eTTD Project

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Transcript of eTTD Project

RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

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e-TTD Project

Request For Proposal

Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams Tirumala

October, 2010

RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

Table of Contents


S.No. Description Page No

1  Overview of TTD and e‐TTD  3-8

2  Services and Processes at TTD  9-15

3  Scope of Work and Deliverables  15 – 31

4  Bid Process  32-47

Annexure I ‐ Format for Covering Letter format 48-49

Annexure II – Format for Submission of Prequalification Bid  50-52

Annexure III – Format for Submission of Technical Bid  53-58

Annexure IV – Format for Commercial Bid  59-61

Annexure V ‐ Format  for statement of deviation  62-62

Annexure VI  ‐ TTD  services  and  operations  ‐ Figures  at  a glance 


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1 Overview of TTD and e-TTD

1.1 Project Summary

Sri Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) is the largest religious body in India –

both in terms of the number of pilgrims and the income. The activities of TTD are

wide ranging, including diverse functions like management of the accommodation,

transport and darshan for the millions of pilgrims, managing a large number of

educational, medical and charitable institutions in India and abroad, procurement of

supplies besides administration and financial management. Given the size and the

complexity of the wide range of functions that it performs, TTD can be viewed as a


Over the long period of its existence, TTD has established standard systems and

procedures for discharging the various functions efficiently. However, it is seen that

with the phenomenal growth in the number of pilgrims visiting Tirumala, there is a

considerable pressure on all the systems, which are substantially based on manual


TTD has been making continuous efforts in establishing modern systems to provide

more efficient services and to cope up with the increasing demand. e-Darshan, e-

Booking, Call Center and a centralized payroll system are some of the major results

achieved through introducing IT. Although these efforts have shown promise, they

have been inadequate to make a deep impact in alleviating some of the major

hardships and in fostering a structured and streamlined pilgrim eco-system. Besides,

the back office and support functions too require serious focus and study for

reengineering and transformation.

In this context, TTD wishes to create a program for study and design of

transformational systems for pilgrim services and the temple administration.

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1.2 Vision

To contribute to the spiritual well-being of the devotees by making available a

comfortable, hassle-free pilgrim eco-system (structured bookings, clean stay,

unhurried darshan, pleasant participation in sevas, and ample prasadam) in a devout

and holy environment.

1.3 Project Context

In the absence of a concerted effort in redesigning the systems of management and

administration and with growing pressure on its limited resources, TTD is confronted

currently with several problems and issues, which if left without attending, may

jeopardize the functioning of the institution in the years to come. Some of the major

issues confronting the management currently are mentioned below:

Quality of services offered to the pilgrims: Significant improvements have been

achieved through IT enablement and use of bio-metric systems in facilitating quick

service, decent amenities, comfort and security to the pilgrims. At the same time there

has been progressively large growth in the number of pilgrims visiting the shrine for

Darshan year on year. This has led to a huge surge in the demand for limited

resources on top the hill. This has created an immense pressure on supply side,

leading to bottlenecks, delays, shortages and sub optimal utilization of resources.

From the pilgrim’s point of view, this translates to long hours of waiting for each and

every service, lack of predictable and reliable amenities, haphazard rush for this or

that service, unplanned spending on food and other comforts, falling easy prey to

unscrupulous elements and loss of precious time in ascertaining accurate information,

schedules and arrangements. This calls for a through study of both demand and supply

sides, queue patterns, alignment of the complete chain of activities from transport,

check-in, tonsure, wash, waiting in the queue, darshan, prasadam and such others. The

study should evolve solutions tempered by the specific practices and traditions of the

temple, which can align the supply side resources to the smooth flow and

enhancement of the chain of activities, enabled by integrated service centres and

enterprise-scale IT systems.

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In the larger context, this study should fundamentally relook at the entire gamut of the

operational components to assess the growth challenges in the near term, medium

term and long term, by identifying triggers and solutions that can be mapped to the

specific timeframes.

Huge areas of discretion: Despite the continuous efforts during the last decade,

to modernize the system of booking and reservation, it is seen that there are huge

areas of discretion that are handled manually. This has been giving raise to

undesirable practices. While the role of discretion in a dynamic environment like

that of the TTD can not be eliminated altogether, there is certainly room for a

significant reduction in the number of areas of discretion as well as the extent of

discretion in each area.

Heavy dependence on manual systems: TTD depends on manual systems

heavily for a majority of its operations. The paper-based and stand-alone

approach brings with it all the drawbacks of bureaucracy, besides placing serious

limitations on the efficiency that can be reached in such systems. The backend

systems and processes need a heavy dose of re-engineering, if the growth has to

be sustained without compromising the managerial effectiveness in future.

Shortage of most needed skill sets: In view of the substantial legacy that the

institution has, there is a serious gap in the kind of skill sets required for

establishing and maintaining modern systems in operations. An overwhelmingly

large proportion of the present manpower has skills that are antiquated and not

conducive to ushering in modern systems. There would also be serious issues of

attitudes and mindset, making the change management quite a challenge.

Absence of a holistic approach: Attempts at bringing in process reforms in the

past have been characterized by their stand-alone approach. Even the few IT

systems developed suffer from lack of architectural, enterprise and security

perspectives. Adoption of such stand-alone and ad hoc approach is likely to create

serious problems in future.

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Adoption of systems approach: A wholesale revamping of the operational

systems requires several fundamental policy decisions to be taken in the areas of

organizational restructuring, reduction in the areas of discretion, abandoning age-

old systems and changing of the procedures. Getting the concurrence and support

of all the stakeholders to such fundamental changes is also a matter of great


1.4 Need for Reform Interventions

It is necessary to bring a structured approach to tackle the issues relating to service

delivery and organizational performance. A holistic approach to reform interventions

is based on four major pillars:

Process Reforms and Reengineering

Technology Architecture

Change Management

A business model to facilitate private partnership

1.4.1 A reform program is likely to bring several benefits including the following in the

functioning of TTD:

a. A service oriented approach would substantially bring in an integrated, seamless

and ‘any-where – any-time’ service delivery model, adding significantly to the

convenience of the pilgrim community.

b. Adoption of a Technology Architecture approach would ensure that the

technological strategies and interventions are perfectly aligned with the functional

and business requirement of TTD.

c. A systematic effort in Business Process Re-engineering would bring in internal

efficiencies to support the requirements of a transformation agenda.

d. The systemic approach would also result in enhancement in the transparency of

the operations. This would result in elimination of the scope for misuse or of the

occurrence of malpractices at the cutting edge.

e. The introduction of systems of workflow automation would result in significant

gains in internal efficiencies.

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f. Concepts of Enterprise Resource Planning result in a rational system of

Performance Management and Evaluation.

g. The adoption of e-Procurement, results in significant savings in procurement

spending, besides enhancing the efficiency and transparency of procurement.

h. The introduction of a comprehensive Human Resource Management System

would add immensely to employee welfare and satisfaction.

i. Use of Integrated Financial Management would enhance the discipline and

effectiveness of financial operations.

1.5 Benefits to Stakeholders of e-TTD Project

The success of such a program can only be judged by the benefits it confers on the

various stakeholders. Effective consultation with them is a critical requisite in the

design, development and implementation phases of the projects to ensure that these

benefits are in alignment with the stakeholder expectations and that these benefits will

continue to evolve and get refined during the period of project development.

Stakeholders Perceived Benefits

Pilgrims Smooth, hassle-free booking of services,

comfortable and consistent quality of stay,

availability of quick and reliable information,

ability to have peaceful and spiritual darshan.

Employees Opportunity for enhanced personal contribution

and growth, job satisfaction, a healthy and efficient

work environment, ability to provide consistent

service to the pilgrims

TTD executive management Increased efficiency, transparency and

accountability in the functions related to providing

services to the pilgrims

Government of AP Effective monitoring of the temple activities,

improved coordination with the temple


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1.6 Suggested Key Differentiators for adoption

a. A scientific estimation of the growth drivers, challenges and resource readiness

from a 10/20/30 years perspective so as to arrive at a holistic vision for future

b. Adoption of a multi-disciplinary approach to translate the vision into an

outcome-based initiative

c. An approach based on Open standards in order to bring in structural uniformity,

componentization and reuse

d. Integration of legacy applications into this solution to leverage past investments

e. Induction of Public-Private Partnerships, where feasible, to bring in cost

efficiencies and responsiveness to stakeholders

f. Adoption of Program Management practices throughout the life cycle for better


1.7 Suggested Critical Success Factors

The following are the major success factors that the consultant will need to keep in


a. Identify all stakeholders and, through a consultative process, ascertain their

expectation of the benefits that e-TTD will bring both in near term and long


b. Adopt a Service-Oriented Architecture and not a hardware-centric approach

c. Design a sustainable Service Model

d. Bring in resources that have rich experience in designing logistical systems

e. Focus on User-friendly interface with the pilgrims to attenuate their pain

f. Have an Enterprise approach while designing the solutions

g. Create a success map through Prioritization and Phased implementation

h. Evaluate the option of an integrated ERP solution for the organization

i. Relentlessly keep Change Management as a major factor in the success of this


j. TTD has a hoary past going back to thousands of years, has strong traditions and

practices – under no circumstances should any solution or suggestion be made

that could violate the sanctity of the temple traditions.

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2 Services and Processes at TTD

The following describes in brief, the services and the process at TTD. The list of

services and processes is indicative and not exhaustive.

