EUGM 2014 - Stefan Höck (Zurich University of Applied Sciences): CyBy2: A modular Rich Client for...

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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For successful medicinal chemistry projects, it is mandatory to have access to key correlations between chemical structures and their biological data such as potency, selectivity and pharmacological data to highlight and easily extrude structure activity relationships (SAR). A fully-fledged rich client application for the convenient storage and retrieval of chemical structures alongside the data of their biological activity in an underlying database that facilitates the structure-based data management and visualization of SAR will be presented. Being based on ChemAxon’s JChem and the Netbeans Platform the application is modular and thus easily expandable with additional functionality according to the individual user’s needs. With the functional programming paradigm finding its way more and more into mainstream programming languages, it was interesting from an academic point of view to write CyBy2 in purely functional style in a modern programming language (Scala). Our experiences with this programming paradigm especially when interacting with an object-oriented chemistry toolkit will also be addressed in the talk.

Transcript of EUGM 2014 - Stefan Höck (Zurich University of Applied Sciences): CyBy2: A modular Rich Client for...

A modular Rich Client for managing

Chemical and Biological Data

Who we are

Group of about 15 research scientists

Medicinal chemistry

Organic synthesis

Organic analysis



Chemical (structure-based) database

Client / Server architecture

Desktop application to access, search and

modify the database

Searching chemicals by (sub)structure

Flexible (modular) setup


JChem for storing / retrieving chemicals

Derby database

Akka middleware


Marvin Beans for drawing / displaying molecules

Modular design (based on Netbeans



Grouping compounds in projects

Linking of additional data (files) with


Linking of biological assay data with


Fine grained control over user access rights



Conditional Formatting


S.Höck, R.Riedl, Chimia 2012, 66, 132


CyBy2 written completely in Scala

Multiparadigm (Object Oriented /


CyBy2 written in purely functional style

Functional Programming

Functions as first class values


Type safe

Thread safe

Powerful abstractions

Some code

•def atoms(m: Molecule): List[Atom] = ...

•def mass(a: Atom): Double = ...

•def mw(m: Molecule): Double =

• atoms(m).map(mass).sum

•Type inference + nicer syntax:

•def mw(m: Molecule) = atoms(m) map mass sum

Error handling

•def mass(a: Atom): Option[Double] = ...

•Option: Type safe handling of undefined values:

•Some(12.011) if value is defined, otherwise None.

•No more NullPointerExceptions.


•def mw(m: Molecule) = atoms(m) map mass sum

•Compilation error: Can't sum over Option.


•The Monoid Type Class

•trait Monoid[A] {

• def zero: A

• def add(a1: A, a2: A): A


•Monoid instance for integer addition

•object IntMonoid extends Monoid[Int]{

• def zero: Int = 0

• def add(a1: Int, a2: Int): Int = a1 + a2


Data Accumulation

•Start with Monoid zero and accumulate through Monoid add:

•def accum[A](as: List[A])(M: Monoid[A]): A =

• as.foldLeft(

•Scala's type class mechanism lets us pass the Monoid instance implicitly:

•def accum[A](as: List[A])(implicit M: Monoid[A]): A =

• as.foldLeft(

Data Accumulation

•class List[A] {

• def foldMap[B](f: A => B)(implicit M: Monoid[B]):B =

• foldLeft(,a) => M.add(b, f(a)))


•def mass(a: Atom): Double ...

•def mw(m: Molecule): Double = atoms(m) foldMap mass

Error accumulation

•An Option of a Monoid automatically defines a Monoid:

•def mass(a: Atom): Option[Double] = ...

•def mw(m: Molecule) = atoms(m) foldMap mass

•Plus error handling (accumulating error messages for free):

•def mass(a: Atom): Validation[Double] = ...

•def mw(m: Molecule) = atoms(m) foldMap mass

Molecular Formula

•type Formula = Map[Atom,Int]

•def singleAtom(a: Atom): Formula = Map(a -> 1)

•A Map with a Monoid as its value type defines another


•def formula(m: Molecule) = atoms(m) foldMap


Functional Programming

Referentially transparent (immutability)

Thread safe

Powerful abstractions

Interoperability with non-functional libraries can

be awkward and unsafe

S.Höck, R.Riedl, J. Cheminform. 2012, 4, 38


The End

•Questions ?