Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4º ESO)

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  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 1

  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 2






  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 3

    Mauritis Cornelis Escher(1898-1972) is one of the worlds most famous graphic artists andan outstanding example of such an artist and designer.

    He was never a good student during his childhood days. After failing his high school exams,

    Mauritis (nicknamed Mauk) was enrolled in the School for Architecture and Decorative Arts in

    Haarlem; after one week, he informed his father that he would study graphic art instead of


    Although Escher occasionally produced watercolours and sculptures, he was first and

    foremost a graphic artist. During his lifetime, he mad 448 lithographs, woodcuts and wood

    engravings and over 2000 drawings and sketches.

    Apart from this, he also illustrated books, designed tapestries, postage stamps and murals.

    And in 1958, he published an illustrated book entitled Regular Division of the Plane, with

    reproductions of a series of woodcuts based on tessellations of the plane.

    In July 1969 he finished his last work, a woodcut called Snakes, in which snakes wind

    through a pattern of linked rings which fade to infinity toward both the centre and the edge of

    a circle.

    Eschers work shows how art can be enhanced by math, and vice versa. Despite having no

    formal training in Mathematics, Escher created artwork that followed certain mathematicalprinciples, and was influenced by developments in science and mathematics. His works

    included exploration of the three dimensional world, perspective, abstract mathematical

    solids, approaches to infinity and also tessellations (arrangements of closed, regular and

    irregular, shapes that completely cover the plane without overlapping and leaving gaps).

    While certain schools of art history may not teach Escher as a great artist, his

    popularity gives him enormous educational leverage to teach topics such as photo-realism,

    hyper realism, optical art, lithography, illustration, and surrealism.

    So, creating highly imaginative artwork that marries the world of art and mathematics,

    he would become a famous artist.

  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 4

    Escher didnt like being called an artist; he preferred to be known as a graphic artistbecause printmaking fascinated him.

    The printmaking methods he used most often were mezzotint(one intaglio

    technique), linocut, wood engraving and woodcut (these three ones are relief techniques), and

    lithography (a planographic technique). But he worked primarily in the media of lithographs

    and woodcuts; the few mezzotints he made are considered to be master pieces of the


    Judging from the complexity of some of his prints, there can be little doubt that he was

    indeed a master of his craft.

    In his graphic art, he portrayed mathematical relationships among shapes, figures and

    space. A large part of his popularity is due to his depictions of impossible worlds, and his

    prints on this theme are based on his research into perspective (the system to represent depth

    on a flat surface).

    But undoubtedly, tessellations was Eschers primary interest. His fascination with

    tessellations began when he briefly visit the Alhambra in 1922. He was impressed by the

    Moorish tilings decorating the Alhambra and the way in which the geometric figures on the

    plane were repeating.

    It was only during the second visit in 1936 that he began a more serious and

    theoretical study into tessellations. And so, the Alhambra became one of the sources of

    inspiration for Eschers designs. Unlike the Islamic designs, Eschers tilings resemble

    recognizable objects, usually living beings.

    It is quite common to describe Eschers works with regard to mathematics. Thus, we can

    easily find on Internet many descriptions of his artwork where the role of mathematics is

    pointed out or even emphasized.

    Maurits Cornelis Escher, who was born in Leeuwarden, Holland in 1898, created

    unique and fascinating works of art that explore and exhibit a wide range of

    mathematical ideas.1


  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 5

    His engravings and drawings have been admired for years by many artists, mathematicians

    and intellectuals throughout the world.2

    But, why is mathematics so important to a better understanding of Eschers works?

    In order to clarify this relationship we can try to answer this tricky question by focusing oneither the artist or the artwork. If we first consider the artist, we will realize mathematics is

    essential mainly in two different ways:

    As a tool

    To represent the world, his world: continuous, dual and dialectic (black

    and white, good and evil, limit and unlimited), relativist, cyclic, magic,

    staggering, bewildering.

    To represent the conflict between reality and imagination.

    To represent the mystery of perception.

    As a magic structure under reality

    The laws of mathematics are not merely human inventions or creations. They

    simply are; they exist quite independently of the human intellect. The most

    that any(one) ... can do is to find that they are there and to take cognizance of


    M.C. Escher

    If we now concentrate on the second focus of attention to answer the initial question we will

    find two remarkable aspects, too.

    Eschers artwork has been considered by some mathematicians as a way of visualizing

    difficult mathematics concepts or principles.

    Eschers artwork is full of mathematics objects and references: Regular Polyhedra,

    Archimedean Solids, Regular Division of the Plane (Reflections, Translations and

    Rotations), Topological objects (Mbius Strip), Non-Euclidean and Fractal Geometry,

    Perspective laws.

    2M.C.Escher Infinite Universes leaflet. Parque de las Ciencias de Granada.

  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 6

    1) EXPOSICIN M.C. ESCHER. UNIVERSOS INFINITOS Espaol. Visitaobligada. Consultar la biografa (

    escher/biografia); explica toda la exposicin en un repaso de sus obras, agrupadas

    ms por temas que por pocas ( aqu tienes los enlaces de cada seccin:

    Representacin figurativa/Paisajes naturales y artificiales, el Mediterrneo/

    Metamorfosis/Cruce de mundos/Formas tridimensionales y matemticas/

    Geometrizacin del plano/Perspectivas y arquitecturas). Dedica adems un apartado

    especial a su relacin con la Alhambra y a sus visitas a Espaa.

    2) M.C. ESCHER - INFINITE UNIVERSES. La exposicin en ingls muy tilpara responder tus tareas y preparar la visita.

    Enlaces a las secciones: Natural and Artificial Landscapes. The Mediterranean/

    Metamorphosis/ Crossing Worlds / Three-dimensional and Mathematical Forms /

    Geometrisation of the Plane / Perspectives and Architectures

    3) Escher mindscapes - National Gallery of Canada Presentacin flash muybuena en lo referente a los temas y tcnicas. Base de partida para estos apartados en

    nuestra actividad, as como para el estudio d las citas. Muy recomendable galera de

    imgenes agrupadas por etapas cronolgicas, no temticas (Cada obra incluye

    nombre, fecha y tcnica empleada). Atrvete a escuchar los vdeos con las

    entrevistas realizadas al autor. Ingls.

