English vocabulary in use

Post on 21-Apr-2015

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pošto su bili rješeni svi ti papiri i brisala sam rješenja da ih možete sami rješavati, zaboravila sam izbrisati sa prve dvije stranice rješenja, my bad xD

Transcript of English vocabulary in use

::I••CD•••:I [ 15 What type of travel are all these words associated with?CD -1~:J ~reight buffet guard signal-box express I A road B air C sea I rail=-: 16 Choose the word which means 't~istance from the outside of a circle to the centre.'Di- A circumference B semi-circle tJJradius D diameter

•• 17 Find the best word for the gap.CD They the film beforeallowing it to be shown in cinemas because parts of it

were extremely violent.A reduced B published ' lcensored D shot


--==cl)CD• •

Which one of these words can only describe hair?A chestnut ~~uburn C wavy D ginger

''eI!."jo -c.-l. '(.r..~Choose the best word for this formal sign inside a pub............. .-P. will not be served to persons und er the age of eighteen.A drink alcoholic beverages C booze

If someone says to you, 'I will arrive at six-ish' what do they mean? IA I will arrive exactly at six. 8 I shall be late. t,[)r will arrive at around six. D I will arrive by six. '---__ 8 _

What does 'throughout' mean here? Throughout the interview, the candidate stared at the floor.<Vfrom thebeginning to the end 8 occasionally C regularly

How should you answer a security guard at a night club who says: 'You can't come in unlessyou are a mernber.'A That's OK, I am not a member. @)That's OK, I am a member.

Which one of these expressions is the odd one out?A poles apart (ti) like two peas in a pod C a huge discrepancy D

Do these sentences mean ~the same thing, or (8) different things?1) Apart from having a salary, he also has a private income.2) Besides having a salary, he also has a private income.

Here is a group of words which can all be used to talk about the same topic:I shoot edit direct star in review I~What is the topic?A theatre B newspapers C guns eJfilm

Choose the odd one out from this list of words connected with cars:A .clutch ~atchback Cbrake D hand brake E steering wheel"-





8a world of difference


10 Choose the best response to this idiom: She's fallen out with her parents again.\!)Oh dear! They arealways arguing, aren't they?8 Oh dear! Did they hurt themselves?C Oh dear! I hope that they can fix it soon.

·11 Which one of these objects in the home would you not usually put on the floor?A an ironing board 8 a map a coaster D a dust-pan and brush

12 Find the best word for the gap in this sentence.Hundreds of people have been C in a major train crash.A damaged 8 flooded © injured D wounded

13 Find the incorrect sentence.~I received good marks for my essays last term.8 I must go to bed early because I am going to take an exam tomorrow.C The teacher always gives Jan higher notes than me.D If she continues to skip classes she is going to fail her exam.

14 Here aresome clothing words.A cuff slippers C sleeve

-{li~htwo things do you wear on your feet?O laces E collar

18 Here are some verbs which are connected with crimes and court. Which one does a judge notnormally do?A sentence 8 acquit «@ commit (an offence) D convict

19 Which two of the following expressions describe money paid out by the government?A a mortgage ® a student grant C interest unemployment benefit

20 If someone is fanatical, it means they are:~obsessed by something 8 traditional

21 Find the two words which describe anger.

C a wonderful person D crazy

A anxious ® !ivid C thrilled cross

© Cambridge University Press 2001

Units to study







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~ r.nmhririn~ llniv

Units to study

22 What is the meaning of this sentence? I loathe the food th!:f serve in our canteen.Alenjoy the canteen food. B I avoid the canteen food. © I hate the canteen food.

23 Which verb describes the way sameone might speak if they were nervous, for example,during an important job interview?Ashout stammer e murmur D mutter



24 All these verbs describe ways of touching. Which ones are gentle?@ strake B grab tap O snatch

25 Which one of these words is not connected with eating?A swallow B chew e suck snore E lick

26 Which anima! slithers? A a fish B a butterfly €t) a snake O a bird




27 Choose the best reaction, if someone says to you 'He was dressed up like a dog's dinner at the leaving party.'A Was it a fancy dress party?,B He does not have good dress sense!~ Oh, he always wears showy c1othes. 81

28 Which one of these idioms about talk refers to being brief ?A wrap up the discussion B speak your minde be long-winded put it in a nutshell

29 Which situation would this proverb refer to? When the cat's away, the mice will play.A Parents whose children have gone on a school holiday.~ Teenagers having a party in their house while their parents are not there.e Household pets which have found away to get into the foodcupboard.

