Eta Upsilon - Spring 2008

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Eta Upsilon - Spring 2008 Newsletter

Transcript of Eta Upsilon - Spring 2008


ETA UPDATEEta Upsilon Initiates 18 Chi’sLOOKS FORWARD TO CONTINUAL GROWTHBy Alex McGauley, Historian, #249

Well into the second semester, Eta Upsilon has plenty to report. The biggest news, and one of our proudest, is that we have 18 associate members in the Chi class, our biggest class since the Founding Father class. The Chi class earned fourth place in “Puttin’ on the Hits,” one of our best ever. Although this may seem like a great accomplishment, the hardworking brothers were hoping for a higher finish, a clear example of the chapter’s desire to be the best it can.The Chi class held a Push America event in mid-March at Miami’s rec-reational center and raised awareness for Push America and well over $700 in donations and pledged donations in a single day. The Chi class is working on its puddle pull. Initiation was Saturday, March 29 at noon in the Presbyterian Church in uptown Oxford. During spring break in March, five active members headed to Camp Little Giant in Carbondale, IL, for Push Camp. There, along with forty other Pi Kapp undergraduates from around the country, the actives painted an entire mess hall, refurbished a cabin and started work on an amphitheater.With the Chi class initiated, the chapter is looking forward to further recruitment, giving out about a dozen bids during Spring Rush. The chapter is looking to surmount the previous fall’s class of ten associates, aiming for ten to 12 recruits for the Psi class.Pi Kappa Phi has experienced unprecedented success on the athletic field, going undefeated in the regular season for indoor soccer and beat-ing an undefeated Delta Chi in the playoffs, 10-8 in overtime.As the academic year winds down, Eta Upsilon will be saying farewell to 11 graduating seniors. This summer, two of those seniors, Jake Kaple and Adam Troeger Van Treese, are signed up for Push America national events. Jake, who has ridden in the Journey of Hope, is scheduled to bike in Florida for Gear Up Florida. Adam will be riding cross country on his first ever Journey of Hope.



Proud to be.As we all continue to scatter across the country and around the world, I am continually reminded of how proud I am to be !iends and brothers with a" of you. Our members are always there when we need each other, whether we knew each other as active members or not.If you haven’t done so in a while, I would like to encourage you to reconnect with brothers you haven’t spoken with in a while, or even connect with a brother that you have never met. It’s easy to get caught up in our busy lives, but it is always nice to remember what a great organization we are a part of and that is because of each of you.We hope you enjoy reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones in this issue of the Eta Update.

-Brandon Tudor, #81,

(A special thanks to Alex McGauley, the current Historian, for a" of his hard work in putting together the material for this newsletter.)

Meet The New Executive CouncilARCHONBy Jason Marsico, #218Hello, alumni! If I haven’t met you, my name is Jason Marsico, and I am the president of our chapter of Pi Kappa Phi (and a junior at Miami). My experience in Pi Kapp ha s been an outstandingly fun one; I dove in headfirst as a freshman associate, and haven’t looked back! The time I’ve spent in Pi Kapp has been highlighted by such events as associate class Puddle Pull and Puttin’ on the Hits, two Greek Weeks, and several intramural sports (including our playoff teams in basketball and indoor soccer) and leadership positions. Before becoming president, I was our Warden, meaning that I got to hang out with our associate members a lot, an experience that was incredibly enjoyable.The amount of improvement our chapter has made in the past two years is truly remarkable. When I came into the chapter two years ago, I doubt whether anyone would argue that Pi Kapp was one of the ten best chapters at Miami. Now, gazing out over the Greek landscape, I would challenge anyone to argue that Pi Kapp is not one of the top five here at Miami. In every area imaginable, we have made exponential improvement.