    4) The Official M.C. Escher Website. Breve biografa. Visitar galera deimgenespor etapas cronolgicas-. Ingls.

    5) M. C. Escher Wikipedia. Para toma de contacto inicial. Espaol:

    6) M. C. Escher Wikipedia. Para toma de contacto inicial. Algo ms completa einteresante que la versin espaola. Ingls:
  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 7

    7) M.C. Escher Brief Biography Biografa muy detallada, por pocas de su

    vida. Ingls.

    8) Biography of M.C. Escher biografa completa, algo ms sencilla que la anterior.


    9) Mini-biografa de M.C. Escher| Microsiervos (Arte y Diseo) brevsimabiografa e introduccin al anlisis de su obra. Espaol.

    10)Escher mindscapes - National Gallery of Canada Presentacin flash muybuena en lo referente a los temas y tcnicas. Base de partida para estos apartados en

    nuestra actividad, as como para el estudio d las citas. Muy recomendable galera de

    imgenes agrupadas por etapas cronolgicas, no temticas (Cada obra incluye

    nombre, fecha y tcnica empleada). Atrvete a escuchar los vdeos con las

    entrevistas realizadas al autor. Ingls.

    11)Tcnicas grficasespaol. Tipo diccionario. en el apartado tcnicas una clasificacin global

    12)Printmaking Wikipedia ingls. Bsico para conocer y diferenciar las tcnicas

    de impresin , as como algunos de los ms importantes aristas impresores agrupados

    por tcnicas para comparar con Escher. La versin en espaol no es ms completa y

    puede induciros a confusin y malinterpretaciones, ms que aclararos; pero tiene un

    cuadro de artistas muy completo.

    13)Grabado Wikipedia espaol. Bsico para conocer de qu hablamos en loreferente a tcnicas de grabado y tipos

    14)Engraving Wikipedia ingls. Bsico para obtener ideas claras y un vocabularioesencial antes de moverte en otras pginas de consulta (te interesa hasta el apartado


    15)Apuntes sobre tcnicas y tecnologa del grabado. Espaol. Materiasprimas, procedimientos, tcnicas Exhaustivo pero no complicado, interesante para

    aclarar y diferenciar conceptos, con cierto nivel.

    16)What is a print. Moma presentacin flash muy buena para entender y explorarlas tcnicas. Incluye un vocabulario breve y completo; para cada tcnica una galera de

    imgenes til para estudiar otros artistas y sobre todo, no olvides apretar la flecha de

    comenzar, se abre una de las ms claras y amenas explicaciones de cada proceso
  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 8

    artstico, adems fcil (=Press arrow to start). Ms que recomendable, obligada.


    17)Escher mindscapes - National Gallery of Canada Presentacin flash muybuena en lo referente a los temas y tcnicas. Base de partida para estos apartados en

    nuestra actividad, as como para el estudio de las citas. Muy recomendable galera deimgenes agrupadas por etapas cronolgicas, no temticas (Cada obra incluye

    nombre, fecha y tcnica empleada). Atrvete a escuchar los vdeos con las

    entrevistas realizadas al autor. Ingls.

    18)Perspectiva - Wikipedia. Ideas claras y tipos de perspectivas. Evolucin en eltiempo. Espaol

    19)Perspective visual- Wikipedia ingls (ms simple y con menos informacin)

    20)Perspective graphical- Wikipedia ingls. Muy recomendable: definicin eideas claras; historia y evolucin, obras tericas, explicacin de temas y esquemas de

    visuales muy tiles. Recomendable.

    21)Aproximacin a la Perspectiva Conceptos esenciales de perspectiva, en

    formato diccionario; til para definir y aclarar trminos usados en las actividades ypginas de consulta. Espaol.

    22)Tipos de perspectiva Una revisin sencilla y clara de la perspectiva a lo largo de

    la Historia del Arte. Muy resolutiva para algunas actividades. Espaol.

    23)La perspectiva lineal. Una ventana abierta al mundo. Sencilla yelemental introduccin a la perspectiva. Espaol.

    24)Perspectiva en la pinturaBreve y concisa, pero completa visin de laperspectiva y su evolucin en la historia del arte. Espaol

    25)Perspective Muy bueno para aclarar tipos y para tratar brevemente periodos, enespecial en artistas modernos. Ingls.
  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 9

    26)Perspective Drawing Lessons muy bueno para diferenciar lineal de area;para introduccin a la geometra en arte y para ejemplos de perspectiva en funcin de

    la posicin del espectador. Ingls, no demasiado fcil.

    27)Anamorfosis Wikipedia breve y claro. Interesantes diagramas y lista deautores que la han usado en sus obras. Ingles

    28)Anamorfosis Wikipedia En espaol; demasiado tcnico. Procura visitar lapgina dedicada a Julian Beever.


    Ver el contenido convertido en Presentacin de Power Point 1, 2 & 3 point

    perspective.pptx(descrgalo de esta pgina web del IES: (Download:

    30)Mathematics and art. para comprender la estrecha relacin entre el arte y lasmatemticas, en especial en lo referido a la proporcin y perspectiva, de Grecia a

    nuestros das. Ingls.

    31)The mathematical art of M.C. Escher. Una completa y sencilla introduccin

    a los temas matemticos que ms interesan a Escher . Ingls.

    32)The mathematics behind the art of M.C. Escher. Una pgina muy Buenapara trabajar y comprender las teselaciones en la obra de Escher. Aborda la relacin

    entre el autor y la Alhambra. Unas excelentes animaciones para comprender los

    procesos geomtricos de creacin de teselaciones. Ingls.


    33)Polyhedra and Art. Una pgina donde podrs rastrear la relacin entre el arte y

    los poliedros a lo largo de la historia. De especial inters el enlace hacia la pgina deEscher donde se comenta uno de sus grabados Stars.Ingls.