2.1 Administrative Setup

Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) administration is governed by Sections 95 to

131 of the A.P. Charitable and Hindu Religious Institution and Endowments Act 1987

(the Act). The overall control and superintendence over the administration of the

entire TTD, vests in the Board of Trustees (the Board) which exercises the powers

vested in it under the Act and discharges the functions entrusted to it under the said

Act or as may be conferred on or entrusted to it by Government. The Executive

Officer is the Chief Administrative Officer of the TTD, responsible for the day to day

administration. The Executive Officer is responsible for implementing the decisions

of the Board and for carrying out all or any of the provisions of the Act and the

directions issued by Government in terms of the Act. When a Management

Committee is constituted under Section 97 A of the Act, the administration of the

TTD shall vest in the Committee which exercises the powers and performs the

functions entrusted to it under the Act and such other powers as may be prescribed.

The Joint Executive Officer, the Chief Engineer, Deputy Executive Officers and other

officers of the TTD, are not vested with any original powers or functions or duties by

the Act as such. However, for carrying out all or any of the provisions of the Act, the

Government have framed and notified by Government of Andhra Pradesh from time

to time. By these rules, certain powers which are essential for carrying out the day to

day administration have been conferred on the Executive Officer and on certain

subordinate officers.

The TTD administration shall, in addition to the powers conferred and functions

entrusted to it by this Act, exercise such other powers and perform such other

functions as may be prescribed in regard to matters of policy and general

superintendence in relation to the administration of TTD having due regard to public

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interest and the services and amenities to be provided to and welfare and safety

measures to be undertaken for, the pilgrims, devotees and worshippers.

The administration also looks after the working of a number of local temples – among

them, are the Govindarajaswamy Temple (GT), Kodandaramaswamy Temple (KRT)

at Tirupati, Sri Kalyana Venkateswaraswamy Temple (SKVST) at Srinivasa

Mangapuram, and Padmavathi Ammavari temple (PAT) at Tiruchanoor, and Kapila

Teertham (KT) etc.

2.2 Pilgrim services – Darshan, Accommodation and Sevas

The main rituals of the Temple are conducted according to Vaikhanasa Agama. The

primary rituals are suprabhatam, sudhi, thomalaseva.

1. In addition, there are services like Koluvu, first archana, nivedana, second bell,

sarvadarshanam, ekantha seva, ashtadala pada padmaradhana etc.

2. The figures relating to pilgrim traffic are huge and mind-boggling. Consider the

following for an understanding of TTD operations:

During 2009-2010, a total of more than 2.50 crore people had darshan of

the Lord

More than 40.00 lakhs people had special darshanam

During the same period, nearly 14.20 lakh arjitha sevas have been


Kanuka, Arjitham, Special entrance and Proktham earned more than Rs.763


More than Rs.521 crores has been collected through the Hundi.

More than Rs.70 crores revenue has been derived through sale of human


Nearly 1,000 suites and rooms, many of them free of charge, are managed

by TTD at Tirupati Base Camp for the pilgrims’ stay, generating more than

Rs.2.00 crore in receipts during 2009-2010. Payments amounted to more

than Rs.50 crores during this period.

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On the hill, at Tirumala, nearly 6,850 rooms are managed for pilgrims’ stay.

In addition, there are pilgrim amenities centres – three at Tirumala and one

at Tirupati – with dormitory-like facilities (lockers, hot water etc). These can

accommodate about 10,000 on the hill and about 3000 at the base station.

There is a provision to reserve the accommodation in advance through

different channels – ARP counters, Information Centres at all District HQ’s

and metro cities, and through the Internet.

2.3 Pilgrim Information and Transaction Services

The website provides information to pilgrims and about the Main

Temple, the Sevas, places to visit, Social Service, and also Tenders and News.

Devotees can make contributions to Hundi online. Pilgrims can book Arjitha Sevas,

Accommodation, Darshan in advance of 90 days and can offer donations through the

online website Pilgrims can also book Sevas, darshan and

accommodation through online e-Darshan counters spread across 75 locations across

India. Pilgrims can also book Sevas and accommodation in advance of 90 days by

sending DDs to Arjitham Office.

2.4 HR management including the Disciplinary Actions

Primary functions include Recruitments, promotions, transfers, and maintenance of

service particulars of all the employees of TTD. They have computerized the service

particulars. Their concerns include the ability to track the service particulars closely.

There is also concern about the skill levels of the staff, and the feasibility of a

performance management system.

The Executive Officer, assisted by Deputy / Assistant Executive Officers conducts

inquiries into disciplinary matters. The procedure followed is as prescribed under

Andhra Pradesh CCA Rules. During 2006-2007, a total of 1,137 cases have been

received, and 639 cases have been disposed of, leaving a total of 498 cases pending

beginning 2007-2008.

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2.5 Finance and Accounting

All institutions / sections have been divided into independent accounting units,

grouped under various departments. Among other things, they are responsible for

proper accounting of donations made by pilgrims, funding of numerous schemes,

projects, publications and institutions. Other functions include maintaining an

accurate record of all claims made by TTD, records of all fixed assets of TTD, records

of the stocks of all the individual consumable items, monitoring several bank

balances, monitoring the investments of surplus finds etc. As on date, Accounts,

Pensions, and Budgets are partially computerized. An accounting package (Enterprise

Tally) in the accounts department being implemented.

2.6 Engineering and Procurement

Engineering department’s functions include preparation of estimates, calling for

tenders, execution of civil works, maintenance of kalyanamandapams, TTD buildings,

cottages, guesthouses, colleges and hospitals. This department has taken the initiative

to introduce automation by way of e-Procurement. In addition, Autocad is

implemented for engineering drawings

2.7 Projects run by TTD

TTD runs several religious projects. Notable among them are the Annamacharya

Project which seeks to propagate the Saranagathi Tathva as propounded by the Saint

poet Sri Annamacharya. This project is the de facto research and publicity wing of

the TTD as far as Annamacharya literature is concerned. It runs music programmes at

several temples, academies and cultural organizations as also in remote villages. It

commemorates the poet’s work by conducting annual festivals – more than 1500 such

programmes during 2009-2010. In addition, the project publishes Annamayya’s works

– books, cassettes, certifications, notations etc – and distributes some of them for free.

Drusya Sravana Project produces audio visual artifacts related to the Lord Sri

Venkateswara. Other projects such as Dasa Sahityam, Alwar Divya Prabandham etc

seek to document traditional oral works, preserve ancient manuscripts, and such.

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2.8 Institutions run by TTD

Dharma Prachara Parishad (DPP) is the clearing-house for a majority of TTD’s

religious promotional activities. Its mandate is to promote and propagate Sanatana

Dharma by means of projects, publications, funding and such. They run several

schools to impart religious education, conduct certification courses, sponsor

scholarships and fund several constructions. DPP also encourages the preservation of

ancient knowledge systems by funding the recitation of Vedas at several temples,

conducting religious discourses on a periodic basis, and financially helping other

religious institutions. Further TTD owns and runs several schools and colleges as

charitable institutions.

2.9 Marketing

Marketing focuses on purchase of quality material for all the TTD institutions through

a centralized purchase function. These materials include expensive dry fruits,

condiments required for the preparation of prasadam, as well as other commodities

required for other purposes. In addition, this department is responsible for selling the

human hair collected at the Kalyanakatta. During 2009-20010, more than Rs.64.56

crores worth of material has been purchased. Receipts during the same period amount

to nearly Rs.70 crores.

2.10 Properties

The properties cell deals with acquisition of properties through land acquisition /

private negotiations, removal of encroachments, suits related to immovable properties,

correspondence related to acquisition of Kalyanamandapams, Basic registers, Gift

properties, alienation of lands, and Wills and Endowments. Several properties are

gifted to the Lord by devotees. TTD has a mandate to secure all such properties and

manage them.

2.11 Forest Management

Vast tracts of forest land belonging to TTD has, over time, become barren and devoid

of vegetation. Efforts are underway to generate more green cover and arrest the

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degradation of the forests, maintain wild life, conserve the water resources etc.,

During 2006-2007, receipts amounted to nearly Rs.20.25 lakhs and payments nearly

Rs.879.78 lakhs.

2.12 Garden management

Garden department manages several gardens for supplying flowers to the temple, as

also for landscaping. During 2009-2010, 1.90 lakh kgs. of flowers worth Rs.1.50

crores was received as donation. TTD manages about 200 acres of gardens. They are

taking steps through engineering means for waste water recycling. They are also in

the process of setting up a Flower Processing Campus.

2.13 Transportation

TTD maintains a fleet of about 300 vehicles for ferrying pilgrims as well as for

departmental travel. During 2009-2010, receipts amounted to about Revenue

Receipts Rs.1.2 crores and Revenue payments Rs.22.98 crores.

2.14 Medical services

TTD runs nearly 10 hospitals / dispensaries and health sub centres. They also run

pharmacies. At the Tirumala Aswini Hospital, nearly 3 lakh patients have been

treated during 2009-2010. The drugs and medical equipment, Ayurveda formulations

etc, required for TTD hospitals, dispensaries and Government-run hospitals at

Tirupati are purchased through the central drug stores.

2.15 Publications

TTD brings out a monthly magazine in several languages to promote the cause of

Hindu religion. The magazine has an average yearly circulation of more than 7 lakh.

In addition, they fund the publication of religious books written by renowned authors.

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2.16 Digital Library

The digital library seeks to store valuable manuscripts, sound archives, inscriptions,

printed books, paintings, music, performing arts, Ayurveda, astronomy, mathematics,

sculptures, iconography etc in digital form and make them available through internet

for all scholars in free to read format.

2.17 Dairy farm

Primary objective is the collection, preservation and distribution of pure cow mile,

curd and butter to various temples and institutions of TTD. The farm also manages

several elephants, horses and bulls, as also the civet cats for producing punugu. A

trust is created for accepting donations towards animal welfare. During 2009-2010,

the Trust has received nearly Rs.22.00 Crores. The dairy farm received about Rs.2.30

crores and spent about Rs.67.00 lakhs.

