ENTERED 12/08/2020

Post on 24-May-2022

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Transcript of ENTERED 12/08/2020

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Case 20-35812 Document 137 Filed in TXSB on 12/10/20 Page 28 of 31

United States Bankruptcy Court

Southern District of Texas

In re: Case No. 20-35812-drj

Superior Energy Services, Inc. Chapter 11


CERTIFICATE OF NOTICEDistrict/off: 0541-4 User: emiller Page 1 of 3

Date Rcvd: Dec 08, 2020 Form ID: pdf002 Total Noticed: 2

The following symbols are used throughout this certificate:Symbol Definition

+ Addresses marked '+' were corrected by inserting the ZIP, adding the last four digits to complete the zip +4, or replacing an incorrect ZIP. USPSregulations require that automation-compatible mail display the correct ZIP.

Notice by first class mail was sent to the following persons/entities by the Bankruptcy Noticing Center on Dec 10, 2020:

Recip ID Recipient Name and Addressdb + Superior Energy Services, Inc., 1001 Louisiana Street, Suite 2900, Houston, TX 77002-5089

op + Kurtzman Carson Consultants LLC, 222 N Pacific Coast Highway, 3rd Floor, El Segundo, CA 90245-5614


Notice by electronic transmission was sent to the following persons/entities by the Bankruptcy Noticing Center.Electronic transmission includes sending notices via email (Email/text and Email/PDF), and electronic data interchange (EDI).


BYPASSED RECIPIENTS The following addresses were not sent this bankruptcy notice due to an undeliverable address, *duplicate of an address listed above, *P duplicate of apreferred address, or ## out of date forwarding orders with USPS.

Recip ID Bypass Reason Name and Addresscr ARCP ID Mesa Portfolio, LLC

cr ARI Fleet LT

intp Ad Hoc Noteholder Group

cr Automotive Rentals, Inc.

intp Chevron U.S.A. Inc.


cr RLI Insurance Company

TOTAL: 7 Undeliverable, 0 Duplicate, 0 Out of date forwarding address

NOTICE CERTIFICATIONI, Joseph Speetjens, declare under the penalty of perjury that I have sent the attached document to the above listed entitiesin the manner shown, and prepared the Certificate of Notice and that it is true and correct to the best of my information andbelief.

Meeting of Creditor Notices only (Official Form 309): Pursuant to Fed .R. Bank. P.2002(a)(1), a notice containing thecomplete Social Security Number (SSN) of the debtor(s) was furnished to all parties listed. This official court copy containsthe redacted SSN as required by the bankruptcy rules and the Judiciary's privacy policies.

Date: Dec 10, 2020 Signature: /s/Joseph Speetjens

CM/ECF NOTICE OF ELECTRONIC FILINGThe following persons/entities were sent notice through the court's CM/ECF electronic mail (Email) system on December 8, 2020 at the address(es) listedbelow:

Name Email Address

Alana L Porrazzoon behalf of Creditor RLI Insurance Company alp@jhc.law

Ashley L. Harper

Case 20-35812 Document 137 Filed in TXSB on 12/10/20 Page 29 of 31

District/off: 0541-4 User: emiller Page 2 of 3

Date Rcvd: Dec 08, 2020 Form ID: pdf002 Total Noticed: 2

on behalf of Debtor Superior Energy Services Inc. ashleyharper@HuntonAK.com

Chad L Schexnayderon behalf of Creditor RLI Insurance Company CLS@JHC.law SH@JHC.law;DOCKET@JHC.LAW

Cristina Walton Liebolton behalf of Creditor JPMORGAN CHASE BANK N.A. Cristina.liebolt@stblaw.com

Daniel Latham Billeron behalf of Creditor JPMORGAN CHASE BANK N.A. Daniel.biller@stblaw.com

Edward L Ripleyon behalf of Interested Party Chevron U.S.A. Inc. eripley@andrewsmyers.com

