Environmental Biology for Engineers and Scientists D.A. Vaccari, P.F. Strom, and J.E. Alleman ©...

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Transcript of Environmental Biology for Engineers and Scientists D.A. Vaccari, P.F. Strom, and J.E. Alleman ©...

Environmental Biologyfor Engineers and Scientists

D.A. Vaccari, P.F. Strom, and J.E. Alleman© John Wiley & Sons, 2005

Chapter 10 – Microbial Groups

Figure 10‑1. Portrait of Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

Figure 10‑2. Some of Leeuwenhoek's "Animalcules" from the "Scurf of the Teeth" - Drawings of Bacterial Shapes. A and B appear to show rods, with C and D showing the movement of

B; E shows cocci; F rods or filaments; and G a spiral. From Leeuwenhoek' s letter of 1683

Figure 10‑3. Leeuwenhoek's Microscope

Figure 10‑4. Portrait of Louis Pasteur

Figure 10‑5. Pasteur's Swan-Neck Biological Flasks

Figure 10‑6. A 3-Dimensional Surface: Visualizing prokaryotic species as more stable (valleys), and hence more likely, combinations of characteristics, although intermediates may exist

Figure 10‑7. Example of a Simplified Dichotomous Key for Identifying Filamentous Organisms in Activated Sludge

Figure 10‑8. Rod-Shaped Bacteria: Pseudomonas

Figure 10‑9. Cocci: Staphylococcus

Figure 10‑10. Spiral-Shaped Bacteria: Rhodospirillum

Figure 10‑11. A Filamentous Bacteria Growing with Floc in an Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Plant

Bacterial Cell


10‑12. Stalked Bacteria Growing on a Filament in Activated Sludge

Figure 10‑13. The Gram Stain Technique. This modification (one of many) is recommended for staining of activated sludge mixed liquor

Figure 10‑14. Bacterial Cell Wall and Membrane: a). Gram Positive; b). Gram Negative

Flagella staining to enhance visual image of flagella

Cell wall staining to darken and define cell wall

Negative staining to create darkened backgroundwhich offers better visual contrast for cell or capsule

Differential staining with contrasting dyesto provide visual separation within cell (e.g., Gram)



Spore staining used to identify cytoplasmic endospores (e.g., malachite green, with heating)

Capsule staining to visually emphasize exocellularlayer of encapsulating polysaccharide material

+Basic (+) dyes penetrate to cytoplasm

Acid (-) dyes usually do not penetratemembrane without modification (e.g., esterification)


Inclusion staining used to visualize cellular inclusions (e.g., polyphosphate)

Figure 10‑15. Staining Approaches

Figure 10‑16. The Biolog Test; 95 test compounds and a control well are included in each plate. The plate shown was used to identify a Gram negative bacteria as Leminorella grimontii based on comparing the pattern of positive (dark) and negative tests to results in a database



Figure 10‑17. Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) profiles showing different patterns for a) Serratia marcescens and b) Tsukamurella paurometabolum

Figure 10‑18. Denaturing Gradient Gel Extraction (DGGE) Track Profiles

Figure 10‑19. Phylogenetic Tree Indicating Evolutionary Branching and Distance between Groups based on rRNA Analysis. Fungi are represented by Coprinus (a mushroom), plants by Zea (corn), and Animals by Homo (humans)


Figure 10‑20. Anabaena, a Filamentous Cyanobacteria; with Heterocyst

Figure 10‑21. Light Absorption Characteristics of Phototrophic Bacteria

Figure 10‑22. Two Species of Beggiatoa in Samples from RBC Wastewater Treatment Plants; a Gliding Filamentous Sulfur Oxidizing Proteobacteria. Note

internally deposited sulfur granules



Figure 10‑23. Sphaerotilus natans: a) pure culture showing sheath and PHB granules; and

b) branching filament in activated sludge sample

Figure 10‑24. Characteristic Zoogloea ramigera floc from activated sludge

Figure 10‑25. Escherichia coli

Transmission Electron Image of Escherichia Eubacteria(Source: Revised from original TEM image photographedat the Central Microscopy Research and Learning Facility,

University of Iowa, 85 EMRB Iowa City, IA 52242,Web Site: http://lime.weeg.uiowa.edu/~cemrf/index.html)

Escherichia coli, Transmission Electron Micrograph

Desulfovibrio sp. Sulfur-Reducing Eubacteria

Figure 10‑26. Desulfovibrio. Note the bent rods (vibrios).

Bacillus sp. with Internal Spores(Source: pg. 1021,

R.M. Atlas, Principles of Microbiology, 2nd Edition,W.C. Brown Publishers, 1997)

Bacillus sp. Eubacteria with Internal Spore (~34,000x TEM Image)(Source: pg. 1021,

R.M. Atlas, Principles of Microbiology, 2nd Edition,W.C. Brown Publishers, 1997)

Figure 10‑27. Endospores in Bacillus

Figure 10‑28. Nocardia-like Filamentous Bacteria in Activated Sludge Foam (Gram stained preparation).

Figure 10‑29. Spirochetes in Activated Sludge

Figure 10‑30. Giardia

Figure 10‑31. Bodo in Activated Sludge.

Figure 10‑32. Amoeba in Activated Sludge.

Figure 10‑33. Arcella, a Testate Amoeba

Figure 10‑34. Free Swimming Ciliates: a) Paramecium, b) Aspidisca, and c) Euplotes.




Figure 10‑35. Vorticella, a Stalked Ciliate: a) feeding; b) with mouth closed, and myoneme visible (dark line in stalk); c) stalk extended, and d) seconds later, myoneme

contracted to form corkscrew-shaped stalk.

Figure 10‑36. Podophyra, a Suctorean

Figure 10‑37. Cryptosporidium

Euglena sp. Euglenoid Algae(Source: B. Leander, Center for Ultrastructural Research,

University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia,

Web Site: http://www.uga.edu/~caur/home.html)

Figure 10‑38. Euglena

SEM Images of Various Diatom Shell Structures(Source: Central Microscopy Research and Learning Facility,

University of Iowa, 85 EMRB Iowa City, IA 52242,Web Site: http://lime.weeg.uiowa.edu/~cemrf/index.html)

Figure 10‑39. SEM Images of Various Diatom Frustules.

Peridinium Dinoflagellate Algae

Ceratium sp. Dinoflagellate(Source: pg. 550, L.M. Prescott, J.P. Harley, and D.A. Klein,

Microbiology, 4th Edition, WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1999)

Figure 10‑40. Peridinium

Chlorella sp. Green Algae

Figure 13-30

Scenedesmus sp. Green Algae

Figure 10‑41. Scenedesmus

Mold with Budding Condidia Tip Structures(Source: Central Microscopy Research and Learning Facility,

University of Iowa, 85 EMRB Iowa City, IA 52242,Web Site: http://lime.weeg.uiowa.edu/~cemrf/index.html)

Figure 10‑42. Mold with Conidia

Figure 10‑43. Nematode trapping fungus.







g d

ry w






0.6 1.2

mEq phosphate per plant

w/o fungus


Figure 10‑44. The Combined Effect of Mycorrhyzal Fungus and

Phosphate Fertilizer on Tomato Growth.

Figure 10‑45. Virus Capsids