Episode 80 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Grant Dovey of West Virginia University Athletics

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Transcript of Episode 80 of the DSMSports Podcast w/ Grant Dovey of West Virginia University Athletics

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Episode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast featured Grant Dovey, Digital Media Manager for West Virginia University Athletics

What follows are some snippets from the episode. Listen to the full podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or at www.DSMSports.net

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Grant's career path

Attended West Virginia and got involved right away his freshman year with the student radio station doing sports reporting and student newspaper as a beat writer for womens's soccer and basketball

Majored in Broadcast News, but switched to Public Relations and began working as a camera operator and production and PA for WVU baseball → Got Student Assistant position or WVU Athletics in spring of his freshman year and was primary SID for swimming and badminton his sophomore and junior years

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

As a senior, Grant got promoted to be primary contact for Men's Soccer, Baseball, and Swimming and Diving, taking on a big role as a student, a still

After graduation, he decided to go after his Sport Management MBA at WVU, he was hired full-time in PR and then switched to the digital media site in Summer 2015

“When I was an undergrad, that was when social started getting big...we only had one account...it was the overall sports (account)...and it was a big deal when we wanted to (start) a sport account...

It's crazy how much it has evolved, but allowed me to kind of get involved in the beginning...”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On social media and his time working as an undergrad and GA or WVU Athletics

“I really enjoyed the SID stuff, and I still do...When I was a GA was when we really started delving into social media...I was able to...help with these different (social media) initiatives...And I've always been into the websites...and, once we decided to hire a digital person, I fit right there...”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Helpful Tool: Repost app for Instagram

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On starting out in his new, dedicated digital role for WVU Athletics

“It really started with a meeting we had with an outside person, taking a look in and telling us what we needed to do differently...(and they realized the needed more manpower and resources, with just one person dedicated to website maintenance, writing, and social/digital media)...It just wasn't enough, so I was able to just come in and help...

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“It started with the website for me...and we were in the midst of a website re-design (while he was still covering baseball)...that was the first task for me.”

“Content is not really an issue. We had great content on our website. We were looking at it from a design standpoint. At that point, everyone was going responsive (and) we weren't sure exactly what we were going to do...We are one of the few schools...that actually do their website (custom) in-house...It's col that we're able to do whatever we want whenever we want to do it...We worked with a great partner, CityNet (which has full-time support)...'

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On managing all the sports and their content and wants for the new website

Throughout the whole process, you are having meetings every couple of weeks...and updating them on how it looks and showing them the development page o where it's come and where it's going...and then you meet with the senior staff and, if they like it, it's a go, if they don't...we tweaked a few things...

“Obviously, your most viewed pages are your home pages and your roster page and your schedule page, so how do you make them as user-friendly (as possible). And, with responsive design now, that was our goal. We were able to get rid of our mobile site and now everything is just responsive (regardless of your device)...”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On whether more programs will take their website development in-house

“I think most people will stick to where it is right now. There are things that we get that people don't, but there are also things that (other vendors) do that we can't do...(Grant mentions deeper integration with stats and player profiles)...But we also have a website called WVUStats.com, that our head statistician...made a number o years ago that has all the stats you could ever want...We have been able to integrate that into our player profiles...(Having our own site) is really the flexibility of doing what we want when we want to do it, and really having a uniform look...

“The website I look at is CNN.com. If you look at CNN, sometimes it won't look the same...and we're able to do it. Right now (on our website), so maybe I change (our website)...if we win something, I make the whole top of the page one whole column (for example, instead of thirds)...”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On WVU Sports social media when Grant took on his digital role

“@WVUSportsBuzz was our first Twitter account...All it was was really retweeting other sports accounts, once the other sports finally got on board...Once we got other sport accounts, that account disappeared, because everyone was tweeting from their own sport accounts...About two years ago, Nate and I stat down and said 'how can we give this thing a little personality?'...

“(Sports Info and PR) have always worked closely with our athletic marketing staff...and I think that's really important...Just the fact that we've all always been able to work together, everyone is pretty much on point with what we need to do together, and what we need to produce (for social).”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Social media as a marketing tool v. PR tool for WVU Athletics

“I think it ha evolved a lot. It think it started out...just posting press releases on Twitter...and do ads for that night's game...Obviously, it has become much more of a recruiting tool now...But we also still use it to publicize stories and to market. You do a lot of Facebook Ads now and advertise an upcoming soccer game on Twitter...”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Consistency of brand, message, and appearance on all WVU channels

“I think the goal was to do that, but (initially) there wasn't the manpower...When you create these accounts, you don't think about branding, necessarily. So one might be on Twitter WVU_Baseball and the other on Facebook might be WVUBaseball...Now that we have the manpower, I've been able to make all those consistent...I really think that was an important thing, to make the brand consistent...”

