Estimator_Featured Article II

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  • 7/31/2019 Estimator_Featured Article II


    Featured Article II

    A Roadmap for Balanced Productivity Metrics: Are We There Yet?

    By Jim Mayes (IT Metrics Strategies, August 2000)

    The Balanced Approach


    IT outsourcing continues to be a popular course of action for streamlining

    businesses. These arrangements always include measurements of

    performance and productivity improvement. The questions that we should be

    asking are:

    Why isnt it just as important to measure performance and productivity

    related to in-house IT?

    Why dont we develop in-sourcing contracts, as an alternative to out-


    Whether IT is inhouse or outsourced, performance and productivity are


    You know how the kids in the back seat are always asking: Are we there yet?

    Most companies make outsourcing decisions without even knowing their

    current IT capability and are often surprised when they find out that they

    were better off prior to outsourcing. Similarly, many companies embark on

    software process improvement programs without knowing their existing level

    of performance and without any metrics in place to measure productivity

    improvement. Its like the old saying If you dont know where you are, a map

    wont help. This applies to measuring progress as well. It is very difficult to

    know if were there yet, if we dont know where we started and exactly

    where we still need to go.

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    Definition of BPM

    Balanced Productivity Metrics (BPM) incorporates the use of both quantitative

    and qualitative data for measuring performance and productivityimprovement. The primary goals of a Software Engineering Institute (SEI)

    Capability Maturity Model (CMM) based process improvement program are to

    improve productivity, improve quality, and reduce risk via consistent

    processes. BPM focuses on the SEI CMM core measures (size, time, effort, and

    defects), as well as other data collected to measure process improvement. A

    multi-dimensional approach is needed to measure productivity improvement

    in a way that also provides an understanding of the environmental factors

    (and other significant factors) that influence project productivity.

    The BPM approach is used to measure productivity with regard to software

    development and maintenance. BPM is based on the principle that the

    management of productivity improvement should focus on achieving a

    balance of time (schedule), cost (effort), and quality (defect rate) [TCQ] 1

    improvement. It is consistent with a balanced scorecard philosophy, since

    these fundamental metrics components cannot be observed independently

    with regard to providing a valid productivity assessment. Balancing TCQ is

    much like filling a balloon. If it is filled or compressed too much, it bursts. If it

    doesnt burst and it is compressed in one area, it expands in another.Likewise, if a projects schedule (time) is compressed too much, the project

    will either fail or the project effort (cost), project related defects and

    production defects (quality) will be disproportionably increased, which

    increases maintenance effort (cost). The reverse is also true. Project

    schedules can be increased too much, which does reduce effort and defects,

    but may not provide the desired business value. Therefore, a balanced

    measurement approach is needed.

    To quote Karl Wiegers:

    A risk with any metrics activity is dysfunctional measurement, in which

    participants alter their behavior to optimize something that is being measured,

    rather than focusing on the real organizational goal. For example, if we are

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    measuring output productivity but not quality, expect some developers to

    change their coding style to expand the volume of material they produce, or to

    code quickly without regard for bugs. I can write code very fast if it doesnt

    actually have to run correctly. The balanced set of measurements helps

    prevent dysfunctional behavior by monitoring the groups performance in

    several complementary aspects of their work that lead to project success.2

    The two primary BPM reporting components for providing a balanced set of

    metrics, are the:

    Productivity Metrics Report (PMR), and the

    Process Performance Report (PPR).

    PMR Quantitative Measures

    The quantitative measures associated with the Productivity Metrics Report

    (PMR) are used to assess productivity improvement. The initial assessment

    period is considered the baseline year. Improvement is normally expected at

    the end of the second year over the baseline year. Every year thereafter,improvement is expected over the previous year.

    The PMR uses a combination of metrics for calculating the BPM Score, which

    measures success in achieving productivity improvement goals. The project

    metrics are calculated for each software enhancement and new development

    project, and then averaged for each productivity metrics component. The

    maintenance metric is calculated with regard to the yearly hours required to

    provide ongoing support for the total inventory of supported applications. Themetrics components to be included in calculating the productivity score are

    shown in Table 1.