    34)Archimedean Solids. Se trata de una pgina en la que podrs informarte acercade lo que es un poliedro arquimediano. Este tipo de poliedros fueron utilizados por

    Escher en algunas de sus obras. Ingls.
  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 10

    35)Impossible Constructor (1.25). Aqu podrs descargarte un sencillo programapara crear tus propias figuras imposibles. Se trata de un programa que trabaja por

    medio de cubos en perspectiva y que genera formas como la siguiente:

    36)El espejo mgico de M.C. Escher. Bruno Ernst. Ed.: Evergreen, Kln 1994.Este libro es un clsico en la bibliografa sobre Escher. Se trata de un texto autorizado

    por el propio Escher, muy vlido para conocer las opiniones del propio artista.
  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 11

    MC Escher. Art & Maths. Art Assignments Resources(Download:

    A. With the biographical data which appear in SLIDES 3 to 6, design a timeline about MC

    Escher life. Incorporate the information about the chronological periods (SLIDE 7) in

    order to organize them. Identify the timeline date with a specific colour related toEscher artistic evolution.

    For further information visit the websites on your WORKBOOK (in sections

    Generales and Vida y Obra): Resources number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7.

    What is really so fascinating about graphic processes? What is that

    strange power of attraction that keeps its hold on the graphic artist?

    There are, I believe, three elements that are an inherent part of this

    fascination: 1. desire for multiplication; 2. beauty of the craft;

    3. forced limitations resulting from the technique."

    (Escher in Escher, 1989)

    MC Escher. Art & Maths. Art Assignments Resources(Download:

    A. Observe the two pictures included in SLIDE 9. In both of them you can see Escher

    working in his workshop. Try to find out which technique is employed in each image or

    in which stage of the artistic process is it in.

    Visit the websites in section Tcnicas de Grabado e Impresin in your WORKBOOK.

    I especially recommend you (in order of preference) numbers 16, 17 (English) and 11,

    15 (Spanish).
  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 12

    MC Escher. Art & Maths. Art Assignments Resources(Download:

    A. Play close attention to the SLIDES in section Eschers Tecniques from a to f (SLIDES 10to 15). Every image show a different printmaking technique used by Escher

    (exemplified by different Works) with the exception of letters e and f which refer tothe same technique. Can you identify the represented technique in each SLIDE?

    See your WORKBOOK websites for further information numbers 1 and 4 (look for

    the Picture Gallery). Number 3 can also be useful although it may need some more

    time to be loaded.

    B. Design a comparative table of the 5 graphic printmaking techniques more frequently

    used by Escher. Show in each technique the year in which it was invented, the matrix

    used (the material used for the engraving), the media (material on which it is printed),

    the tools which had been used for the engraving and a brief summary of the process.

    You will find especially useful the website (Flash presentation) What Is a Printfrom the


    You may find further information in the websites of your WORKBOOK numbers 12,

    14 and 15.

    Read the article Whats Perspective by Jim Elkins (see below, at the end of activity 12,

    ) and answer the following


    A. Define the words which appeared highlighted in turquoise.

    B. In the tradition of Western Art, which period, work and author can we claimed the first

    linear perspective?

    C. Over which elements of representation has no power linear perspective?D. According to the majority of art critics, who destroys the concept and use of

    perspective in the 20thCentury? Whats the article writers opinion?

    E. Value from 1 to 10 the difficulty of the text considering 1 the minimum and 10 the

    maximum. Indicate if your evaluation comes from text references and artistic

    vocabulary, to the difficulty of vocabulary in general, to the difficulty of understanding

    the expressions and sentence structures. How many words did you have to look up in

    the dictionary (not including those in activity A)?
  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 13

    In the twentieth century artists began to play with perspective by drawing impossible

    objects. These objects included stairs that always go up or cubes where the back meets the

    front. Such works were popularized by artist M. C. Escher and mathematician Roger Penrose.

    Although referred to as impossible objects such objects as the Necker Cube and the Penrose

    triangle can be built using anamorphosis. When viewed at a certain angle such sculptures

    appear as the so-called impossible objects.

    MC Escher. Art & Maths. Art Assignments Resources(Download:

    A. Look for SLIDE 17 and identify the name which corresponds to each of the represented

    images. Why are they called Impossible Objects?

    B. The image of stairs is recurrent in Eschers work (see SLIDE 18). Name at least 4 works

    from Escher (title and date) in which the stairs theme is emphasized.

    - Are they common examples of representing a stair? Why? In your opinion, what is

    the sense of this recurrent theme?

    C. It is commonly assumed the influence of G.B. Piranesi (discovered in his Italian

    period) in Eschers artwork

    -Elaborate a brief file on Piranesi (Time-space location, artistic style, techniques and

    main Works)

    - Observe the Piranesi image on SLIDE 18. Which Eschers work does it remind you?

    Which technical element do they share?

    MC Escher. Art & Maths. Art Assignments Resources(Download:

    A. In SLIDE 20 (Picture Gallery 1) there are three photographs showing linear

    perspective. Which differences can you notice? Analyse the vanishing points, the

    horizon line and the viewers point of view (also eye or dark point, is the place

    from which the image is observed. It would be as the viewers eye)B. Image 1 represents The Last Supperby Leonardo da Vinci. Observe the perspective

    diagram. Which is the vanishing point? Where does it go to? Does it refer to a

    symbolic or spatial necessity? Reason your answer out.

    Visit the websites in section Perspectiva in your WORKBOOK. I especially

    recommend you (in order of preference) numbers 20, 26 (English) and numbers

    22, 18, 25 (Spanish).
  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 14

    C. Analyse and compare the images in SLIDE 21 (Picture Gallery 2). What kind of

    perspective do they show? What do they have in common and which differences

    can you notice? Reason your answers out.

    Visit the websites in section Perspectiva in your WORKBOOK. I especially

    recommend you (in order of preference) numbers 29, 26 (English) and number 22y 18 (Spanish).

    La realidad tiene tres dimensiones, alto, ancho y profundo, pero un cuadro slo dos, lo alto

    y lo ancho. Este es el principal problema de todo pintor: cmo conseguir dar la ilusin de

    profundidad en un cuadro?. La respuesta es mediante el engao a nuestro sentido de la vista.

    Es en el Renacimiento cuando los pintores florentinos comienzan a investigar en serio laperspectiva como una ciencia, con sus leyes y sus principios matemticos. Mantegna, Ghiberti,

    Massaccio y otros establecieron ciertos principios necesariamente observables para reproducir

    la distancia. Estos principios fueron posteriormente perfeccionados por Leonardo, Miguel

    Angel, Giorgione y Rafael.

    Pero, cules son los engaos necesarios para lograr la tridimensionalidad en un plano?

