Ernst & Young's global cleantech center · 2013. 2. 13. · Ernst & Young has been serving...

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Transcript of Ernst & Young's global cleantech center · 2013. 2. 13. · Ernst & Young has been serving...

Ernst & Young’s global cleantech center

July 2012


Leverage cleantech as part of the national strategy

Create jobs

Drive innovation

Develop local industries

Ensure energy security

Optimize energy mix

Improve the environment

External Agenda

Grow revenues

Meet consumer demand for greener products

Enter new markets

Enhance innovation

Internal Agenda

Improve operational efficiency to reduce cost

Optimize energy mix

Achieve internal sustainability objectives



Investors Reduce risk Increase value

Consumers Greener products Cost Performance

Employees Growth Stability Community Environmental









► ► ► Capital ► Innovation ► Transparent Information ► ► ►

Finance • >$260b in global investments in 2011– record year! • Growing number of IPOs – mainly China wind and solar (e.g.,

Sinovel - $1.4B, Huaneng - $850M); also US biofuels (e.g., Solazyme - $227M, Gevo - $123M)

• Continuous progress on cost reduction

Corporate activity • Increased M&A activity

• >227 M&A deals in 2011 • Increased acquisitions by Japanese and Korean

corporations • R&D / Business development by Chinese companies in

developed and developing markets • New partnerships models

• EY’s Corporate Cleantech study • Cleantech investments in 2011:

• 34%: 2%-3% of annual revenue • 21%: 3%-5% of annual revenue

• 74% will increase cleantech investments in the next 5 years

• Corporations anticipate to do more “leading edge” cleantech acquisitions

Government involvement • Next wave of increased cleantech allocations in selected

government stimulus plans and 5-year plans • Global cleantech “arms race” to capture innovation, ensure

energy security and create competitive advantage • Austerity-based policies in certain countries have resulted

in withdrawal of government commitments


Megatrends • Evolving energy mix • Clean energy as a national competitive advantage • Corporate growth strategies based on cleantech • Corporate energy mix strategy development • Cleantech growth in emerging markets • Global electric vehicle (EV) adoption • Energy-water-food nexus Market indicators • $1T invested in cleantech since 2004 (BNEF) • 435 pure-play public cleantech companies (BNEF) • US market for prof. services in wind and solar is $91m-

$156m / year through 2016 (BNEF) • Robust IPO pipeline -25% of US IPO pipeline • $1.7T - $2.3T investment in clean power assets by 2020

(Pew) • Accelerated corporate activity (drivers: innovation, new

markets, consolidation) • New multi-billion market cap industry leaders • Capital: new players (e.g. SWFs), new business models,

new roles (e.g. Chief Capital Officer) Current dynamics • Falling solar prices are accelerating competitiveness and

deployment—record $137b invested in solar in 2011 (BNEF)

• With austerity in the US and Europe, emerging markets are the growth opportunity; companies must grow beyond.

• China’s 12th 5-Year Plan: 5 of 7 strategic industries are cleantech related

• Strong growth in smart energy—$298b global revenues projected for 2012 (Pike Research)

• Ramp-up in EV production; enabling business models • Cleantech stakeholder strategy formulation in water

Powerful drivers have caused a transformational change

The transformation has generated reactions, activity and initiatives by corporations, governments and corporate stakeholders that are significantly linked and have critical dependencies

This has created change and generated opportunities but also raised new risks and challenges

The outcome is significant and those that will not take action, can find themselves at disadvantage

Cleantech has become a growing strategic imperative.

A global transformation in the way natural resources, including energy and water, are produced, distributed, stored, managed and consumed

Resource-efficient and low carbon economy

Growing world population

Increase awareness for sustainability strategy

Increasing middle class consuming power in BRICs

Acceleration of urbanization

Natural resource scarcity

Energy security concerns

Rising energy and commodity prices

Business response to climate change

The resource and low-carbon transformation

Cleantech: new energy and resource efficiency

► Energy

► Bioenergy

► Geothermal

► Hydro energy

► Marine energy

► Solar energy

► Wind energy

► Water

► Waste to energy

► Other supply

Supply (resources) Demand

► Energy efficiency

► Industrial applications

► Residential applications


► Energy storage

► Electric vehicles

► Smart grid / smart meters

► Water

► Monitoring and management systems

► Prevention and detection

► Advanced materials

► Other demand technologies

Definition: A diverse range of innovative products and services that optimize the use of natural resources or reduce the negative environmental impact of their use while creating value by lowering costs, improving efficiency, or providing superior performance.

