Enterprise Java Beans.ppt

Post on 30-May-2018

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Transcript of Enterprise Java Beans.ppt

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    Enterprise Java Beans

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    What is Distributed


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    Basic Concepts


    The clientis the entity accessing the remote

    resource and the serverprovides access to the

    resource. Operationally, the client is the caller

    and the server is the callee.

    In Java terms: The client is the invoker of the method and the

    server is the object implementing the method.

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    Basic Concepts (continued)

    The client and the server can beheterogeneous:

    Different implementation languages

    Different operating systems

    The roles can be transient

    The definition is with respect to a particularinteraction.

    Client and Server refer both to the code andthe system on which the code is running

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    y= F(x)

    F(x) {

    return 5;}


    Client Server



    341. Send message to call F with

    parameter X

    2. Receive message that F wascalled with the given


    3. Send message with the result

    of calling F

    4. Receive message with the

    result of calling F

    Client Server Interactions

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    Finding the Server

    How does the client find a server?

    One approach is a Name Service:

    Associate a name with each server

    When server starts, it registers with a namingservice using the name

    When the client wants to find the server, it asksthe naming service

    Naming service can itself be a server

    How does the client find the naming server?

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    y= F(x)

    F(x) {

    return 5;



    Client Server1



    1. Register "F" with name server

    2. Lookup "F" using name server3. Send message to call F with

    parameter X

    4. Receive message that F was called

    with the give parameter

    5. Send message with the result of

    calling F

    6. Receive message with the result of

    calling F

    Name Server



    Naming Services

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    Parameter Passing

    Distribution complicates parameters passing

    Parameters are passed via a message and not via alocal stack

    Issues include: Different representations of primitive types

    convert representation

    Pointers are address space relative

    Composite Types (e.g., structures) embedded pointers

    need to be flattened and reconstructed

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    done by client (i.e., caller)

    packing the parameters into a message

    flatten structures (e.g., objects)

    perform representation conversions if necessary

    also done by server (i.e., callee) for results

    Unmarshaling: done by receiver of message to extract


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    1. MarshalX

    2. Send Msg


    Client Server

    7. ReceiveMsg w/ Result

    8. Unmarshal Result

    y= F(x)

    F(x) {

    return 5;


    3. R


    sg4. UnmarshalX

    5. MarshalResult

    6. Send Msg w/ Result

    Parameter Passing Flow

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    Stubs and Skeletons

    Stub is on the client

    implements original interface

    contains information to find the server in an OO language, the stub object is a proxyfor

    the real object

    Skeleton is on the server

    calls original routine

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    1. Marsh


    2. Send Msg


    Client Server

    8. ReceiveResult Msg

    9. Unmarshal Result

    F(x) { // stub

    3. ReceiveMsg

    4. UnmarshalX

    5. Call F(X)

    6. MarshalResult

    7. Send Msg w/ Result


    F_skeleton() {


    Stubs and Skeletons: Flow

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    Where do Stubs and Skeletons come

    from? Writing (un)marshaling code is bug-prone

    communication code has many details

    structure of code is very mech

    anical Answer:

    Stubs and Skeletons can be generated from a

    description of the code to be remotely invoked

    A separate Interface Definition Language (IDL)

    Description can be generated from code to be


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    Server Architecture

    Servers can typically handle concurrentrequests from multiple clients

    Typically the same address spaces providesmultiple interfaces

    A common server architecture:

    accepta request (i.e., a call from a client)

    determine which routine is being invoked dispatch request to a thread of execution

    start the thread executing in the appropriateskeleton

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    Dispatcher Worker

    ThreadsCall f_skel


    Call g_skel





    Server Architecture (continued)

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    What is EJB?

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    Enterprise Java Beans

    Server side component written in Javaprogramming language.

    Encapsulates the business logic- the code that

    fulfils the purpose of the application. This platform functions as transaction-server


    By using this you can control transactions across

    multiple transaction platforms including bothdatabases and other enterprise processingsystems.

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    Enterprise Java Beans: Components

    and Containers An Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) is a server side component

    that provides reusable business logic functionality and/ora representation of a persistent business entity.