To c i te a few examples of our cont inuous improvement, our GPA is routinely in the top five on campus, and our new member class GPA has been the top on campus four out of the past six semester (the other two times we were second and third). Our recruitment numbers have increased from 12 in two classes in 2005-2006 to 28 in 2007-2008. Our Greek Week finishes have improved steadily, as we our now a force to be reckoned with in the all-Greek event. Push America, our service and outreach program, is simply without peer among fraternities and sororities, and our chapter won Push’s top award, the Leadership through Service award, last summer. The governing body of fraternities, the Inter-Fraternity Council, features three Pi Kapps (out of a total of ten members), who were voted in by the presidents of all 26 chapters at Miami. Last year, the Greek Man of the Year and the Greek Most Dedicated to Service both came from Pi Kappa Phi. In the history-rich atmosphere of Miami Greek Life (which is approaching 175 years of age), Pi Kappa Phi is no longer an up-and-coming chapter. Pi Kappa Phi has arrived, and is doing great things.I am proud both to be a part of and to lead our organization, and look forward to helping Pi Kapp to ever-loftier heights in the near future.


By David Partridge, #253Hello, my name is Dave Partridge and I am the newly elected Vice Archon for our chapter. I am very excited about our chapter’s growth just in the past few years, and am honored to be heading up re-cruitment following the largest rush class, with 18 associates, since the founding fathers. I am a prod-uct of the Phi class, where I was the social chair. I initially followed that path and was elected Internal

Social Chair for the fraternity for a while before stepping down to take over as Vice Archon. My pas-sion is in our new members - as well as possible recruits - and their power to take the chapter to new heights. The chapter’s future lies in the hands of these young men, and I full-heartedly believe that they will exceed all expectations. As our chapter continues its growth, feel free to send me any ideas, thoughts or questions re-

garding recruitment to my email at




By James Sharpe, #230My name is James Sharpe, and as you probably already know from

reading this, I am the ne w Treasurer of our chapter. I come into this position with a lo t o f enthus ia sm at the opportunity to help the

chapter and each member individually. I am currently a junior at Miami (although I’m planning on the infamous 5th year victory lap) and am majoring in accountancy with a minor in management information systems. I was initiated into the chapter last spring with the Upsilon class, where I served as class president. In the past year, Pi Kapp has given me the best experiences of my college career, including winning my first puddle pull during Greek Week, beating Beta in broomball,

and my great experience with my brothers from around the country at Push Camp. During my term on the Executive Council, I hope that our chapter can sustain its current growth in recruitment, successfully prepare the chapter for a transition with the second year housing initiative, and take steps towards purchasing our chapter house. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments with any of these goals, or just want to say hi , I am always available at

SECRETARYBy Paul Rote"a, #217My name is Paul Rotella and I am the current Secretary. I was a member of the Sigma class and served as V i c e A r c h o n last year. I currently also serve a s the Vice President of Programming for the Inter-Fraternity Council (where I run Greek Week). On the weekends, I enjoy a nice beer at Steinkeller’s while contemplating better ways to take notes during chapter. I hale from Solon, Ohio and will be interning this summer with Humana in Louisville, KY.

WARDENBy Jon Decker, #226Jon Decker was initiated in the Tau class, where he served as class president. He was elected to Historian for the 2007 year and is

now serving as W a r d e n . Warden is the position Jon has always wanted and he ha s en joyed h i s time with the Chi class over the last couple of months. Jon is a junior political science major and is from North Canton, Ohio. A big Indians fan, he will also watch any Cleveland sports team.

HISTORIANBy Alex McGauley, #249I was elected Historian of this chapter at the beginning of this semester and am very excited about my position. I was initiated No vember 12 , 2007 af te r experiencing an enjoyable and productive associate period. I was the ritual chair of my Phi class and was also elected to ritual chair of the fraternity after my initiation.

As Historian, I am enjoying working with all of the alumni. Putting this newsletter together gave me an appreciation for our chapter ’s pa s t and o f the importance of alumni relations. I am proud of this edition of the Eta Update and look forward to continuing it next semester. Besides the Eta Update, I am also work ing on a P a r e n t ’ s N e w s l e t t e r , something new th i s semester that will be sent out to all of the parents o f act ives in the chapter. I hope I w i l l have the chance to meet as many alumni as I can while Historian. Feel free to email fo r any rea son a t