2.18 Legal cases

The writ petitions, suits, original petitions, original applications, execution petitions,

appeals, calendar cases – most of them relating to properties, encroachments, mirasi,

service matters, leases, labour, tenancy, land acquisition – are dealt with by the legal

department. As on 2006-07, a total of 1,774 [1,599 existing + 175 new cases] have

been registered, 617 cases disposed of, leaving 1,157 cases pending.

3. 0 Scope of Work

The work under this RFP primarily deals with consulting services for two broad areas

of work under Schedule-A and Schedule B respectively.

3.1 Schedule-A

Scope of work comprises (a) the study of existing processes, (b) documenting the

requirements for transformed services, (c) assembling an RFP for selection of an

implementation agency, and (d) managing the bid process for selection of an

implementation agency.

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3.2 Schedule-B

Scope of work comprises a scientific study of the demand patterns, growth triggers,

challenges and scale of supply upgradation to meet the demand, alignment of chain of

activities, from a perspective of near term, medium term and long term. Such

demand, manifested in the aggressive growth in the number of visitors year on year,

would in the long run spawn a huge surge in all the services in the chain – such as

darshan, accommodation, tonsuring, arjitha sevas, free meal, prasadam, sanitation,

drinking water etc., besides challenging the travel arrangements back and forth. This

study needs to examine the feasibility of, and strategy for streamlining the visitor

inflow by regulating them at Tirupati, balancing and optimizing uphill-downhill

accommodation, mechanical interventions like automated movement system,

regulating uphill travel by automobiles, etc.

This study should be able to produce a few quick inputs which can be incorporated in

the design of Schedule-A activities, in addition to a comprehensive time-phased

perspective plan for the overall objective of demand and supply matching.

An essential first step for the Consultant is to assemble all the major stakeholders on a

common platform, where they can freely articulate their objectives and aspirations; to

harmonize them against the Consultants own outside in perspective, and finally to

arrive and agree on a common, shared vision of the project and to build a sense of

ownership among the stakeholders. The following discussion details some major

areas of concern.

3.3 Schedule-A areas of Study

The scope of this project, ending with recommendations on identification of the

Implementation Agency (IA) pertains to organizational services which are divided

into two categories, depending on their criticality and impact on the stakeholder


3.3.1 Category-I Services - Pilgrim facing / related services

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To improve the Pilgrim Services at Tirupati and Tirumala and to alleviate the

hardships, all systems catering to various pilgrim services need to be thoroughly

studied and suitable recommendations need to be made for alignment of the complete

chain of pilgrim activities to the various services and amenities, supported by

integrated IT infrastructure, predictable queue management, reliable logistical

systems and one-stop service centres. These include Accommodation both at

Tirumala and Tirupati, Darshan management, various schemes for special darshan,

and finally, Reservations and ticketing for Arjitha sevas. Information needs of

pilgrims have to be gathered and innovative channels for dissemination in a

comfortable and human friendly fashion through such means as one-stop service

centres need to be explored and suggested,

3.3.2 Category-II – Enterprise functions

These services are required to be fully automated to make them more efficient,

effective and timely. Where already some computerization has taken place, such

components need to be consolidated into an integrated system. These processes,

therefore, need to be studied and a Functional Requirement Specification (FRS)

prepared that captures the TO-BE state of these processes. These include areas such

as finance and accounts, human capital management, e-procurement etc. The

consultant should also look into the possibility of, whether an ERP system would be

required to address these areas.

3.4 Schedule-A: Detailed Description of the areas of the Study

The following is a list of some of the major processes across the two categories of the

services identified above. The consultant would study these, and all subsidiary

process in order to prepare “TO BE” document, which will go as an input into the

design of the solution.

3.4.1 Category I

1. Pilgrim Services 1. Use of a single integrated database and application for all

electronic booking services - which is scalable for future

enhancements (to be available to diversified delivery channels),

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and very user-friendly.

2. Provision for a single-window booking for Darshan,

accommodation and sevas. Study the feasibility of bookings with

time sequenced availability of service in integrated way.

3. Access to booking from in-house counters as well as Offsite

counters including making available through innovative service


4. Redesign the booking facilities and counters to bring uniform look

and feel

5. Service of Sudarshan Registration remote, local and online

6. Service of accommodation reservation of different types including

locker allotments

7. Registration of Arjitha Sevas in remote, local and online modes

8. Package of Services – like Sudarshanam, transport, free

accommodation, tonsure and laddu along with different


9. Different types of Darshan Bookings including local temples

10. VIP services and discretionary quota

11. Requirements for 24x7 “Call Centre” for Pilgrim Services

12.Status checking through other channels (LCD displays in-house as

well as offsite, television, Kiosks and print media

13.Integration of Cottage Allotment, Arjitha Sevas with Accounts

and Finance

14. System of laddu issuance

2. Accommodation


There are several types of accommodation available in Tirumala as

well as in Tirupati. There are choultries, cottages and dormitories. In

addition there are Kalayana mandapams (Marriage Halls). Some of

these are given free, while others charge a rent. There is also a facility

for donors to use specific cottage rooms for a limited number of days,

on non-peak days. There are institutional donors, who own and

manage their own cottages. The following are some of the major


1. Ability to book accommodation of different types, locally, online

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and through offsite counters

2. Accurate, up to the minute information on occupancy

3. Integration with Accounts System.

3. Kalyana Katta


1. Detailed Study of the process and suggest on reengineering /

improvements, this includes recommendations on outsourcing

and designing other service models.

2. Process automation (including video capturing of key events), to

facilitate online availability of information

3. Possibility of implementing the same system in far off points /

extensions of Kalyana Katta i.e. Choultries etc.

4. Work allocation, attendance, work completed by each Tonsurer.

5. Integration with Accounts System.

4. Annadanam


1. Issue and validation of daily free meal tickets including possible

usage of counting devices or other technologies.

2. Stock indenting, purchase and goods receipts

Tracking of Donations, time expiry of Donor entitlements

3. Accounts reconciliation and Integration with Accounts System.

5. Potu (Temple



1. Stock issue

2. Stock reconciliation (against issue of laddus)

3. Integration with Accounts System

6. Local Temple


An evaluation needs to be done if these temples require stand-alone

systems development or whether these can be integrated as partitions

in the larger systems to be deployed at TTD. The following is the

scope, irrespective of whether it is going to be a stand alone system or

integrated deployment at TTD.

1. Electronic indenting of Goods and Services

2. Electronic register to maintain stock position, receipts, issues

3. Electronic stock statements

4. Electronic reconciliation of cash receipts through sale of

prasadam, sevas and darshanam (possibly using Point-Of-Sale


5. Connectivity to about 5 temples (PAT, GT, KT, KRT & SKVST

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RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

etc) to facilitate this tracking

6. Connectivity to Accounts System

3.4.2 Category II services

1. Human Resource


As the Human Resource management is the key to any

organization, the current HR practices need to be studied and

recommend actions made on managing HR functions from

Recruitment to Retirement. A major component of this activity

will be Performance management and incentivization.

Study the HR processes with a view to understanding the gaps

in the process and recommend suitable designs to make these

processes more efficient and transparent. TTD employs in all

categories put together (i.e. regular, deputation from

government and its agencies, temporary, part-time, contractual,

out-sourced) about 10,000 people currently spread over about 15

locations spread across India. Of these, about 80% work at

Tirupati and Tirumala, 15% in other districts of A.P., rest in

other parts of India.

Look at the following for a list of possible interventions:

1. Need for a comprehensive HR information system detailing

such things as employee profiles, past and current training

needs, pay scale information, postings, transfers,

promotions and disciplinary incidents etc.

2. Integration with Pay & accounts Office, Service Registers,

Audit Wing, Accounts wing and Finance Wing, Leave

Accounts, Loan Accounts etc.,

3. Recruitment of permanent and contract staff, manpower

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requirement prediction, retention, and other service matters,

Possibilities on out-sourcing and hiring out-sourcing


4. Study the existing EDP Department of TTD and

recommend a suitable IT organization structure, roles,

broad skill levels and job descriptions in order to elevate

the IT function into an inhouse resource base providing

premium services in the areas of IT infrastructure, IT

application development, software quality assurance,

configuration management, system audit etc.

2. Finance and


Finance and accounting is a pivotal activity that brings together

a diverse set of processes around it; the linkages should be

studied with other departments like Inventory and marketing,

and proper redesign needs to be suggested

Study the exiting finance and accounting systems of TTD, with

a view to understand -

a) Accounting procedures,

b) Receipts from different units, including

foreign currency Capital Assets

c) Treasury functions and bank reconciliation

including bank guarantee management

d) Expenditure approvals, tracking, cheque

registers etc

f) Taxes and Statutory compliance including

IT, VAT, Service Tax compliance

g) Financial Approvals and MIS Reports in

Financial accounting

f) Budgeting which includes Cost planning,

Distribution of costs, Cost Element &

Cost Centre Accounting

g) Internal Orders and MIS Reports in

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h) Funds tracking including Donations and

Grants, Leasing of assets

i) Auditing – Pre-audit, Post audit, Internal


j) Payroll processing

Payroll Elements

Wage Types and Grades

Scale Types and levels

Promotions, Transfers, Leaves (All leaves and its


Increments, Loans and Advances, Recoveries and

Pay Fixations

MIS and Statutory Reports in Payroll

k) Jewellery appraisal

• Master list of jewellery

• Appointment of appraisers

• Auctions

• Process of valuation

• Receipts and selling of Jewellery

l) Parakamani

• Process for random selection people for


• Process for authentication

• Process for recording the transactions and audit


• Online information about collection and


• Exploring the possibilities of currency counting

machines and other automation machines.