30 Find the best answer to this comment: WeU,you don' t look very surprised to see me!I took it for gran ted that you would come.

B You took my breath away.e I took advantage of your being away.

31 In a restaurant, an American friend says to her husband:'Do you have my purse Harry? I need to~ash up' Which of these things does the friend want to do? IA buy samething wash her hands get her handbag O wash the dishes c-. __ 9_3__

32 Here are some slang (very colloquia1)words. They all mean 'money, exceptfor one ward.Find the odd one out. A dough B dosh @ nick O loot

33 What does this notice mean? I No admission to unaccompanied minors IA You cannot enter if you work in a mine.If you are under 18, an adult must be with you.

e You can come in if you are with an accompanist.






Units to study

4,5 I8 I9 I10 I12 I14 I17 I18 I19 I

22 I23 I24 I25 I27 I30 I


32 I33 I36 I

31,52 I38 I39 I42 I44 I47 I48 I51 I

An antonym of 'slim' is .A overweight B skinny C fat O thin

2 An suffix used to form an adjective from 'forget' is .A ive B ful C less


3 My daughter's name is Niamh. People always .pronounce it.Adis Bun Cmis Oil

4 She doesn't herself very well.A express Bdepress C impress

5 I didnt believe the story. I found it a bit far- .A away B -flung C fetched O out

6 I cant get you a of the document. The printer/s not working.A print B printoff C printdown O printout



7 The expression 'the vote' refers to the voting power of older people.A grey B old C white O ancient

8 The 'b' is pronounced in .A climb B comb C clan;-ber O plumber ,

\J~o.t-\ x I~kc..h9 He the seeds over the soil.

A sprayed B splashed C sprinkled

10 You can watch you don't touch.A unless B as long as C provided O in case of

11 The strikes were by recent job cuts.A stemmed from B sparked off C resulted in-. O arisen=c:

(I)cl)• •

12 There's a huge between the two accounts.A world B gap C discrepancy

13 As well as the flute, she's a superb pianist.A she plays B playing

14 It's not fair to blame Jack. he was only doing what he was told.A At the end of the day B Still CHang on


15 The company will have its in the centre of town.A whereabouts B foundations C headquarters D' authorities

16 She was very badly stung. She was attacked by a of wasps.A shoal B swarm C herd O flock



17 I didnt do a(n) of work this morning.A stroke B article C spell

18 After a few days it warmed up and the snow turned to in the streets.A sleet B slush C drizzle tA/.~,

--- (".0_ -::Je;"19 I wouldnt say she was smart. She seems quite f to me.

A well-dressed B elegant C scruff,}'. O stockydJ1~ >d-t-c~o,lNN~o

20 'Shre"~d' is an antonym of ' ',A daft B gregarious C arrogant O discourteous

,A /(..21 Kurt has his boss again.

A fallen away from B fallen out with C made up from

22 The has caused the crops to wither and there is little water to drink.A ty,Phoid B typhoons C drought O epidemic...\.;M!J

23 He wasn't doing well at work and he .A went on strike B got the sack C fired

i0> '24 The from the film is available on CD.f'il\f!" ~,>,,-,,A muzak B soundtrack C canned music O background music<?'~ v

25 The rnain course was tasty, but the dessert was quite and hard to digest.A savoury B more-ish C stodgy O spicy

26 Fish breathe through theirA scales B gills_ C claws


O beaks


'<_.=c:'I)CD- -.="c





zCD:ems=._ .•••_.==

27 Do you fancy a to the beach this weekend?A travel B journey C trip O \~ ';> V\o\O'le.

28 The views from the mountain tops were .A legendary B exotic C breath-taking O picturesque

29 Computer users say that the of the furniture has eased their back problerris.A bioclimatology B cybernetics C ergonomics

