Essay of pollution At Sarawak.doc

Post on 21-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Essay of pollution At Sarawak.doc

Gas Cars? - Persuasive Essay

We use them everyday in America, yet it help kill the environment every time. They

cause others to inhale potentially dangerous chemicals in the air. It’s breaking down

the ozone layer, causing global warming to occur. Gas cars destroy the planet every

time we start them. We need an alternative source of energy for our own good. The

only other know portable energy we have that keeps its surroundings clean is the


There are some large disadvantages to using an electric car opposed to a gas car.

The cost of batteries is much higher than gas, and you can’t get very far even on a

full batter (40 or more miles). But: Technology is always advancing. Discoveries are

being made

Incinerator Essay

To you, incinerators generate a lot of toxic pollutants, but if you research this topic

more closely you will see that most of the toxic pollutants don’t reach the


Landfills are the main destination for Canadian solid waste. In 1998 nearly 21

million tones of waste was disposed of in 767 landfills, and in 45 incinerators across

the country. Landfill sites generate over a quarter of the methane emissions caused

by human activity in Canada, sending 1.2 million tones of this potent greenhouse gas

into the atmosphere each year. Because the global warming effect of methane is 21

times greater than that of carbon dioxide, this is the equivalent of greenhouse gas

emissions from more than six million cars – or 40 per cent of all the passenger

vehicles in the country.

While innovative technologies have been developed to capture this gas for use as fuel

in heating buildings or generating electricity, landfills are not a long term solution

to waste management for future generations. Innovative programs to reduce and

ultimately eliminate the need to use valuable land as garbage dumps are what is

needed to ensure a continuation of the quality of life Canadians have enjoyed.

A Leader in Converting Waste into Energy Strict

An Environmental History of theTwentieth-century world-

Most of the time, we can hear bad or alarming news concerning the environment.

The ozone hole is growing, global warming is worse than before, more and more

species are threatened with extinction. However, sometimes, some people -like the

author, J.R Mc Neill- tries to show us that ‘environmental changes usually are good

for some people and bad for others’ and that there might be a way out.

With his work, J.R Mc Neill, made a really surprising job. Indeed, we are not used

to study the history of the twentieth century through its environmental history, we

most often tell the history of the twentieth century through its wars, its economic

and political changes, and trying to explain this history with such a different point

of view, could be a very challenging and interesting task. Through his book, the

author tells us lots of anecdotes, explanations, show us different kind of documents.

This book is really based on an exhaustive research, and it seems to be really

difficult to sum up all these things in a paper.

In first the author argues that to a degree unprecedented in the human history, in

the twentieth century, we have been moving Earth: polluting the atmosphere, the

water….Indeed, under the pressure of human activity, the






