Eudicots asterids fs2013.pptx

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Transcript of Eudicots asterids fs2013.pptx



Diversity And Classification of Flowering Plants:

Eudicots: Asterids

Michael G. Simpson


•  Very large, diverse group •  10 orders, many families •  Putative apomorphies:

–  iridoid compounds – sympetalous corolla – ovules: unitegmic (one integument),

tenuinucellate (megasporangium 1-cell thick)

Ovules unitegmic, tenuinucellate



ASTERIDS CORNALES Cornaceae Curtissiaceae Grubbiaceae Hydrangeaceae Hydrostachyaceae Loasaceae ERICALES Actinidiaceae Balsaminaceae Clethraceae Cyrillaceae Diapensiaceae Ebenaceae

Ericaceae Fouquieriaceae Lecythidaceae Maesaceae Marcgraviaceae Myrsinaceae Pentaphylacaceae Polemoniaceae Primulaceae Roridulaceae Sapotaceae Sarraceniaceae Styracaceae Symplocaceae Tetrameristaceae Theaceae Theophrastaceae

EUASTERIDS I Boraginaceae Cordiaceae* Ehretiaceae* Heliotropaceae* Hydrophyllaceae* Lennoaceae* Icacinaceae Oncothecaceae Vahliaceae GARRYALES Eucommiaceae Garryaceae

EUASTERIDS I GENTIANALES Apocynaceae Gelsmiaceae Gentianaceae Loganiaceae Rubiaceae LAMIALES Acanthaceae Bignoniaceae Byblidaceae Calceolariaceae Carlemanniaceae Gesneriaceae Lamiaceae Lentibulariaceae Martyniaceae


Oleaceae Orobanchaceae Paulowniaceae Pedaliaceae Phyrmaceae Plantaginaceae Schlegeliaceae Scrophulariaceae Stilbaceae Tetrachondraceae

Verbenaceae SOLANALES Convolvulaceae Hydroleaceae Montiniaceae Solanaceae Sphenocleaceae

EUASTERIDS II Bruniaceae Columelliaceae Eremosynaceae Escalloniaceae Paracryphiaceae Polyosmaceae Sphenostemonaceae Tribelaceae APIALES Apiaceae Araliaceae Aralidiaceae Griseliniaceae Mackinlayaceae Melanophyllaceae

Myodocarpaceae Pennantiaceae Pittosporaceae Torricelliaceae AQUIFOLIALES Aquifoliaceae Cardiopteridaceae Helwingiaceae Phyllonmaceae Stemonuraceae ASTERALES Alseuosmiaceae Argophyllaceae Asteraceae Calyceraceae Campanulaceae Goodeniaceae  

Menyanthaceae Pentaphragmataceae Phellinaceae Rousseaceae Stylidiaceae DIPSACALES Adoxaceae Caprifoliaceae* Diervillaceae* Dipsacaceae* Linnaeaceae* Morinaceae* Valerianaceae*



Apocynaceae, s.l. - Dogbane/Milkweed family (Greek for "away from dog," in reference to past use of some taxa as a dog

poison). 411 genera / 4,650 species.

The Apocynaceae, s.l. •  5-merous perianth/androecium, •  the gynoecium usually with 2 carpels, •  ovaries distinct in some taxa with styles connate (in Asclepiadoids androecium adnate to single stigma

forming a gynostegium and pollen fused to form pollinia, each half derived from an adjacent anther),

K (5) C (5) A 5 or (5) G (2) [(-8)], superior, rarely half-inferior.



APOCYNACEAE •  Allamanda “yellow bell” •  Plumeria “kalachuchi” •  Nerium oleander “adelfa” •  Thevetia “false yellow bell”





2 ovaries, ���2 styles, ���1 stigma

Rubiaceae — Coffee family ���(after rubia, name used by Pliny for madder)���

630 genera / 10,200 species.���

Leaves simple, entire, usually decussate leaves connate stipules, the stipules often with mucilage-

secreting colleters usually a cyme, Flowers bisexual, the perianth dichlamydeous, perianth

and androecium often 4 –5-merous (calyx absent in some),

ovary usually inferior ovules with a funicular obturator, K (4-5) [0] C (4-5) [(3,8-10)] A 4-5 [3,8-10] G (2)

[(3-5+)], usually inferior, rarely superior.



Rubiaceae — Coffee family ���(after rubia, name used by Pliny for madder)���

630 genera / 10,200 species.���

worldwide distribution, more concentrated in tropical regions.

Cinchona, the source of quinine used to treat malaria,

Coffea arabica and other species, the source of coffee,

Pausinystalia johimbe, the source of the sexual stimulant yohimbine,

some timber trees, fruiting plants, dye plants (such as Rubia, madder), and ornamental cultivars (e.g., Pentas, among others).



Lamiaceae (=Labiatae) - Mint family (Lamium, gullet, after the shape of the corolla tube or old Latin name

used by Pliny). 251 genera / 6,700 species. often aromatic with ethereal oils with usually 4-sided stems, opposite [or whorled] leaves verticillaster or thyrse inflorescence [flowers solitary and axillary

in some], and zygomorphic [rarely actinomorphic], usually bilabiate flowers deeply 4-lobed ovary (by formation of "false septa") and gynobasic style

K (5) C (5) [(4)] A 4 or 2 [+2 staminodes] G (2), superior, hypanthium absent.

