Enlightened Revolutions: Jennifer, Jinwoo and Neo

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Transcript of Enlightened Revolutions: Jennifer, Jinwoo and Neo

Viva la Revolucion!

Jennifer, Jinwoo, Neo

Jennifer, Jinwoo, Neo

Character BioKing James II

King James II was a Catho-lic King who re-established Catholicism and issued the Declaration of Indulgence.

William III of Orange

Husband of Mary II, a Prot-estant man who was asked by the Protestant nobles to overtake the throne.

Mary II

Wife of William III and Sis-ter of King James II helped rule England with William III.

Took place in England from 1688 to 1689.



King James IIMary IIWilliam III of Orange


Jennifer, Jinwoo, Neo

THE PROBLEMThe Glorious Revolution started when King James II had a

son. The Protestant nobles wanted justice because they

were soon going to have a Catholic heir to the throne. They

didn’t like how King James II re-established the Catholic

religion back into England. They went to William III of Orange

because he is the husband of Mary II, sister of James II.


Jennifer, Jinwoo, Neo

The GOALThe Goal of the Protestant nobles was so that William III of Orange could overtake the throne and replace King James II, thus continuing Protestantism.


Jennifer, Jinwoo, Neo

The EventsWilliam III of Orange

brought his army to Torbay.

His army marched to

London, unopposed.

Scared and fearful, King

James II fled away to


Later, King James II

assembled an army that he

built from France and tried

to re-take his throne, but

was defeated. He fled

back to France and died

as an exile.


Jennifer, Jinwoo, Neo

The Ending

When King James II was overthrown, the William and Mary became the rulers of England. They signed a Bill of Rights which allowed monarchs to have limited power. They also established the power of the Parliament as well as a Constitutional monarchy.




The SettingWhen the colonists got to the Americas, they did not expect to be governed by the British. However, they began to be heav-ily taxed by

Great Brit-ain and taken ad-vantage of. This began towards the end of the 18th cen-tury.


The Prob-lemThe taxes and un-fair representa-tion infuriated99 the colonists, and many believed in independence. Soon, people be-

gan to rebel against the British government in words and with actions. The war began on April 19th, 1775, with many struggling for freedom.


THE GOALMany colonists

wished for freedom

in a new country,

without suffering

from the taxes of the

British. They

wanted to com-

pletely separate

from the country

they had come from.


The EventsThe fighting lasted 8 years, with the last major battle ending in Yorktown, Virginia, when General Corn-wallis surrendered to the Americans on Oc-tober 19th, 1881. Important events be-fore this include the Battle of Bunker Hill, on June 17th, 1775, the winter at Valley

Forge, on December 19th, 1777, and the adoption of the Arti-cles of Confederation, on March 2nd, 1781.


The EndingAlthough the last major battle ended in 1781, it was not until Sep-tember 3rd, 1783, when the Treaty of Paris was signed, that the war officially ended. The

Americans had successfully de-feated the British, the most powerful nation at the time, due to their homeland advan-tage and motiva-tion.



THE SETTINGBetween 1787 to 1799, a

revolutionary movement took

place in France. This was

called the French Revolution.

Although France was known

as one of the most successful

countries in Europe in the

1700s, the French people

were not very happy with the

laws and the monarchs, such

as Louis XVI and Marie

Antoinette. France had three

main social classes, which

were the First Estate, the

Second Estate, and the Third

Estate. The outraged Third

Estate’s spokesman was

Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyés.



The ProblemThe First Estate and the Second

Estate, made up of clergy of the

Roman Catholic Church and the

rich nobles, ignored the

Enlightenment ideas, did not have

to pay taxes, and had access to

high offices. The Third Estate,

made up of the bourgeoisie,

urban lower classes, and peasant

farmers, however, embraced the

Enlightenment ideas, had to pay

high taxes, and loathed the First

and Second Estates. This was

obviously very unfair to the Third

Estate. The French government

was also deeply in debt, mostly

because of the monstrous

spendings of Louis XVI and Marie

Antoinette. Louis XVI was a weak

ruler. He did not give attention to

his government officials and had

little patience. He was always

hesitant on his decisions and

allowed problems to drift until

they got worse. He decided to

solve the economic crisis by

enforcing taxes on the nobility.

Marie Antoinette Marie Antoinette was the queen, but a very un-popular one. The French loathed her from the very day she came to France. She distracted Louis when he was deal-ing with the government and often gave him bad advice. She also spoiled herself with expensive gowns, jewels, and gifts. She became known as “Madame Deficit.”


First, Second, & Third Estates


The GoalThe Third Estate were very motivated to make changes to the government. They wanted

to replace to Old Regime. The Old Regime was the old style of government, with the

monarchs having all the power and the citizens having no say. The main desire was to

overthrow Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette and also declare an end to the absolute

monarchy. They also wanted equality with the First and Second Estates.

The Third Estate mainly just wanted a fair government with a just


The Third EstateEmmanuel-Joseph Sieyés made a sig-nificant speech about how the Third Estate deserves to have all the rights and privi-leges as the First Estate and the Second Estate.

