Euterpe Project Proposal for Digital Libraries

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The EUTERPE project aims at creating a cultural pole of knowledge for European music that will serve the European community as a digital library open to all stakeholders framed by autonomous and complementary web services that support and promote collaboration, creativity and education for music art.

Transcript of Euterpe Project Proposal for Digital Libraries

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< FP7-ICT-2007-3, Challenge 4: Digital libraries and Content > Proposed tile: EUTERPE VERSION NOTES: This is the 1st version of the project proposal. After your reviews, version 1.0 will be the final version and all text will be transferred to PART B and PART A actual templates of the EPSS Chapter.5. “Prerequisites and success factors” is there for reference and is according to the “work program” and “guide for applicants” (specifically for IPs) documents. IMPORTANT: PLS review ON THE SAME DOCUMENT in order to avoid review conflicts. Don’t bother about versioning etc PLS provide input on feasible partners A.S.A.P Thank you Nick

13 February 2008

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Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 3 2. PROJECT OUTLINE ................................................................................................ 3

2.1. Concept ................................................................................................................. 3 2.2. Objectives ............................................................................................................. 3 2.3. Outcomes .............................................................................................................. 4 2.4. Research Envisaged ............................................................................................. 4 2.3.1. Research areas and state of art ......................................................................................................... 4 2.3.2. Beyond the state-of-the-art ................................................................................................................ 5 3. CONSORTIUM ......................................................................................................... 5 3.1. Consortium Prerequisites ...................................................................................... 5 3.2. Individual Participants ........................................................................................... 6 3.3. Consortium as a whole .......................................................................................... 6 4. IMPLEMENTATION .................................................................................................. 7

4.1. Work allocation ...................................................................................................... 7 4.2 Work plan .............................................................................................................. 9 4.4. Effort .................................................................................................................... 13 4.4.1. Work allocation over type of work ......................................................................................................... 13 4.4.2. Work over Time Distribution ................................................................................................................. 13 4.4.3. Budget allocation over type of work ...................................................................................................... 14 4.4.4. Budget allocation per Partner ............................................................................................................... 15 5. PREREQUISITES AND SUCCESS FACTORS ..................................................... 16 5.1. Relevance with the work program, challenge 4.3, digital libraries ...................... 16 5.2. Relevance with FP7’s IP purpose ....................................................................... 17 5.3. Evaluation Criteria compliance ............................................................................ 18 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 19

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1. Introduction The present document is a Project Proposal for FP7-ICT-2007-3, Challenge 4: Digital libraries and Content. The proposed project EUTERPE is outlined in its basic components as an Integrated Project based on facts and figures of the research state of art and the prerequisites of a successful proposal. 2. Project Outline 2.1. Concept The EUTERPE project aims at creating a cultural pole of knowledge for European music that will serve the European community as a digital library open to all stakeholders framed by autonomous and complementary web services that support and promote collaboration, creativity and education for music art. It should be stressed out that the focus on digitizing the European Music heritage has been

elementary to non existent [REF 07, 08]. Taking into account the universal impact of European

music (past and contemporary) the proposed project’s contribution is anticipated to be pioneering

both in Europe and worldwide.

2.2. Objectives The EUTERPE project aspires to further research regarding the processes of acquiring, creating and preserving digital content on Music and then display the results of that research on a digital library management system and collaborating web services reaching out to all stakeholders by means of education, dissemination and awareness: In particular the EUTERPE project will further research in: ! Musical knowledge acquisition by advancing a new method of digitizing music art

(managing the semantic relations between documents of music compositions, texts and relating sounds) and music artifacts (musical instruments and relating sounds)

! Musical knowledge creation by developing a novel web space for work collaboration complemented with a digital laboratory for the music professionals and hobbyists.

! Musical knowledge preservation by suggesting a musical content typology compatible with the state-of-art standards and research trends and by creating a digital repository according to that typology.

In addition the EUTERPE project will focus on:

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! Musical knowledge education by developing a lifelong learning scheme on high-end techniques for music content acquisition, creation and preservation techniques.

! Musical knowledge dissemination and awareness by organizing (and participating in) conferences and workshops of the relative research areas and by issuing guidelines and best practices for both the culture and scientific community of those areas.