“As far as the look on graphics, we hired a graphic designer about a year before I was hired...(She) has really done a great job of getting everyone on the same page, and we actually have a brand guide now (for fonts, size, text look, style, etc.)...and kind of makes a brand for each particular sport, based on that year...But they (all) have the same general look...”

(Grant talks about the value of creating a handful of templates to allow for consistent and compelling The look and branding to all WVU social media / digital graphics)

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Determining tone and content on social media

“We've really delved deeply into the video aspect of things. We like to put out hype videos...Our engagement is just connecting with the fans, knowing what they;re feeling on an emotional level...Just connecting with them and having feel on the situation. If we're getting blown out, there's no need to act like we're not...Just have feel (to base on) what the fans are going to want to see...”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Balancing all the sports on WVU social media and website

“We like bringing up everyone...The goal is to bring everyone up to the same level; we don't want one sport, maybe because it's a smaller sport, suffering because we;re putting all our efforts to grow that football and basketball page.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

WVU and live social media video

“We started with some Facebook Live stuff, but nothing crazy...But we've really just wanted to get everything out on all mediums (social media and website)...[Grant mentions interactive, live pregame shows and weekly shows on social media for football and other sports]...

[Grant notes several WVU sports doing interactive, live social media video sessions]

On using Periscope API → “We just love the professional look of the video...it's not me sitting there with an iPad (but professional video and audio)...and people just love being able to watch that however they want to watch it...I think it's something that is only going to continue to grow [in sports]...[Grant mentions live webcasts for several sports in HD quality, for free, and having the ability to take that to any platform]

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Balancing live video vs. produced videos, especially with limited resources

“We do a lot of live stuff, but the produced stuff obviously looks good and sounds really good. [Grant mentions connectivity issues affecting quality for live content]...I have a couple of student assistants that help me during the game that will do videos during the games we can post...It's definitely a mix between those two, and I think that's definitely the way to go.”

“We've used it so far as more of a recruiting tool. Our webcasts are sponsored...But we've used it more strictly for marketing. There are videos that go out that have some sponsorships attached to them (Grant mentions a couple of lifestyle videos)...but we do a lot for the recruiting aspect.”

[Grant also discusses the WVU-IMG relationship, as well a some limitations on how monetization with social video works]

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

On using social media to help WVU Sports stand out among the crowd

:I think when you see the flying West Virginia logo, you kind of know what it is...So we have a really good brand and I think we've been able to do a lot of things with that. We talked earlier about the WVU125...just to get the recognition out there for WVU...People see those flags and they start asking questions and they realize it's the 125th year of WVU football...We have tradition, people know about West Virginia. People know about (all our alumni that made it big in pro sports)...[Grant also mentions on-field success helping to continue to augment brand recognition and awareness]

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Being innovative and trying new thing in social media

[Grant mentions working closely with reps from Facebook and Twitter]

“I am all about trying new things. If they have something new they want to throw our way, I am all about it...[Grant mentions working with Twitter lat year during the NCAA Basketball Tournament for inside access and content with the team]...Just continuing to try anything new is what we're down for.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Working with the coaches to drive social media content, access, and innovation

“I think it's all about trust and, if you don't have trust, obviously they're not going to let around...I think the coaches know what we're there to do, and that's to help grow their brands, so they're extremely visible to not only the fan base, but to recruits...[Grant also note collaboration with the football video team to content when Grant can't be there every day]...”

“And I get it, as well. Sometimes,. I'm a new face to the players, but the (football) video coordinator is not a new face. And we've definitely gotten some great stuff from them. [Grant notes a great tunnel video]...It's just great having those relationships with those people that can help us.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

How Grant keeps up with social media and tech evolution

“I'm very into what other schools are doing, just really to stay on top of the game. Whether it be different social media platforms or equipment...I like to communicate with others to see what successes and failures they've had on different mediums. Maybe something that's a success for us might be failure for someone else, or vice-versa. My superiors have been unbelievable in helping grow this thing..and we've made some serious investments in cameras and gear to become one of the best in intercollegiate athletics.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Share-able Stat: In 2000, the average attention span was 16 seconds. Now, in 2016, it is just 12 seconds!