30 I the file you sent me but I couldn't read it,Asurfed B downloaded C word-processed

31 I gat a good on the wine because I bought it in bulk,Arefund B credit C discount O overdraft

32 I was absolutely when I found she'd taken my car without asking me.Alivid B thrilled C cross O seething

33 He walked up behind me and me on the shoulder,A fingered B tapped C grabbed O handled

34 Is there any of meeting for Iunch one day next week?A opportunity B need C chance

35 The light from this torch is a bit , I think it needs new batteries.A dim B dazzling C glaring O" shady

36 I'm not very happy today. I'rn feeling a bit .A down in the dumps B over the moon C in the red D in the blue

37 It's about sixty kilometres to the sea from here, a few kilometres.A take ar leave B on and off C give ar take D up and down

38 He's acting very strangely. I think hes gone .A to the top of the class B round the bend C -over the top

39 I think you've done enough. You should and let someone else do the workA take a back seat B stir things up C get your act together

40 The meal was a bit of a It was very expensive and not good value for money.A pig in a poke./ , B hard bargain C np-off

fV'\OclC\t, U \JJcc..,41 It's too late. You cant back what you've said now, but you can apologise.

A do B make C take D bring

42 She ~ all her children's things when they left home.A gat over B got away with C gat out of D gat rid of

43 He tends to people down and make them feel small,A set B put C come O take

44 I'm really thirsty. Do you fancy a .A freebie B nosh C bevvy D dosh

45 'Th f II" A ~ E I' h i , '\J-'Ov-e~ B" hEli he a m mencan ng IS IS in nhs ng s .A autumn B rubbish C the underground

46 (Notice in art gallery) Photographs strictly .A permitted Badmitted C prohibited O allowed

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Name: ~ ._._. _

b shouldn't c can't

Choose the correet answeu;c ','"

You __ worry so rnuch, you'll make a mustyourself ilI.~ ••••••••••••••••• _ •• ~ •• ~._._ ••••• M ••••••• ~.. • .' •••••••••••••••••••••••••• _ •••••••

2 Joe __ think of a good excuse for being ashouldn'tlate.

3 SteUa's __ be prornoted because sheworks hard,

4 My mother __ is in Argentina thisweek.

5 They're going to stay with their cousinslive ona boat.

6 Where are the flowers __ I sent you?

7 Leo and Rose left the cinema because thefilm was

8 My grandmother __ living alone so shefinds the house very quiet.

9 My boss reallyannoys me because sheme to work at the weekends.

b mustn't c couldn't

a allowed to b bound to c manage to

a ,who travels a lot, b who travels a lot c who travels a lot,

a - b where c who

a where b whose c -

a bored b boredom c boring

a didn't use to b us ed to c isn't us ed to

a is always asking b would ask c asked

b would sing c has sung10 Maria's got aterrible voice but she __ at a is singingany opportunity, ,

.. - - ~..-.•....__ - ~- -- - _.._- -.•.. - -....•... -.~'."---'--" (.

(g]11 Do you remembet'Yh~nMumand Dad a- !used to__ take us campmgind it __ alw'ay~irain?

b are used to !will c used to / would ,

12 AJ was only in Australia for a week so he a shouldn't haveseen a lot.

b couldn't have c might have

b mightn't have.._ ..




13 AJthough it was kind, they __ bought a couldn't haveus a housewarmingpresent.

c needn't have

a hadn't left /'d earn

b don't leave /won't earn

c left / 'd earn14 If only I __ school when I was fifteen,I__ a lot more money.

15 IfI __ a lot of money, I'd retire.

16 Sometimes they both wish they __married so young.

17 Don't you wish we __ ten years ago?

18 You can't buy __ happiness.

19 Could you get __ drinks when you goto the shops, please?

20 It was __ great film that we saw ittwice.

a win b won c had won

a didn't get b don't get c hadn't got

a met b had met c meet

a - b a c the

a - b a c the

a what a b her only c such a

beach21 Tony's daughter has his red hair but __ a bothof his sons look like him.

c neither

a on b at c over22 Sorry, but I don't know what you aregetting __ .

23 Co me in from the rain - you're __soaking.

..............~....24 John spends all his time complaining. I

wish he'd just __ .

