
Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation

By Aisha Parveen

Media Project – Music Magazine


Media Project – Music Magazine


For my Magazine project I created a Front Cover, Contents Page and a Article for the genre ‘DJ’.

I designed on this magazine project individually in a ten week

deadline. Everything I have produced is all my work. I used my different software and documents.

Question 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My magazine project is about the DJ Industry. I have used many conventions on all three of my pages. It is vital to use these typical elements as It showed the many aspects of what a Magazine offers to its buyer or audiences. Also using these conventions will make my product look professional and will gave me an outline of how to make a Magazine.

Bringing your own innovative ideas to make your Magazine popular is important as it makes it different from the other Magazines within your genre and it give you a selling point . This will allow people to recognise your magazine from others and it will give you an advantage.

The choices I made for my Magazine worked very effectively as people enjoyed and praised my product. The use of house colour attracted them the use of font style also caught their attention. Also the layout of some of my pages my audience enjoyed.

This is a Magazine which has the many elements of DJ Convention. I have tried to make sure I have included as many as I could, which the arrows represent. I chose this Magazine Front Cover to compare my Front Cover with as I this was my inspiration.

Strap line:The strap line offers my audience to see what else is featured within my magazine,

this is to entice them.

Title:The title is big and uses the house style which is bright colours to attract the buyers eyes and the style of writing is also different which will help me catch their eye.

My Model:My model is using a Direct Address to invite the reader.

My Models name:This is to show what my models or DJs name to so if he is popular they will buy or read the magazine and for others to simply remember the name and

to simply read the magazine.

Barcode:This is also a regular used convention as it makes the magazine look professional and


Features within the magazine:This allows the reader to know what else is featured within the magazine and to intrigue them to read the magazine.

Website:This is a convention because it allows the reader to visit this website and to see what else the company offers.

Price:This shows the reader or buyer how much the magazine cost .

Competition:This is also to entice my audience and what them to read the magazine.

Q1. Front Cover

Conventions - These are the different feature that a Magazine uses to attract buyers using elements that are associated with their genre.

Title:The title follows the same house style so it is continued. This doesn’t confuse my audience and helps make the magazine professional.

Images:The images help make the contents page more readable and not flabbergast the reader with information.

List of Contents:This shows the reader the different section and what is present in the Magazine.

Editors Note:This shows the readers that they are part of the Magazine .

Extra Information: This shows what issue the Magazine is and the Date.

Q1. Contents Page

Title and Subheading:This is the heading of the article. This also follows the house style which is effective and shows continuity .

Images:The images show who the article is about and also attracts people to read the article.

Text:This is the article where my artists is selling his tour.

Background:I used the same background from the Contents page this will attract them to read the article. Also it follows the colour scheme.

Text, Question:I used a different colour to show where the question is. I also used a different colour for the first paragraph

Q1. Article

The social group I am representing are male DJs as there aren’t many female well Known DJs . This is why I have used a Young Male to be on my front cover.

Question 2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

For my research I used a well known DJs Tiesto . This image shows the huge amount of fans these artists have. Also it shows the different equipment they use.

This is also a well known DJ David Guetta which represents my social group . This image shows the different colours used when DJ and also the equipment used.

Question 2. The DJs

This is my model for both my Front Cover and Article.

Costume: My model is wearing clothes that would be associated with the DJ Genre for example Leather Jackets and named brand clothes.Actions: The actions my model is using shows his confidence and his sexuality. Setting: I had many different settings, for my article the setting was outside and in a studio. The setting for the Front cover was against a wall.

Speech: In the Article the Dialogue I used was informal as this was more of a conversation. The Article shows laughter and emotions, this helps the audience like and apart of the interview.

Question 2. The Extra Models

This is another example of a DJ.

Costume: This model is also wearing the colour scheme. He is also wearing designer clothes and a jacket.Action: The model is posing with a confident look and his hands in his pockets which also show his confidence.Setting: I took this picture inside against a wall, the cream wall helps bring out the colours he is wearing.

These models I used in my Contents Page

Costume: Both my models are wearing colourful outfits to represent colour in the DJ Industry. I used these outfits to show fashion. Actions: The models are dancing and having fun as that what DJ Music is about.Setting: I took this picture against a white screen then photo shopped it onto this colourful background.

Question 3. What kind of Media Institution might distribute your media product and why?

• Stark Profiles + PR is a company with 15 years of experience in the Music Industry.

• It provides publicity, digital & print marketing and promotion .

• It has worked with Individual DJs, Artists, groups and Labels

•The Labels has worked with many Magazine companies as MixMag , DJ Mag UK.

•The owner has worked for two national dance publications and then transferring to DJ Magazine in 2001.

•He has become one of the UK’s foremost voices on the genre.

•The Institution offers a brilliant website.

• The reason why I would work with Stark Profiles + PR because they have several years of experiences with Magazines in this genre and other Genres. This is good as it shows he knows how Magazines are constructed and since he is associated with this genre he can help me change and improve on my magazine.

• It also works with many famous people. I believe it could make my Magazine become popular with its different advertising skills.

• My Magazine will fit in with their Institution because we target the same audiences and my there aren’t many DJ Magazine which means their is a gap.

• Also Tim can help me improve on my Magazine and make it successful as this will help me get the vast amount of buyers that I need.

Question 3. Why I will use Stark Profiles + PR

Question 4. Who would be the Audience for your media product?

• My Audience are both Female and Male aged 16-24. These are the teenagers and adults who would prefer this type of music as it is played in parties, clubs and can be downloaded onto their MP3 Player or I pods. I chose this to be my audience as there is a large mass audience . They also have the money as they work and have money, which is good for my Magazine.

• My audience will be aware of well known famous DJs such as David Guetta, Tiesto and others.

• They will be interested in technology, urban music, remixes. They will appreciate innovative ideas and the effect.

• My Audience will be of different ethnicity groups as this genre is for every one such as british, british Pakistanis ,British Indians and many more.

• My audience will also be aware of the different Magazines such as Mix Max , DJ Mag etc. I will be following the Niche Market .

• My audience feedback was very positive and showed that this age range was the best target audience I could aim for as older people don’t listen to this type of music same with the younger kids.

Question 5. How did you Attract/Address your Audience? Front cover.

I attracted my audience by using a precise colour scheme or bright colour, purple blue and yellow, which the title shows. I also used the colour black and red for other factors. I also used a futuristic text to show the genre. I also picked a name which was easy to say and intrigue people.

The use of a attractive male model would attract females to buy this product. The mise-en-scene I have used of the outfit shows what the average person wears and his expression and pose show confidence which will attract people to buy the Magazine. Using words like ‘Exclusive’ and ‘Latest’ also helps to attract to buy the Magazine. Having interesting features like ‘DJ Awards’ will entice people to buy it.The use of the strap line and competition which address the audience help me attracts their eye. The use of using different colours makes it stand out and differentiate them the rest of the Magazine.

Question 5. Contents Page

The Editors note helps to set the tone by welcoming the reader . This attracts the reader as it is in another colour red and black which is different to the rest of the colour scheme which gives it importance.

The Title attract the audience as it follows the title of the Front cover. The images used are colourful and help break down the different section within the Magazine. This facilitates the page as it doesn’t seem busy and gives the audience something to look at whilst reading, the page numbers help to do this. The subheading assist address my audience as it splits what is inside the magazine and doesn’t make the contents page look over done by information. The colour scheme was again used which bring colour into the page and attracts you to read it. I have used a funky star background which doesn’t make the page look bland and white.

Question 5. Article The headline Attracts the audience to read it as it has a catchy title. Also that it is split into two parts excites the eye. The use of using the red again gives it importance as lets them know it is the title of the Article. For the DJ Kash I have carried on with the colour scheme and has a nice effect to it making it stand out.

The structure is done in columns so it easier to read and understand. The language I have used is informal which shows that the interview was more like a friendly conversation. The interview has sings of laughter and emotions. This has a good effect as appeals to the readers heart. The images I have used show the different elements of what my model like for example he likes cars and it also shows his studio where he spends most of his days in. I have used the same background from the Contents Page to make it more colourful and exciting. There are also colour in the questions and the first two paragraphs, this makes the article more bright and catches the eye.

Question 6. What have you learnt about technology from the process of constructing this product?

Blogger was one of the technologies I hadn’t used before. Blogger has been a big part of my project as I posted my findings and my project onto it. Blogger has many aspects to it such as it allows you to upload images, videos and presentations. At first I found it difficult to use but then I got used to it. Blogger is very effective when doing a project like this as it shows what day and time you posted your blogs, which also can be a disadvantage if you have a deadline. Also there isn’t paper used which means it is VERY difficult to loose your work and is more efficient. Another advantage is that it can be accessed via web so you can use it at home and college and on a laptop and a computer.

Question 6. In Design

InDesign is a software which I used to make my Project.My Front Cover, Contents Page and Article were made in InDesign. There are lots of different applications that allowed me to make my project look professional. It allowed to add images onto my project. I also had the opportunity to use a wide range of colours and fonts which I experimented until I found the one that would look best for my Magazine. A benefit which InDesign was that it gave us an outline of our products, this helped as it showed the limited area we had to work within .I found it very difficult and stressful to use as I made many mistakes and didn’t understand many aspect witch it provided.

Question 6. Photo Shop

PhotoShop was another software I hadn’t used before. This also was very important for my project. When I had taken a picture and wanted to cut, resize or reshape my images I used this software. This help my picture look professional and allowed me to change them regarding my genre.I also created my background using the different brushes.When using PhotoShop I had many difficulties as when I cut my images out they weren’t done proper which frustrated me , which meant I spent longer and had to repeat the same action over a longer period.Even though using PhotoShop was difficult it helped me with the different aspect of my project and had man y advantages of using it.

Question 7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

There are many different things I have learnt after my Preliminary Task....

When making my Preliminary project I didn’t know how to use they different software that I used for my final project.

I wasn’t aware of the conventions I needed to use on my magazine and also I wasn’t really aware of the fonts, colours, camera shots, layouts that could be represent my genre.

After researching and using these technologies I had to make sure everything I did in my project would be appealing to my audience.

Picture: My image in my Preliminary task was blurry where as my image fro my finished product was photo shopped and wasn’t blurry.

My finished product included a barcode, website and other conventions where as my preliminary task didn’t.

My final product looks more professional compared to my preliminary task as my knowledge of making a magazine increased and my skill of using different technologies also increased which allowed me to make a better product then when I made my first one.

Question 7. Progression

My overall personal evaluation is that I tried my best to make a professional looking Magazine with my new skills and knowledge. I put all my effort into my colour schemes, fonts layouts to make sure that my audience will like my final product.

• I would say my strengths are that I used lots of images, for my product and made it look professional.

• My Contents Page is my strongest piece as well as my favourite as it shows my innovativeness and how I corporate all my house style and conventions onto that page.

• My weakness would be my article as it hasn’t got relevant images and has too much text on it.

• Another weakness is on my front cover where my model isn’t address the audience as much and how it doesn’t represent my genre.

If I had more time and ability to work on it longer I would happy like to make these change so it could look professional and symbolise

my genre.