Cleantech represents the technology and business model innovation that enables the transformation to a more resource efficient and low carbon economy.


estate Automotive


Power and utilities

Oil & gas



Consumer Products


Ernst & Young has been serving cleantech companies and the sector for over 20 years. With the recent increased focus on the technologies and business models and rapidly expanding global investments, the firm chose to make a differential investment in the sector with the launch of the Global Cleantech Center in 2010 and the strategic global coordination of our sector focused services and people.

Emerging innovators through global corporates choose Ernst & Young because they value our sector-based approach to addressing their assurance, tax, transaction and advisory needs.

What gives us a unique perspective and point-of-view in this expanding global market is our commitment and investment to this sector - demonstrated by our Cleantech Center and global network with the experience and skills to serve our clients today.

Ernst & Young’s global cleantech center Launched in 2010


John de Yonge Director, Account Enablement New York Telephone: +1 201 872 1632 Email:

Scott Sarazen Global Cleantech Markets Leader Boston Telephone: +1 617 585 3524 Email:

Gil Forer Global Cleantech Leader New York Telephone: +1 212 773 0335 Email:

Robert Seiter Cleantech Leader – EMEIA Berlin Telephone: +49 30 25471 21415 Email:

Paul Go Cleantech Leader – Asia Pacific Beijing Telephone: +86 10 58153688 Email:

Jay Spencer Cleantech Leader – Americas Boston Telephone: +1 617 585 1882 Email:

Paul Naumoff Global Cleantech and CCaSS Tax Leader Columbus, OH, USA Telephone: +1 614 232 7142 Email:

Ben Warren Global Cleantech TAS Leader London Telephone: +44 20 7951 6024 Email:

Global center team Area leaders Service line leaders

Heather Sibley Global Cleantech Assurance Leader San Francisco Telephone: +1 415 894 8032 Email:

Ernst & Young’s global cleantech team Center, Area and Service Line leadership

Cleantech market segments Client attributes

Segment Attributes




• New energy and resource efficiency • Technologies, products & business models • R&D focus • VC/PE backed • Private & public

• Renewable energy projects • Operate as utility – power contracts • Specialized financing • Developers & long term operators

• VC / PE • Project finance • Banks • Corporates & Governments

Governments Advisory role only • Global governmental bodies • Global governmental agencies • Public/private partnerships

Corporates Three major strategic approaches 1. Leverage core competencies 2. Transformation 3. New products/markets/models

The four major sector mega-trends driving behavior include: • Corporate focus on cleantech revenue opportunities • Corporate energy mix strategy development • Cleantech market growth driven by emerging markets • Capital agenda - falling renewable equipment prices and falling energy costs alter

economics and drive competition and consolidation

These mega-trends are resulting in the following issues in the sector segments:

Capital raising Capital efficiency Alliances & JVs

Accessing incentives Going public Globalization

Global competition


Capital raising Capital efficiency Competition for

PPAs Accessing incentives

Operating efficiencies


Exits New capital sources Accessing incentives Portfolio efficiencies

Investors Corporates

Public-private partnerships


Resource efficiencies Sustainability

Optimization of energy mix Strategic


Cleantech market segments Business issues driven by global mega-trends

In partnership with other global industry centers and service lines, we are identifying key emerging and expanding business issues that will drive the global cleantech economy and create market opportunities for Ernst & Young and our clients.

Electric Vehicles Battery-powered electric vehicles (EV) are poised to change the social, political and economic landscape – while also transforming existing vehicle manufacturers and creating new businesses and business models. In partnership with the EY’s Global Automotive and Global Power & Utilities Centers, the Global Cleantech Center is exploring this new emerging ecosystem.

Smart Grid Together with Ernst & Young’s Power and Utilities network, we are helping our clients understand the implications of the power transmission efficiency and Smart Grid, and plot their strategies accordingly.

Chief Capital Officer Just as the world thirsts for clean energy, companies are striving to provide for their thirst for capital. In conjunction with the Global TAS Capital Agenda initiative, the GCC is examining the need for early stage companies to focus on these specialized skills.

Growing beyond: accessing global markets While emerging companies need EY’s perspective and knowledge to help them globalize we also have identified the need of key global organizations to transform their operations in a manner that allows them to enter emerging markets to both capitalize on market opportunities while also access key domestically developed technologies.

