Esfahan Haroon Velayat mausoleum1

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE (You have a link on the first slide): you!The mausoleum is a shrine built in 1512-13 to the mystical figure Harun Vilayat. The shrine reputed for its miraculous powers is also venerated by some Armenian Christians and greatly influenced Safavid Isfahan's urban design in the sixteenth century.

Transcript of Esfahan Haroon Velayat mausoleum1


The construction of Harun Velayat or Harunieh, is composed of a cupola, a tomb-box, two courtyards and two portals beautifully ornamented with mosaic tiles delicate scrolls, and complex designs. It was erected in 1523 AD, in the reign of the Safavid king Shah Ismail I

Mausoleul Harun Velayat are două curţi interioare, cu portaluri decorate cu mozaic, o cupolă şi mormântul propriu-zis, care este atribuit mai multor figuri mistice (fie fiului celui de al zecelea sau al unsprezecelea imam, fie nepotului celui de al şaselea). Mausoleul este însă venerat mai ales de femei, care au credinţa că ar avea puterea de a vindeca sterilitatea.

The Ali Mosque and Minaret were built during the rule of Seljuk sultan Sanjar (1118-1157) in the mid-twelfth century. The minaret retains its Seljuk decorative brickwork while the mosque was largely rebuilt and redecorated during the rule of Safavid Shah Ismail I (1501-1524)

Minaretul Moscheeii Ali, 1131, 50m, cel mai vechi dintre cele 43 de minarete ale oraşului.

The Seljuk minaret rises immediately to the right of the mosque portal and is built entirely of brick. It is about forty-eight meters tall and has a tapering cylindrical shaft interrupted by two balconies.

The shaft below the balconies is decorated halfway with a pattern of interlocking stars in recess, changing into a finer diamond pattern in the upper half. The minaret has four bands of Kufic inscriptions, three of which are highlighted with glazed tiles.

Ayatollah Khomeini and Ali Khamenei at the Harun Velayat Mausoleum. In 1989, Ayatollah Khamenei succeeded the original Supreme Leader and founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini. Before that he was president for two successive terms from 1981-1989.

Sound: Homayoun Shajarian - Tasnife Chine Zolf

Text and images slide2: Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foi oreanuş

Nicoleta LeuCopyright: All the images belong to their authors

Arangement: Sanda Foi oreanuş