Design a comprehensive solution that implements accrual based

accounting and seeks to integrate the existing and ongoing

initiatives (Tally implementation) for bringing in better

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coherence and harmony. The solution must lay down clear

information flow from the drawing units to the central solution.

3. e-Procurement

and Works




For all procurement of goods and services the procurement

cycle needs to be studied in detail, the possibility of adopting an

e-Procurement approach needs to be thoroughly evaluated.

Existing applications of e-Procurement are an important element

of TTD operations and must be leveraged during the study. A

number of civil and engineering works are undertaken by TTD

as part of internal service. The process for works planning,

estimation, and execution needs to be studied and suggestions

for improvement to be made.

Study the Engineering Works management processes with a

view to understanding their execution life-cycle, and design

suitable interventions to make these processes more efficient,

and transparent. Works amounting to more than Rs.100 crores

are executed per year by TTD.

Look at the following for a list of possible interventions:

1. Electronic Request for Work

2. Tools for estimation, including historic data

about past works

3. Electronic payments for works

4. Study e-Procurement for Engineering works

and recommend

a) Improvements

b) Amplifying the scope of


5. Project planning and monitoring.

6. Connectivity to Accounts System

4. Asset and



TTD is the owner of numerous assets and properties in and

around the Temple, as well as in other places across the country.

A complete tracking of these properties needs to be studied and

a good system of asset tracking needs to be proposed.

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1. Asset acquisition and Asset inventory (unique asset id)

2. Depreciation of Assets

3. Asset transfers and disposal of assets

4. Assets database, tracking, and maintenance ( Moveable

& Immovable )

5. Taxation on assets

6. Work Order generation for maintenance work

7. Tracking of litigation

8. Connectivity to accounts System and MIS Reports in

Asset Management

9. Demand, Collection and Balance for Revenue

5. Document


1. Scanning and archival solution for various documents,

files, manuscripts etc

2. User-friendly interface to access, browse, query and search

the archives for specific information

3. Solution must design a standard meta-data

4. Efficient indexing to be suggested

6. Purchase and

Inventory (referred

to as Marketing in


Study the existing purchase and stores functions, with a view to

understand -

a) the internal supply process life-cycle, e-tendering,

procurement, inwarding, warehousing, testing and

fulfillment of needs;

b) the bottlenecks to their efficient functioning;

c) the possibilities and options regarding Centralizing

purchase functionality, approvals of purchase requisitions

and purchase orders, vendor evaluation process and MIS

reports in purchasing.

d) The gaps in the expertise of TTD staff with respect to the

above functions Design a comprehensive solution that

caters to the entire gamut of supply chains across

departments, including consumables, office supplies,

fixtures, kitchen supplies, transport supplies etc., To tracks

their acquisition, T&P registers, contracts, AMC’s,

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servicing schedules etc. Look at the following list for

possible interventions:

1. Study the online auctioning of human hair And suggest

improvements to build expertise and capacity

2. Study e-Tendering of Condiments and suggest

a) Improvements to the process and

b) Opportunities to expand the ambit of e-Tendering to

other consumables and prasadam ingredients

3. Electronic tracking of indents, stock, issues, receipts,

debtors, creditors, and payments in an integrated fashion

4. Connection to the stock points and warehouses to facilitate

3 above; there are about 7 stock points on the hill

and more than 10 in Tirupati.

5. Payments through electronic means (ECS)

6. Miscellaneous procurement (a simple store and retrieve

system to monitor this) along with connection to the main


7. Study the Quality Control testing facility available at

Tirumala and suggest:

a) Improvements

b) Methods to build expertise and capacity

c) Feasibility of creating a Testing Laboratory at the point

of stock receipt (at Tirupati)

8. Electronic tracking of stock availability at the main

Kalyanakatta and about 10 mini Kalyanakattas (human hair

tonsuring centres) at Tirumala on a real time basis.

9. Management of stock registers for all consumables, tools,

computing equipment, fixtures, furniture, office supplies


10. Opportunity for commissioning Point-Of- Sale devices at

critical interfaces

11. Connectivity to Accounts System.

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7. Transport 1. Vehicle scheduling – standard as well as adhoc

2. Muster for the drivers

3. Fuel accounting

4. Schedule-I maintenance: minor maintenance for the

vehicle at the end of day

5. Schedule-II maintenance: Periodic mandatory docking of

the vehicle for complete maintenance

6. Tracking and Alerts for Miscellaneous tasks like Vehicle

fitness tests, vehicle insurance and vehicle taxes

7. Stores of spare parts

8. Purchase and Auction of vehicles

9. Connectivity to accounts System

8. Management of

TTD run institutions

Scope includes tracking of Grants / funds, UC’s, submission of

progress and status reports on their functioning and connectivity

to Accounts System for the following TTD-run institutions:

1. Welfare Institutions

2. Educational Institutions including religious education


3. Medical Institutions and Hospitals

The scope is limited to reporting requirements of these

institutions to TTD including

a. Financial Accounting

b. Fixed Asset Management

c. Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable

d. Planning and monitoring of progress

e. HR and Payroll in these institutions

f. MIS Reports

3.5 Geographical Scope of the Study

The Study is limited to Tirupati, Tirumala and Study of five identified Local Temples

under TTD. In addition, two offices - one at Vijayawada and one at Hyderabad – need

to be studied to understand the branch operations.

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RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

3.6 Scope of Technology Architecture

Scanning the different technology products / tools and comparing the functional

features, applicability of the solutions and pros and cons of using them for e-TTD.

The aspects of scalability, security, interoperability and open standards, performance

of different applications/products to be taken up as part of technology architecture.

3.7 Scope of Change Management

Scope includes the study of the people issues relating to Change Management,

Training to equip employees with new skills, Mandating use of e-TTD i.e. cut-off

date for stopping manual operations and migration to new system (Where and IT

System and application is available), Policy on incentivization to quick adoption of

new system. Some of the key issues in this area are :

1. Setting up an appropriate Governance Structure

2. Empowered Committee to take quick decisions

3. Measures and suggestions on incentivizing the adoption and usage

3.8 Scope of Designing of Service Models

The consultant shall develop a funding and resource options for the e-TTD which

includes Business model options such as BOOT model, approach to outsourcing

identified tasks and functions.

3.9 Scope of Program Management and Communication


The consultant shall prepare guidelines for establishing a mechanism for monitoring

and validation within the TTD, for effective governance and oversight of

implementation, and for ensuring that the Implementing Agency complies with the

overall provisions of RFP-2. This mechanism, or PMU, shall be entrusted with

keeping a track of the overall progress and health of these initiatives. Consultant shall

prepare a model structure, along with the requirement of people (qualifications,

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experience, numbers) and their roles and responsibilities, and the infrastructure (H/W

and S/W) required for the PMU.

3.10 Scope of Bid Process Management

The following activities would be performed by Consultant in this phase

1) Support TTD in the Pre-bid Conference.

2) Preliminary scrutiny of the proposals received.

3) Support the Evaluation Committee set up by TTD for evaluation of bids as needed.

4) Support TTD in negotiations if required, concluding with agreement with the Implementation Agency/ies selected.

3.11 Key Activities to be undertaken

The most important activities to be undertaken as part of the scope are as under:

1. To identify the stakeholders, classification of the stakeholders, setting

objectives of stakeholder consultation, elicitation of views of

stakeholders at various levels, To hold a day-long “Visioning Workshop”

involving relevant stakeholders at Tirupati. The participants for the

stakeholder workshop should be carefully selected to cover the broad

spectrum of the e-TTD stakeholders.

2. Identify the departments corresponding to the services in scope for conducting

process study, Collect data from them, Analyze the data.

3. AS-IS assessment (identify problems, issues and bottlenecks to pilgrim

eco- system). If required, visit the auxiliary temples and offices to gather

more Requirements. Identify the major workflows and processes and

document them

4. Identify the requirements for a streamlined, high quality pilgrim eco-


5. Identify the gaps for achieving such a pilgrim eco-system

6. Design the TO-BE processes in each case

7. Study the existing IT infrastructure and suggest suitable interventions to

design an IT Roadmap for TTD including the following.

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a. Guidelines for Information capture, storage, retrieval and presentation

across the organization

b. Data Centre: Capacity planning, Bill of Material for DC, Location,

and Backups

c. Disaster recovery: IT continuity planning, need for mirroring /

redundancy and recommendations for Disaster Recover Centre (DRC)

d. Intranet for use by employees providing collaboration, email,

discussion forums and online chatting.

e. Knowledge Management infrastructure for tracking GO’s, circulars,

case laws, Standard Operating Procedures and employee profiles etc.

f. A system for managing various manual registers, Tools and Plants,

Tappals etc in electronic form across the organization, so as to avoid

paper proliferation and information duplication

g. IT security policy

h. Guidelines for systemic IT enablement including computing power to

end users

8. Create the necessary functional descriptions into a System Requirements


9. Identify and document the technical, manpower and resource requirements

10. Identify and document the cost and time for implementation

11. Create a full-fledged project plan for implementation

12. Identify and document the SLA requirements for implementation

13. Create the Acceptance testing and certification requirements

14. Document the Change management and capacity building requirements

15. Identify and document biding terms, qualifying criteria, evaluation criteria,

bidding formats, SLA terms, contractual terms etc for implementation

16. Manage the complete bidding process to select the implementation agency

3.12 Deliverables

3.12.1 Report-I

A1. Preparation of IT Vision, Mission and Strategy for next 10 years: After

consulting with all the stakeholders and on completion of Vision Workshop, these

need to be finalized and brought in tune with the stakeholder expectations.