    Metrics Component Calculation

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    Project Schedule Duration = Total Project Months / Total Projects Units of

    Product Measurement (UPM) = Months per UPM

    (Function Points, Lines of Code, etc.)

    Project Output Productivity = Total Project Hours / Total Projects Unit of


    = Effort Hours per UPM (Could also calculate as FP per

    hour, etc.)

    Project Quality = Mean Time To Defect (MTTD), for each project is

    calculated by dividing the number of days exposure

    during the first 30 days after deployment by thenumber of defects found

    = SUM (Each Projects MTTD)/ Total Number of


    = Weighted Average MTTD

    Maintenance Output Productivity = Total Maintenance Hours / Total

    Maintenance UPM

    = Effort Hours per UPM

    Table 1 BPM Components and Calculations

    PPR Qualitative Measures

    The qualitative measures associated with the Process Performance Report

    (PPR), when analyzed along with the quantitative measures, provide insightinto the overall process productivity and direction toward achieving process

    improvement goals. Looking at the BPM Score which is a letter grade or

    number only provides the current status or contractual measure. Unless

    there is an underlying analysis behind that score, there is little information to

    use for identifying the next steps. The PPR provides information that can be

    used to identify problems and areas that have improved, for managing

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    process productivity improvement activities. This report provides the

    following analyses, trending, and comparisons to previous period:

    Demographic data analysis related to organization profiles, project

    types, size, complexity, and languages

    Statistical analysis of metrics categories against previous performance


    Analysis of delivery performance, including requirements volatility

    Significant factors impacting project results

    Analysis of customer satisfaction survey results in relation to project


    Analysis of environmental factors related to tools/methodology,technical difficulty, and personnel

    Process Overview


    The BPM process involves joint responsibilities. The client performancemetrics manager (client PMM) manages the process and the database and

    serves as team lead for a productivity metrics team. The client PMM will

    prepare the PPR and the IT metrics group will prepare the PMR, which includes

    calculating the BPM Score. Change management with regard to this process

    will be the responsibility of the productivity metrics team. (These roles may

    vary depending on organizational structure. Additional roles are identified in

    Table 2.)


    The PMR should be calculated annually for productivity scoring related to

    annual software process improvement goals, or contractual agreements in the

    case of outsourcing. For purposes of monitoring progress and enabling the

    parties to promptly address any service or process deficiencies, quarterly BPM

    Reports containing cumulative data should be created and reviewed.

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    If, at any time the BPM Score is to be calculated, and one or more metrics or

    component metrics cannot be calculated, either because the relevant data is

    not available, or the applicable scoring scale has not been adopted or is not

    yet in effect, then the BPM Score should be calculated disregarding such

    metrics. The weights of the other metrics or component metrics within a given

    metric shall be increased proportionately such that other metrics or

    component metrics maintain their respective relative weights.

    Data Collection and Dictionary

    Data consistency is the key to having a good decision support database;

    therefore, to insure consistency, the definitions must be documented. Also,

    when building an internal historical project repository, the project data points

    must be categorized. This will provide stratification such that apples-to-apples

    project comparisons can be made based upon project type, environment, user

    organization, development organization, language, etc. The data collectionrequirements should also be defined and documented. The collection of

    software project data during the project is designed to track the status of

    projects, enable predictive analysis, and facilitate the collection of project

    closeout data required for the BPM reports. Upon completion of the project,

    the data should be summarized in a detailed data collection form.


    BPM project data should be stored in a metrics database. The project-level

    information in this database can be used for planning new projects and

    evaluating risks. At a minimum, this can be done by using data from similar

    historical projects for providing an analogy to the project being planned. This

    is associated with the CMM Level 2 Software Project Planning key process area

    and supports the software project estimation and risk management processes.

    (For more information on this, see my December 2000 ITMS article, Saving

    the World One Project at a Time: Planning by the Numbers.)8

    Process Steps

    The BPM process-flow schematic is illustrated in Figure 1. The BPM schematic

    description and responsibilities are provided in Table 2. The BPM process

    begins with collecting baseline project data and the development of a

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    productivity baseline. The schematic illustrates the next steps after the

    baseline has been established.