CHAPLAINBy Zach Heimach, #231Hi guys, this is Zach Heimach, a sophomore from Auburn, IN. Being the new Chaplain has been an extensive, but c o m p l e t e l y

b e n e f i c i a l l e a r n i n g p r o c e s s . Like many o f my b r o t h e r s here at Pi Kappa Phi, I ne ver r e a l l y p l a n n e d on joining

a “frat,” basing my preconceptions on the stereotype. If there’s anything I’ve learned about Pi Kapp since, it’s that we are definitely not the stereotype. Actually, just about anything but. Therein lies the root of my love for th i s p l ace . I remember freshman year when a friend of mine walked back into Tappan from rushing, and said, “Heimach, I think I found a place you might like…it’s more about the values and stuff.” Little did I know that quote would lead me to something that I’m now completely invested in. Pi Kapp has, and continues to be an amazing place. As I already mentioned, I am really focused on the values Pi Kapp embodies. I honestly never thought I would find a place so down to earth, yet so driven with vision. Naturally, I decided to pursue the Chaplain position, and it has been a great avenue to explore my own and Pi Kapp’s values further, yet also interact with the new Chi class. It’s really re f resh ing to hear the i r perspectives on such deep facets

of life. I am sure you all remember your own sub-rituals, and I’ve really enjoyed seeing them from an active perspective. Other than that, I try to enjoy Pi Kapp to the fullest. Pi Kapp has also allowed me to make use of some talents I’m blessed with. Puttin’ on the Hits and Bandstand have been some of the most fun things I ’ve ever done. Since joining, I’ve gained the reputation o f “ the danc ing k id . ” I ’ve choreographed the last three dance competitions, and we’ve taken fourth in both POTH’s, and just got second in Bandstand this fall, missing first by 3 points out of 100. But the support of all the guys has been unbel ievable . Whatever we do, whenever we do it, the brothers are all there, and usually the loudest section of everyone there. It’s one of the coolest feelings I’ve ever had. Our brotherhood is strong, our chapter is strong, and Pi Kapp is strong. It’s an amazing time for us, thanks to the direction we ’ve received, are taking now, and look forward to in the future.

PUSH AMERICA EXECUTIVE OFFICERBy Tim Hake, #238My name is Tim Hake and I am the current P u s h Executive Officer. I am a

sophomore and am majoring in zoo logy wi th the hopes o f attending medical school after my undergraduate years. I joined Pi Kappa Phi last spring and am a member of the Upsilon class. I have held various positions within the chapter and was elected to Push Officer in November.I, along with four others, just returned from Carbondale, IL where we spent our spring break at Push Camp. We went to the Touch of Nature Environmental Center. Every summer the center holds a summer camp for people with disabilities called Camp Little Giant. Camp Little Giant wa s one o f the p ioneers in camping for individuals with disabilities. It has been providing continuous summer camping programming since 1952. At the camp, the five of us, along with about forty other Pi Kappa Phi’s, refurbished a cabin, worked on a deck for an amphitheater, and painted the inside of a mess hall. We hope that with our help the camp is better able to serve people with disabilities.In ear l y Apr i l about 25 Eta Upsilons traveled to Carrollton, KY for Give-A-Push Weekend. We worked at Camp KYSOC and built an accessible pavilion. One of my goals for the remainder of my term is to initiate a large-scale, campus-wide philanthropy event. Ideas for the event are currently being pursued and the event will probably be held in the early fall of 2008. If you have an ideas or opinions about the event, please feel free to email me at



PUSH AMERICA CORNERPush – Soon to Launch!By Matt Du*an, #85A new website will launch on May 12, 2008. Alex Santantonio has graciously granted me the ability to make modifica-tions to the website. The site will initially be set up by myself, so it will be very basic and lacking the famous Alex touch. However, the

site will include current informa-tion and should be worth a visit or two.

PUSH AMERICA EVENTS – SUPPORT YOUR ETA UPSILON BROTHERSDid you know that we have three members of Eta Upsilon who are each participating in a different Push America Event this year? Visit to support Push America and help these brothers reach their fundraising goals.Adam Van Treese Journey of Hope Jake Kaple Gear Up Florida Matt Duggan Push America Challenge

Pictured to the left is the Journey of Hope Team during their stop at Eta Upsilon in 2007.