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A2. Report on AS-IS study: On the services and process outlined in the scope of

work. This report would bring out the current situation of the TTD’s services,

process, the problems and issues with the present practices and system.

A3. Report on TO-BE design: on the services and process outlined in the scope of

work. It will also set benchmarks on various parameters of efficiency, transparency

and accountability.

A3.1 RE-ENGINEERED processes for Category-I and II

A3.2 FRS for Category-I and II services

3.12.2 Report-II

B1. Technology architecture and solution model that will support the

implementation of the functional requirements for the processes in scope, including

Database architecture, network architecture, hardware, partitioning of applications,

security architecture, security policy, data centre model, disaster recovery model etc.

B2. Make-Buy matrix for selecting an ERP solution for qualifying (candidate)

services indicating specific product to be selected

B3. Phasing strategy for prioritizing the implementation of services

B4. Report on Service areas, services, and service levels and metrics for the list of

services emerging from the scope of work

B5. Report on “SREE SEVA” service centre architecture, possible locations,

specifications for interiors, bill of materials for hardware

B6. Data entry and migration strategy

B7. Acceptance Testing and Certification methodology

3.12.3 Report-III

C1. Recommendations on Change Management Strategy including on

organization restructure to support the redesigned services

C2. Capacity building and Training Plan

C3. Implementation models including PPP

C4. Cost estimate for the entire program for 5 years

C5. Recommendations on the IT organization for TTD

C6. Recommendations for setting up a PMU to monitor the implementation

3.12.4 Report-IV

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RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

D1. Long term plan incorporating the results of the scientific study of queue patterns

and Demand-Supply matching

3.12.5 Report-V

E1. RFP-II will consist of the complete set of documentation required for selecting

the Implementation Agency (IA) including functional requirements and technical

specifications, pre-qualification criteria, operational and legal specifications, SLAs,

Commercial Specifications, evaluation criteria, terms & conditions

E2. Recommendations on the selection of IA and Draft Contract Agreement to be

signed between the IA and the TTD.

3.13 Suggested Schedule

All the phases of the consultancy, covering all the scope elements, including the Bid

Process Management should be completed in five months. The total duration of the

project is proposed to be 20 weeks. The break-up of the timeline as per the phases is

given below:

Selection of consultant: 08-11-2010

Visioning Workshop : 19-11-2010

Intermediate Reports : 04-01-2011

Schedule-B report : 12-01-2011

RFP-II : 18-01-2011

Selection of IA : 31-03-2011

3.14 Additional Information

The consultants are advised to look at for information about the

TTD services and to gain a basic understanding. The volume of transactions are

provided as Annexure – VI of this RFP-1

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RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

4.0 Bid Process

4.1 General Instructions to Bidders

1. This invitation for bids is open to all firms who fulfill pre-qualification criteria as

specified in this RFP-1.

2. The bid shall be valid for a period of 180 (One hundred eighty) days from the date

of submission. Selected consultant shall enter into a formal contract with TTD and

provide necessary performance guarantees as required.

3. The bidder shall deploy large multi disciplinary team to work in parallel,

concurrent streams so as to reduce the over all turn-around time.

4. The bidder shall deploy adequate number of people who are conversant with the

local language and culture, with atleast one person in leadership position.

5. All expenses incurred by the bidder for the purpose of bidding, such as cost of bid

preparation, presentations, seeking clarifications, correspondence, travel, printing,

postage etc shall be borne by the bidder. TTD shall not bear any liability for the


6. The Executive Officer, TTD reserves the right to require that all the personnel of

selected bidder undergo a background check / security clearances as is deemed

necessary, before they are appointed on this assignment.

7. All enquiries from the bidders relating to this RFP-1 must be submitted in writing

exclusively to the contact person(s) identified by EO, TTD. The mode of

delivering written questions would be through post or email. In no event will EO,

TTD, be responsible for ensuring that bidders’ inquiries have been received by


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RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

8. EO, TTD will endeavor to provide a complete, accurate, and timely response to all

questions to all the bidders. However, EO, TTD makes no representation or

warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of any response, nor does EO, TTD

undertake to answer all the queries that have been posed by the bidders.

9. EO, TTD makes no commitments, explicit or implicit, that this process will result

in a business transaction with anyone.

10. This RFP-1 does not constitute an offer by EO, TTD. The bidder’s participation in

this process may result in EO, TTD selecting the bidder to engage in further

discussions and negotiations towards execution of an agreement. The

commencement of such negotiations does not, however, signify a commitment by

EO, TTD to execute an agreement or to continue negotiations.

11. Conflict of interest: Bidder shall furnish an affirmative statement as to the

existence of, absence of, or potential for conflict of interest on the part of the

bidder or consortium partner due to prior, current, or proposed contracts,

engagements, or affiliations with EO, TTD. Additionally, such disclosure shall

address any and all potential elements (resource, financial or other) that would

adversely impact the ability of the bidder to complete the requirements as given in

the RFP-1.

12. In case of Consortium (as allowed / mentioned in pre-qualification criteria of this

RFP-1) only Prime Bidder will submit the bids and sign the agreement

13. Notwithstanding anything contained in this RFP-1 and subsequent agreement with

the finalized Consultant, all the members of the Consortium of Companies,

entrusted with the responsibilities of the Project, shall be jointly and severally

responsible to EO, TTD in respect of meeting the responsibilities and liabilities

arising out of this assignment.

14. Bid Security: The bidders who wish to bid for this RFP-1, shall submit, along with

their Bids, a Bid Security of Rs.3,00,000/-( Rupees Three Lakh only) in the form

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RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

of a Demand Draft issued by a scheduled bank in favor of “EO, TTD” payable at

Tirupati. Bid security in any other form will not be entertained.

15. The bid security of all unsuccessful bidders would be refunded by EO, TTD

within 30 days of the bidder being notified by EO, TTD as being unsuccessful.

The bid security, for the amount mentioned above, of successful bidder would be

returned upon submission of Performance Bank Guarantee.

16. The bid submitted without bid security, mentioned above, will be liable for

rejection without providing any opportunity to the bidder concerned.

4.2 Key activities and Important dates for the purpose this RFP

are outlined below:

S. No Key Activities Date

1. Publish Request For Proposal-1 (RFP-1) 06-10-2010

2. Last date for Submission of Queries by bidders 11-10-2010

3. Last Date for Submission of Proposals 20-10-2010

4. Opening of Pre-Qualification Bid 20-10-2010

5. Date of opening the Technical Proposals 25-10-2010

6. Bidder Presentations 29-10-2010

7. Date of opening the Commercial Proposals 03-11-2010

8. Contract Finalization and Award 06-11-2010

4.3 Disqualifications

TTD may, at its sole discretion and at any time during the bid process, disqualify any

bidder, if the bidder has:

1. Submitted the bid documents after the response deadline;

2. Made misleading or false representations in the forms, statements and

attachments submitted in proof of the eligibility requirements;

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RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

3. Exhibited a record of poor performance such as abandoning works, not

properly completing the contractual obligations, inordinately delaying

completion or financial failures, etc. in any project in the preceding three


4. Submitted a proposal that is not accompanied by required documentation is


5. Failed to provide clarifications related thereto, when sought;

6. Submitted more than one bid either individually or as a consortia member;

7. Is declared ineligible by the Government of India (GoI) / Government of

Andhra Pradesh (GoAP), for corrupt and fraudulent practices.

8. Proposal not submitted in accordance with the procedure and formats

prescribed in this document are treated as non-conforming proposal.

9. During validity of the proposal, or its extended period, if any, the bidder

increases his quoted prices.

10. The bidder qualifies the proposal with his own conditions.

11. Proposal is received in incomplete form.

12. If Bidder provides quotation only for a part of the project

13. Information submitted in technical proposal is found to be misrepresented,

incorrect or false, accidentally, unwittingly or otherwise, at any time during

the processing of the agreement (no matter at what stage) or during the tenure

of the agreement including the extension period if any.

14. If any Price or Commercial information is furnished in the technical proposal.

15. Bidder tries to influence the proposal evaluation process by unlawful / corrupt

/ fraudulent means at any point of time during the bid process

16. In case any one party submits multiple proposals or if common interests are

found in two or more bidders, the bidders are likely to be disqualified.

17. Bidder fails to deposit the Performance Guarantee (PG) or fails to enter into an

Agreement within 10 working days from the date of issue of letter of award or

within such extended period, as may be specified by EO, TTD

18. Bidders may specifically note that while evaluating the proposals, if it comes

to EO, TTD knowledge expressly or implied, that some bidders may have

colluded in any manner whatsoever or otherwise joined to form an alliance

resulting in delaying the processing of proposal then the bidders so involved

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are liable to be disqualified for this agreement as well as for a further period of

three years from participation in any of the tenders floated by EO, TTD.

