was using the

tripod, therefore making it a first time experience for filming. In this task, it is easy to make up the idea because the video

had to mainly include a discussion. In order for us to follow thriller conventions we based the idea on an assassination.

Secondly, we had to think about our shot types and angles. In this task, my group and I chose to use: a two shot, an over

shoulder shot, a point of view shot and a long shot. The long shot was taken at the start of the clip where the ‘shooter’ is

entering the room as we can see his whole body, the two shot is captured when the ‘victim’ gives the box full of money to

the ‘shooter’, the over shoulder shot is used when the ‘victim’ is talking (as well as the ‘shooter’) and the point of view

shot is used when the ‘shooter’ opens the door (at the beginning). By taking these shots into consideration, whilst

thinking of our task idea, we thought not to use the tripod as it will become easier to film and nothing is carried around.

However, we used the tripod only at the start until the ‘shooter’ enters the room. The tripod holds the camera steady

resulting in a clear shot. The qualities of the shots were good as we were using the ipads. Since we were using the

technique of handheld camera work, we had to hold the camera steady. This had prevented any blurs and our shots

turned out to be clear. (Evident to the preliminary task).

Moreover, when taking these shots we had to consider: lighting, colour; composition. Lighting used was natural, when

editing, we never edited the colour of the video footage and the composition within the shots consisted of a whole body,

two people and props. Unfortunately, a sound track hadn’t been added, however diegetic sound was heard. This is

evident to the footsteps being heard as well as the door being opened or closed. Additionally, dialogue was used,

therefore categorising it as sound since we hear speech.

In the preliminary task, continuity such as, props have been used. For example, the box being passed on to the ‘shooter’

is a prop used to show that the money inside is being given away. Moreover, costumes worn weren’t part of the idea as

this was a school task, however the suits currently worn by the actors supports the idea of a serious and formal meeting.

Potentially, editing has been correctly used during their conversation. Also, match on action has been used when the

‘victim’ looks at the ‘shooter’ as he enters the room then the camera focuses on him.

Main task

Firstly, since this was the main task more thought was required. For instance, it was harder to plan because it

was a film opening which must have lasted for two minutes as opposed to the preliminary task lasting for 40

seconds. The same filming equipment was given. It was easy for me to use them because they were used in

the preliminary task in which I had gained skills and experience from.

Secondly, when we started filming we agreed as a group to use handheld camerawork. This is because we

would be able to move fluidly whilst filming. The use of this would improve camerawork making it easy to get a

good quality shot. However, since we filmed our actual movie opening with a photography camera, the video

footage turned out to be blurry as opposed to the footage in the preliminary task where it was clear. Along with

this, the quality of the image turned out to be poor. The lighting used at the start of the film opening was low

key lighting as that part of the film is shown dark. But, in the preliminary task lighting used was natural. Also, in

both tasks colour displayed was not edited. Additionally, the video footage consists of home furniture, then the

scene’s composition was seen to be the outside. The preliminary task only consisted of props inside the

building, such as: chairs and tables.

Furthermore, in the main task I had included a sound track that was played throughout the 2 minutes which

heightened suspense. This was the use of non-diegetic sound. When visualising the video footage, diegetic

sound was heard, such as: footsteps and picking up the mail – similar to the preliminary task except there’s a

large range of diegetic sounds. On ‘iMovie’, we then had to click on audio levels to adjust the volume on the

footage to make the sound track louder so that it is clearly heard by the audience.

Finally, our main task consisted of many props, such as: a Christmas card, a garden folk, a jacket and mail. As

opposed to the preliminary task where we had used a file box consisting of money. Additionally, in the main

task only one costume was used which was what James had worn. Moreover, match on action was used when

James was looking at the table and that the camera focussed on the card, similar to the preliminary task.

What have I learned?

Ultimately, I have learned how to have good image and shot quality. This is by keeping the camera steady

which can be done by attaching it to a tripod. Also, changing the focus of the camera portrays clear video or

camera footage. In addition to this, I am able to correctly use this equipment. Along with this, if sounds such as

rustling sounds in the clip overpower the sound track, it will be heard as poor quality music. However, sound

quality can be improved by increasing volume on audio levels and producing the track on high-tech software.

For instance, I have made the sound track for our opening on ‘Fruity Loops Studio’ which is a well known

music software for windows. I have also learnt the importance of continuity as well as continuity editing.

Continuity, such as: props and costumes, make the film more realistic. Ultimately, continuity editing is shown to

set the atmospheric mood within the film or film opening.

The first thing that I have learnt about using technology for my thriller film opening is that software's such as I movie, final cut, Photoshop and etc. Can turn what looks like a bad film into more of a good film, because when my preliminary group and my thriller film opening group, when we were filming part of our videos. Both my groups accidently filmed, someone who was not supposed to be in a that specific scene. However with software's such as I movie we where able to use editing tools, such as the crop tool to crop out that certain individual from that scene, furthermore another thing that both my preliminary group and thriller film opening group encountered when we were filming was that we would get a lot of background noises such as people talking, somebody’s footsteps and etc. However with the editing tools that we had at our disposal we were able to edit out that person voice, so that when the audience are watching our thriller opening they won’t here any background noises that was originally being played. Furthermore what i have also learnt is that even if my group did create a very good thriller opening, then we can still use the editing tool that editing programme such as I movie have, to maybe change the lighting of certain scenes, maybe play around with the person voice and make the person voice sound more deeper or squeaker and etc. So therefore the software aspect has taught me that anything that we film will still be viable and useful to our work, because if Iwas to film something that is very bad then I can use editing programs like I movie to improve that certain clip. The skills that I have gained from using software such as I movie was being able to use all the tools that were provided on this program, because when I first started media, I didn't know how to use the editing tools or how to import videos onto I movie or import a video onto YouTube. However when I was taught by my teacher on how to use I movie I slowly started to understand, how this software worked, I was then able to use the editing tools that were provided to me on I movie and because of this I was able to use editing such as crop, audio adjustment and etc to make both my preliminary task and thriller film opening much better.