PI ALPHA RIDE-A-LONG AT SUPREME CHAPTERDenver, CO Pi Alpha Events | July 24-27 Below is an invitation !om Chad Coltrane to attend the Pi Alpha RAL leading to Supreme Chapter this summer. Even if you were unable to participate in the Journey of Hope, Gear Up Florida, or Build America, Push America could sti" possi-bly accommodate you for the RAL. Please contact Brandon Tudor at if you are interested.The 2008 Pi Alpha Ride Along will consist of a two riding days. On Friday, July 25, we will be cycling a 45 mile loop which will begin and end in Breckenridge. The following day, Saturday, July 26, we will be cycling from Breckenridge to Empire. We will be shuttling to Denver for participation in the Supreme Chapter.  No bike or don’t want to ship to Denver?? We are coordinating bike rental for the weekend. I will keep you updated.If you are planning on attending sign up today at this link: buddies are more likely to sign up when they see you are planning on participating. See who is already signed up:



Push America CornerMatt Duggan, #85, has agreed to provide a Push America update for each newsletter. He will work with the current Push America Executive Officer to provide information about chapter Push events as well as National events and events our alumni are participating in. Thanks Matt!

Why Denver and Supreme Chapter?Bruce Rogers will be recognized as Mr. Pi Kappa Phi, the highest individual award in Pi Kappa Phi Frater-nity. We want to have a good showing of Pi Alphas to show support for Bruce. It is also an excellent oppor-tunity to attend a Supreme Chapter if you have not in the past.FundraisingEach participant is asked to continue to support Push America’s mission of building leaders of tomorrow by serving people with disabilities today by fundraising a minimum of $500. Pi Alphas who exceed $750 will receive a 2008 jersey (while supplies last). Average fundraising in 2007 was $766 and with the new online fundraising capabilities it is easier than ever.Recruitment CommitteeThank you to Walt Pape, Larry Keller, John Farley, Andrew Green, Ryan Patrick, Michael Baughman, Steve Sollner, Brandon Tudor, Scott Peattie, Brian Carlson, John Erdlitz and Ty Henson for participating on the recruitment committee.Team Ca"sWe are looking for guys to call their teams or chapter brothers.  If you are interested, please contact me today for a listing of your team or chapter.I hope to see you in Denver!Chad




Greg Grilliot, #2I am living in Tucson, Arizona and experienc-ing much of the southwestern US. Pictured is Steve Gongola at his bachelor party and Greg Grilliot with his family at the Grand Canyon.

Patrick Willoughby, #5My youngest brother is a Sigma Pi who is graduating in May. My folks were recently in Oxford and said the Pi Kapp house looked great and also informed me that we took double the Sigma Pi's in the recent pledge class! That is awesome news and truly something to be congratulated and the guys in the house to be proud of!

Michael McKernan, #8My wife, Tara, and I are still living and work-ing in Bar Harbor, Maine. Tara is teaching special education and I am running various education programs at a marine research laboratory. We are having a wonderful time with our son, Liam, who will be 2 years old in June. Pictured is Mike’s son, Liam.

Chris Wagner, #10My wife Shannon and I are living in Evan-ston, Illinois. I’m a manager of Microsoft Sales at CDW, and Shannon is a part time recruiter. Our daughter Emma is going to be two years old on March 28; she keeps us busy.

Trevor Minor, #12

I had a little girl born on December 5, 2007. Her name is Reese Hayden Minor. She enjoys listening to music and laughing at pictures of Neil Gupta.

Ben Winfree, M.D., #31

Things are going well. I am still in practice in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. If anyone is in the area give me a yell. My wife, Susie, and kids, Kara and Brooke, are doing well. We’re enjoying the coastal life.

Mark Fitzgerald, # 39

My wife Dana and I had a baby girl, Caroline Monet Fitzgerald, on November 20, 2007. HANDS OFF, HANK.

Pictured is Mark’s baby girl, Caroline.


Matt Levison, #54

My wife (who was lavaliered), April, and I had twins in November. See our blog for tons of pictures if interested.


Dan Strom, #68

Dan is currently engaged, with his wedding scheduled for June 1, 2008.