4.4 Bid Submission Instructions

Proposals must be direct, concise, and complete. All information not directly relevant

to this RFP-1 should be omitted. EO, TTD will evaluate bidder’s proposal based on

its clarity and the directness of its response to the requirements of the assignment as


a. Proposal submitted by the bidder shall comprise the following:

i. Proposal covering letter (covering letter is set forth in Annexure - I) along

with the bid security.

ii. Prequalification proposal in the format as specified in Annexure - II.

iii. Technical proposal in the format as specified below and in Annexure - III.

iv. Commercial proposal as specified in Annexure - IV.

v. Any other information that is required to be submitted in the proposal


b. The bidders must submit prequalification, technical proposal both in hardcopy and

softcopy format properly labeled as specified in below clauses.

c. Bidder shall submit with its proposal, inter alia, the following attachment:

i. A certified true copy of the consortium agreement between the Prime Bidder

and all the other members of the consortium, describing the respective roles and

responsibilities of all the members, in meeting the overall scope and requirements

of the proposed project.

d. Bidders shall furnish the required information on their technical and commercial

strengths in the enclosed formats only. Any deviations in format may make the bid

liable for rejection. The bid shall be attached with the covering letter as specified

in Annexure - I and shall be enclosed in the main envelope, which has the Bid

Security, Prequalification bid, Technical bid and Commercial bid Envelopes.

Proposals not submitted with this covering letter shall be liable for rejection.

4.5 Prequalification criteria

TTD requires that the prospective bidders need to meet the following prequalification

conditions. It is to be clearly understood that only those bidders who meet all these

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RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

conditions are eligible to have their bids considered for technical evaluation.

Prequalification bid will be used for assessing the bidders on the basis of

prequalification criteria laid down in this RFP-1. Therefore the bidders are required to

submit this bid in specified format furnishing all the required information and

supporting documents. A bid may be rejected at prequalification stage itself and not

considered for technical evaluation if it fails to satisfy the prequalification criteria

specified in this RFP-1.

1. The bidder, or the prime bidder (in case of consortium) shall be a company

registered in India.

2. A consortium can have a maximum of two partners.

3. The bidder or prime bidder (in case of consortium) should have been in existence

for the last 5 years

4. The bidder or prime bidder (in case of consortium) should be a profit making

entity and should have an average annual revenue of Rs.50 Crores for the last

three consecutive financial years from consulting and advisory services. The

revenues of subsidiaries will not be considered for this purpose.

5. The bidder and / or member of consortium should have on their rolls, not less than

80 consultants in management consulting and IT (Information Technology)

consulting together.

6. The bidder and / or member of consortium should have prior experience of atleast

one engagement of consulting for managing large visitor inflow with complex

requirements on a scale comparable to TTD. For the purpose of illustration and


Characteristics of such scale include things like - more than 20,000 visitors per

day, regulated entry and exit with geographical limitations and constraints, limited

stay and food resources, up hill and down hill travel etc, or any combination of


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RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

Examples of similar systems are: International pilgrim centers, tourist centers and

exhibition and trade promotion centers of comparable magnitude. International

Airports, large scale pilgrimages like Sabarimalai, Vaishno Devi and Kumbha

Mela, large entertainment arenas like Disney Land and Essel World, and mega

events like National Games, India Industrial Expo, Hanover Fair etc.

7. The bidder and / or member of consortium should have prior experience of atleast

one engagement of consulting for enterprise application design using COTS,

whose order value shall not be less than Rs.50 Lakhs.

8. The bidder and / or member of consortium should have in-house knowledge and

skills to design integrated, robust queue management and logistic systems. Bidder

should deploy experts in these areas in sufficient numbers to bring depth and

strength to the study and solution design. Examples of such expertise include

people having advanced credentials in the study and practice of Operations

Research (OR), Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Industrial

Engineering(IE). The bidder shall demonstrate the availability of these experts

with the bidder organizations.

4.6 Deviation and Exclusions

The bidder shall provide the deviations and exclusions, if any, from the requirements

as defined in this RFP-1 in the format provided in Annexure - V. EO, TTD shall

have complete discretion in treating the deviations and exclusions in any manner that

he deems suitable for the bidding process.

4.7 Total Responsibility

Bidder (Prime bidder in case of a consortium) should issue a statement undertaking total responsibility for the complete project, which shall not include any conditional statements.

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4.8 Signature

The covering letter must be signed with the bidder’s name and by a representative of

the bidder, who is authorized to commit the bidder to agreement obligations. All

obligations committed by such signatories must be fulfilled.

4.9 Language of the Proposal

The proposal and all correspondence and documents shall be written in English. All

proposals and accompanying documentation will become the property of EO, TTD

and will not be returned.

4.10 Prices

The bidder shall quote the price as per specified format for the entire assignment on a

single responsibility basis. In case of a consortium, the prime bidder of the successful

consortium shall be solely held responsible for discharging all the responsibilities

during the period of agreement. The price would be inclusive of all applicable taxes,

duties, charges and levies, unless specified otherwise. The prices, once offered, must

remain fixed and must not be subject to escalation for any reason whatsoever within

the period of agreement. A proposal submitted with an adjustable price quotation or

conditional proposal may be rejected as non-responsive. Any increase in rates of

taxes will be to the account of bidder.

4.11 Correction of Errors

Bidders are advised to exercise adequate care in quoting the prices. No excuse for

corrections in the quoted price will be entertained after the proposals are opened. All

corrections, if any, should be initialled by the person signing the proposal form before

submission, failing which the figures for such items may not be considered.

Arithmetic errors in proposals will be corrected as follows: In case of discrepancy

between the amounts mentioned in figures and in words, the amount in words shall

govern. The amount stated in the proposal form, adjusted in accordance with the

above procedure, shall be considered as binding, unless it causes the overall proposal

price to rise, in which case the proposal price shall govern.

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RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

4.12 Non-conforming proposals

A proposal may be construed as a non-conforming proposal and made ineligible for

consideration under the following situations:

(a) If it does not comply with the requirements of this RFP-1. Failure to comply with

the technical requirements, and acknowledgment of receipt of amendments, are

common causes for holding proposals non-conforming.

(b) If a proposal appears to be “canned” presentations of promotional materials that

do not follow the format requested in this RFP-1 or do not appear to address the

particular requirements of this RFP-1 and any such bidders may also be disqualified.

4.13 Modification and withdrawal of Proposals

No proposal may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of

proposals and the expiration of the validity period specified by the bidder on the

proposal form.

4.14 Acknowledgement of understanding of terms and

conditions of this RFP-1

By submitting a proposal, each bidder shall be deemed to acknowledge that they have

carefully read all sections of this RFP-1, including all forms, schedules and

annexure hereto, and has fully informed themselves as to all existing conditions and


4.15 Conditions

Any work product, whether acceptable or unacceptable, developed under an

agreement awarded as a result of this RFP-1 shall be the sole property of EO, TTD

unless stated otherwise in the definitive Agreement. Timing and sequence of events

resulting from this RFP-1 shall ultimately be determined by EO, TTD.

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RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

No oral conversations or agreements with any official, agent, or employee of TTD

shall affect or modify any terms of this RFP-1, and any alleged oral agreement or

arrangement made by a bidder with any department, agency, official or employee of

TTD shall be superseded by the definitive Agreement that results from this RFP-1

process. Proposals are subject to rejection if they limit or modify any of the terms and

conditions or specifications of this RFP-1.

Neither the bidder nor any of bidder’s representatives shall have any claims

whatsoever against EO, TTD or any of its respective officials, agents, or employees

arising out of or relating to this RFP-1 or these procedures (other than those arising

under a definitive Agreement with the bidder in accordance with the terms thereof).

4.16 Restrictions

The bidder and the member of the consortium, if any, will be barred from bidding for

implementation of the system, if they are selected as Consultants in response to this


4.17 Clarification on Bid

Bidders are encouraged to seek clarifications on this document (RFP-1). The bidders

are requested to submit any questions in writing through email to reach edpm@tt- with a cc to The last date for seeking

clarifications is on or before 5.00 PM, Dt.11-10-2010. Further communication in this

regard will not be entertained after this date.

4.18 Submission of Responses by Bidders

4.18.1 The bidder shall submit responses (referred to as ‘proposals’ or ‘bid documents’

herein) in a sealed cover consisting of Two (2) copies of all the bid documents (sealed

separately) superscribing on the left hand side top corner as “e-TTD Project -

Original” and “e-TTD Project - Duplicate” respectively. Both copies of the bids

(Original and Duplicate) shall consist of the following documents sealed in separate


Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams Page 41 of 64

RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

1. Signed covering letter along with the bid security (sealed separately)

superscribing on the right hand side top of the cover as “e-TTD – Bid


2. Prequalification bid (sealed separately) superscribing on the right hand side

top of the cover as “e-TTD - Prequalification Bid”

3. Technical bid (sealed separately) superscribing on the right hand side top of

the cover as “e-TTD - Technical Bid”

4. Commercial Proposal (sealed separately) superscribing on the right hand side

top of the cover as “e-TTD - Commercial Bid”

Two complete sets of the soft copies of the Bid Proposal Documents (except

commercial bid) shall also be submitted, following exactly the conventions set forth

above in respect of the hard copies. All the documents comprising the proposal shall

be serially page-numbered, separately in respect of each volume.

4.18.2 List of documents to be submitted as part of Bid documents

a. Prequalification Proposal

Prequalification proposal in the format as provided in Annexure - II along with

the supporting documents.

b. Technical proposal

Technical proposal in the format as provided in Annexure - III Any other

supporting information and documents that is relevant to the bid proposal

c. Commercial proposal (Price Bid)

Commercial proposal in the format provided in Annexure – IV. Commercial

proposal shall be submitted only in the Hard copy format; it should not be

submitted in soft copy, nor any commercial information be mentioned /

referenced / submitted in the Prequalification or Technical bid.

4.19 Last date for submission of bids

Proposals complete in all respects must be received by TTD at the address specified


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RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

The EDP Manager,

Room No.106A, TTD Administrative Buildings,

KT Road, Tirupati - 517501

Last Date for Submission: 3.00 PM, Dt. 20-10-2010.