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Grant's favorite West Virginia or Mountaineers tradition

“Country Roads is played after every event at West Virginia and there is nothing better than the team singing along with the crowd after a big win. Nobody leaves until that song is finished playing. It's a great tradition.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

The best pro sports team on social media and why

“I'm a Philly guy, so I'd love to say the Philadelphia Eagles, and I do think they're one of the top in the NFL right now. But, overall, I'd have to go with the Chicago Cubs. They just have a great feel for what's relevant and they've just continued to do wonderful things...”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Grant's most memorable game in his time at West Virginia “My favorite was actually the only game I've gone to as a fan, since

I've been at West Virginia. And that was when we beat Clemson 70-33 in the 2011 Orange Bowl. Another one was when we beat Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl in 2007, 48-28. Nobody expected us to win either game, and the Mountaineers came to play. Unfortunately, though, my most memorable game is a 13-9 home loss to Pitt. Final game of the 2007 season, (a win) would've sent us to the national championship game against Ohio State, and I will never forget December 1, 2007.

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

The one thing people don't know, but should, about the state of West Virginia

“West Virginia is probably one of the most beautiful places in the country, with its scenery. But, more importantly, it's home to a hard-working, proud community. The people are what makes the state so special, and everybody is always pulling for the Mountaineers, which is great. Throughout the state, we have some of the most media coverage. Our press box is full because everyone cares about how the Mountaineers perform on Saturday or how they perform in a basketball game, any given night...

“Coach Huggins always told a story during the Final Four run a few years ago about how they were piping the feed of the game down into the coal mines. So when you think of that, it's just a special place.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Grant's favorite digital or social media tool and why

“I'm kind of torn between the Facebook publishing tools and the relatively new Twitter Studio. They've just made it so easy to schedule posts, view analytics, and post video, and I use them constantly.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Grant's #1 tip for an effective digital and social media presence in college athletics

“My whole thing is about having feel, and use what will resonate with your fan base. Just because an idea or a campaign isn't working at another school, (it) does not mean it will not succeed at your institution. So just really have some feel on what the fan base is feeling emotionally, and I think if you do that, you're really going to succeed...”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

The West Virginia student athlete that we'll most likely see make it big in their sport

“The first is wide receiver Shelton Gibson...The dude just knows how to get up and get the ball...He personally reminds me of DeSean Jackson, when he first entered the league, with his ability to just toast defenders and get up and get it.

“The other one Kadeisha Buchanan of the women's soccer team. She's already an international superstar, having won a bronze medal with Canada this past summer. She's a senior who was named the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup best young player. When her career is done here, she'll be a four-time All-American and will likely be the four-time Big 13 Defender of the Year. So she ha some pretty crazy credentials; just an unreal athlete.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

What was it like covering (Olympic gold medalist in rifle) Ginny Thrasher, a WVU Student Athlete, during these past Olympics and after?

“We obviously knew with her personality that she was going to succeed...And obviously being the first person to win a gold medal at the Olympics was pretty special...She is a hard person not to like, and us a wonderful ambassador for WVU...

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

“I was actually fortunate enough to hang out with her, her first day back in Morgantown. We followed her around all day with a camera and had her mic'd up. And I also flew down to the West Virginia State Fair with her. And accompanied her to the White House, where she got to meet President Obama, along with the rest of the Olympians and Paralympians from the United States...

“The coolest thing for me was going to the hotel before they all took buses over to the White House and just seeing hundreds and hundreds of Olympians, the best athletes in the world, just sitting there on a hotel floor waiting for those buses to take them to the White House.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

The best food to get on or around the West Virginia campus

“We have some pretty good local breweries. My personal favorite is a place called Mountain State Brewing Company – great pizza, great beer...”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

The West Virginia sport that has the best chance to win a title in 2016-17 (besides the football team)

“Other than the 18-time national champion rifle team, (head coach) Nikki Izzo-Brown's women's soccer team has made the NCAA Tournament 16 straight years and they're on their way to winning their fifth straight Big 12 championship. They're currently ranked #1 in the country and hopefully they continue to ride that success, and have home field advantage throughout the NCAA Tournament this year, and it will be great to follow them in the postseason.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Grant' Social Media All-Star to Follow

Jason Matheson (@JasonRMatheson) and his company Skull Sparks → “Jason is a great guy and pretty much invented digital media in collegiate athletics when he was at Oklahoma. He was the leader, the first guy to do it, and had much success with the Sooners, Miami, and Auburn. He's now doing consulting, but really stays on the beat and does a great job aggregating the best content from around the country. He has some Pinterest boards separated into categories, and whenever you're in a funk looking for some design ideas, that is where you go.”

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Where to find Grant and WVU Athletics on digital / social media

Grant is @GrantDovey on Twitter

@WVUSports on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and all the individual sports accounts with uniform branding and nomenclature

@njh287; DSMSports.net

Best Of... Grant DoveyEpisode 80 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast

Thanks so much to Grant for sharing his time, knowledge, experience, and expertise with the Digital and Social Media Sports podcast!

Listen to the podcast and find more episodes and content on iTunes and at www.DSMSports.net.

You can also follow me on Twitter @njh287

@njh287; DSMSports.net