    An EJB Containerexecutes an EJB due to a client request. Provides the plumbing necessary to execute the EJB including

    non-business logic related functionality such as transactions, security,concurrency, remote access, etc.

    life cycle functions, e.g., creating, destroying, etc.

    Clientuses an interface to access the Bean indirectly A deploymentdescriptordescribes the structure of the

    Bean and how to execute the Bean as part of anapplication

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    EJB Goals

    For Bean Provider, Application Assembler andDeployer Simplicity


    roductivity Reuse

    Merchant market for components

    Enterprise qualities Distribution

    Integrity Security


    . . .

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    EJB Architecture

    A typical EJB Architecture comprises of

    following components

    EJB Server EJB Client

    EJB Container

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    EJB Architecture

    EJB Server

    EJB Client

    EJB Container

    Enterprise Java Bean

    Invoke EJB

    methodsInvoke EJB



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    EJB Server

    Provide the system services likemultiprocessing, load balancing, deviceaccess, naming and transaction services and

    makes container visible.In a typical development and deployment

    scenario, there will be an

    EJB Server provider

    EJB Provider

    Application Assembler

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    EJB Client

    For their operations they use the EJB


    They locate the EJB container thatcontains the bean through the Java

    Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI).

    They then use the EJB Containermethods to invoke EJB bean methods.

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    EJB Container

    An EJB container is an interface provider

    between an EJB and outside world.

    An EJB clienth

    as no access to bean directly. Any bean access is done through container

    generated methods, which in turn invoke the

    bean methods.

    The two type of containers are

    Session Containers and Entity Containers

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    EJB Roles

    Bean Provider

    Produces a component of reusable business logic in an ejb-

    jar file

    Application Assembler

    Combines multiple beans (or jar files) into an application

    described by a deployment descriptor


    Customizes the application for a specific server/container

    The deployment is a two stage process The deployer first generates the additional classes and interfaces

    that enable the container to manage the EJBs at run time.

    The deployer performs the actual installation of the EJB and the

    additional classes and interfaces into the EJB container.

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    EJB Roles

    Server and Container Provider

    Provides the tools to allow deploying an application and

    the runtime support to execute the application according

    to the deployment descriptor

    System Administrator

    Owns the responsibility of the configuration and

    adminstration of the Enterprise computing.

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    Benefits of EJB

    Simplify the development of large, distributed applications

    Firstly, because these provide system level services toenterprise beans, the developer can solve businessproblems with ease. The EJB container and not the bean

    developer is responsible for system level services such astransaction management and security authorization.

    Secondly, because the beans and not the clients containthe applications business logic, t he client developer canconcentrate on the presentation. As a result clientsbecome thinner so they can be run on small devices.

    Thirdly, because they are portable components, theapplication assembler can build new applications from theexisting beans.

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    Limitations of EJB

    Managing or Synchronizing threads

    Accessing files or directories with the java.iopackage.

    Using AWT functionality to display informationor to accept information from the keyboard.

    Listening on a socket, accepting connections ona socket.

    Setting a socket factory using ServerSocket, orthe stream handler factory used by the URLclass.

    Loading the native library

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    Local vs. Remote Interfaces

    Entity and Session Beans can support local and remoteinterfaces Client is written to a specific interface Interface(s) supported is not transparent to Bean provider

    Local interface Not location independent

    Client and EJB run in the same JVM Example: A Bean always accessed by other Beans

    Parameter passing is by reference (same as standard Java) Supports fine grained access

    Remote interface Location independent Parameters passed by value (RMI semantics)

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    EJB Interfaces Home Interface

    Can be viewed as a collection of Beans

    Lifecycle functions, e.g., create, remove, find

    Home business methods

    Business methods that are not instance specific

    Component Interface Business logic

    Define clients view of t he Bean

    Client never directly access Bean instance

    Client finds home interface via JNDI

    Client uses home interface to obtain a reference to the Beanscomponent interface

    Defined by the Bean Provider

    Client side implementations are generated when the Bean isdeployed

    Delegate invocations to Bean instance

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    Architecture with Remote Interfaces

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    Types of Beans


    Client and application logic focus

    Entity Persistent data focus


    Asynchronous message processing

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    How a Client Uses a Session Bean




    JNDI Server

    Bean Instance


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    Lifecycle of a Stateful Session Bean

    1. The client initiates the life

    cycle by invoking the

    create method.2. The EJB container

    instantiates the bean and

    then invokes the

    setSessionContext and

    ejbCreate methods in thesession bean.