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    Figure 1 BPM Process Flow Schematic

    Balanced Productivity Metrics Process- Schematic Description

    Activity Performed By1. Software Enhancement or NewDevelopment Project LaunchedWhenever new projects are launched,it must be determined if they meetthe criteria for being included in theproductivity metrics process. Theremay be some projects that werelaunched prior to the implementation

    of this process that should be includedas well. Also, projects should beincluded that were not initially inscope, but changed such that theysubsequently fit the criteria.

    2. Track Project Phase Effort,Schedule, and Defects The actualeffort hours, start date, and end datefor each project phase should betracked. The project phases include

    planning, requirements analysis, andmain build (detailed design deployment). Defects are tracked byseverity (1critical, 2 serious, 3moderate, and 4 tolerable/cosmetic)from the beginning of system testuntil deployment. Also, defects mustbe tracked by severity, for the first 30days after deployment.


    Performed By

    IT project manager

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    2. Track Project Phase Effort, Schedule, and Defects

    The actual effort hours, start date, and end date for each project phase should

    be tracked. The project phases include planning, requirements analysis, and

    main build (detailed design deployment). Defects are tracked by severity

    (1critical, 2 serious, 3 moderate, and 4 tolerable/cosmetic) from the beginning

    of system test until deployment. Also, defects must be tracked by severity, for

    the first 30 days after deployment.

    IT project manager

    3. Schedule and Perform Software (UPM) SizingFunction points, source lines of code or some other method should be used to

    size the project and application.

    IT project manager and technician

    4. Enter Project Data into Detailed Data Collection Form

    On project completion, project data is entered in the detailed data collection

    form or spreadsheet. This form is sent to the IT program manager prior to the

    project closeout meeting.

    IT project manager

    5. Review Project Data

    The project information provided in the detailed data collection form should bereviewed and validated during the project closeout meeting. Agreement

    should be reached on the ratings and results provided. This can provide an

    opportunity for joint problem solving related to project impacts and process

    improvements needed. The validated detailed data collection form should

    then be forwarded to the Client performance metrics manager.

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    Client program manager

    6. Enter Detailed Project Data

    The data contained in the detailed data collection form is entered into the

    metrics database.

    Client performance metrics manager

    7. Track Ongoing Maintenance Effort Hours Actual effort

    hours charged to ongoing maintenance support must be tracked.

    IT project manager

    8. Schedule and Perform Application (UPM) Baseline Sizing

    Function points, source lines of code, or some other method should be used to

    size the applications being maintained.

    IT project manager and sizing specialist

    9. Update Maintenance Effort and Size Spreadsheet

    A data repository should be maintained containing maintenance productivity


    IT metrics group

    10. Prepare Quarterly or Yearly BPM ReportThe PMR containing the BPM score, is created by the IT metrics group, and the

    Performance Manager creates the PPR.

    IT metrics group and client performance metrics manager

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    Table 2 BPM Process Schematic Description

    Critical Success Factors

    The following factors are critical to the success of a Balanced Productivity

    Metrics Program: Client and IT partnering relationship with open

    communication paths

    Senior management support and a documented policy statement

    Client program management, client performance metrics management,

    IT project management, and IT metrics group support, and synchronized


    Accurate data collection and sizing on a timely basis

    Using project-level quantitative and qualitative metrics data for software

    project planning and process improvement (i.e., dont just accumulate it for

    contractual purposes)

    Communication, training, and mentoring related to the BPM process


    Metrics Component Scores

    Each BPM Metric Component will be given a letter score determined in

    accordance with the scoring scale shown in Table 3, assuming a 5% yearly

    improvement for each component is desired. This letter grade will be

    converted to a numerical score using the scale also shown in Table 3. (The

    percentages and letter grades can be adjusted based upon the yearlyimprovement desired for each TCQ category.)


