Esther Sermon

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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It is the only book in the Bible where the name of God does not occur in once. But although the name of God is not in the book, the Lord Himself is there most in every incident which it relates. Esther Sermon She is the woman of Grace- her name is Esther- the queen of Persia. Can we pray: The book of Esher is a record of wonders without a miracle- In the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. 1

Transcript of Esther Sermon


Esther Sermon

Can we pray:

Precious Father, we thank you for giving to the world Esther of Persia.

Father, do not allow her to remain a mystery to us tonight. Let us behold

what You created in her that is meant to challenge and convict us. Give

us the fragrance of who she is- Your Esther. Let us read her diary. Let us

know her as You have known her. Allow her to step off the pages of the

Holy Bible and reveal herself to the body of Christ tonight. Give us the

Esther revelation. Give us the Esther anointing. Give us fresh manna.

Show us the Esther covenant. Teach us Kingdom living tonight.

Come and blow life into your people tonight. Allow the beauty you have

intended for us to come forth tonight.

In the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ.

You would recognize her anywhere. She enters a room with an air of

quiet confidence. You will sense that she is a seasoned woman of prayer,

a conqueror of many spiritual battles, and a true reflection of the

Master’s Heart.

You can see the balanced Harmony between her spirit and His, a deep

integrity refined by the fire of life.

She is the woman of Grace- her name is Esther- the queen of Persia.

The book of Esther is a tale of mystery, deception, palace drama and a

murderous plot.

It is the only book in the Bible where the name of God does not occur in

once. But although the name of God is not in the book, the Lord Himself

is there most in every incident which it relates.

The book of Esher is a record of wonders without a miracle-


Now- The story of Esther began at two magnificent banquets at the

court of the King. One for the King- his councillors and all the men of

Susa – and the other was given by Queen Vashti- for the women of the

court and nobility.

This banquet lasts 180 days- that’s half of one whole year. With cloths of

white, silver and gold, alabaster pillars, couches adorned with gold, silver

on a mosaic pavement, mother of pearl and dark marble- with drinks

served in vessels of Gold. Each guest received his own individually

designed drinking glass each different from the next.

After having drunk too much wine- the King sent for the queen to appear

before the men at his banquet. Some scholars suggest that the King

requested that the Queen Vashti was to appear wearing the crown royal

and nothing else.

The King – still half drunk then issues a public decree that Vashti was to

be banished. Vashti is killed. After some time the King gets lonely

without his queen and agrees to find another queen, a young and

beautiful woman who could take Vashti’s place.

One of the most important themes in the book of Esther is reversal. The

first parties in the book are where the Persians have only the best- where

the last three parties is of the Jews. The plot against the Jews was

reversed into the enormous Victory. The book is filled light for darkness,

joy for sorrow, honour for humiliation. As a follower of Jesus Christ we

have experienced that reversal of fate, all darkness has been turned

into light and mourning into joy. We have an everlasting joy that the

world does not have.

Even though it sounds like mere history- God was at work behind the

scenes to ensure that the right people He has pre-destined is placed in

the fitting positions to bring His perfect will into fulfilment.


A nationwide search for a new queen began- the first recorded beauty

contest in the world.

Esther’s beauty was so extraordinary that she pleased every candidate

and all who came in contact with her. Esther was shimmering like an

undiscovered treasure, a diamond or a rare pearl. Esther’s physical

beauty was merely a device used by God to achieve His Sovereign

purpose- the deliverance of the Jews for death.

Esther with all the other young virgins was taken into the Palace and

twelve months of careful preparation began. Please notice ladies that

Esther never looked at her rivals- at the woman who was in competition

with her- she just focussed on her assignment from God. She never got

jealous on their beauty, their gifts, she never gossiped with the rest- she

hungered for the presence of God!

Esther was chosen for such a time as this.

She was set apart from all the other woman because of her life of

absolute obedience, spiritual beauty, fierce loyalty to God and the

Uncommon Favour of God.