    3. The bean is now ready to

    have its business methods


    Following figure illustrates the stages that a session bean passes

    through during its lifetime.

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    Lifecycle of a Stateful Session Bean While in the ready stage, the EJB container may decide to

    deactivate, orpassivate, the bean by moving it from memory to

    secondary storage

    The EJB container invokes the bean's ejbPassivate method

    immediately before passivating it.

    If a client invokes a business method on the bean while it is in

    the passive stage, the EJB container activates the bean, moving

    it back to the ready stage, and then calls the bean's ejbActivate


    At the end of the life cycle, the client invokes the remove

    method and the EJB container calls the bean's ejbRemove

    method. The bean's instance is ready for garbage collection.

    Your code controls the invocation of only two life-cycle

    methods--the create and remove methods in the client. All


    er meth

    ods are invoked by th

    e EJB container.

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    Stateless Session Beans

    Not tied to any particular client Can use instance variables only if they are not client


    All Stateless Session Beans are equivalent A container can choose To serve the same instance of a Bean to multiple clients

    To serve difference Bean instances to the same client atdifferent times

    A container may maintain a pool of Stateless SessionBeans No necessary relation between when a client creates the

    Bean and when the Container creates the Bean

    Provide very high scalability

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    Life Cycle of Stateless Session Bean

    The figure illustrates the

    stages of a stateless

    session bean.

    Because a stateless

    session bean is never

    passivated, its life cycle

    has just two stages:

    1. nonexistent and

    2. ready for theinvocation of business


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    Entity Beans

    Represent persistent data Typically represent a row from a database Can also represent entities implemented by legacy applications

    Can be shared across multiple users

    Long lived Lifetime is tied to life of data and not to a particular client Entity objects (not Beans) can be created outside of a Container, e.g.,

    from a pre-existing database.

    Data persistence can managed either by Bean or Container

    Client can either create a new Entity Bean of find anexisting Bean Home interface provides finder methods

    findByPrimaryKey unique key within a home Application specific finder methods

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    Life Cycle of Entity Bean After the EJB container creates the instance, it calls the

    setEntityContextmethod of the entity bean class. The

    setEntityContextmethod passes the entity context to

    the bean.

    After instantiation, the entity bean moves to a pool of

    available instances.While in the pooled stage, the

    instance is not associated with any particular EJB

    object identity. All instances in th

    e pool are identical.The EJB container assigns an identity to an instance

    when moving it to the ready stage.

    There are two paths from the pooled stage to the

    ready stage. On the first path, the client invokes the

    create method, causing the EJB container to call the

    ejbCreate and ejbPostCreate methods. On the second

    path, the EJB container invokes the ejbActivate

    method.While in the ready stage, an entity bean's

    business methods may be invoked.

    There are also two paths from the ready stage to the

    pooled stage. First, a client may invoke the remove

    method, which causes the EJB container to call the

    ejbRemove method. Second, the EJB container may

    invoke the ejbPassivatemethod.

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    Life Cycle of Entity Bean

    At the end of the life cycle, the EJBcontainer removes the instance from thepool and invokes the unsetEntityContextmethod.

    In the pooled state, an instance is notassociated with any particular EJB objectidentity. With bean-managed persistence,when the EJB container moves an instancefrom the pooled state to the ready state, itdoes not automatically set the primarykey. Therefore, the ejbCreate andejbActivate methods must assign a valueto the primary key. If the primary key isincorrect, the ejbLoad and ejbStoremethods cannot synchronize the instance

    variables with the database. In the pooled state, the values of the

    instance variables are not needed. You canmake these instance variables eligible forgarbage collection by setting them to nullin the ejbPasssivate method.

