Entrepreneurship to me is - SIMS

Post on 29-Jan-2022

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Transcript of Entrepreneurship to me is - SIMS

An entrepreneur is someone

who has discovered their

calling and knows how to

achieve it. Being an

entrepreneur doesn't come

easy. It is more than

freedom or being rich, it

is a lot of sacrifice. But

despite all the sacrifice,

the sense of achievement

makes it all worth it.

Entrepreneurship is not for

those who look for balance, its for

those who have a lot of crazy in them and are not

scared of the passion that drives them.

Entrepreneurship to me is

an inspiration. I remember

once my professor told me

" entrepreneurs are not

normal people". Indeed. It

is not normal to dream of

achieving something that

- Kirtana Cheeyanna

- Shikha Shinde

seems impossible. For that one reason I would love

to be not normal.

Entrepreneurship is living a few

years of your life like most people

won’t, so that you can spend the

rest of your life like most people

can’t. Entrepreneurs are barrier

breakers who think out of the box.

Being your own boss, setting your

own schedule and making a living doing something you enjoy are the traits of an entrepreneur.

As Mark Twain observed, Twenty years from now, you will be

more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by

the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away

from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Explore. Dream. Discover.”

- Shreeya Dhingra

A business enterprise does not

exist in a vacuum. It exists in a

world of concrete places and

things, natural resources,

important abstractions and living

persons. The sum of all of these

factors and forces is called the

entrepreneurial environment. The

environment includes factors

outside the firm which can lead to

opportunities for or threats to the firm. Although there are

many factors, the most important are socio-economic,

technological, suppliers, competitors and government

- Soumyasundar Sanyal

Entrepreneurship is not something that

can only be done by some people.

Every individual is a potential

entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs don't

do different things, they do

things differently, and I personally

over the last two years have been

doing the same things differently :)

So the spirit of entrepreneurship should

be ignited in each and every individual

and the country would certainly be a better place to live in.

Entrepreneurship for me is a way of

life. It’s an attitude to innovate, initiate

and be a change maker. An attitude to

identify an issue and develop a

holistically profitable and inclusive

solution for the same. It is one journey

which I aspire to undertake in this life to

make it an adrenalin pumping and

meaningful roller coaster ride! On a

holistic note, entrepreneurship is a game

changer! As a nation India is touted to be on a high growth

trajectory mainly due to its young population cited as its

demographic dividend” but if this resource is not utilised

productively the label will have a horrific transformation to

“demographic demonization” This would be mainly due to

lack of employment opportunities. The only way to prevent

this is Entrepreneurship!! As a junior coordinator , I have been

fortunate to see that E-Cell at SIMS has contributed to this

revolutionary phenomenon through baby steps, I hope these

steps do become significant drivers of the development of

the Indian society.

- Prannav Sood

- Aishani Sharma

Entrepreneurship - a word that is

hyped and disfigured by many,

but to me.. It inspires. What is

entrepreneurship? To me it is the

notion of what you want, and

how you want it. Sure you have

to conform to certain norms of

society, after all those are who

you serve. The real drive though

is to be able to show this very society, what they can do to improve, to change, to evolve.

The "Entrepreneur" has the vision of tomorrow. They show the

world what can be and how to be it. They lead the world,

they guide the world into a new era; and that to me is a

sign of true greatness! - Vignesh Srikant

Entrepreneurship is like having a

baby. The baby being your idea.

You have to take care of it,

nurture it and work with it for it to

grow. An entrepreneur is a

person who takes up

opportunities and believes in

them to such an extent that he

can take others into confidence

while others would have sat

back because of all the risk


Entrepreneurs are what most of us want to be in life but fail to

realise till the very end. We all think that we can do certain

things better and differently but don’t put our thoughts to

action, that is what is the major difference between an

entrepreneur and an ordinary man. - Kaustubh Pratap Singh


Kirtana Cheeyanna Shikha Shinde


Aishani Sharma Kaustubh Pratap Singh Prannav Sood Shreeya Dhingra Soumyasundar Sanyal Vignesh Srikant

"Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won't so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can't"