    Fue Leonardo, precisamente, quien en su "Tratado de la pintura"defini a la perspectiva como

    la "ciencia de las lneas de la visin", dividindola en tres partes: lineal, de color y menguante.

    Perspectiva lineal. El cuadro se estructura como si mirsemos una pirmide desde dentro

    de su base. Vemos as un punto de fuga imaginario al fondo sobre el que convergen una serie

    de lneas de fuga, a veces imaginarias y a veces reales (pavimentos, techos, personajes, etc.)

    Perspectiva menguante. A medida que aumenta la distancia, disminuye la nitidez, los

    contornos se van haciendo borrosos y desdibujados, al igual que ocurre en la realidad.

    Perspectiva de color. En este caso, cuanto ms lejos aparece representado un objeto, ms

    tenues son sus colores. Existe tambin en el mundo real un desvaimiento de los tonos al

    aumentar la lejana. (Vemos las montaas azules desde lejos).

    Adems de estas tres perspectivas generales hay otros recursos aadidos para subrayar la

    tridimensionalidad como, por ejemplo, el punto de vista alto (perspectiva caballera) que

    aumenta el campo visual y por tanto la sensacin de profundidad. Tambin la alternancia de

    planos iluminados y otros en penumbra; o un fondo ilimitado e infinito; o disminuir el tamaode los objetos progresivamente segn se alejan del espectador, etc.

    A la perspectiva que toma en consideracin las tres citadas anteriormente se la suele

    conocer comoperspectiva area.
  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 15







    2 ROGER van der WEYDEN 2 MASTER of FLMALLE 2

    MC Escher. Art & Maths. Art Assignments Resources(Download:

    A. The Works which are showed in SLIDE 22 belong the great Italian painters of the

    Renaissance, who are pioneer in linear perspective. Which elements do these Works

    have in common from the perspective point of view? Which differences can you notice

    among them? You have to analyze the vanishing points, the horizon lines and the eye


    B. Look for and definein Spanish the words escorzo andperspectiva caballera. Explain

    their relationship with the Works in this slide.

    C. SLIDE 23 shows three different ways of representing the 3D space in the picture.

    Identify the Works, period and style they belong to and the type of perspective which

    has been used in each case.

    D. In SLIDE 24 you can see Las Meninas by Velzquez. Explain in Spanish how Velzquez

    creates the space in the painting and what kind of perspective he uses. Interpret and

    explain the coloured lines on top. Which spatial concept does each color correspond


    E. SLIDE 25, 26 Y 27 (Picture Gallery 6, 7 y 8) belong to the Early Flemish Painters School

    (Northern Renaissance). These painters will also be interested in the 3D space

    representation on the plane and they will approach its study from different premises

    to those used by the Italian painters and, therefore, with different results.

    - Analyse in SLIDES 25 and 26 the elements on which the author leans to create space

    and depth in the picture (they can be architectural, furniture, wall decoration, floor,


    - Locate the vanishing points and the horizon line. Is it the same perspective as the one

    used by the Italian painters? If not, identify which type does it belong to. Reason your

    answer out.

    F. SLIDE 27 represents a famous picture by Jan Van Eyck. Which one are we referring to?

    Observe the orthogonal lines and locate the vanishing point. What kind of perspective

    do you find? Does the element in the middle of the picture coincide with the main
  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 16

    vanishing point? Which symbolic value is given to the main vanishing point in this

    work? What does it represent?

    La derisoire effervescence des comprimes by

    Francois Boucq(Download:

    A. Visit the PPT Presentation Perspective Comic by F. Boucq in the IES Albayzn website

    and answer the following questions:

    1. In SLIDE 6 you can read: perspective is an obsolete conception of the

    representation of reality. nobody is interested in perspective anymore. Do youthink this is a true sentence in contemporary art? Reason your answer out.

    2. In SLIDE 6 you can read: I have been a Sunday afternoon painter for twenty-five

    years and, for me, perspective is much more than a simple technique, it is

    something connected with universal laws!!... . What does the expression Sunday

    afternoon paintermean?Do you think it has a pejorative sense? Why? Which are

    the universal laws the author refers to?

    3. Why is there a connection between perspective and the expression Sunday

    afternoon painter, and the lack of perspective and artistic creation in

    contemporary art?

    4. Which three basic rules of perspective are implicitly mentioned in the dialogues in

    SLIDE 7?

    5. Mr. Ferdinand, the man with the plough, says in SLIDE 9 I cant draw

    hyperboloids. Which type of perspective does he refer to? Justify your answer.6. In SLIDE 16 you can read: I wanted to send the rules of perspective to hell and

    thats why the bananas are hard to recognize. Now look at the picture with the

    bananas: What is the meaning of this sentence?

    7. Try to find images in the Presentation with perspectives which are equivalent to

    those on pictures 2, 3 and 4 in SLIDE 20 of the PPT Presentation MC Escher. Art

    & Maths. Art Assignments Resources

    Curvilinear perspective involves the representation of space using vanishing curves

    rather than vanishing lines. As these curves seem to converge at both ends, the horizontal and

    vertical transversals create two vanishing points each with a fifth created by the orthogonals

    parallel to the direction of view. Hence the namefive point perspective or spherical perspective
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    for some of these projection systems.

    Historical Uses of Curvilinear Perspective: From the 16th to the 20th centuries,

    perspective theorists explored the problem ofanamorphicor geometrically distorted images,

    which can be rectified back to a normal perspective image when viewed using an appropriately

    curved mirror. These studies often overlapped with the problems ofprojective distortions in

    two dimensional images, specifically the difference in perspective view straight ahead and the

    view obliquely to either side.


    Curvilinear perspective is a graphical projection used to draw 3D objects on 2D surfaces. It

    was formally codified in 1968 by the artists and art historians Andr Barre and Albert Flocon in

    the book La Perspective curviligne.

    In 1959, Flocon had acquired a copy ofGrafiek en tekeningen by M. C. Escherwho strongly

    impressed him with his use of bent and curved perspective, which influenced the theoryFlocon and Barre were developing. They started a long correspondence, in which Escher called

    Flocon a "kindred spirit".

    Examples of approximated (not necessarily systematically constructed, but emulated

    through an empirical method) five-point perspective can also be found in severalmannerist

    paintings such as the famous self-portrait ofParmigianinoseen through a shaving mirror as

    well as in the curved mirror inJan van Eyck'sArnolfini's Wedding.