2.3. Outcomes The EUTERPE project outcomes will be the following: ! An advanced Digital Library management system web service for Music Art and Artifacts


! A Digital Content Repository for Music Art and Artifacts (DiConMusic)

! A collaboration network of relevant stakeholders (DiNetMusic)

! A proposed Typology for Music digital libraries (DiTypMusic)

! A virtual workspace for collaboration of both music professionals and hobbyists

(DiWorkMusic) complemented with a virtual laboratory for the creation of (real and artificial)

musical instruments (DiLabMusic)

! A lifelong learning scheme utilizing the knowledge acquired (DiSchoolMusic)

2.4. Research Envisaged As mentioned in par. 2.2 Objectives, project EUTERPE will further research regarding Musical knowledge acquisition, creation and preservation. In particular the main research areas of the project will be: 2.3.1. Research areas and state of art Based on the research undergoing in the four EU flagship projects on Digital Libraries [REF 02], [REF 04], [REF 07] the research topics and call for papers lists of major conferences and workshops in EU [REF 08] and around the world [REF 09] – all of those (more or less) summarized in EU i2010: Digital Libraries Initiative [REF 01] - the main research areas of the proposed project EUTERPE could be: ! Digitization techniques and technologies for analog music, covering various types of

documents and objects: music notation documents, sounds, musical instruments

! Applications of generic Metadata standards specified for music content (extraction,

interoperability, preservation etc.): mapping semantic correlations among music notation

documents, correlating text, other relative text, correlating sounds and correlating


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! Analysis of approaches to distribution of music content: suggesting a typology that

utilizes the proposed Metadata applications towards a platform free, interoperable content

! Digital preservation: integrity and authenticity issues

! Multilingual search ! Pre-testing new tools: complementary web services applications for a high-end Digital

Library Management System

2.3.2. Beyond the state-of-the-art Based on the research topics of the related research areas (see par.2.3.Research areas) and the relative topics announced at the majority of the related conferences, workshops, seminars etc in late 2007 and early 2008 [REF 09 – 11] some proposed research topic that could further research on the field could be: Governing Research topics ! “Novel techniques for digitization and digital preservation: the semantics behind

music notation documents, musical sounds and their generating musical


! “A unified approach to signal processing, music notation and text interoperability and

some resulting work flow models”

! “On the impact of medieval and ancient musical instruments to contemporary sounds and musical synthesis patterns: from real to artificial”

Other important Research topics ! “Multidisciplinary data mining and knowledge discovery techniques for music

notation and related instruments - source and platform independed”

! “On the convergence of technologies and tools for the music industry: a proposed

ontology for music related artifacts”

3. Consortium 3.1. Consortium Prerequisites Based on par.2.2. “Objectives”, par. 2.3 “Outcomes” and par. 2.4 “Research Envisaged” the consortium for the proposed project – apart from the obvious academic and professional affiliation with music creation, research and studies - should be characterized by the following strengths: ! Research: considerable experience on R&D on the Research Envisaged (see. par. 2.4.) by

the present project. Also, at least one of the proposed partners should demonstrate strength

in Project Management and Coordination of such projects.

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! Software development and Integration: considerable experience on software applications

development and market presence in Integrated IS installations and also experience in the

area of digital music.

! Networking: considerable experience in networking schemes (collaboration groups and

networks, forums, workshops, conferences etc) of stakeholders relevant to the proposed

project objectives.

3.2. Individual Participants The list of the individual participants of the project is the following: Participant No Participant Type Part. short name Country Academic & Research 1 (Coordinator) PARTNER 1 P1 2 PARTNER 2 P2 3 PARTNER 3 P3 4 PARTNER 4 P4 5 PARTNER 5 P5 6 PARTNER 6 P6 7 PARTNER 7 P7

Software development and Integration

6 PARTNER 8 P8 7 PARTNER 9 P9 9 PARTNER 10 P10 10 PARTNER 12 P12 11 PARTNER 13 P13 12 PARTNER 14 P14 Networks 13 PARTNER 15 P15 14 PARTNER 16 P16 15 PARTNER 17 P17 3.3. Consortium as a whole To be written ….

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4. Implementation The work demanded for the implementation of the proposed EUTERPE project requires a robust project management organization which will have to allocate and manage work to multiple resources of various professional origins. These resources are expected to: a) be widely distributed (all over Europe), b) collaborate on a synchronous / asynchronous fashion towards a good number of deliverables and deadlines and c) be of fairly incompatible professional backgrounds, those of culture and technology. Having all those in mind, the implementation of the project is divided vertically into three main pillars. These three pillars will be coordinated under a single work package, WP1 Project Management, horizontally set and common to all pillars. The overall work allocation of the project is following: 4.1. Work allocation On the Pillar level, the work allocation follows the project objectives (see. par. 2.2. Objectives) taking into account the project consortium members (see. chap. 3 Consortium) and their complementarity to the allocated work (see Table 1: Project Complementarity). On the Work Package level, Pillar 1 allocates work packages to partners according to the research areas of the project (see par. 2.3.1. research areas), Pillar 2 allocates work according to the applications described in the projects outcomes (see. par. 2.3.Outcomes) and Pillar 3 according to the networking, education and dissemination needs of an FP7 Cooperation IP scheme (see. par. 2.3.Outcomes, DilNetMusic and DiSchoolMusic). WP1: Project Management Pillar 1: Research and Knowledge creation WP2: Digitization Techniques for Music Art and Artifacts

WP3: Applications of generic Metadata standards specified for Music Content WP4: Music Knowledge Discovery WP5: Distribution and Digital Preservation Analysis for Music Content Pillar 2: Development and Integration WP6: Digital Music Library Integrated Management System WP7: Digital Music Content Repository WP8: Music Content Typology for sustainable Preservation WP9: Virtual Collaboration web space for Music Studies Pillar 3: Dissemination and Education WP10: Lifelong LMS for Music Digitization, Creation and Preservation WP11: Dissemination Activities

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4.2 Work plan Work package list Work package No

Work package title Type of activity

Lead partic no.