Water technologies In both emerging and western geographies, the demand for water is increasing at rates that cannot be satisfied with existing systems and sources – globally, the demand for potable water is expected to double in the next 20 years. From investors to global corporations, new technologies and businesses are being created to address this global opportunity.




Power and utilities

Oil & gas



Consumer Products

Emerging and expanding cleantech issues Identifying future growth opportunities

Seizing transformational opportunities: Global cleantech insights and trends report ► The annual cleantech report provides a global perspective of trends in the cleantech marketplace supported by

analysis from the firm's various SMEs in addition to noted industry experts.

Tracking global trends: How six key developments are shaping the business world ► This informative report, produced annually by Ernst & Young, highlights the complexity of the interlocking systems

that shape today's economic and social environments, focused on six major emerging sectors - notably, cleantech.

Do you need a chief capital officer? How to meet the financing challenges of capital-intensive cleantech companies ► Our recommendation for emerging cleantech companies to consider the creation of a new senior leadership role:

the Chief Capital Officer.

Cleantech Matters - The electrification of transportation: from vision to reality ► The report from our annual Cleantech Ignition Sessions which convene industry players from around the world to

discuss trends in electrification of vehicles.

Growing beyond: the cleantech growth journey from product development to market leadership ► The report summarizing the insights from our first annual cleantech CEO retreat.

Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Indices ► . Our quarterly report ranking national renewable energy markets and their suitability for individual technologies.


Global cleantech thought leadership - publications

These single frames demonstrate the growing role of cleantech in the national strategies of these countries and the growth potential of cleantech over the next decade in selected markets, including:

►Brazil ►China ►India ►Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ►United Arab Emirates ►S. Korea


Global cleantech thought leadership – emerging market analysis


These insightful tools are designed to foster rich discussions not only with innovators but also with corporations, investors and other stakeholders.

Solar value chain ► Provides perspective on the size of the solar industry, its complexity and its global


Smart grid value chain ► Identifies the industry participants that come together to provide clean energy


Electric vehicles value chain ► A detailed Electric Vehicle value chain illustration highlighting selected global

companies involved at each stage of EV production

Global cleantech thought leadership – value chains

Events for 2012/13 include:

►ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit Washington, DC

27 – 29 February 2012

►2012 Ernst & Young Global Cleantech Ignition Series – Expanding the EV experience Los Angeles, 7 May 2012 Brussels, 18 June 2012

►Aspen Institute Aspen, CO 12-15 July 2012

►Second Annual Ernst & Young Cleantech CEO Summit, Napa Valley, CA 10-11 September 2012

►Ernst & Young Strategic Growth Forum Palm Springs, CA 14-18 November 2012

►World Future Energy Summit Abu Dhabi 15 -17 January 2013

►Bloomberg New Energy Finance Summit New York 19 – 21 March 2013


Global cleantech events

Ernst & Young Global Cleantech Center leadership network

John de Yonge Dir., Account Enablement New York +1 201 872 1632

Paul Go Greater China Leader Beijing +86 10 58153688

Ben Warren Global Cleantech TAS Leader London +44 20 7951 6024

Gil Forer Global Leader New York +1 212 773 0335

Jay Spencer Americas Leader Boston +1 617 585 1882

Robert Seiter EMEIA Leader Berlin +49 30 25471 21415

Ernst & Young

Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory

About Ernst & Young Ernst & Young is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. Worldwide, our 141,000 people are united by our shared values and an unwavering commitment to quality. We make a difference by helping our people, our clients and our wider communities achieve their potential. Ernst & Young refers to the global organization of member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit

How Ernst & Young's Global Cleantech Center can help your business From start-ups to large corporations and national governments, organizations worldwide are embracing cleantech as a means of growth, efficiency, sustainability and competitive advantage. As cleantech enables a variety of industries, old and new, to transform and participate in a more resource-efficient and low-carbon economy, we see innovation in technology, business models, financing mechanisms, cross-industry partnerships and corporate adoption. Ernst & Young’s Global Cleantech Center offers you a worldwide team of professionals in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services who understand the business dynamics of cleantech. We have the experience to help you make the most of opportunities in this marketplace, and address any challenges. Whichever sector or market you’re in, we can provide the insights you need to realize the benefits of cleantech.

Scott Sarazen Global Markets Leader Boston +1 617 585 3524

Paul Naumoff Global Cleantech and CCaSS Tax Leader Columbus +1 614 232 7142 Heather Sibley Global Cleantech Assurance Leader San Francisco +1 415 894 8032