I want to tell you – you are called for such a time as this,

God has a plan for your life,

God has shielded you with favour,

you are called to be a woman of fasting and praying,

You are called to receive preparation from the Holy Spirit

You are to receive correction and instruction in humility

You are to Understand the timing of God.

Throughout the book of Esther- see how she was a type of “Saviour”

foreshadowing the time when Jesus would lay down His own life for us to

be saved from eternal death.

Mordecai her cousin and foster father- obtained an office which placed

him at the palace gate- where could he be better positioned.


While Esther is busy with her 12 months of preparation she seeks advice

of Hegai- who knew the King’s tastes. She was led by the Divine wisdom

of God. She was so ready to step into her destiny that she was eagerly

anticipating direction from the voice of God.

Esther quickly realised that life in the palace meant – to raise the bar!

Raising the bar is also important for us in our spiritual growth. She knew

that the call of the King of Kings is a higher call! No more observing from

the side!

Esther was so ready to be prepared inside and out to be pleasing to the

King- and we should also always be ready to be prepared by the spirit of

God inside and out- to be pleasing to our King Jesus.

Esther is placed in a pagan Palace – but still a God fearing Jewess.

Here is Esther- a woman who had all the wrong credentials. Living a lie-

as no one she was a Jew, separated from her parents as child- she was

handicapped in her knowledge of Royal living- she was brought up in a

humble home. Remember- money does not dictate grace- grace is the

essence of a life of love!

But – Esther went through God’s finishing school. Have you been through


It really is a royal academy! The courses are out of this world. Some of

the titles are:

Honouring others

Respect 101

Understanding true authority

Developing servant leadership

Answering the Higher Calling to serve

Living a life of integrity.

Every new believer must go through the Royal academy…


Before Esther could become queen she had to learn – to become

confidant, we must depend on God! To gain influence we must love

others! To become a true leader- we must serve!

Love was the banner over Esther’s life. Love was the banner of the life of

Jesus- and love should be the banner over your life!

In God’s school of finishing we learn to forgive and let the past be just


Then- Esther found favour with the King!

You need to learn tonight that Esther had to conquer her enemy with a

weapon of mass destruction- the Favour of God!

It is a secret weapon of God.

Esther was placed in the position as Queen by the unseen Hand of God.

Nothing happens for nothing! You need to understand today that every

Child of God is where God has placed you for some purpose – and you

need to inquire for what practical purpose you are where you are. You

have been praying for a new position – stop doing that and serve Jesus to

your best ability at the place where you are. Lives are there that need to

hear the Truth- and the truth will set them free!

The King was so dazzled by a sense that he could never fully possess

Esther. Her beauty came from knowing who she was and Whose she was.

She rested in the fact that no person could ever enter the Holy of Holies-

deepest part of heart was reserved for the King of Kings. She was His

bride. She was a reflection of His Glory.

Haman was prime minister of the far extending empire of Persia- the

favourite of the King– and Mordecai was a Jew in the employment of the

King- sat in the King’s gate and when he saw the proud Haman go to and

fro- Mordecai would refused to bow his knee to Hamman.


Haman therefore planned to destroy the whole of the Jewish nation after

all the hate of generations-

Haman went to the King – He says that there was a singular people

scattered up and down the Persian Empire- that opposed the king’s laws

and that it was not for the king’s profit to suffer them. He asked that

they might all be destroyed and he would pay into the king’s treasury an

enormous sum of money to compensate for any loss of revenue by their

destruction. He had no sooner asked for this horrible grant that the

monarch approved it- taking his signet ring from his finger; he bade him

do with the Jews as seemed good to him. Thus the chosen seed was in

the hands of the enemy.

The King agreed, not knowing his beloved queen and Mordecai to whom

he owed his life were both Jews.

Can you imagine the terror, the fear when God’s people- the Jewish

nation received the news that they will all be killed? Can you imagine if

we receive a publication tomorrow that all white South Africans will be

killed? They could do nothing to save themselves- they could only trust,

lean and rely on their God.