Lead partic. short name


Start month

End month

01 Project Management

02 Digitization Techniques for Music Art and Artifacts

03 Applications of generic Metadata standards specified for Music Content

04 Music Knowledge Discovery

05 Distribution and Digital Preservation Analysis for Music Content

06 Digital Music Library Integrated Management System

07 Digital Music Content Repository

08 Music Content Typology for sustainable Preservation

09 Virtual Collaboration web space for Music Studies

10 Lifelong LMS for Music Digitization, Creation and Preservation

11 Dissemination Activities


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List of Deliverables ( 32 deliverables out of 11 work packages )

Del. no. Deliverable name WP no. Nature

Dissemi-nation level

Delivery date(proj. month)

01.01 Project Reports 1 PU

02.01 Chain Management Principles for Bulk Digitization of Various Types and Origin 1

02.02 A Semantics Framework of Music Documents, Sounds and Instruments 2

02.03 Digitisation Work Flow Models for Music art and Artefacts 2

03.01 Interpretation of generic Metadata systems for music documents and objects 3

03.02 A specified Metadata scheme for Music content repositories 3

03.03 The Music Content Metadata scheme Implementation Manual 3

04.01 Ontologies of distributed music repositories 4

04.02 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Techniques for Music Content 4

04.03 An KMS Framework for Music Knowledge Management 4

04.04 A Software Agent Architecture for Music Knowledge Discovery 4

04.05 A Software Agent Web Service for Music Knowledge Discovery 4

05.01 Distribution Models for Music Digital Content 5

05.02 A pilot implementation of multi-platform Music Content Distribution 5

05.03 Preservation analysis report for Music Content based on future trends of Semantic Web and Knowledge Management


05.04 Preservation analysis report for Music Content based on future trends of Platform Technologies Convergence


06.01 DiLibMusic: A Music Digital Library Management System Architecture 6

06.02 DiLibMusic Web Service 6

07.01 DiConMusic: A Music Digital Content Repository Specification 7

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07.02 DiConMusic digital content database 7

08.01 DiTypMusic: A Typology Description for scalable and expandable Music Digital Libraries


08.02 DiTypMusic: A Typology Specification for scalable and expandable Music Digital Libraries


09.01 DiWorkMusic: A Collaboration Web Space Specification for Music Studies 9

09.02 DiWorkMusic: A Collaboration Web Space Web Service for Music Studies 9

09.03 DiLabMusic: A Virtual Laboratory Specification for Music Studies 9

09.04 DiLabMusic: A Virtual Laboratory Web Service for Music Studies 9

10.01 DiSchoolMusic: A Life Long Learning Scheme for Music Digitization, Creation and Preservation


10.02 DiSchoolMusic: A LMS Web Service for Music Digitization, Creation and Preservation 10

11.01 DiNetMusic, A Cooperation Network for Music into the Digital Age: 1st workshop 11

11.02 DiNetMusic, A Cooperation Network for Music into the Digital Age: 2nd workshop 11

11.03 DiNetMusic, A Cooperation Network for Music into the Digital Age: 2rd workshop 11

11.04 DiNetMusic, A Cooperation Network for Music into the Digital Age: 1st European Conference 11

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WPs / MOs 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 31 34 36

WP01 Project Management

WP02 Digitization Techniques for Music Art and Artifacts

WP03 Applications of generic Metadata standards specified for Music Content

WP04 Music Knowledge Discovery

WP05 Distribution and Digital Preservation Analysis of Music Content

WP06 Digital Music Library Integrated Management System

WP07 Digital Music Content Repository

WP08 Music Content Typology for sustainable Preservation

WP09 Virtual Collaboration web space for Music Studies

WP10 Lifelong LMS for Music Digitization, Creation and Preservation

WP11 Dissemination Activities

*0-36: from the beginning of the project up to the end of the 36th month.

