Environmental and medical issues

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Environmental and medical issues. Global Warming, Pollution and the problem this causes. Infertility Treatment and religious attitudes towards it. Transplant Surgery and religious attitudes towards it. . Key Words . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Environmental and medical issues

Environmental and medical issues Global Warming, Pollution and the problem this


Infertility Treatment and religious attitudes towards it.

Transplant Surgery and religious attitudes towards it.

Key Words Global Warming: The increase in the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere

(thought to be caused by the greenhouse effect). Natural Resources: Naturally occurring materials for example oil and fertile

land which can be used by humans. Creation: The act of creating the universe, or the universe which has been

created. Environment: The surroundings in which plants and animals live and on which

they depend to continue living. Stewardship: Looking after something so it can be passed on to the next

generation. Conservation: Protecting and preserving natural resources and the


Artificial Insemination: Injecting semen into the uterus (womb) by artificial methods.

Embryo: A fertilised egg in the first eight weeks after conception. Infertility: Not being able to have children. In-vitro Fertilisation (IVF): The method of fertilising an egg in a test tube. Surrogacy: An arrangement where a woman bears a child for another woman. Organ Donation: Giving organs to be used in transplant surgery.

Global Warming

The increase in the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere

(thought to be caused by the greenhouse


IMPACT?Glaciers melt! Sea

ice is disappearing.

Sea levels are rising, seasons changing.

Extreme weather

is becoming more EXTREME!

More flooding More droughtsRapid spread of diseases

More famine

More refugees

Destruction of








Solar Activity


“The good news is that we know exactly what needs to be done to stop climate change”

New technolog


Low-carbon carsReducing use of

fossil fuels

Use energy-saving light bulbs etc


Individuals, Government, Scientists

Pollution25 million tonnes of rubbish a year are

dumped on streets and along the side of the road.

Every person in the UK throws away four times their body weight in

rubbish a year.

Cars are the biggest cause of air pollution. They emit a variety of pollutants, including carbon

monoxide, nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons.

Raw sewage and radioactive waste have been discharged into

the sea.




Natural ResourcesRenewable: Can

replace themselves

Non-Renewable: Cannot be replaced

once used

Over FishingRainforestsFossil Fuels

SOLUTION?“Do I really need to buy







Christians, Muslims and the EnvironmentStewardship: Looking after

something so it can be passed on to the next generation.

KHALIFAH: Responsibility that Allah has given Muslims to care for the world; the person who acts as

Allah’s steward on earth. “Rule over the birds of the air and

the fish of the sea” (Genesis)“But waste not by excess: for God loves not the wasters”. (Surah 6:141)

QUR’AN: Allah created the world and

everything in it for a purpose; it is part of Allah’s plan.

Muslims part of the ‘Ummah’ (worldwide family) – consider future generations too

The balance in the earth should be maintained and keep unity

The Bible God made the earth perfectly God gives human beings

‘dominion’ – the position of power on the earth

The earth is a gift from God Conserve resources for future

generationsJesus taught through the

Sermon on the Mount that it is

every Christians duty to share

the worlds resources fairly and

with care!

Some Christians and Muslims believe God/Allah will judge them on how they have cared for creation

Sperm Donor


Sperm is taken from the husband and placed in the woman’s uterus. This can help couples who have difficulty conceiving for no obvious reason.

Artificial insemination by

husband known as AIH

Artificial insemination by donor known as


A fertilized egg is created in the laboratory using an egg donated by another woman but using the partner’s sperm. This is of help when a woman does not ovulate.

Egg donation

In-vitro fertilization

known as IVF

Egg and sperm are taken from a couple, fertilized in a laboratory and then placed in the womb. This helps women with medical problems, such as blocked fallopian tubes, to conceive.

Sperm donated to a clinic is placed in the woman’s uterus. This can help couples where the male is infertile – unable to have children.

Christianity and IVFRange of Attitudes

Agree (Green) or Disagree

(Red) It is an act of great kindness to help a women to conceive a longed for child and to remove her suffering. We have the knowledge to do so!


The IVF process involves the creation of several fertilized eggs. Not all eggs will be implanted in the women the rest will be destroyed. They believe it is wrong to destroy life (Mainly Catholic belief)


God has a plan for everyone – children should only be created naturally between a married couple. Surrogacy could be seen as adultery as another person is involved in the relationship


Destroying unused embryos goes against the ‘sanctity of life’ – the belief that life is special, sacred and God-given. Disagree

Understand that a child is God’s gift to a couple conceived as a result of a loving sexual relationship anything else is unnatural and not what God intended.


If God gives us the ability to help infertile couples we should use it. They get to experience the gift of children as God intended


Islam and IVFMost Muslims believe infertility is like a disease that needs a cure. Also embryos are destroyed before Muslims believe they have a soul. However, all children should have a right to know their parents – therefore reject donors and surrogacy. Sperm


IVF: Acceptable as long as the egg and sperm belong to the husband. Extra embryos can

be destroyed but only BEFORE 120 DAYS!


AID: Not acceptable – Like adultery as man is not married

to the woman. The Qur’an teaches that everyone has the

right to Lineage. Surrogacy and Egg Donation =



Transplant SurgeryIt would be fantastic if something amazing came out of my death.

Knowing that my death is going to help others live a good life makes me

happy!I think giving life is far better

than wasting organs that would otherwise be buried or

cremated. Operations like transplant surgery

cost a fortune. The money should be spent on curing the disease or

changing the way people live. Lots more people would benefit from this!

I want to be buried with all my own body parts. I don’t think it is right for people to take parts of me when I am dead.

Transplant Surgery: Organ Donation



Lungs, Heart, Liver, Eyes, Skin etc

One dead donor saves 9 lives and helps many others.

Kidney, Blood, Bone Marrow etc.

This often has little impact on the donor and is often donated to sick family members.

Christianity and Transplant SurgeryThe Bible states that humans are created by God in his images. People have NO RIGHT to interfere with God’s creation. Some Christians believe it goes against the SANCTITY OF LIFE because we are ‘playing God’ and interfering. It would be wrong to replace a part of God’s creation.Some Christians say: When we have two organs, giving one is okay because it is following Jesus' teachings of loving your neighbour. Raises no problem in the afterlife – our souls go to heavenMost Christians believe that the gift of life is precious and it is right to make every effort to preserve life. It is always a positive action. The Golden Rule teaches Christians to treat others as they would like to be treated themselves. For some, this teaching makes organ donations acceptable. Every human being is equal.

Islam and Transplant SurgeryThe Qur’an teaches that on the Last Day, Allah will resurrect everybody bodily. It is understood that nothing should be removed from a person’s body after death. Allah is the creator of life and he has a plan for everyone. Humans have no right to alter Allah’s plan about life and death. Islam teaches that it is every Muslim’s duty to alleviate suffering and save life. Organ donation and transplant can do this. In Islam, Organ donation on a living donor may be permitted, so long as it does not risk the donor’s life. In fact it is considered an act of charity. This would not affect them in the afterlife. Some (very few) Muslims believe that all forms of transplant surgery is acceptable because Shari’ah Laws it can save lives and is a God given technology.

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