    A. In SLIDE 28 you can find three examples of Eschers interest in curvilinear perspectivewhich he would develop in his hyperbolic tessellations (=regular tilings of the

    hyperbolic plane) together with his mathematician friend Coxeter, an expert in

    Hyperbolic Geometry. This interest in curvilinear perspective is not new in Art History.

    We have chosen Jan van Eyckand Parmigianino and in picture 1 in SLIDE 26 you can

    see a work by Master of Flmalle. Can you identify these three pictures? Which style or

    artistic school do the authors belong to?

    - Look for information and write an abstract on Parmigianinos work and his interest in

    the distortion of curvilinear perspective.

    B. Try to find some other examples (five at least) of curvilinear perspective in Eschers

    work apart from those which appear in this Slide.

    Anamorphosis is a distorted projection or perspective requiring the viewer to use specialdevices or occupy a specific vantage point to reconstitute the image. There are two main types

    of anamorphosis: Perspective (oblique) and Mirror (catoptric).

    Examples ofperspectival anamorphosis date to the early Renaissance (15th Century)

    Examples ofmirror anamorphosis occurred at the time of the late Renaissance (16th

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    During the 17th century, Baroque trompe l'oeilmurals often used this technique to

    combine actual architectural elements with an illusion. When standing in front of the art work

    in a specific spot, the architecture blends with the decorative painting.

    Cinemascope, Panavision, Technirama and other widescreen formats use anamorphosis to

    project a wider image from a narrower film frame.

    Anamorphic images have been distorted so that they appear flat or undistorted (veridical)

    when they are (a) viewed from a direction that is not perpendicular to the image plane;

    (b) viewed in a curved mirror or other highly reflective object; or (c) painted on a curved or

    faceted surface (i.e., the image plane is not a plane).

    MC Escher. Art & Maths. Art Assignments Resources(Download:

    Hans Holbein the Younger is well known for incorporating this type of anamorphic trick.His painting The Ambassadors is the most famous example for anamorphosis (mirror

    anamorphosis), in which a distorted shape lies diagonally across the bottom of the frame.

    Viewing this from an acute angle transforms it into the plastic image of a skull.

    C. Search for information on the Internet about the meaning of the skull in Holbeins


    D. Which Eschers work shows a skull reflected on a naturally curve surface?

    E. Escher uses the perspectival anamorphosis, in the Baroque tradition oftrompe l'oeil.

    What does trompe l oeil mean (explain in Spanish)?. Find out an Eschers work

    showing this visual stunt. You can find at least two examples included in the ArtResources PPT Presentation-.- How can you explain the anamorphosis (visual trick) in each example you have


    Visit the websites in section Perspectiva in your WORKBOOK. I especially

    recommend you number 27 (English).

    Este recurso del cuadro dentro del cuadro utilizado ya antes del Renacimiento convierte al

    cuadro incluido en un objeto tan real como el resto de objetos que forman parte de la obra

    total. No hay distincin alguna entre la realidad y la ilusin, entro lo viviente y lo pintado. A

    partir del siglo XVI se le va a aadir un atributo ms a dicho recurso: el cuadro incluido

    consigue que el espectador lo destaque del resto de la imagen representada.
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    .otro procedimiento, mucho ms sutil, de introducir un espacio dentro de otro, un exterior

    en un interior: el del cuadro dentro del cuadro, es decir, la presencia en la pared del fondo de

    un interior de otro cuadro colgado, que representa algo fuera de l. Tal sistema comprende

    tres soluciones, () a veces difciles de distinguir: el cuadro (o tapiz) colgado sobre el falso

    muro pintado; el hueco abierto en este muro, puerta o ventana a otra estancia o al aire libre;

    en fin, el espejo, que introduce en el espacio fingidamente real del cuadro lo que se halla

    frente a l ().En los tres casos nos hallamos ante una derivacin de la veduta (). Esta

    prctica alcanza entre los espaoles del Siglo de Oro, especialmente en Velzquez, tal


    Julin Gllego, Visin y Smbolos en la Pintura Espaola del Siglo de Oro, 1984

    MC Escher. Art & Maths. Art Assignments Resources(Download:

    A. Escher uses this resource in his work. Find some examples of it in his production

    (some of them are in this presentation). Do you think this resource is connected with

    his interest in representing infinite universes? In which way? Reason your answer out.

    B. In SLIDE 30 (Picture Gallery 11) there are some examples of Spanish painters. One of

    them is Velzquez. Who is the author of image 1?

    C. Find in this presentation some other Works by Velzquez ofa picture within a picture.

    Explain the within picture and read carefully the attached text by Julin Gllego.

    En la crtica literaria, negacin del significado

    normal de los conceptos y favorecimiento de otro tipo de interpretaciones






    5 5 BRAQUE 5
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    MC Escher. Art & Maths. Art Assignments Resources (Download:

    Observe carefully the Works which are included in SLIDES 31 to 33 (Picture Gallery 12

    to 149). Design a table with the works in a chronological order. Mention the author,

    style or artistic period of the work and name of it. Do you think the rules of linear perspective are fulfilled in these Works? Justify your

    answer. Which works maintain a certain concept of linear perspective in these pictures

    (Write number and author)?.

    Pay close attention to the four Works in SLIDE 31 y numbers 2, 3 and 4 in SLIDE 33

    (Picture Gallery 12 and 14). Analyse the type of representation of the space which has

    been used by the authors. Consult the table in SLIDE 19.

    Which of these Works represent the elimination of perspective? Reason your answer

    out. Does Cubism mean the elimination or the intensification of the concept of 3D in

    painting? Justify your answer.

    Visit the websites in section Perspectiva in your WORKBOOK. I especially

    recommend you (in order of preference) numbers 25 and 20 (English) and numbers

    18 y 22 (Spanish).

    Another form ofanamorphic art is often called "Slant Art." Examples are the sidewalk chalk

    paintings ofKurt Wenner, Manfred StaderandJulian Beeverwhere the chalk painting, the

    pavement and the architectural surroundings all become part of an illusion.

    MC Escher. Art & Maths. Art Assignments Resources(Download:

    A. What is the meaning of epigone? In which sense can we name these chalk artists as

    epigones of Escher? What is the relationship between Eschers art and these Street

    artists / sidewalk chalk painters?