Pictured left to right are Dan’s brother Aaron, Dan, Brandon Tudor, #81, Rob Hite, #70, Dan’s brother Eric, and Ivan Goldberg, #82, on an ATV ride during Dan’s bachelor party in Phoenix.

Rob Hite, #70

My wife Melissa and I are expecting a baby boy in June. That’s the big news on my end.



Joe Heaton, #72

Joe recently traveled to Germany, India, Egypt, Jordan and Israel examining foreign policy issues as part of his work for Congressman Mike Turner (OH).

Joe is pictured here in front of the Taj Mahal.

Brandon Caputo, #74

Here’s a couple of old Pi Kapps with their women. This was taken at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago during Christmas season. From left to right is Hutch’s girlfriend, Donna; Anthony Hutchison, #29; Caputo’s girlfriend, Jenny; and Brandon Caputo, #74.

Tim Holbert, #76

Tim was recently interviewed for an article about the Time Magazine cover which featured an altered version of the famous Iwo Jima photograph of Marines raising the American flag. To see the article, follow the address below - it was also featured on


Brandon Tudor, #81

Brandon will graduate in June with his MBA and is now living in Beverly Hills, CA.

Pictured are Ryan Swensen, #181, along with Brandon, two friends visiting from Belgium (who Brandon met while studying in Budapest), and half of Sara Woomer’s head (Sara is Miami Class of 2001) while having lunch in Santa Monica in March. Also pictured are Ryan, Brandon, and Cindy (Belgian friend) rockin’ the 3D glasses at Shrek 4D in Universal Studios.

Matt Duggan, #85

I have been working at English & Associates Architects in Houston, TX for four years now. This year I will finish up my MBA and start to take the tests required to become a licensed architect. Whatever spare time I have left after all that will be spent training for and competing in races. Amongst the many races I will do this year is the Longhorn Ironman 70.3 in Austin, TX and the San Antonio Rock-N-Roll Marathon in November.

Pictured is Matt at the Lake Geneva Triathlon at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.


Mike Holender, #88

Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing well. It’s been quite a while for some of us so I thought I would give a quick update on my life.

Life is real good: I have been living back at home in sunny Buffalo, NY since I graduated from Miami in 2002. I am graduating this May with my Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering (Operations Research – all kinds of “mathy” stuff) from the University at Buffalo. After that, I will be moving to the Boston, MA area to start a job with Raytheon’s Integrated Defense Systems group helping to defend this fun and interesting country of ours. I’m very excited for some big city life and to get to work after all these years of school!

If anyone is in the Boston area or just coming to visit, please get in touch and we’ll hang out. All the best to everyone!

Mike Ferguson, #93

In May 2007, I graduated from the University of Maryland School of Law here in Baltimore. I passed the Ohio Bar Exam this past summer. My wife, Elizabeth, and I are looking to move back to Ohio in the coming months.

In addition, we have a growing family - we welcomed a healthy baby girl, Kathryn Audrey, to the family on January 23.  Mother and child are doing wonderfully, and we are a happy (though a bit tired) family.



Pictured is Mike with Kathryn Audrey and the other picture is the whole family.


Evan Margelefsky, 117

Some of the Cleveland Eta Upsilon alumni headed down to Hocking Hills on the weekend of 2/22/2008.

From left to right, are Evan Margelefsky, #117; Ivan Goldberg, #82; Dan Strom, #68; and Jeff Lazarus, #102. (Editor’s Note: Is this the new “Jews on Ice?”)


Adam Solarz, #170

I’m back.

Dan Brewer, #173

Continuing the spirit of Pi Kapp athletics that started with the first Twiss family goal, I have begun playing Professional Inline Hockey for the Cincinnati Flying Monkeys ( Although our struggling record as of March 2008 may indicate the word “professional” is used loosely, matching up on weekends against the best inline players from St. Louis and Chicago justifies the weekday pain. We round out the '08 season in May at Sportsplus OH in Evendale, OH.