4.20 Modification, Substitution, And Withdrawal of Proposals

The Bidder is not permitted to modify, substitute, or withdraw their Proposal after


4.21 Bid Opening

The bids would be opened at 4:00 P.M. on Dt.20-10-2010. The Prequalification Bids

will be opened in the presence of bidder's representatives, who choose to attend. The

bidder representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their

attendance. The bidder’s names and such other details considered appropriate, will be

announced at the opening. No bid shall be rejected at bid opening, except for late bids,

which shall be returned unopened.

The technical bids of only those bidders, who are qualified during the prequalification

evaluation, shall be opened. The venue, date and time of opening of the technical bids

will be intimated to bidders at the appropriate time, with adequate notice.

The commercial bids of only those bidders, who are technically qualified during the

technical evaluation, would be opened. The venue, date and time of opening of the

commercial bids of technically qualified bidders will be intimated to them at the

appropriate time, with adequate notice.

The guidelines in the foregoing sub-section will generally be followed by TTD

officers at each such event. However TTD may deviate from these in specific

circumstances if it feels that such deviation are unavoidable, or will improve speed of

processing and consequent project execution.

4.22 Presentations on Technical Bid

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RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

During evaluation of the bids, TTD may, at its discretion, ask the bidder for

clarifications / presentations on their bid.

4.23 Evaluation of Prequalification Bids

4.23.1 Substantial Responsiveness: Prior to the detailed evaluation, TTD will

determine the substantial responsiveness of each bid. For purposes of these clauses, a

substantially responsive bid is one, which conforms to all the terms and conditions of

this RFP-1, without material deviations. TTD will not allow any corrections in case of


4.23.2 Waivers: TTD shall waive minor infirmity, nonconformity or irregularity in a

bid, which does not constitute a material deviation, provided such waiver does not

prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any bidder.

4.23.3 Evaluation of Prequalification bids: Criteria for prequalification have been

specified in clause 4.5 of this document. All the bidders who qualify in all the criteria

are taken into consideration for further stage of technical evaluation.

4.24 Evaluation of Technical Bids

Evaluation of Technical Bids: Criteria for evaluation of technical bids have been

specified in Annexure - III of this document. All the bidders who secure a

Technical Score of 70% or more will be declared as technically qualified. The

commercial bids of only the technically qualified bidders will be opened for further

processing. The bidders will be required to give a presentation at TTD, Tirupati, if so

desired by TTD, elucidating on their methodology and other salient details of their


4.25 Finalization of Consultant

The Commercial Bids of the technically qualified bidders will be opened. The

Consultant is identified based on composite weightage of techno commercial scores

of the qualified bids. The weightage for the composite evaluation is - Technical 70%

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RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

and Commercial 30%. The formula for the calculation of composite score of the

bidder is as follows:

Composite score of the Bidder = (Technical Score X 0.7) + (Commercial score X 0.3)

The bidder with highest composite score will be designated as Best Value Bidder. In

case of a tie in the overall score, bidder with the higher technical score will be invited

for negotiations first.

Fixed Price Bids: Only fixed price / commercial bids inclusive of all taxes

applicable, indicating total price for the deliverables specified in this document will

be considered. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in

words will prevail.

4.26 Confidentiality

Information relating to the examination, clarifications sought from the bidder by TTD,

comparison of the bids, and recommendations for the award of the assignment shall

not be disclosed to the bidders or any other persons not officially concerned with such

process, until the award to the successful bidder has been announced.

4.27 Right to accept bid

TTD reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the bid process and

reject all bids at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any

liability to the affected bidder(s) or any obligation to inform the affected bidder(s) of

the grounds for such decision.

4.28 Negotiations

EO, TTD reserves the right to negotiate with the bidder whose proposal has been

ranked Best value bidder on the basis of Technical and Commercial Evaluation.

However the EO, TTD may negotiate with second best value bidder in case first best

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RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

value bidder refuses to accept the award of work order, submitting the performance

bank guarantee, sign the agreement with in the agreed time.

4.29 Signing of contract and completion of formalities

TTD will send a draft Contract document to the successful bidder, incorporating all

the agreed scope, terms and conditions. On receipt of this document, the successful

bidder shall sign and date the contract and return it to TTD, after duly ascertaining

any clarifications. The successful bidder shall furnish a bank guarantee in accordance

with the conditions of contract. Failure of the successful bidder to sign the contract

shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award, in which event the

TTD may make the award to another bidder or call for fresh bids as appropriate.

4.30 Terms of payment for Consultant.

The following are terms of payment to the Consultant.

Sl.No. Deliverable Percentage payment

1 On submitting and acceptance of the

deliverables Report I and II 30%

2 On submission and acceptance of

deliverable Report III and Report IV 40%


On submission and acceptance of the

deliverable, Report V i.e. RFP-II and on

completion of selection of the IA


4.31 Delivery and Acceptance

Mode of delivery for the deliverables specified will be clearly specified by the bidders

in their proposal. Under normal circumstances deliverables will be formally accepted

after appropriate reviews and assessments by TTD within thirty (30) days from the

date of submission. Any queries with regard to the deliverables will need to be

answered by the bidder within one week.

4.32 Penalty for Non-performance

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RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

Time is the essence of the contract to be entered into by TTD with the Consultant.

The assignment is required to be completed by the timeframe specified in this

document. A penalty of 1% of contract value for delay of each week is liable to be

imposed in the event of delay in the deliverables, subject to a maximum of 20% of the

value of the contract. For this purpose, the non-delivery of any one component in

each deliverable would constitute a delay. For computing the delay for the purpose of

imposing penalty, the delay attributable to decision-making / sign-off by TTD will be


4.33 Limitations on the size of the Proposal:

a. No marketing literature pertaining to the Consultant to be enclosed along with the

proposal. If enclosed, it will be treated as disqualification. b. The consultant is requested to provide a maximum of four case studies to highlight the

experience. Only the relevant consultancy experience is to be mentioned. c. The profiles of the team should consist of qualifications, experience in similar

projects and role proposed in this assignment along with the details of full time / part time. Each profile is to be provided in not more than one page.

d. The entire proposal including annexure should not be more than 150 (One hundred and fifty) pages. If it is more than 150 pages, TTD will have the liberty to assess the quality of the proposal by considering only the first hundred pages as relevant.

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RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

Annexure - I

Response formats to be used by applicants

Form I: Covering Letter (on bidder’s letterhead)



The Executive Officer

Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams

Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh

Dear Sir,

Sub: Response in the form of Proposal to the RFP-1 of the e-TTD Project

1. Having examined the Bid Documents, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,

we, the undersigned, offer to bid for Consulting for e-TTD Project, in full conformity

with the said Bidding Documents.

2. We undertake, if our bid is accepted, to commence work on the e-TTD project and

achieve completion of all work items stipulated within the respective times stated in

the Bidding Documents.

3. We have read the provisions of bid and confirm that these are acceptable to us. We

further declare that additional conditions, variations, deviations, if any, found in our

proposal shall not be given effect to.

4. If our bid is accepted, we undertake to provide a Performance Security in the form

and amount prescribed.

5. We agree to abide by this bid, and affirm that the Technical and Commercial Bid shall

be valid for a period of 180 days or as may be accepted by you at any time before that


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RFP-1(Selection of Consultant)

6. We further affirm the absence of actual, or potential conflict of interest on our part or

that of the consortium partner due to prior, current, or proposed contracts,

engagements, or affiliations with TTD.

7. We hereby affirm that we have not been declared ineligible by Govt. of India or Govt.

of Andhra Pradesh for corrupt and fraudulent practices.

8. Until the formal final Contract is prepared and executed between us, this bid, together

with your written acceptance of the bid and your notification of award, shall constitute

a binding contract between us.

9. We are here with enclosing the DD for Rs.-----------(in words ------------------------)

bearing no.-------- Dt.----------, drawn in favour of -------------------, on --------- bank,

payable at Tirupati towards bid security.

Dated this [date / month / year]


In the capacity of position [specify position]

Duly authorized to sign this bid for and on behalf of [Name of Bidder]

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Annexure - II

Format for submission of Prequalification Bid

I. General Information

S. No.

Particulars Details to be Furnished

I Details of the Bidder (Prime Bidder in case of Consortium)

Name Address Telephone Fax E-mail Website Details of Authorized person

Name Address Telephone Email II In case of Consortium: Details of the member of the Consortium

Name Address Telephone Fax E-mail Website Details of Authorized person

Name Address Telephone Email

ection of Consultant

Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams Page 51 of 64

II. Information about the Bidder (s) Details of Incorporation of Company

Details of Commencement of Business

S. No. Name of Bidder / Prime Bidder in case of consortium

Status of the company (Public Ltd. / Private Ltd.)

Whether bidder / Prime bidder in case of consortium

Date ROC Ref. # Date ROC Ref. #

1. 2.

III. Financial Details of Bidder / Prime Bidder in case of consortium

S. N. Name of Bidder / Prime Bidder in case of consortium

Turnover of the Company Average revenue of the company for last 3 years.

FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10


RFP for Sel

RFP for Selection of Consultant

Following documentary proof shall be submitted as part of Prequalification proposal

1. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation / Registration

2. Copy of Agreement of Consortium (in case of consortium)

3. Copies of the balance sheets and P&L statements for the FY 2007-

08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 of the bidder / prime bidder

4. Signed certificate from Company Secretary / Company Auditor /

Head of HR with respect to employment of 80 consultants in

management consulting and IT (Information Technology)

consulting together.