25 Lucy __ well with her brother, eventhough he's much younger than her.

a, quite b very c absolutely"'o.,

a find a life b get a life c change the life

a gets over b gets up c gets on

,New Headway Upper-Intermediate - the third edition © Oxford University p,te~s, ,oi, • . . 7, "(o. - o , - - _.0'_. o""'I~o



-New H~adwayUpper-Inter.mediate '. ,,', _'-R~view.TestUnlts'1~6,-<-;., .•• ", .

. - --Name: ''--::-:'''''''-.-:::::.,cT, ..•''''''''''-;---~-----~---~~

Choose the correct answers,

Mr Chan __ from Shanghai today and a comeshe'Il be arriving at 6 p.m. - .

b is coming ~


~'-- --_._-- _ ...[Ji]

c had come

".'_'_" •••• , __ ••• ~._ •• ~_ •• _'h __ '~' ••• _. __ .~. __ •••• ~ •• _,_ •• _ .'. ' __ ' __ '"~ ---.- ••• _._._ •••• _. __ •• ~. __ ••••••• •••••••••• _•• ~ •••••••• _ •• •• _._._.

2 Andrew _. _ to Wales this morning. He'll a 's drivingarrive in time for lunch,

b drave c has driven

. 3 I don't like it here - it's __ boring,___ . .•.•.•.. __ . .._... _ ....:.- .._._. . __ ._.•... ._•. __._ .n .•_ ....._.__-r-r- .. ._~. ...__ . .s:... ._ •.• _ •.. .. _._._~ __ •. __ .•.••..•. .•. _._ .•• __ •.•_ .. ._._._. __ .__ ,._. ._ .•. _ •.•. _

a seems ~kindof c because


[g]. _-_ _---- .

.b had been c 'Waspublishing ~Jpublished...__..--_.-....._..' ~---- ..-..._._-_._---_.-._- - ..-----------. - ---.-------- -..--- ...--.- -. -'.. _--- --.--~ .-..--_..--.--_.-.-- ..-..-- ..---- -.------------. ---p _.'---'-'p

of these books is the best?- . ac What b Which c Who ~..._,_.'_"" __".".' '"_. -:__ ; _ .._ .. __ .:.:....:.:::·f:":_":"'._._~ ....,....._____. ~ ..__ . ~_._. .__.~ _. _...,... ._., -'_-:- ._




~- ..-.-.-..-.--.~

4 Tanya only started this job on Monday soshe __ here for long.

5 __ you __ my passport? ~left it onthe table.

6 Martin dinner when I

a hasn't beenworking

b don't work c didn't "{ark

aHave / been b Have / moved c Are Imoving

___~~~~~ .,_ }J", ~ f~f,~~.-?:l9.~,__ ._.____._._.. _b cooked I c was cooking /arn arriving arrived

a is cooking /arrived

7 The TV news used photographs that one a had been takenof the witnesses __ with her phone.

b had taken c was taking

8 What __ you __ at the weekend? I a were / doing b had / been doing c have / donetried to ring you several times.

9 The novel appeared in Europe in 2006,but it __ a year earlier in the USA.


a has published

11 __ you can afforsJ.a new car? I thought.aHowcol1ieyou didn't have any money, "'--';."". "-':' ;.

__,.c_..__"__,_ __ __.•__ .· - ---.- __ _.__ . .~~

12 'Could you lend me some inoney?' 'What?'

b Actually c Imean

a from.'.'

'b for c to

13 Of course you're ~old! __ I teil you to a Don't b Haven'tbring your coat?

c Didn't

c is leaving

15 You look terrible! __ you __ sick?

14 The last bus into town __ at 11.00 p.m. a willleave b leaves

a Will / be b Are / going to be cAre / being

16 Frank tomorrow because hehis girlfriend to theairport.

17 Suzy likes working at night because thereisn't noise where she lives.

18 I'H manage with __ help from you.

19 Has he gat __ enthusiasm for the job?

20 Jane didn't make __ the first time shemet her boyfriend's parents,

21 Most conspiracy theories are completelybelievable.

22 'I think Jim is a bit __ .' '1 agree. He'snot the brightest person I know,'

23 Please don't __ offence, I was onlyjoking.

a isn't going towork / '11 drive

b doesn't work /drives

c isn't working /'s driving

a much b a few c enough §J




a not many rb- a bit of c several

a enough b many c not much

-@.. a good impression b her best c them a favour

a dis- b im- c_~un-

b thick c funny

~take b make c put

b take24 Sam and Celia __ too much pressure a doon their children,

c put

25 I can't come to the party because I've got a so manywork to finish.

b millions of c masses of'-'


Ne1N Headw~y!ntermeiUate' . . Review Test Units·7-12

Choose the correct ans~ers. ---

the Star Warsfilms........__ __ _ - -.- -r-r- ..:-....•......-..--.-.; ., -' ..-.

2 They __ for Google __ 2004.

3 __ Neil __ that he didn't get the job?

4 If you __ that expensive car, you __enough money to go on holiday.

5 What __ if you __ a mobile phone?

6 Alison has worked for a month without aday off ~ she __ be exhausted.

7 I know he speaks French, German andItalian so he be Swiss.

8 Hundreds of trees were blown over in thenight so the wind __ have been verystrong.

9 Tm not very sociable.' '__ .'

10 'Sorry I'm late. __ for a long time?'

Il Leo's French isn't very good. He __ itfor very long.

12 Ellenexercise.

that she needs to do more

'.'<":;' •

ahave never seen b have ever seen c have never saw @]~_ ...._ ..._ ... _.__ .._ ..-

~--.---. -_.-..

~.._--- ...--_ ...---_.~

14 Could you teil me where __ ?

15 Do you know __ this train goes toCardiff?---------------------~--------------q~JA04-'-

16~t:~_~_I~~:lt_~~~_==? __A _17 Jon __ your school, wasn't he?____ . s:::...::...:;;z18 The interviewer asked drive.

19 The dentistappointment.

to make another

a worked I for b 'v« worked I since \c 're working I since

a Did I teIl b Have / told c Has / been told

20 The police officer __ the robber to putdown his gun and put his hands above hishead.

21 You'll need toproblem.

an answer to this

a buy / won't have b bought Idon't have

c don't buylwon't have

a will you do / haven't b would youdid / had c would you do I didn'thave

a might b must c can't

a can't.,-_ ...-.... - .._ .....•.b could c should

a can't b could c must

a Idon't b So am I ~.__.._ _+-.-

@]c Neither am I

aHave you waited b Are you waiting c Have you beenwaiting

a has beenlearning

b hasn't been c hasn't learnedlearning


'@j'--a hasbeenrealizing

b while §]~----


13 Henry worked for the bank __ 2001 and a berween2006.

c until

a the library is b is the library c if the library

c howa does b if\.

a is it b does it [QJ-.~.----.-.-.- .


. c isn't it

a was at b went to c wasn't at

a can I b if I could c ifI was

a told b said me c told me

aordered'----- b advised ererninded

a get on with b run out of c come up with

22 I want to watch the television news. Could a look it up b turn it onyou __ , please?

e look for it ~

.. - ...- .._."-' "." '....-.-.-_ .. -.--.--.- ....._ .....~-

e absolutely tasty CE23 You must try that restaurant. The food is a very delicious b absolutelydelicious

b superb24 We all hated the film - it was really __ . a hilarious

25 The kids __ over the garden wall to get a climbedtheir football back.

e awful

b hugged e chewed


New H,~dwayIntermediate "'" .':. . Revi~wTest Units 1~6'

. Ch~~s~th'e c~rrect answers.

i'Where __ Penelope Cruz come from?t•.i~'..__~ '" _-'.- ----.-- -._ ..0 .-----..' •• ------- • .::..........--.--.--

lA;-!-V\'hiChcountries _.._ signed theKyoto· .. agreement?


the first man.land on the

4 I _-o the latest James Bond film is great.

5 Ican't answer my mobile phone now,I

6 __ many foreign cars __ in Britain?