    MC Escher. Art & Maths. Art Assignments Resources(Download:
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    A. In this section (SLIDES 35 to 41) some quotes have been selected on two main

    subjects: the relationship between Escher and Maths and Escher and his artistic

    creation. Choose one relevant quotation for each subject. Justify your choice and the

    meaning of the quotation within the artistic production of Escher (SLIDE 35 with

    Spanish quotations cannot be chosen for this exercise).


    What Is Perspective?

    Simple one-point perspective


    The Chemistry and

    Physics of Color

    What Is Perspective?

    The Basics of Perspective

    Linear perspective is a mathematical system for projecting the three-dimensional worldonto a two-dimensional surface, such as paper or canvas. In brief, this type of

    perspective begins with a horizon line, which defines the farthest distance of the

    background and a central vanishing point. To this vanishing point, orthogonals may be

    drawn from the bottom of the picture plane, which defines the foreground of the space.

    The orthogonals, vanishing point, and horizon line establish the space in which the artist

    may arrange figures, objects, or architecture such that they appear to exist in three

    dimensions. Once these basic elements have been set in place, the artist may add further

    elements to create a more complicated, yet more realistic, space. For example, to
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    represent a square-tiled floor, the artist chooses another point on the horizon line, called

    the distance point, and draws a line through the orthogonals to a point at the bottom of

    the picture plane. The points at which this line bisects the orthogonals establish the

    points at which horizontal lines, called transversals, may be placed. These lines

    represent the perspectively correct regression of the square tiles into space (see

    diagram). These elements of linear perspective link the science of three-dimensionalgeometry with the art of illusionistic representation.

    Art-Historical Meanings of PerspectiveIn the 13th and 14th centuries, before linear perspective was discovered, artists

    occasionally employed something called reverse perspective, in which parallel lines

    splay rather than converge as they approach the horizon line. One of the rules set forth

    in an early artists' manual is that elements above the eye of the viewer tend downward

    (like roofs), while elements below the viewers eye tend upward (like tables). While

    arbitrary tilting of lines upward and downward can create unusual effects, this is

    generally considered to be a significant step in the progression toward the rational

    application of linear perspective.

    It was not until the Renaissance that artists began to refine this science. Linear

    perspective soon emerged as the tool for artists to capture the world around them in a

    remarkably illusionistic manner (this was the same time that cartographers were

    mapping the surface of the earth using a similar system of mathematical projection).

    Masaccio's (140128) Trinity (142728), considered to be the first accurately

    perspectival painting in the Western tradition, introduced the

    relationship between linear perspective and subject matter in art.

    The painting is divided into three levels: the figure of God

    stands on a tomb above and behind Christ crucified on the cross;

    the Virgin Mary and St. John the Baptist stand at the base of the

    cross; and two donors, who commissioned the painting, kneel on

    either side of the cross at the lowest level. The figures are

    harmoniously organized underneath a barrel-vaulted ceiling. The

    figure of Christ and the barrel vault are rendered as if seen from

    below. The figures of Mary and John are rendered again as if

    from below, but just lower than Christ. The two donors, given

    the lowest vanishing point, are rendered as if seen, directly in

    front of the viewers eye. In this way, the painting provides the

    illusion that the viewer is looking at sculptural forms that exist in three dimensions and

    rise vertically in space. Yet the accurate, illusionistic representation of space in thiswork has no obvious theological meaning. It has much more to do with the artist

    exhibiting his skillinjecting his own thoughts into this religious image.

    Unusual Kinds of PerspectiveSome artists of the Renaissance were not as concerned with putting their subjects in

    perfect perspective as they were with making religious statements. For example, in

    pictures that include the Virgin Mary the vanishing point is often intentionally placed on

    Mary's womb to indicate her place as the mother of Christ. This placement of the

    vanishing point has religious significance and may not be related to the intention to

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    create a rational perspectival space. Further, if the artist chooses a short distance

    between the distance point and the vanishing point then the perspective will appear

    warped. The distance between the distance point and the vanishing point should, in

    theory, correspond exactly to the distance between the viewers eye and the picture

    plane. When the distance between the points is small, the viewer must place his or her

    eye at this same distance from the painting directly in front of the distance point in orderto see the work with no distortion whatsoever. When the viewer stands back from the

    work, the space in the image will appear distorted.

    Anamorphosis(from the Greek, something without form) involves stretching an

    ordinary linear-perspective image in one or more directions to obscure its original form.

    To achieve this, the artist draws a grid over the original image and then translates the

    image point by point to a grid that has been stretched. If the viewer looks at the image

    directly, it appears formless and amorphous. In order to recognize the image, the eye of

    the viewer must be positioned from a particular spot, generally off to the side, and from

    this point the image appears in linear perspective.

    Curvilinear perspective is an alternate to linear perspective. Although technically all

    straight lines are curved, curvilinear lines are suppressed in Western paintingthat is,

    straight lines are represented as straight rather than arced. In the 19th century, a group

    of artists made an attempt to return curvilinear perspective to painting, but the idea was

    short lived because it presented a philosophical problem. When observing lines in the

    real world, such those of as walls and buildings, the lines appear curved. (Think of

    standing in front of a long wall, and looking left and right: The top of the wall seems to

    curve up from either side.) It follows that a wall in a painting, drawn with straight lines,

    can also seem curved. Therefore, if those curves are represented in painting they will

    seem doubly curved. This tension between reality and the representation of reality in

    painting posed a challenge to the painters who employed this technique.

    Perspective and NatureThere are some elements of representation over which linear perspective has no power,

    such as landscapes, faces, and organic forms, for this type of perspective only describes

    linear things. In hisLandscape with Saint John on Patmos (1640), Nicolas Poussin

    (1593/41665) used linear perspective to

    demonstrate his knowledge of geometry. In the

    ruins in the foreground, a cube, a three-

    dimensional rectangle, and a cylinder are

    represented in perfect perspectival form, eachillustrating a different aspect of foreshortening.

    Yet the landscape in which the objects and the

    figure of Saint John exist does not adhere to the

    rules of linear perspective. The pathway recedes

    into the distance giving an illusion of depth, but

    nature twists and turns and rises and falls in its unpredictable, organic way.