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    Message Beans

    Executes upon receipt of a client JMS message


    No return value

    Stateless and short lived

    May access persistent data but does not represent persistent


    Not tied to a client

    A single Message Bean can process messages from multipleclients

    Has neither Home nor Component interface

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    Life Cycle ofMessage Bean The EJB container usually creates a pool of

    message-driven bean instances. For each

    instance, the EJB container instantiates

    the bean and performs these tasks:

    It calls the setMessageDrivenContext

    method to pass the context object to the

    instance. It calls the instance's ejbCreatemethod.

    Like a stateless session bean, a message-

    driven bean is never passivated, and it has

    only two states:

    1. nonexistent and

    2. ready to receive messages.

    At the end of the life cycle, the container

    calls the ejbRemove method. The bean's

    instance is then ready for garbage


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  • 8/9/2019 Enterprise Java Beans.ppt


    Download and install OpenEJB

    After extracting the file contents, you should now see a directory namedopenejb-3.0. If you look under this directory, you will find a few moredirectories:

    bin: Contains commands to start/stop the server (You can also do alot of other stuff like deploy/undeploy, but we will just talk about

    things needed to get you started) lib: Contains several jar files (you only need of few of these jars in

    your classpath to do EJB development)

    apps: Once you create your EJB's and jar them up, you can place yourjar file in this directory and start the server. The server willautomatically deploy all the EJB's contained in this JAR.

    conf: Th

    is directory contains all th

    e configuration files. Alth


    youmay not see any file except for a README.txt file right now, but afteryou start the server, the required configuration files will beautomatically created. It is highly recommeded to read theREADME.txt file under this directory

    logs: Contains log files.

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    Setup your development environment

    Create a working directory

    Assuming you are in your home directory,

    create a directory named projects

    c:\> md projects

    Go to the projects directory

    c:\> cd projects

    We will do all our work in this directory.

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    Next .

    Install Java

    Download and install Java (version 5 or higher).Also set it up so that you can run the java and

    javac commands from any directory

    Set OPENEJB_HOME We will setup this variable to refer to the openejb

    install location.

    OPENEJB_HOME=directory of open EJB

    Write an EJB Whatever files you create should be placed under

    the projects directory

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    Create the Remote Interface

    Using your favorite editor, create a file

    named Hello.java (shown below)

    package org.acme;

    import javax.ejb.Remote;


    public interface Hello{

    public String sayHello();


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    Create the Bean Class

    Now create a file named HelloBean.java

    package org.acme;

    import javax.ejb.Stateless;


    public class HelloBean implements Hello {

    public String sayHello() {return "HelloWorld!!!!";



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    Compile the source code

    Since we have imported the javax.ejb.Stateless andjavax.ejb.Remote annotations, we need these inour classpath to compile our source code. Theseannotations can be found in the


    Compile our source (make sure you are in theprojects directory)c:\> javac -cp $OPENEJB_HOME/lib/javaee-5.0-1.jar -d . *.java

    The above will compile all the .java files and alsocreate the required packages.

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    Package the EJB

    To package the EJB into a JAR, run the following command while youare in the projects directory

    C:\> jar cvfhello.jar org

    The above command will package everything under the org directory(including the org directory itself) into a jar file named hello.jar. Below

    is the output from running the above command:added manifest

    adding: org/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)

    adding: org/acme/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)

    adding: org/acme/Hello.class(in = 203) (out= 168)(deflated 17%)

    adding: org/acme/HelloBean.class(in = 383) (out= 275)(deflated 28%)

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    Next .

    Compile HelloClient.java

    Run the following command:

    C:\> javac -d . HelloClient.javaStart the Server

    Go to the OpenEJB install directory (i.e.

    OPENEJB_HOME) and run the following



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    Next ..

    Deploy the EJB -While you are in the projects directory,run the following command:

    C:\> deploy hello.jar

    Run the Client -While you are in the projects directory,run the following command to run the client:

    C:\> java -cp $OPENEJB_HOME/lib/openejb-client-3.0.jar:$OPENEJB_HOME/lib/javaee-5.0-1.jar:.org.acme.HelloClient

    The above should give you the following output:
