
Post on 30-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation

EvaluationDuring this unit, my group and I found it quite difficult to come up with an idea and a song. In the end we decided it was a good idea to do a up beat song. We picked ‘Barbie Girl- Aqua’. Anna, Lauren and I decided to base the music video on Barbie as it links with the song. We used a Barbie and a Ken (Harry Styles doll) to create a happy, party themed music video.Overall as a group, we didn’t really have a director, we all chipped in and gave very good ideas. Lauren was very imaginative and came up with great suggestions. Anna was very productive. Anna brought the Harry styles doll and I got the Barbie from a local charity shop. Anna missed one filming lesson, therefore only Lauren and I took photos, on the other hand, Lauren missed all the after school work, and me and Anna filmed all the footage. I made the stop motion part at home with the help from my dad, I really enjoyed this and think it was really effective.As a team, we all got on really well and I enjoy working with the girls. I like to see all our final videos at the end and see how differently we worked with the footage. We put together a small plan, helping us decide what to do. We based our music video at a party about Ken and Barbie’s love life. We included props and ideas to help us get organised.

I feel the editing went really well, I learnt how to use new effects and I loved playing with the footage and photos to create a party effect, I used strobe lights, changed the speed and duration as well reversing videos. I made sure I included lots of colours and pink as its based on a Barbie theme. During the stop motion, I included lots of colours and pink and there is also a lot going on to interest the audience. The font of the text was a pink Barbie font. I also learnt and understood stop motion that I did at home, this will help me make and create stop motion in future for more units of work. I really enjoyed the stop motion, however getting Ken and Barbie to dance was quite difficult as they were very stiff. I made a plan for my stop motion, considering the speed, the flow and what happens. I worked out how many photos I need due to the help of my dad.

I am really pleased with my final music video. I find the strobe light effects and how on each beat the pictures change was very effective. This skill had a huge effect on my video. I feel the footage and photos could have been better quality and better edited, as I didn’t have much time to edit every photo into a Barbie theme, However I did manage to edit some. I feel I have gotten better at this through out this unit.

I also feel as a group we could of taken more photos to help prevent repetition. If I was to do this again, I would have more photos and footage then I need, just to be safe.Our Video was a conceptual video, it was based on Barbie’s and Ken’s love life and parties, it starts and ends on Barbie’s mouth talking to Ken. I like this idea as it almost gives the music video a start and finish. It is also a little narrative too. At the beginning Ken calls Barbie to tell her to come to a party, she gets ready with her friends and goes to a party with Ken.