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    Modern Art and Linear PerspectiveSince the Renaissance, painters have reworked and refined linear perspective. The

    American 19th-century realistThomas Eakins(18441916) created remarkably accurate

    outdoor scenes, with shadows painted so precisely that art historians have been able to

    determine, based on their knowledge of where the works

    were painted, the exact date and time of day he painted them.Some critics have argued that perspective was destroyed by

    modern artists such as Pablo Picasso in the early-20th

    century. In works such as his portrait ofDaniel-Henry

    Kahnweiler (1910), Picasso sought to break up the picture

    plane and divide the forms into individual geometric pieces.

    Yet early modern artists did not actually overthrow

    perspective; they borrowed from it, elaborated upon it, and

    redefined it for the viewer. That linear perspective is still

    very much a part of representation today is evident in video

    games, which employ the most exact perspective in the

    Western tradition. In computer software, all figures andobjects are drawn using a perfect geometric grid. Regardless of the vantage point from

    which the player views figures in a game, all figures, objects, and elements in the

    settings adhere to the established rules of representation. Perspective is both an exacting

    art and an exacting science that is still very much all around us.

    Adapted from a lecture titled What Is Perspective? byJim Elkins.
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    Alongthe Grain = al hilo, a fibra Anamorphosis = anamorfosisAtmospheric Perspective= perspectivaarea

    Background = fondo

    Barrel-Vault = bveda de can Canvas = lienzoDonors = donante, comitente End-Grain Wood

    Engrave = grabado Etching = aguafuerte, grabado al cidoForeground = primer plano Foreshortening = acortar

    Horizon Line = lnea del horizonteIntaglio = talla dulce o grabado a buril(huecograbado)

    Linear Perspective Linocut = linoleografa

    Lithography= litografaMezzotint = mezzotinta, manera negra oinglesa

    Planographic = planogrfico Reverse Perspective

    Tiles = azulejos , baldosas Tiling = alicatar, enlosar, poner azulejosVanishing Point = punto de fuga

    Wood Engraving = xilografa (a testa, a


    Woodcut = xilografa (a fibra, al hilo)

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    Escher was very interested in visual aspects of Topology, a branch of mathematics just coming

    into full flower during his lifetime. The Mbius strip is perhaps the prime example, and Escher

    made many representations of it. It has the curious property that it has only one side, and one

    edge. Thus, if you trace the path of the ants in Mbius Strip II, you will discover that they are

    not walking on opposite sides of the strip at all they are all walking on the same side.

    Eschers Topological Images

    BalconyPrint Gallery

    Mbius Strip IIPrint Gallery, (grid-paper sketch)

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    Another very remarkable lithograph, called Print Gallery, explores both the logic and the

    topology of space. Here a young man in an art gallery is looking at a print of a seaside town

    with a shop along the docks, and in the shop is an art gallery, with a young man looking at a

    print of a seaside town . . . but wait! What's happened?

    All of Escher's works reward a prolonged stare, but this one does especially. Somehow, Escher

    has turned space back into itself, so that the young man is both inside the picture and outside

    of it simultaneously. The secret of its making can be rendered somewhat less obscure by

    examining the grid-paper sketch the artist made in preparation for this lithograph. Note how

    the scale of the grid grows continuously in a clockwise direction. And note especially what this

    trick entails: A hole in the middle. A mathematician would call this a singularity, a place where

    the fabric of the space no longer holds together. There is just no way to knit this bizarre space

    into a seamless whole, and Escher, rather than try to obscure it in some way, has put his

    trademark initials smack in the centre of it.

    As we have seen Escher was very interested in Topology. Now we will try to clarify the

    meaning of this branch of mathematics.

    Topological Equivalence

    Someone once said that topologist is a person who does not know the

    difference between a doughnut and a coffee cup. Two geometric figures are

    said to be topologically equivalent if one figure can be elastically twisted

    (torcida), stretched (estirada), bent (doblada), or shrunk (encogida) into the

    other figure without puncturing (perforar) or ripping (rasgar) the original

    figure. If a doughnut is made of elastic material, it can be stretched, twisted,

    bent, shrunk, and distorted until it resembles a coffee cup with a handle, as

    shown in the picture below.

    In topology, figures are classified according to their genus. The genus of an

    object is determined by the number of holes that go through the object. A

    cup and a doughnut each have one hole and are of genus 1 (and are therefore

    topologically equivalent). Notice that the cup handle is considered a hole, whereas the

    opening at the rim of the cup (borde de la taza) is not considered a hole.

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    The following chart illustrates the genus of several objects.

    Marble. Genus 0 Doughnut.

    Genus 1

    Strainer. Genus 3 or more.

    Bowling ball.

    Genus 0

    Coffee cup.

    Genus 1

    Kettle. Genus 2 Scissors. Genus 2

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    Activity 1:

    Give the name and the genus of the following objects. If the object has a genus larger than 5,

    write larger than 5.



















    Activity 2: Jordan Curves

    A Jordan Curve is a topological object that can be thought of as a circle twisted out of shape.

    Like a circle, it has an inside and an outside. To get from one side to the other, at least one line

    must be crossed. Consider the following Jordan curve; are points A and B inside or outside the

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    curve? Could you establish a general rule to know whether a point is inside or outside the

    Jordan curve?

    Activity 3: Mbius Strip

    If you place a pencil on one surface of a sheet of paper and do not remove it from the sheet,you must across the edge to get to the other surface. Thus, a sheet of paper has one edge and

    two surfaces. The sheet retains these properties even when crumpled into a ball. The Mbius

    strip, also called a Mbius band, is a one-sided, one-edged surface. You can construct one by:

    a) Taking a strip of paper

    b) Giving one end a half twist

    c) Taping the ends together

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    The Mbius strip has some very interesting properties. To better understand these properties,

    perform the following experiments.

    Experiment 1: Take a sheet of paper, a strip of paper and construct a paper ring as shown

    in the picture.

    Could you tell how many edges and how many sides these different surfaces have?

    Surface Number of edges Number of sides

    Sheet of paper

    Strip of paper

    Ring of paper


    How to count the edges: Start colouring an edge at one point with your felt-tip pen, if you

    colour the entire edge and never have to lift the pen from the paper then the paper has one

    edge. A pointy vertex does not divide an edge into two parts.