Chris Haedt, Matt Steiger, and I also had the opportunity to prolong the use of Goggin-infused broomball shoes and star-shield sweaters by taking part in the Cincinnati Broomball Association Leagues.  Both alumni and current students (Miami buses over their select club team) participate on Sundays at the Cincy Gardens.  Local brothers may consider participating in summer pickup sessions before the leagues r e s u m e i n t h e f a l l .

I would also like to commend the brothers of recent and current classes for their dedication to compete and win across the intramural and IFC sport spectrum.

Pictured is Dan in his Flying Monkeys uniform.


Brian Mahar, #186

Brian won the brotherhood award for the fourth straight year this year.


Patrick Manley, #197

I currently work for Push America and I just got done facilitating a Push Camp in Carbondale, IL in which five actives from our chapter attended. They were Kevin “McD” McDonald, Paul Rotella, James Sharpe, Tim Hake, and Andy Klausing.  It was a blast. We painted an entire Mess Hall, refurbished a cabin and started work on an amphitheater. It was a huge Push Camp with 44 undergraduates from all around the country. This was my third time to Touch of Nature (Camp Little Giant). My other two times there were Push Camp in 2006 and Build America in 2007. So far, I have participated in 3 out of 4 Push America events at that camp.

Matt Wray, #121, Chapter Advisor

We would like to congratulate Matt Wray for being appointed by the National Council as Regional Governor for the Southern Ohio Region (Miami University, Ohio State, Alpha Nu Associate Chapter, and Ohio University Associate Chapter). Matt is also continuing in his role as Chapter Advisor for Eta Upsilon. Thank you to Matt for his dedication and for bringing credit to Eta Upsilon on a national level!

Submit your updates!

Do you have an update for the next alumni newsletter? We would love to have news and pictures from you. We would particularly like to see updates coming from the more recent graduates, as you can see those classes are underrepresented in the Eta Update. To submit articles and pictures, please contact the current H i s t o r i a n , A l e x M c G a u l e y , a t, or Brandon Tudor at



Dr. Gracie to Retire From MiamiBy Matt Wray, #121, Chapter Advisor

Congratulations to Dr. Gracie, #135, who just recently announced his retirement from Miami. Dr. Gracie will stay on for the next academic year as Eta Upsilon’s Academic Advisor, during which time he will work to recruit his

successor. Please join us in thank-ing Dr. Gracie for his dedicated service to Eta Upsilon and wishing him well in retirement.

Housing CorporationCALL FOR VOLUNTEERS!By Ryan Dlugosz, #104, Rick Swensen, #212, and Kyle Haeussler, #100Brothers, the Housing Corporation is on the verge of some major events in our Chapter’s history. Soon, we will find ourselves in a position to reinstate the alumni chapter and to make a serious bid on our Chapter House.While we all stand to enjoy the benefits, it will not happen without hard work from a few dedicated alumni.If you’ve been looking for a way to get involved with the chapter, now is the time!Any help is greatly appreciated; bonus points awarded if you have experience with commercial real estate transactions!Interested alumni should contact Ryan Dlugosz via email at

Supreme Chapter51st Supreme Chapter, Denver, July 25-29, 2008Pi Kappa Phi invites you to Denver, Colorado, as we gather for the 51st meeting of the Supreme Chapter.A vibrant city with a colorful past, the Mile High City offers magnificent mountain views and a host of cultural and recreational attractions.Mark your calendars for July 25-29, 2008, and join your fellow brothers in Colorful Colorado! To register or for more Supreme Chapter information, visit If you do plan to attend Supreme Chapter, please let the rest of the chapter know through the alumni listserv.



CalendarJune 11-14, 2008

Build America Team in Cleveland

June 13-15, 2008

Miami Alumni Weekend

June 20-21, 2008

Build America Team in Chicago

July 25-29, 2008

51st Supreme Chapter

Denver, Colorado

July 29-30, 2008

JOH North Team in Chicago

August 1, 2008

JOH Trans-America Team in Oxford

August 2, 2008

JOH Trans-America Team in Cincinnati

August 6-7, 2008

JOH North Team in Cleveland

August 16, 2008

Journey of Hope Arrival in DC

October 24-26, 2008

Miami Homecoming (vs. Kent State)