01: 0 – 36*

03: 1- 24

04: 3 - 29

02: 1 - 24

05: 10 - 34

06: 10 - 22

08: 12 - 34

07: 12 - 34

09: 18 - 24

10: 22 - 34

11: 0 – 36*

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4.4. Effort 4.4.1. Work allocation over type of work Taking into account the work allocation as described in Ch. 4 Implementation, the work allocation per type of work should be distributed according the following chart:

4.4.2. Work over Time Distribution Work within the project should be progressively distributed according to a logical pattern. Taking into account the work allocation as described in par. 4.4.1 Work allocation over type of work and the distribution of work packages as illustrated in the GANTT chart of par. 4.2. Work Plan, the work distribution over time is depicted in the following chart:

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4.4.3. Budget allocation over type of work For an indicative budget of € 8 M, and following the pattern of par.4.4.1.Work allocation over type of work, budget distribution is illustrated in the following chart:

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4.4.4. Budget allocation per Partner For an indicative budget of € 8 M, and according to Ch.3 Consortium and Ch.4 Implementation, the budget allocation per partner is presented in the following table: Participant No Participant Type Budget % Academic & Research 1 (Coordinator) PARTNER 1 2 PARTNER 2 3 PARTNER 3 4 PARTNER 4 5 PARTNER 5 6 PARTNER 6 7 PARTNER 7 Subtotal ~ 4000000 ~ 50%

Software development and Integration

6 PARTNER 8 7 PARTNER 9 9 PARTNER 10 10 PARTNER 11 11 PARTNER 12 12 PARTNER 13 Subtotal ~ 2500000 ~ 31% Networks 13 PARTNER 14 14 PARTNER 15 15 PARTNER 16 Subtotal ~ 1500000 ~19 % TOTAL 100 %

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5. Prerequisites and success factors 5.1. Relevance with the work program, challenge 4.3, digital libraries

Table 2: Medium term objectives

Digital Library Feature Reference Comments

a General features

a1 Large-scale a2 European-wide

b Information System features

b1 Robust and scalable b2 Support communities of practice b3 Innovative access services b4 Semantic-based search capabilities

c Content features

c1 Creation c2 Interpretation c3 Use c4 Cultural and scientific c5 Multi-format and multi-source digital


c6 Essential digital preservation features

d Other features

d1 Use of digital resources in multilingual and multidisciplinary contexts.

d2 Cost- effective digitization processes

Table 3: Long term objectives

Objective Reference Comments

a General

a1 Radically new approaches to digital preservation (inspired by human capacity to deal with information and knowledge)

a2 Advanced ICT automation regarding high volumes and dynamic and

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volatile digital content

b Content

b1 Guarantee its preservation b2 Keep track of its evolving semantics

and usage context

b3 Safeguard its integrity, authenticity and long term accessibility over time

d Other objectives

d1 Creation of a network of centres of competence for digitization and preservation, building upon, pooling and upgrading existing resources in the Member or Associated States.

5.2. Relevance with FP7’s IP purpose

Table 4: IPs Purpose compliance list

Purpose Reference Comments

a Generate new knowledge, including new technology, or common resources for research

b Improve European competitiveness, or to address major societal needs

c Clearly defined scientific and technological objectives

d Obtain specific results applicable in terms of development or improvement of products, processes, services or policy

e Targeted to special groups, such as SMEs

f Comprehensive “programme” approach

g Large degree of autonomy to adapt content and partnership (all types of stakeholders) and update the work plan, where/as appropriate.

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5.3. Evaluation Criteria compliance

Table 4: Evaluation criteria applicable to Collaborative project proposals (IP or STREP)

Criterion Reference Comments

S/T QUALITY “Scientific and/or technological excellence (relevant to the topics addressed by the call)”

Soundness of concept, and quality of objectives

Progress beyond the state-of-the-art Quality and effectiveness of the S/T methodology and associated work plan

IMPLEMENTATION “Quality and efficiency of the implementation and the management”

Appropriateness of the management structure and procedures

Quality and relevant experience of the individual participants

Quality of the consortium as a whole (including complementarity, balance)

Appropriateness of the allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (budget, staff, equipment)

IMPACT “Potential impact through the development, dissemination and use of project results”

Contribution, at the European and/or international level, to the expected impacts listed in the work programme under relevant topic/activity

Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/or exploitation of project results, and management of intellectual property.

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References REF 01, i2010: Digital Libraries Initiative, Europe's Cultural and Scientific Heritage at a Click of a Mouse REF 02, EU Flagship Projects on Digital Libraries REF 03, Cultural Heritage Projects, REF 04, MINERVA EC Thematic Network, Publications, REF 05, Digitization, MINERVA: REF 06, MINERVA EC Thematic Network, Handbook for quality in cultural Web sites: Improving quality for citizens, REF 07, BRICKS developer community, Bibliography, , (Music: one reference (ref. 223) out of 352 references!) REF 08, DELOS NoE, Projects, initiatives and research centers, , (Music: no reference) REF 09, DELOS NoE, Conference series, REF 10, European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, Conference focus, REF 11, JCDL 2008, Call for papers,