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    Numerical Score

    Component Grade (calculated for each Metrics Component and then converted

    to numerical score)



    A for = 5.5% or better (exceeded)



    B for = 4.5% to 5.4% (expected)



    C for = 0 to 4.4%



    D for =

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    Metrics Component Weighting and Balanced Scoring

    Business value should determine the weightings with regard to Project TCQ

    and Maintenance, since this is a business decision as to which component hasthe highest priority, or if they are all equally important. Of course this will

    vary from project to project, depending on the circumstances, therefore the

    BPM weightings should reflect the overall philosophy for the organization.

    Component/Category weightings should be established once per year, at the

    beginning of each annual measurement cycle. If everything were equally

    weighted, the total BPM composite numerical score would be calculated as

    shown it Table 4, and the final composite BPM grade would be calculated as

    shown in Table 5. Examples of BPM Score Calculations are provided in Tables

    6, 7, and 8.



    Composite Numerical Score Calculation

    Project schedule duration


    Project schedule numerical score (T3) x 0.25 (T4)

    Project output productivity


    + Project output numerical score (T3) x 0.25 (T4)

    Project quality

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    + Project quality numerical score (T3) x 0.25 (T4)

    Maintenance output productivity


    + Maintenance output numerical score (T3) x 0.25(T4)



    = Composite numerical score (convert to grade in T5)

    Table 4 (T4) Numerical Component Weighting and Composite Calculation


    Numerical Score



    4.5 5.0

    Exceeds standards


    4.0 4.4

    Meets standards

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    3.0 3.9

    Does not meet standards


    2.0 2.9

    Does not meet standards


    0.0 1.9

    Does not meet standards

    Table 5 (T5) Final BPM Composite Grading

    Metrics Component

    Baseline Values

    Year 2 Values

    % Change

    Component Grade (T3)

    Numerical Score (T3) x Weight (T4)

    Composite Score and Grade (T5)

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    Project Schedule Duration



    5% better


    4 x .25


    Project Output Productivity



    5% better


    4 x .25


    Project Quality



    5% better


    4 x .25


    Maintenance Output Productivity

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    5% better


    4 x .25



    4 = B (meets standards)

    Table 6 Example 1: BPM Score Calculation

    Metrics Component

    Baseline Values

    Year 2 Values

    % Change

    Component Grade

    Component Score x Weight

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    Composite Scoring

    Project Schedule Duration



    5% better


    4 x .25


    Project Output Productivity



    3% better


    3 x .25


    Project Quality



    5% better


    4 x .25


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    Maintenance Output Productivity



    5% better


    4 x .25



    3.75 = C (does not meet standards)

    Table 7 Example 2: BPM Score Calculation

    Metrics Component

    Baseline Values

    Year 2 Values

    % Change

    Component Grade

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    Component Score x Weight

    Composite Scoring

    Project Schedule Duration



    5% better


    4 x .25


    Project Output Productivity



    6% better


    5 x .25


    Project Quality



    5% better


    4 x .25

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    Maintenance Output Productivity



    3% better


    3 x .25



    4 = B (Meets Standards)

    Table 8 Example 3: BPM Score Calculation


    The measurement of productivity and performance is just as important for

    inhouse IT as it is for an outsourced IT environment. A balanced approach, as

    provided by the BPM process, is needed in order to ensure that all aspects of

    productivity are assessed and that the correct behavior with regard to

    performance is achieved. Some outsourcing vendors will argue that only one

    measure should be used, such as effort per unit of output, but to most clients,

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    schedule and quality are equally important. Therefore, measures should be in

    place such that schedule or quality cannot be sacrificed, and to prevent

    dysfunctional measurement behavior from occurring. It is beneficial to IT that

    all factors be measured, due to the clients ever changing TCQ priorities. In

    addition to balancing the TCQ metrics and quantitatively tracking projects, it is

    also important to understand the relationship between the quantitative and

    qualitative measures that influence productivity. When we trend the

    quantitative and qualitative data and compare the results to previous internal

    benchmarks, our corporate knowledge will be increased such that we can

    make intelligent business decisions. The BPM process can help us to

    understand the factors that influence our productivity, know where we are on

    the map, effectively predict where we are headed, and recognize when we get
