Eucharistic celebration of first holy communion

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Transcript of Eucharistic celebration of first holy communion

Euchar i s t i c Ce l eb ra t i on

o f Firs t Holy Commun ion

Rev. Fr. Antonio Navarette Jr.Celebrant

San Juan Nepomuceno Parish20 November 2014

8:00 a.m

Ent ranc e o f Commun i can t s


Ce l eb ran t


Come let us sing to every nation

“Great is our God and King!

He is the rock of our salvation!

Lift up your hearts and sing!”


Sing , for we are God’s people;

For he has shown us his ways

He gathers us to his table

To partake of his grace. (Ref.)

GLORY TO GOD Refrain:Glory to God in the highestAnd on earth peace to people of

good will

Glory to God in the highestAnd on earth peace to people of

good will

GLORY TO GOD We praise you, we bless you ,

we adore you , we glorify you

We give you thanks for your great glory

Lord God, heavenly king .

O God almighty , Father . (REF)

GLORY TO GOD Lord Jesus Christ , only begotten son, Lord God , Lamb of God, son of the Father,

You take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us;

GLORY TO GOD You take away the sins of the world receive our prayer;

You are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. (REF)

GLORY TO GOD For you alone are the Holy

One , you alone are the Lord,

You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ

With the Holy Spirit

In the glory of God the Father. (REF)

Firs t Read ing

1 Cor . 10 :16 -17

RESPONSORIAL PSALMGive thanks to the Lord,

for He is goodHis faithfulness is foreverGive thanks to the Lord,

for He is good!His love endures forever


Holy Gospel

St. John 6:30-35


Renewal of

Baptismal pRomises

Prayer of

the Faithful

One More GiftVerse 1:

Your people have grown wearyOf living in confusionWhen will we realizeThat neither heaven is at peaceWhen we will live not in peace(Refrain)

One More GiftRefrain:

If there’s one more giftI’d ask of you,Lord it would be peace here on earthas gentle as your children’s laughterAll around, all around

Prayer of Thanksgiving by the First Communicants

Loving Father, thank You for Your love.

Thank You for giving Yourself in the Holy

Eucharist. Thank you for our parents who

love us and sacrifice so much to send us to


Prayer of Thanksgiving by the First Communicants

and who help us prepare to receive

You as our GREATEST GIFT ever…We thank

you also for our teachers,

Prayer of Thanksgiving by the First Communicants

the sisters and our celebrant, Father Tony ,

and all those who

made this wonderful experience for all of us.

Thank you for

our Blessed Mother Mary

Prayer of Thanksgiving by the First Communicants

who constantly brings us closer to

Your Son Jesus. May her examples help us to

obey You

always .Amen.

Parents Prayer after Communion

Father we are happy to be with our children on the memorable day. You want them to be like Jesus Your son. We know that if this is to be so we, their parents must guide them on the road to the

Parents Prayer after Communion

best of our ability we will love them by guiding them and training them so that they will grow with us into family that is truly Christian a family close to Jesus Christ.

Parents Prayer after Communion

We shall try to pray everyday as a family, worship on Sunday as a family , receive Holy Communion regularly as a family, and love as a family.

With your help we shall succeed. Amen.

ParentsYes, Father. We have renewed

ourselves before God and this community, to be Christians in every sense of the word

When there is needy brother or sister, we will be of service, where there is despair, we will bring hope. Yes we will be an instrument of Christ’s peace.


Yes we know that today we have received Jesus , the sacrament of love. We thank Him with our parents and all those who love us.

Bring us Back to YouWe have been searching

,yearning to find you

lost without your love

We long for your face , seeking our true joy

Found in your embrace

Bring us Back to YouREF:

‘Cause in faith , you restore us

‘Cause in hope , you sustain us

In light , you save us, in love , you bind us

Lord bring back us back to you

Bring us Back to YouWe turn to your grace, resting in

your peace

Sheltered fro despair

We come to your heart, trusting in your will

Strengthened by your Word.(REF)

Group Picture taking
