Enterprise Secure Communication

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Enterprise Secure Communication


10 Industries That Need Secure Communication Apps

Communication made easy, by


Why Secure Messaging?

• Increased risks of hackers trying to get access to your communication

• Several instances of leaking sensitive communication, data and calls in recent past, e.g. wiki leaks.

• A leaked communication can bring a great loss to a business or social life.

• Day to day communication should be easy as well as secure for any organization


10 Industries that need secure messaging


Sports Authorities and Teams

• The most ignored industry when it comes to applying the security measures

• Team communication is the key for any game to succeed

• Learning and communicating new techniques back to your team securely is always a challenge

• Games are won by best strategies and if strategy leaks, the game plan fails.

• Players practice on different locations and want to be in touch with team mates and share new techniques and strategies securely

• Increased output, reduced time to communicate with secure and clear communication among team members.

• Coaches can send messages on group to the team and communicate the game plan securely


Government and Federal Agencies

• This is an area where secure communication is very important.

• Any communication if gets leaked or attacked by the hackers can lead to exposing the sensitive information related to government or federal agencies.

• There are many communication happens that are related to national security, internal matters, international affairs, big deals that needs to be secured. Emails are now a days an easy target for attackers.

• Officials wants a quick and secure communication tools to communicate their thoughts, instructions and necessary information that cannot be communicated with via emails or phone conversation.


Research and Development Area

• Researchers discuss important topics and questions amongst the team and their guide.

• Sometimes they provide examples and important hints during communication.

• An exposed research information may give added advantage to the competitors.

• Effective and secure team communication is required among the research team members.


Medical & HealthCare

• One of the major industry that needs secure communication methods.

• Doctors, nurses, support staff, pharmacy, labs and a lot other people require to communicate securely with each other.

• Adhering to compliance is mandatory in many countries, such as HIPA in USA.

• Communicating regarding any disease, severe medical communication should be secure and not information regarding patient should be leaked.

• Instant communication for doctors and medical staff to collaborate.


Insurance and Risk Cover

• Insurance sector management team, agents, staff, clients and team members must be able to quickly communicate with each other.

• There is a need of secure collaboration and reliable communication tool to communicate from any geographic location.

• Secure file transferring and securely storing the digital copy of document is important.

• Instant communication makes decisions quick and avoid physical dependency.


Banking & Finance

• Banking and finance is another sector that needs a secure communication tool.

• Banking personnel, customers, staff, managers require to communicate effectively.

• They always exchange sensitive information on the go via emails or text messages.

• Sharing the financial account information without compromising the security is always a challenge.


Legal & Advisory

• Legal sector involves a lot of people from different background to collaborate and communicate properly.

• Attorneys, clients, judges, support staffs and other law personnel communicates a lot while working on cases.

• Lawyers needs to be in communication always with their clients, keeping the information of their case secure.

• It is always required to transfer files related to any case and if this gets leaked it may badly impact the case results.


Project Management

• No matter whether it is a software IT project or a construction project, it involves various different people to work in a team.

• Effective communication is a key for the successful and timely execution of any project

• Project managers, team leads, developers/workers, clients required to communicate quickly and securely regarding the project progress and exchange other information.

• Sometime this information is too sensitive.

• There is always a need of storing and transferring project related documents to each other.


Logistics and Ecommerce

• Ecommerce sector involves various components, be it the inventory manager, delivery driver, demand and supply, marketing team, product team, vendors.

• A proper communication channel can streamline various processes in ecommerce.

• Logistics sector also involves various people coordinating and collaborating with each other.

• They normally communicates from different geolocation, so having a secure communication tool to enable them communicate effectively is always required.


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