Only one thing stands in the way- The Lord said- No weapon that is

formed against thee shall prosper and every tongue that rises against

thee in judgment He shall condemn.

Remember that the Word says – Leave your adversaries in the hands of

God- for he can make them fall into the snare which they have privately

laid for you.

Even though Hamman tries his best to destroy God’s jewels- they can

only do to you what God permits. They cannot go a hair’s breadth

beyond the divine license – The wicked carry about weapons of their own

destruction and when they rage against the most High- the Lord of all

brings out of it good for his people and glory to Himself.


Esther was the only person who could persuade the King from putting an

end to this terrible scheme of Haman. But there was a problem- Esther

had not been summoned into the royal presence for thirty days- a sign

that she might be losing favour in the eyes of her King. To approach her

husband at this point without being commanded by him was breaking the

law and she would be punished by immediate death-

Do you understand that at the worst time of their marriage- when the

relationship was not doing well in the natural- when she lost all

confidence in her ability- it was only then her God could manifest His

strength in her weakness? Only when she relied totally on her God- could

a solution come.

Esther being fully aware of this- she reacts – If I perish – I perish.

Esther was willing to lay down her life to accomplish what God has called

her to be. I want to ask you tonight- are you willing to lay your life down

and allow Jesus to become your ALL??

Esther calls a national fast- for three days all the nation offers up food

and gets on their knees and petition and pray for God to intervene.

Esther had another secret- she knew what to say and when to say it!

How many times have you said something that you later regret? In

Esther’s case it saved her life- to hear God before you speak! The Bible

says- be still and know…

Esther guarded her tongue at all times!

Esther understood the principle- we need to decrease so that God can

increase. We must become nothing – so that Jesus can be everything.

Esther broke the law and went into the throne room of her husband – the

King saw Queen Esther standing in the court and she won his favour – and

he held out to her the golden sceptre. Being under the guidance of


Almighty God- she had a strategy- she invited the King and Haman to

attend a banquet she planned. They agreed.

Please note that God tries those He wants to use. Esther had to be tried

by God.

Do you think it was easy for Esther to be such a courageous woman? Can

you imagine how she trembled? Strengthened by prayer- she went

through with it.

Spiritual beauty- God’s Grace within- produces an irresistible fragrance-

rising like incense before the throne of God and drawing others to you

and to God.

Why do you think you have received a high position but that you will

escape the trials which belong to his people- you are no different. Should

not the strong pillars sustain great weights. The Lord knows that by the

power of the Holy Spirit you will be held up and made more than a

conqueror through every trial and test!

On attending the banquet the King promised Esther that she could have

anything she wanted- even half his kingdom. What an extravagant offer!

But- Esther invites them to attend a second banquet the next day. The

King agreed.

She understood the timing of God! She knew that God owns time!

Why, when the King was in so kind a spirit did Esther not speak her heart?

He was charmed with her beauty and his royal word was given to deny

her nothing – why not speak out Esther? The very existence of the Jewish

nation depended on Esther going through in courage- and yet- she

doesn’t say a word.

God was in the silence. It was not the right time. Esther did not rely on

her own understanding- but she waited on her Master. She understood


the divine timing of our Heavenly Father. God is in the waiting – in the

patience- in the seeking- in the humility.

We can conclude that after the banquet – when she was alone in her

palace room – the enemy attacked her in her mind and told her that she

missed the moment- her people will now be doomed…

That night- after the banquet- Haman ordered the erection of a gallows

to hang Mordecai- but that same night the King could not sleep. He

called on his servants to read from the records of his reign. Why is it that

on the same night that the enemy planned and actioned the death of

Mordecai- the King was so restless- what happened. The King was in

charge of 127 provinces- but not in charge of 10 minutes sleep- the Word

of God says- God gives his beloved sleep.