Did they achieve it?


Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyés created

the National Assembly out of the Third

Estate. The National Assembly would

then pass laws and reforms in the

name of the French people. The Third

Estates delegates agreed with this

idea. On June 17,1789, the National

Assembly was officially established.

Tennis Court Oath

The National Assembly was locked

out of their own meeting room, so they

broke a down a door to an indoor ten-

nis court. The Third Estate delegates

all pledged that they would stick to the

National Assembly until they estab-

lished a new constitution. This became

known as the Tennis Court Oath.

Many First and Second Estate citi-

zens who liked this idea teamed up

with the Third Estate delegates. Louis

XVI hired Swiss guards around Ver-


Protest At the BastilleRumors were spreading in Paris

about how Louis XVI was using mili-

tary forces to get rid of the National

Assembly. Others were saying that the

Swiss guards were coming to

kill French citizens. Everyone

started collecting weapons to

defend the city. On July 14,

the Bastille, a Paris prison,

was attacked by a mob.

They killed many guards

and the prison com-

mander. Many were be-

headed. Soon, the were

marching around the streets with

dead men’s heads on pikes.

The Great FearThe rebellions caused the panic to

spread to the countryside. More ru-

mors formed, such as one saying that

the nobles were hiring criminals to

threaten the peasants. The terrified

peasants broke into the nobles’ man-

ors and burned down legal docu-

ments. Many women were angry and

demanded that the National Assembly

took responsibility. Soon, they de-

manded that Louis and Marie An-

toinettte be exiled to Paris. Soon, they

agreed and left their palace. This exile

was the start of the reform.

Many nobles and officers of the

church were horrified also, so they

joined the National Assembly. They

spoke about their love for liberty and

equality. The National Assembly were

taking the First and Second Estates of

their privileges one by one. Soon, the

commoners were equal to the nobles

and the clergy and the Old Regime

was gone.


“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.”This was the National Assembly’s slogan. The French adopted these revolutionary ideas

from the Americans. They created the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citi-

zen. This document declared that “men are born and remain free and equal in rights.”

The Attack at the Bastille


The EndingMost of the revolutionary ideas that were

put into use were focused on the Church. The

National Assembly was now in charge of the

Church lands and the church officials were

elected as state officials. The Church no longer

had its lands and its political independence. The

Church lands helped pay off France’s big debt.

This made the church and the state have a mu-

tual relationship with each other; the Church

was now part of the state.

Louis XVI had heard that France was an

unsafe place to be for the monarchy. He was

warned by his advisers that him and his family

were in danger. He tried to escape France into

the Austrian Netherlands, but failed near the

border when he was caught by the Paris under

guard. His failed attempt increased the influence

of his governmental enemies.

In September 1791, the new constitution

was completed by the National Assembly. It now

had a Legislative Assembly, or the legislative

body, who had the power to create laws and to

approve or reject declarations of war. The king

had much less power, but still had some power

to enforce laws.

There were also three groups within the

Legislative Assembly. Radicals opposed the

idea of a monarchy and were desperate for

many changes in the government. Moderates

desired changes in the government, but not as

much as the radicals. Conservatives supported

the limited monarchy and wanted only a couple

changes in the government.

There were the Émigrés,nobles and others

who were not part of the Legislative Assembly

who wanted to bring back the Old Regime.

Many wars broke out, and in 1793, a man

named Maximilien Robespierre gradually gained

power. He became the dictator of France for a

small period of time. The time of his rule was

known as the Reign of Terror. However, in July

1794, his followers turned their backs on him

and declared that got arrested and killed. The

death of Robespierre brought an end to the

French Revolution’s age of terror.

Finally, France got a great military leader

named Napoleon Bonaparte. He defeated many

battles for France. He also created the Napole-

onic Code, which was the uniform set of laws

which rid of any injustices.

Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon created his own empire. He was a brilliant military leader. He fought many great battles and won, but also lost some that cost him the fall of his empire.

The guillotine, which is the machine used to behead peo-


Maximilien Robespierre



Bibliography1688, January. "The Open Door Web Site : History : The "Glorious Revo-lution" of 1688." The Open Door Web Site : Home Page. Web. 24 Sept. 2011. <http://www.saburchill.com/history/chapters/chap4013.html>.

"Glorious Revolution." The Victorian Web: An Overview. Web. 24 Sept. 2011. <http://www.victorianweb.org/history/Glorious_Revolution.html>

"BBC - History - James II." BBC - Homepage. Web. 25 Sept. 2011. <http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/james_ii.shtml>.

"James II (of England)." Unlimited Broadband | 24Mb High Speed Broad-band - TalkTalk. Web. 24 Sept. 2011. <http://www.talktalk.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0020037.html>.

"25 Most Evil People of the 16th Century CE | King James II of England." One-Evil.Org | The Unified Understanding, Revelation and Truth of Evil. Web. 24 Sept. 2011. <http://one-evil.org/people/people_17c_James_II.htm>.

"FRENCH REVOLUTION." World History International: World History

Essays From Prehistory To The Present. Web. 28 Sept. 2011.