Mentha, mint;

Ocimum, basil;

Rosmarinus, rosemary;

Salvia, sage;

Thymus, thyme Leaves opposite; stems 4-sided



Inflorescence a thyrse or verticillaster (usu.) Flowers zygomorphic; corolla sympetalous, bilabiate

carpels 2; style gynobasic Fruit a schizocarp of nutlets



Ocimum basilicum BASIL

Rosmarinus officinalis ROSEMARY

Salvia apiana ���WHITE SAGE

enantiostylous flowers



Solanaceae - Nightshade family (Latin for sleeping or comforter, after narcotic properties of

some). 94 genera / 2,950 species. internal phloem, spiral leaves usually actinomorphic, 5-merous perianth and

androecium (corolla plicate in bud), usually bicarpellate, syncarpous gynoecium, and usually

numerous ovules per carpel, the fruit a berry, drupe, or capsule.

K (5) C (5) [(4),(6)] A 5 [4 or 2+2 staminodes] G (2) [(3-5)], superior, hypanthium absent.

Members of the family have mostly worldwide distributions, concentrated in South America.

Capsicum (peppers), Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato), Physalis philadelphica (tomatillo), Solanum tuberosum (potato), Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco); alkaloids from various taxa have medicinal properties

(e.g., atropine from Atropa belladona), hallucinogenic properties (e.g., Datura, Jimson weed) deadly poisons (e.g., Datura, Solanum spp.) known carcinogens (e.g., Nicotiana tabacum); some used

as ornamental cultivars, others are noxious weeds.

Flowers actinomorphic, plicate (in bud)



Flowers  ac+nomorphic,    plicate  (in  bud)  

Fruit a berry or capsule



Physalis ixocarpa Tomatillo



Asteraceae (Compositae) Characteristics: Inflorescence a head (capitulum): subtended by inflorescence bracts: involucral

bracts or phyllaries, collectively termed the involucre. Calyx modified as pappus. Stamens syngenesious. K pappus C 5 A (5) G(2), inferior, 1 basal ovule Fruit an achene.

Argyroxiphium  sandwicense,  Silversword  Maui  

Argyroxiphium sandwicense, Silversword���Maui

Asteraceae (=Compositae) - Sunflower family

(after Aster, meaning star). 1,528 genera / 22,750 species.

a head (capitulum) subtended by an involucre of phyllaries, --bilabiate, disk, or ray/ligulate, (heads of many taxa a mixture of

central disk flowers and peripheral ray flowers), with the calyx, termed a pappus, modified as scales, awns, or

capillary bristles (or absent), the androecium syngenesious, inferior ovary with a single, basal ovule, the fruit a multiple of achenes.



Asteraceae (=Compositae) - Sunflower family

(after Aster, meaning star). 1,528 genera / 22,750 species.

K 0-∞ (pappus) C (5) [(4)] or (3) in some ray flowers A (5) [(4)] G (2), inferior, hypanthium absent.

Asteraceae: floral variation Three types of flowers: 1) Bilabiate: zygomorphic (bilateral) with 2 lips 2) Ray (ligulate): zygomorphic (bilateral) with 1

lobe 3) Disk: actinomorphic (radial), usu. 5-lobed

Five types of heads: 1) discoid, with only disk flowers; 2) disciform, with central disk flowers and

marginal, eligulate female flowers; 3) radiate, with central (bisexual or male) disk

flowers and peripheral (female or sterile) ray flowers;

4) ligulate, with all ray flowers (typically with 5-toothed corolla apices);

5) bilabiate, with all bilabiate flowers.

Bilabiate flower

Acourtia microcephala Trixis  californica    

posterior  lip    anterior  lip    



ligulate / ray disk syngenesious

anthers connate

Ray flowers (heads ligulate = all rays)

Rafinesquia neomexicana Malacothrix  californica    

ligulate  corolla    

Disk flower: heads discoid

Palafoxia arida Psathyrotes  ramosissima    

disk  corolla    

Chaenac;s  gabriuscula    



Disk flowers: heads disciform��� (2 types of disk fls.,���

same or different heads) male  heads  

Ambrosia  chamissonis    

female  heads  

Xylorhiza orcuttii Encelia  farinosa    

Heads radiate: inner disk & outer ray fls. ray  flowers    disk  flowers    

Encelia californica


Some heads are "chaffy"

chaff  :      bracts      subtending      flowers    

disk  flower    

Involucre morphology one whorl two  whorls     many  whorls    

Senecio  vulgaris     Coreopsis  mari;ma     Encelia  californica    



Circium  vulgare     Silybum  marianum    

Phyllaries spiny

Involucre morphology Phyllaries  spiny  &  squarrose    

Pappus: ���modified calyx

capillary  bristles:    barbellate   capillary  bristles:    



capillary  bristles,  borne  atop  "beak"  

Pappus: modified calyx ASTERACEAE

•  Anthers 3-5, united à syngenesious



ASTERACEAE •  Gynoecium

bicarpellate •  Uniloculate •  Inferior •  Uniovulate •  Placentation basal •  Fruit achene with

coma or tuft of hairà cypsela

ASTERACEAE •  Helianthus “sunflower” •  Chrysanthemum •  Vernonia •  Wedelia •  Tagetes

ASTERACEAE •  Cosmos •  Eupatorium •  Ageratum •  Gerbera “daisy” •  Blumea “sambong” •  Taraxacum “dandelion”