Usually a king would call for musicians to come and play for him- but the

King calls for a book- - and not any book- bring the chronicles of the

empire- dull reading I would say. Of all the stories in the 127 provinces-

the reader pitches upon the story of how Mordecai saves the Kings life

with a conspiracy that was acted on by Mordecai.

No accident. God knew where the record was and guided the reader to

the right place. The desire to sleep disappeared – and suddenly the King

was ready to act – to reward Mordecai.

Notice how this incident prepared the way for the queen at the next

banquet – for when she unfolded her sorrow and told the destruction of

the Jews- the King must have been more interested and ready to grant

her request now that he knows the one who saved his life was a Jew?

The King asks Haman how he can reward a remarkable servant. Haman

thinking that the King was referring to him- recommended extravagant

rewards. The King agrees. Very disappointed when the king tells Haman

that it is Mordecai he wanted to reward.

Meanwhile the Jewish nation was fasting and praying.


I want to encourage you to pray more. Prayer is a part of the purpose

and plan and a most effective wheel in the machinery of God. The Lord

sets people praying- and then He blesses them.

Mordecai and Esther were quite sure that God was able to deliver them-

but they did not sit still- they braced themselves for the effort and they


They prayed as if everything depended on God- and they laboured as if it

all depended on them.

Meanwhile Esther’s banquet had been prepared- The King was so pleased

by it that he again promised Esther anything she wanted.

At this promise- Esther asked that her life be spared and her people

saved- from whom- the king asked- from Haman – Esther replied.

Haman was trapped- He was taken out by the king’s servants and hanged

from the gallows he had built for Mordecai. Never was a man so utterly

defeated as Haman. Never was a project so altogether turned aside.

Esther had saved Mordecai but the Jewish nation was still at danger.

Even though Esther pleads with the King to save her people- he was not

able to alter his decree- though willing to do so – for it was a rule of the

constitution. The King could decree what he wanted but when he had

once decreed it- he could not change it-

Another decree was issued- giving the Jews permission to defend for

themselves and take the property of any who dared to attack them – thus

one decree evectually neutralized the other.

On the set day no one attempted to attack the Jews except the

Amalekites- and on that same day the whole of the race of the

Amalekites was swept from the face of the earth.


This occasion was once again marked with a great feast- a party- where

the focus was rest from your enemies, gladness and feasting, a good day

– it was so fundamental that a decree was issued to ensure the happy

feast was celebrated every year continually, as indeed the feast of Purim

that is still today.

We as followers of Jesus can enjoy a feast of Purim every day. We can

rejoice and be glad every day. We can rest from our enemies everyday

because of the price our King Christ Jesus Paid.

Lastly child of God- as the Jews felt enormous hope of a new life and new

beginning with their Queen so close to the throne- we can rejoice and

take hope that we have Jesus at the Right Hand of the Throne. He is at

the Father’s side- the Man of Love. We have an advocate with the

Father- Jesus Christ the righteous. There is one that lies in the bosom of

God who will plead for all those who put their trust in him. Therefore- be

anxious for nothing – but let your souls rest in God and wait patiently for


I want you to understand today that Esther’s God is your God too. The

Omnipotent, Omnipresent Heavenly Father.

Do you feel that you don’t qualify to step out and do the work of God?

Esther’s birth: Born a stranger in a strange land- born of captives

Esther’s parents: Both her mother and father had died

Esther’s address: The King’s Harem- taken there against her will

Esther’s position: Queen to an alcoholic and impulsive pagan king


I don’t know what you are being prepared for tonight but I can assure you

that there is a plan in place that is designed just for you!

Part of Kingdom living is the open door policy! We have access to the

Throne of Grace anytime of the day or night!

As Esther was willing to lay down her life- Jesus Christ didn’t just choose

it- He died for the redemption of his bride!

God can take you from a faceless orphan to a queen

She had the best- but she gave it up! Will you give up success to get


Even though everything looked very wrong- God made it just right.