Furthermore internet sites such as blogger, YouTube and etc helped me as an individual to come up with ideas for my groups thriller film opening. For example during the brainstorming part of our assessment, I was watching a lot of thriller film opening on YouTube and other people thriller film opening assessment and through this I was able to learn what people added into their thriller film opening so that it caught the attention of the audience, so that they would continue to watch the rest of the thriller films. For example when I watched the opening to both brick and Donnie Darko, what made both these opening really engaging was the fact that, they created really good enigma and as a audience member it encouraged me to continue to watch the thriller film, because I wanted to know more information about this mysterious protagonist. This as a whole allowed me toimprove my researching skills, since the only research that my group did and had for the brainstorming part of our thriller filmopening, was the questionnaires and I felt that the questionnaire weren't enough to help us come up with ideas for our thriller film opening. So I decided to conduct further research into thriller film opening to see what ideas, we can take from each ofthese thriller film opening and add them into our own thriller film opening so that it makes it more engaging for the audience to watch.

I felt that the quality of shot in my preliminary task, was much better than my thriller film opening because when you

watch our thriller film opening from the point where James wakes up to the point where James has left his house to

put the shovel in shed, you can see that all those scenes are very pixelated or blurry. But on the other hand, when you

look at my preliminary task video their are a few scene where at one point, the shot would become blurry for a few

seconds, but then the quality of the image would be better again therefore this has taught me that in the future my

group needs to be careful .

However unlike the thriller film opening, in my preliminary task video my group didn't hold the camera very steady and

because of this, majority of our scenes where very jumpy and shaky. For example in my preliminary task, when my

character was walking through the door the person who was holding our camera was abit shaky, when they were

holding the camera. As a result of this it made that scene very jumpy. However my group wasn't given a tripod to put

our camera on, so we had to try and film our whole preliminary task without a tripod. But with that said when you look

at my thriller film opening you can see that the person who was operating our camera was very steady with the

camera and moving it very fluently. But the only part of our thriller film opening, where I felt that camera wasn't held

that steadily, was the bit where my character is walking towards the front door, to pick up the boost and if you pause it

at the bit, where I'm walking through the door you can see that the camera was held abit diagonally but it didn't effect

the quality of the shot at all.

So therefore what I have learnt is that its best to double check what your doing before you actually start filming,

because in the first point that I made where a lot of our shots in the thriller film opening were very blurry, but this could

have been avoided if we double checked the camera to see if it was focus or not and this goes for all the other points

that I have made.

Next I felt that using non-Diegetic sounds such as sound tracks or music can really make a very poorly made film

look much better for example when you watch my preliminary task video it does tend to get very boring because

theirs a lot of silent moments and their wasn't enough tension being built up when Wasabi and I were arguing with

each other however when you watch my thriller film opening, even though our film wasn't that good but the sound

track that we included within our thriller film still made the film look good because the music kept building up a lot of

tension for example when you watch the part where James is opening up the Christmas card to the part where

James walks out his house between those two scenes the dynamics and the pitch of the sound track started to build

up gradually which then made the scene very engaging because James has received a card which says kill Rosie

then he picks up a pitch fork which is hidden behind one of his curtains and walks towards his front door and at this

point the pitch and dynamics start to get louder because you start to think that is James actually going to kill Rosie or

not. So therefore what I have learnt from this is that its actually good to include a sound track within a thriller film

since it will make some boring scenes a bit more engaging because with my preliminary task their were some areas

of the film were we could have added a sound track in so that it made some of the boring scenes look slightly

more engaging.

And lastly I felt that the quality of image, can show the audience certain characteristics of either the protagonist or any

other characters that are presented in a film. For example when you watch my group thriller film opening, a lot of the

lighting that we used at the start of the film, was abit dark and the protagonist of our thriller film is a very dark person,

since he has had a bad history and when I think of the word dark, the first thing that comes into my mind is hiding

something. Since a lot of villains/hero’s from films tend to hide in the dark or try to keep something hidden away from the

audience. And with our thriller film you can say that my group used very dark lighting, so that it shows the audience that

James character is hiding his past away from the audience within the darkness of the room.

Next you can also see that my preliminary task group have done the same thing but my group used the lighting a bit

differently. Because with my preliminary task you can see that we use bright lighting, when both Wasabi and I were

walking through the door. But when we reached the centre of the hall the lighting becomes darker and this allowed us to

build a little bit of tension, for our whole preliminary film, because the bright lighting can represent the

goodness/gentleness of both wasabi and I character, but when we both reached the darker area of the stage you then

see the dark side of our character since we start to argue with each other.

So therefore what I have learnt is that the quality of image can have an effect on a characters Characteristic because

with my thriller film opening, you can see that by using dark lighting it shows the audience that my character is trying to

hide something, away from the audience and he doesn't want the audience to know about his dark secret at all.