Elisha Graffon behalf of Creditor JPMORGAN CHASE BANK N.A. egraff@stblaw.com

Evan Gershbeinon behalf of Other Prof. Kurtzman Carson Consultants LLC ECFpleadings@kccllc.com ecfpleadings@kccllc.com

Hector Duran, Jron behalf of U.S. Trustee US Trustee Hector.Duran.Jr@usdoj.gov

John F Higgins, IVon behalf of Interested Party Ad Hoc Noteholder Group jhiggins@porterhedges.com emoreland@porterhedges.com;eliana-garfias-8561@ecf.pacerpro.com;mwebb@porterhedges.com

Lisa M. Peterson behalf of Creditor ARCP ID Mesa Portfolio LLC lisa.peters@kutakrock.com, Marybeth.brukner@kutakrock.com

Mark J. Chaney, IIIon behalf of Creditor Automotive Rentals Inc. mchaney@mcglinchey.com, lgraff@mcglinchey.com

Mark J. Chaney, IIIon behalf of Creditor ARI Fleet LT mchaney@mcglinchey.com lgraff@mcglinchey.com

Philip M. Guffyon behalf of Debtor Superior Energy Services Inc. pguffy@huntonak.com

Richard A Aguilaron behalf of Creditor Automotive Rentals Inc. raguilar@mcglinchey.com, jfalati@mcglinchey.com

Richard A Aguilaron behalf of Creditor ARI Fleet LT raguilar@mcglinchey.com jfalati@mcglinchey.com

Stephen Douglas Stathamon behalf of U.S. Trustee US Trustee stephen.statham@usdoj.gov

Timothy Alvin Davidson, IIon behalf of Debtor International Snubbing Services L.L.C. TadDavidson@HuntonAK.com

Timothy Alvin Davidson, IIon behalf of Debtor Wild Well Control Inc. TadDavidson@HuntonAK.com

Timothy Alvin Davidson, IIon behalf of Debtor Complete Energy Services Inc. TadDavidson@HuntonAK.com

Timothy Alvin Davidson, IIon behalf of Debtor Superior Energy Services L.L.C. TadDavidson@HuntonAK.com

Timothy Alvin Davidson, IIon behalf of Debtor Connection Technology L.L.C. TadDavidson@HuntonAK.com

Timothy Alvin Davidson, IIon behalf of Debtor Superior Inspection Services L.L.C. TadDavidson@HuntonAK.com

Timothy Alvin Davidson, IIon behalf of Debtor CSI Technologies LLC TadDavidson@HuntonAK.com

Timothy Alvin Davidson, IIon behalf of Debtor Pumpco Energy Services Inc. TadDavidson@HuntonAK.com

Timothy Alvin Davidson, IIon behalf of Debtor Superior Energy Services-North America Services Inc. TadDavidson@HuntonAK.com

Timothy Alvin Davidson, IIon behalf of Debtor Stabil Drill Specialties L.L.C. TadDavidson@HuntonAK.com

Timothy Alvin Davidson, IIon behalf of Debtor SESI LLC TadDavidson@HuntonAK.com

Timothy Alvin Davidson, IIon behalf of Debtor SPN Well Services Inc. TadDavidson@HuntonAK.com

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Timothy Alvin Davidson, IIon behalf of Debtor Workstrings International L.L.C. TadDavidson@HuntonAK.com

Timothy Alvin Davidson, IIon behalf of Debtor 1105 Peters Road LLC. TadDavidson@HuntonAK.com

Timothy Alvin Davidson, IIon behalf of Debtor Superior Energy Services Inc. TadDavidson@HuntonAK.com

Timothy Alvin Davidson, IIon behalf of Debtor H.B. Rentals L.C. TadDavidson@HuntonAK.com

Timothy Alvin Davidson, IIon behalf of Debtor Warrior Energy Services Corporation TadDavidson@HuntonAK.com



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