Evaluating childrens sequence

Post on 27-May-2015

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Childrens film sequence evaluation

Transcript of Evaluating childrens sequence

Evaluation – The Magicians Quest

By Jack McCurdy

In what way does our media product, use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

Conventions included: Title SequenceElements of genre, fantasy for example in our sequenceMusic to match mood, not terrifyingProps/costumes significant to genreBuilds anticipation for what is going to happen in the storySets the location

These conventions are evident in our production and we have made sure we have included them and they are not included by fluke.

In what way does our media product, use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

Our media product doesn’t particularly challenge typical conventions. I do however think the music is not typical of the genre and is not as mystical as some would expect from a fantasy sequence. The music in question is a backing/acoustic version of Eminem’s “I’m Nor Afraid”. I do think that the music is appropriate, though not conventional.

Mise-en-Scene combined with camerawork helps create our fantasy genre as our shots include quite fantastic surroundings, such as the wizard and the forest. The camera angles and shot types used create a mysterious aura about the sequence for example the shots of walking and the tilt shot of the wizard.

In what way does our media product, use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

The editing in the sequence helps keep the mystery about the film, for example the introduction of the schoolboy, followed by the magician, and I think the zoom in followed by a fade-to-white adds an especially magnificent sense.

Find the opening sequence HERE

How does your media product represent particular social groups

I see that our media product particularly represents older primary school children as a demographic. I think they are represent as secluded people with hopes and dreams of those that people know do not exist, an example of this is evident in the scene in our sequence where the boy sits in the library reading about magic. Though this may not be universal throughout this social group, everyone has dreams, and everyone hopes for the impossible, especially at such an unaware, young age.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why

Warner Brothers would definitely be a candidate for a cinematic company to distribute our product. This is because Warner Bros. have produced classic films in the children fantasy genre such as the hit Harry Potter franchise and TNMT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) along with massive blockbusters like 300 and Sherlock Holmes. Their background in films would definitely help boost the reputation of our product and I feel that our product is similar to something they could release. If we wanted to venture into

animation Pixar would also be a no brainer to help distribute our product, although not our original intentions, an animation version would be more appealing for the children's audiences, however our original certificate PG may have to be lowered to a “U” and the film edited slightly, as Pixar traditionally produce BBFC rated U films such as Toy Story and A Bugs Life.

Who would be the audience for your media product

The audience for our media product will be predominantly children aged around 12 and under, especially males, due to the certificate and nature of the film. As this is who the product is aimed at and the story should appeal to this demographic. I think that this could be a classic family film, although will lack the popularity of Pixar children's films as the reputation of Pixar is massive and children of all ages (including myself being 17) view the iconic Pixar films.

How would we attract/address our audience

In my oppinion it is impossible to address an audience for a film in just one way. I think the first important element of attracting viewers would be to produce an effective teaser trailer for showing in cinemas, which is a vital tool for any film, I think a good example of a trailer would be the new Harry Potter 7 trailer. This could be displayed on television in conjunction with cinema

How would we attract/address our audience

Another effective way of addressing the audience is to have magazine advertising in the correct places, for example “Beano” or “Match” magazine. This will help target our demographic effectively.

How would we attract/address our audience

Our product attracts the audience by using an enticing storyline in the short period in which it runs, left with a cliff-hanger at the end of the sequence, leaving the audience in a position of desire to watch further. The fantasy elements of mise-en-scene, such as costume and props will attract the audience further.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product

I have learnt that footage is hard to cleanly shoot with just a basic digital camera and tripod. However, I thought our group overcame this well and used the equipment available effectively and got smooth footage

I learnt that Mac computers and its features such as Garage Band and Final Cut Express gives a more refined finish product. Mac’s are superior to windows machines, in my opinion after taking part in this project.

Final cut express – thumbs up!

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product

Ultimately, I have learned that technology can let you down, or be extremely difficult. This can be overcome by good planning and organisation!

Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in your progression from it, to the full product

I feel that I have learnt the need for good communication and camerawork mainly. It’s the camerawork that produces the footage that you manipulate so without communicating effectively and making good use of the cameras then your final product, no matter how good the editing won’t have a crisp edge that it could have.

Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in your progression from it, to the full product

Our preliminary shot wasn’t particularly well shot compared to our new sequence, the shots were unsteady compared to the smoothness of the camerawork in our final product.

Preliminary Task

Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in your progression from it, to the full product

I feel also that smooth, justified editing is a skill that I have learnt to utilise to make the product look professional. Editing has been my favourite part of this task, and with that I have played an active role in learning more about the system and processes involved to make a top-quality product.

My editing skills have definitely improved from the preliminary task, as the editing in the preliminary was roughly cut, where as the Children’s Sequence is clean and makes good use of effects.