    How to count the sides: Start colouring one side, fill it with colour but don't cross over any

    sharp edges. When you are done, one side will be coloured the other will not. So, the strip has

    2 sides.

    A simpler way to test for the number of sides is to draw a line along one side. If any point can

    be reached from the line without crossing an edge then that point is on the same side as the

    line. Draw a line on one side of the paper, points on the other side cannot be reached without

    crossing an edge, this means the paper has two sides.

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    Experiment 2: Make a Mbius strip using a strip of paper and tape as illustrated above.

    Check a Mbius band is a one-sided, one-edged surface.

    Experiment 3: Make a Mbius strip. Use scissors to make a small slit in the middle of the

    strip. Starting at the slit, cut along the strip, keeping the scissors in the middle of the strip.

    Continue cutting and observe what happens.

    Experiment 4: Make a Mbius strip. Make a small slit at a point about one-third of the

    width of the strip. Cut along the strip, keeping the scissors the same distance from the edge.

    Continue cutting and observe what happens.

    Impossible Constructionsare two-dimensional shapes whose equivalent three-dimensional

    constructions are impossible. This means we can draw these impossible constructions on a

    sheet of paper but we cant build a three-dimensional model of them.

    How can such a disturbing event like that happen?

    Explaining this strange event involves to think of perspective rules. Two-dimensional

    impossible constructions are possible because when we draw them we break some of the

    perspective rules. For instance:

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    Parallel line segments in 3D world are also parallel in their 2D representations, and the

    other way round.

    Every 2D representation of the 3D world is made using the same type of coordinate


    Activity 1:

    How could you interpret this coordinate trihedral? How many possibilities can you see?

    Maybe if you look carefully at the following picture you will realize the different points

    of view. To represent a trihedral in 2D is always ambiguous.

    Juan Muoz, Wasteland. 1986

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    Activity 2:

    The following chart contains several 2D representations. Some of them are possible

    constructions in a 3D world, others are not. Could you identify or classify the possible and

    impossible constructions? Could you explain your answer according to the perspective rules

    explained above?

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    Activity 3: His fantastical structures, which couldnt possibly exist in the realworld, are optical illusions that play with perspective.

    Could you recognize any of the critiria explained above to create impossible constructions in

    these Eschers artwork?
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    In addition to being wonderfully engaging art, the work of Maurits Cornelius Escher also

    displays some of the more beautiful and intricate aspects of mathematics. In 1936 Escher,

    became obsessed with tessellations, that is, with creating art that used objects to cover a

    plane so as to leave no gaps. Symmetry became a cornerstone of Eschers

    famous tessellations.

    Escher kept a notebook in which he kept background information for his

    artwork. In this notebook, Escher characterized all possible combinations

    of shapes, colours and symmetrical properties of polygons in the plane.

    By doing so, Escher had unwittingly developed areas of a branch of

    mathematics known as crystallography years before any mathematician

    had done so!!

    These pictures have beencreated by Escher using therules of transformationalgeometry. One of the targets

    of this activity will be todiscover that rules.

    3 This activity has been developed using different materials selected from the following bibliographic sources: AAVV, ASurvey of Mathematics with Applications , Eighth Edition (Pearson Education, 2009). Recursos digitales de la Editorial ANAYA


  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 37

    We will now introduce a type of geometry called transformational geometry. In

    transformational geometry we study various ways to move a geometric figure without altering

    the shape or size of the figure. When discussing transformational geometry, we often use the

    term rigid motion.

    The act of moving a geometric figure from some starting position to some ending position

    without altering its shape or size is called a rigid motion (or transformation).

    When discussing rigid motion of two-dimensional figures, there are four basic types of rigid

    motions: Reflections, Rotations, Translations, and Glide Reflections. We call these four types of

    rigid motions the basic rigid motions in a plane.

    A reflection is a rigid motion that moves a geometric figure to a new position such that (tal

    que) figure in the new position is a mirror image of the figure in the starting position. In twodimensions, the figure and its mirror image are equidistant from a line called the reflection

    line or the axis of reflection.

    A translation (or glide) is a rigid motion that moves a geometric figure by sliding (deslizar) it

    along a straight line segment in the plane. The direction and length of the line segment

    completely determine the translation. A concise way to indicate the direction and the distance

    that a figure is moved during the translation is with a translation vector.

  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 38

    A rotation is a rigid motion performed by rotating a geometric figure in the plane about a

    specific point, called the rotation point or the centre of rotation. The angle through which the

    object is rotated is called the angle of rotation.

    We will measures angles of rotation using degrees. In mathematics, generally,

    counterclockwise angles have positive degree measures and clockwise angles have negative

    degree measures.

    A glide reflection is a rigid motion formed by performing a translation (or glide) followed by a


    As a summary of the basic rigid motion in a plane we can bear in mind the following image:

  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 39

    Activity 1:

    Construct the reflection of polygon ABCDE, shown in Figure a, about line e and the

    reflection of polygonABCD, shown in Figure b, about point O.

    Activity 2:

    Given the shapes shown in Figure a and b, and translation vector , construct the translated

    shapes (ABCDE).

    Activity 3:

    Use the given figure and rotation point O to construct the indicated rotations

    a) A 30 rotation of pointA about point O.

  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 40

    b) A 90 rotation of segmentAB about point O.

    c) A 30 rotation of trapezoidABCD about point O.

    If you compare this rigid motion to the one in the exercise 1b, what would you say

    about it?

    Activity 4:

    Construct the reflection of polygon shown below about line e.

  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 41

    Activity 5:

    Construct the reflection of polygon shown below about point O.

    Activity 6:

    Given triangle OAB, where ()() y ():

    a) Plot all the points and draw the triangle.

    b) Construct the translation of triangle OAB using () as a translation vector.

    c) Determine the coordinates of the three vertices of triangle OAB.

    Activity 7:

    John has to study this composition that he has found out in an art exhibition, could you help

    him to answer the following questions?

  • 8/3/2019 Escher Exhibition: Student's Workbook (4 ESO)


    ART & MATHS : M.C. ESCHER Bilingual Cross-Curricular Activity - 4 ESOBelen Pena & Luis M. Rodriguez Departamentos de Historia y Matematicas 42

    What rigid motion would you use to transform tile 1 into tile 2? And tile 1 into tile 3? And tile 1

    into tile 6?
