EQ The Other Kind of Smart 2011

Post on 21-May-2015

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Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the capacity to understand yourself and others’ emotions, and to motivate and develop yourself and others to result in improved work performance and enhanced organizational effectiveness. Emotional Intelligence is measurable, and most importantly can be developed! Cognitive Intelligence (IQ) helps to determine if an individual is trainable where Emotional Intelligence (EQ) helps to determine if an individual is capable. EQ addresses the emotional, personal, social, and survival skills associated with street smarts

Transcript of EQ The Other Kind of Smart 2011


DMA LeadershipDeborah Duke419-410-7193

Understand the power of EQ

Learn to fight Drag on potential through balance in work and life

Learn that emotions are an integral part of everyone’s work experience and are impacted by the leader

Learn about the impact between emotions and productivity and quality

Learn how to create a positive work environment

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional-social intelligence is a cross-section

of interrelated emotional and social

competencies and skills that determine how

well we understand and express ourselves,

understand and relate with others, and cope

with daily demands.


The capacity to understand your own and others’ emotions, and to motivate and develop yourself and others to result in improved work performance and enhanced organizational effectiveness

Essentially:◦ Understanding Yourself◦ Managing Yourself◦ Understanding Others◦ Managing Others

What similarities, themes or patterns do you see? Is it the aptitude IQ or attitude EQ that

drives your thoughts?



Intellectual Abilities

Intellectual capability (IQ), knowledge, and technical expertise are threshold

Conceptual and analytical thinking are necessary, but not sufficient in and of themselves

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence EQ is the differentiating factor in success

90% of the difference between outstanding and average leaders is linked to EQ

EQ is two times as important as IQ and technical expertise combined



What I am capable of doing

What I am willing to do



The Truth : You can’t cheat drag –There’s always a priceReduced performance, efficiency, unrealized potential





Watch Your HabitsThey are Internalized principles and patterns of behavior

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.Watch your words, for they become actions.Watch your actions, for they become habits.Watch your habits, for they become character.Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

For Total Well- Being


Belief Thought Emotion Behavior


Workbook page 5

Make Four Quadrants

You are going to draw four items

One at a time

15 seconds to complete

Start in the upper right quadrant

Focus: Being attentive to the speaker and the message he or she is trying to convey

Feedback: completing the communication cycle by encouraging the speaker, asking clarifying questions and paraphrasing, and summarizing key points

Filtering: Creating personal meaning from the speakers comments. Putting the speakers words in context to your own experiences, knowledge and perceptions

Mission: what you do

Vision: where you want to go

Values: beliefs about how to get there

Purpose: why you do what you do

What we think

Reality as others see us

It is how you handle them that makes a difference








Unconscious impulses

Conscious decisions

Social constructs between people

Ways of acting and talking

Mental states that result when bodily responses are sensed by the brain

Feelings & Thoughts about situations people find themselves in

Bodily responses that have evolved as part of our struggle to survive

Acknowledging and Increasing your EQ can assist you in the application of a positive attitude, respect, and healthy patterns of behavior towards self and others

“Corporate America is now built on Intellectual Capital rather than bricks and mortar– and that is changing everything”– Thomas Stewart

author of Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Organizations


Reading one’s own emotions and recognizing their impact

Using intuitions, “gut sense” and feelings to guide decisions

Seeking varied feedback to gain realistic knowledge of strengths and gaps

Consciousness of own impact on others

Enables us to act with conviction and authenticity

blind ambition

Unrealistic goals

Power hungry

Relentless striving

Insatiable need for recognition



Keeping disruptive emotions & impulses under control

Focused drive to achieve a goal Unleashing self’s creative and adaptive


Enables us to act with mental clarity and concentrated energy when

disruptive emotions threaten, and to embody an optimistic enthusiasm

Impulsive behavior

Rigidity of behavior and thought

lack of trust

poor follow-up /completion

avoidance of others



Ability to tune in to how others feel, and to “read” situations

Enables us to be socially effective in all aspects of working life; to excel at

meeting the needs of others; and to motivate and retain

key talent



Poor leadership / followership,

Ineffective conflict

Sub-optimizing teams,

Poor job performance

Loss of job



Ability to guide the emotional tone of the group

Enables us to interact in ways that create resonance; to find common

ground and create rapport; to articulate vision; to direct and

guide with conviction

Seek first to understand

Keeping promises

Honesty, openness

Kindnesses, courtesies

Win-Win or No Deal thinking

Clarifying expectations

Loyalty to the absent


Receiving feedback and giving “I” messages


Seek first to be understood Breaking promises Smooth manipulation Unkindness's, discourtesies

Win-Lose or Lose-Win thinking

Violating expectations Disloyalty, duplicity Pride, conceit, arrogance Not receiving feedback and

giving “You” messages Holding grudges



Building Emotional Intelligence in the organization aids in a bottom line Return on Investment (ROI) by building stronger leadership, hiring the right players, developing more productive employees, reducing turnover, which means more bottom line success.

Competencies that most often lead to success

Self Regard: being aware of, understanding and

accepting oneself

Emotional Self Awareness: being aware of and understanding one’s emotions

Assertiveness: expressing one’s feelings and

oneself nondestructively

Independence: being self-reliant and free of emotional dependency on others

Self Actualization: having the drive to set and achieve personal goals

Red= core Green= Supporting Blue= resultant

Empathy: being aware of and understanding how others feel

Social Responsibility: identifying with and feeling part of one’s social group

Interpersonal Relationship: establishing mutually satisfying relationships with others

Stress Tolerance: effectively and constructively managing one’s emotions

Impulse Control: effectively and constructively controlling one’s emotions

Reality Testing: validating one’s feelings and thinking with external reality

Flexibility: coping with and adapting to change in one’s daily life

Problem Solving: generating effective solutions to problems of a personal nature

Optimism: having a positive outlook and looking at the brighter side of life

Happiness: feeling content with oneself, others and life in general


Know their values and emotions and use that knowledge to make decisions

Accurately read other people’s emotional states Manage their emotions without being hijacked by them Persist in the face of setbacks; remain optimistic Constructively channel impulses Confront problems promptly Challenge others appropriately Demonstrate courage

Bottom line: The higher the EQ potential in an organization the more adaptable it becomes.

133 brief items

5 point response set: “not true to true of me”

20- 30 minutes to complete

Standard scores based on “100” as the mean◦ Total EQ ◦ 5 EQ Composite Scales◦ 15 EQ Content Scales◦ 4 Validity Scales Omission rate, Inconsistency Index

Positive/Negative Impression

Personal EQ assessments with certified personal advisory interpretation and feedback on results

Organizational and team assessments

EQ 360 feedback assessments including peers, direct reports, clients, family and friends raters giving an unbiased look at how others see you.

Coaching, seminars and training programs to enhance and improve performance

Employee selection and retention through pre-employment screening

High emotional intelligence leads to success, happiness, and resilience in people and the workplace. Retention, leadership, and job satisfaction as well as personal satisfaction are maximized when people recognize their potential and have a plan to overcome their weaknesses.

Read through all if the EQ competencies. Rate each competency relative to the importance of your job. ◦ L= Low

◦ M=medium

◦ H= High

Place a Checkmark next to the three competencies you think is critical to team success

Place a STAR next to the three competencies you think are critical to your Success