5. For each of the projects relevant to prequalification condition 6 &

7 of Clause 4.5:

- project completion certificate signed by the customer or

purchase order or signed contract clearly showing the work

description relevant to the requirement and payment milestones

- In case of purchase order or contract, provide copy of a sign-

off letter / email for a recent payment milestone

6. Copies of CVs of experts along with certifications / academic

credentials as relevant to prequalification condition 8 of Clause 4.5

duly signed by the individual / company secretary / company

auditor / head of HR

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RFP for Selection of Consultant

Annexure – III

Technical Bid

The technical bid shall comprise the following:

1. Executive Summary

2. Brief about bidding organization (not more than 2 pages)

3. Past Consulting Experience

4. Approach and Methodology to be followed for e-TTD Project

5. Team profile

6. Risk identification and mitigation strategies

7. Dependencies on TTD and other related entities

8. Consulting Schedule (with detailed work breakdown along with the mapping

of resources, activities and timelines)

9. Any other relevant information and supporting documents

The Technical Evaluation Scoring Methodology is based on the following:

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RFP for Selection of Consultant

1) The technical evaluation will be based on parameters of Experience (20%),

Methodology (40%), Project Team (30%), and Project Work Plan (10%)

2) Accordingly, the evaluation process involves assigning scores / marks in the 4

sections as shown below.

3) Each section has been further sub-divided into multiple aspects of this

assignment requirement and individual weightages have been assigned

4) The minimum score required for technical qualification is 70%.

Experience 20%

S.No. Aspect of project requirement Full Score


No. of completed and relevant projects (not more than

five) executed in last 5 years in the following areas:

IT Roadmap, BPR, Queue and logistics management

w.r.t. large visitor inflow/outflow, Business Model

Design, Change Management, Technology Solution

Design including COTS, System Analysis and Design

and Architecting, Data centre design, IT Security,

BCP and Program Design


2 Business Process Reengineering 3

3 Queue and logistics management w.r.t. large visitor

inflow/outflow 5

4 IT roadmap, DC, DRC and IT security 1

5 Business Model Design 2

6 Change Management & training 1

7 Technology Solution Design, Architecture including


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RFP for Selection of Consultant

Methodology 40%

S.No. Aspect of project requirement Full score 1 Overall understanding of requirements 4

2 Methodology for Business Process Re-engineering 6


Methodology for scientific study of Queue and

logistics management w.r.t. large visitor



4 Methodology for Business Model Design 4

5 Methodology for Change Management & Training 4

6 Methodology for Technology Solution Design

Architecture including COTS 8

7 Methodology for Program Design 4

Project team 30%

S.No. Aspect of project requirement Full score 1 Overall project team size 3

2 Experience and credentials of proposed Project Lead 5

3 Experience and credentials of proposed OR expert(s) 4

4 Experience and credentials of proposed IE expert(s) 4

5 Experience and credentials of proposed SCM expert(s) 4

6 Experience and credentials of proposed IT

Architecture and COTS specialist(s). 4

7 Experience and credentials of proposed BPR expert(s) 3

8 Experience and credentials of proposed IT Security,

DC, BCP specialist(s) 3

Project work plan 10%

S.No. Aspect of project requirement Full score 1 Project plan describing activity-time-resources 6

2 Aspect of how detailed is project plan 2

3 Aspect of how complete is project plan 2

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RFP for Selection of Consultant

Format for submission of Consulting Experience Form II: Consulting Experience

S.No Item Description

Reference or



1 Scope of Consulting Assignment (Strategic roadmap, BPR, System design, Business Modeling etc)

2 Customer Name

3 Relationship to business domain

4 Current status of consulting assignment – work in progress or completed

5 Start date of assignment, contract tenure & value

6 Process Reengineering experience

7 Nature of engagement beyond consulting -System Integration, program management, handholding etc.

8 Experience in preparing detailed RFP for implementation and rollout of enterprise-wide project

9 Experience in Risk identification and mitigation strategies

10 Experience in devising change intervention strategies

11 Experience in establishing PPP model

12 Testimonials and certificates in support of the project experience referenced herein

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RFP for Selection of Consultant

Format for submission of Team Profile

Form III: Profile of Team Members

Give the profile of all members who are proposed to work on this project. This should

consist of Project Leader, team members, specialists and expert(s) having relevant

experience, who will carry out tasks.

Change of consultants will not be allowed under normal circumstances. However,

TTD may allow such a change in situations beyond the control of the bidder, subject

to substitution with consultants of comparable qualification and experience.

Use the format given below for each individual.

Format for Project Team members’ resume

S. No Item Details

1. Name

2. Specify role to be played in the e-TTD

project & whether fulltime or part time

3. Current job title

Experience in yrs. (Provide details regarding name of organizations worked for, Designation, responsibilities, tenure etc.) 4.

Designation/ Responsibilities 5. Name of

Organization From To



8. Number of years with the Current


9. Current job responsibilities

10. Summary of professional / domain


11. Skill sets

12. Highlights of assignments handled

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RFP for Selection of Consultant


Educational Background, Training / Certification including institutions, % of marks, specialization areas etc.

14. Degree (including subjects)

Year of Award of Degree University % of marks


I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV

correctly describes qualifications and experience mentioned above and proposed staff

member is a permanent employee of our organization. I understand that any wilful

misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if


Signature of Staff Member


Signature of Authorized Signatory


Company Seal:

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RFP for Selection of Consultant

Annexure – IV

Format of Commercial / Price Bid (to be submitted in a

separate envelope and only in hard copy)

Commercial Bid Format

The Commercial bid covering letter


To The EO, TTD Dear Sir,

Ref: e-TTD RFP-1

Having examined the RFP-1 Document, the receipt of which is hereby duly

acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to provide consultancy service for e-TTD

project. To meet such requirements and to provide services as set out in the tender

document following is our quotation summarizing our commercial proposal.

Total costs of consultancy services for e-TTD

S.No Item Value Rs. (in


Value Rs. (in words)

1 Total Costs of consultancy services i.e.

commercials of this proposal INCLUSIVE

OF ALL EXPENSES including manpower,

deployment, travel related expenses, taxes &

duties and any other expenses in Indian


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RFP for Selection of Consultant


1. No out of pocket expenses will be reimbursed. Should the commercial

quote include all reimbursable out of pocket expenses, such amounts will

be added, at their maximum value along with any service tax applicable to

the total cost as quoted in the commercial bid.

2. The price quoted is inclusive of all applicable taxes. We undertake, if our

proposal is accepted, to adhere to the implementation plan.

3. If our proposal is accepted, we will obtain a performance guarantee in the

format as desired by TTD issued by a PSU bank in India, acceptable to

EO, TTD for a sum equivalent to 15% of the total price as quoted in our

commercial proposal of the tender document for the due performance of

the contract.

4. We agree for unconditional acceptance of all the terms and conditions in

the tender document and also agree to abide by this tender response for a

period of SIX MONTHS from the date fixed for tender opening and it

shall remain binding upon us, until within this period a formal contract is

prepared and executed, this tender response, together with your written

acceptance thereof in your notification of award, shall constitute a binding

contract between us.

5. We confirm that the information contained in this proposal or any part

thereof, including its exhibits, schedules, and other documents and

instruments delivered or to be delivered to the EO, TTD is true, accurate,

and complete. This proposal includes all information necessary to ensure

that the statements therein do not in whole or in part mislead the EO, TTD

as to any material fact.

6. We agree that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender

response you may receive. We also agree that you reserve the right in

absolute sense to reject all or any if the products/ service specified in the

tender response without assigning any reason whatsoever.

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RFP for Selection of Consultant

7. It is hereby confirmed that I/We are entitled to act on behalf of our

corporation/company/ firm/organization and empowered to sign this

document as well as such other documents, which may be required in this


Dated this Day of 200_

(Signature) (In the capacity of)

Duly authorized to sign the Tender Response for and on behalf of: (Name and

Address of Company) Seal/Stamp of bidder

Witness Signature:

Witness Name: Witness Address:


I, certify that I am ………………. of the ……………………………., and that

……………………………………………………………… who signed the

above proposal is authorized to bind the corporation by authority of its governing


(Seal Here)

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RFP for Selection of Consultant

Annexure - V

Format for Statement of Deviation from this RFP-1

S. No. Reference of RFP-1 Clause No. & Pg. No

Deviation in the Proposal Brief Reasons

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

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RFP for Selection of Consultant

Annexure - VI

TTD services and Operations – Figures at a glance for 2009-10 S. No. Operation Scope Element Volume

2,50,64,0141 Pilgrims having darshan in a year Pilgrim services

40,35,9172 Pilgrims availing of special darshan

in a year

Pilgrim services

14,21,6093 Arjitha sevas availed in a year Pilgrim services

6,9804 Total accommodation available at

Tirumala and Tirupati

Pilgrim services

521,04,12,5005 Earning through hundi per year Pilgrim services

70,00,00,0006 Earnings through sale of human hair Pilgrim services

91,2247 Total bookings done through


Pilgrim services

82,00,00,0008 Revenue earned through Arjitha

sevas per year

Pilgrim services

10,000.009 Staff at TTD HR

13,69,43410 Website visitors per year Pilgrim information

82,98011 Accommodation bookings through

website per year

Pilgrim information

1012 Local temples run by TTD Local temples

3484,93,00,00013 Total budget of TTD Finance & Accounting

1427,49,00,00014 Average receipts per year Finance & Accounting

903,04,00,00015 Average Payments per year Finance & Accounting

516 Religious projects run by DPP DPP

34,31,00,00017 Budget for Religious promotion DPP

518 Number of projects under DPP DPP

919 Total number of projects run Projects run by TTD

64,56,00,00020 Cost of material purchased per year Marketing

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RFP for Selection of Consultant

The EDP Manager Room N. 106A, TTD Administrative Buildings KT Road Tirupati – 517 501

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