7 My boss was annoyed because I __ thework on time.

8 Had you met Pete before I __ you?

9 Mrs Parker's credit cardstreet.

in the

"'Name>_' ._. ._-_._._-._-._.-_~_~ _

a is bdoes . c do

a isn't c didn't

a was' b-had c did

a am thinking . b didn't thought [9-'-'.~---.., ...~.@1

c think

a am driving b can drive c drive

a Are { selIing c Are / so1d

c haven't done

a introduced b was introducing @'J.-.-.-.~.---[5].

c had introduced

a found b was found c was being found

10 I __ on the phone when the post __ o a was talking / arrived b talked / was arriving c am talking / had ~arrived

11'Did you take the children to the park?' ram c Yes, I dida Yes, Ido

"0 -- .•~- ..•.• -•• -.-., •.• - -.-.-- ...••.••.• _-- ------ •• -.-.--.----.----- ••••• - ••. - .- .-~--- ---- .• - .---- •.. - • -.---.~;;;~-- ••~----. - ----.-- .• --.-~----~----..,--- .. -_.-." ••.... --.-----.------.------.---

12 .Our son do his homework before he a .has to I can .b is allowed to / c should imust _~ "watch television. has to

13 You __ take your passport and ticketswith you. You __ check-in without«them. ..

14 That suitcase looks very heavy- 1__. you carry ito

15 __ the EiffeI Tower when you're in Parisnext week?

16 I don't know what we're going to do thisweekend. We a film.

.a .have to / ~on't b< ;.b can / can'tallowed to

c ought to / mustn't

. -- -._---,. - '-'--'.-~.- ..-:_tf;.,.-.., .•.--"-...:.-h.---- -~------.- -.--.---- ---- ..-- ....•.__ _- .._-.- --.-.~--- ~.

a am going to help b 'Il heIp c 'm helping

a Are you going up b Do you go up c~Are you going to'go up

a are seeing b might see c 'li see

b do / go [9-"'----",',_ ..•---


c are / going17 ~-\1her.e__ they __ on Saturday night? a are / do ing

18 My grandfather enjoyed __ in aninternational company.

19 Jane stopped __ to Danny when shesaw him in the supermarket.

20 Thank you __ so kind and helpful.

21 'What __ Martin __ ?' 'He's siim andhe's gat short grey hair,'

22 Let's get __ for lunch next Sunday!

23 Do you want to __ swimming ar __.tennis this afternocn?

a worked b working c to work

a, to talk b talking c her to talk

a to be b being c for being [g..,",----.'-----'"-

~a does {like doing b is / look like c does /Jook like

a down b off c together !Q]...................•..... - - -_ ...•.....•. -- .,,- __ .,_ , ,

c play {do EJa do / go b go / play

was24 Ben couldn't eat the sandwich because it ~ disgusting b tasteless c disgusted G;J25 Tomorrow's temperature will be 15°C anda icy

the weather will be __ with strongwinds and heavy rain.

b stormy c sunny

24 Don't be You've eaten enough for one day.A stubborn B greedy C gloorny O cheeky

25 r think your idea _ probably work.A might B won't C will O is going to

26 Do you think we will still be alive _ the end of thecentury?A in B by C for O on

27 Problems with water could _ to a new world war.A come B face Cbring O lead

28 A I'm cold. Are you?B _ the fire on if you like.A I'll put B I'm putting C I'm going to put O r put

29 Did you hear about the volcanic _ last night?A erupt B eruption C erupting O erupted

30 The next train to Hull _ in ten minutes.A willleave B is leaving C leaves O is going to leave

31 li something _ wrong, I always get the blame.A will go B is going C would go O goes

32 I _ surprised if Sue is late this afternoon.A am not B won't be G wouldn't be O wasn't

33 If we _ in Spain, I'd support Sevilla.A live B would live G will live O lived

34 The new girl is as quiet _ a mouse.A as B than C like O from

35 She _ win this year. She's much better than anyone else.A must have B probably won't C will defmitelyO is certain

36 I won't help you _ you promise to help me too.A if B unless C provided O on condition

37 As soon as I _ home, I'll phone you.A will get B got C get O would get

38 If we had taken a map; we _lost.A wouldn't get B didn't get C hadn't gotO wouldn't have got

39 What would you have done if you _ the lottery tast year?A won B would have won G had won O would win

40 You _ not tell anyone where you were.A 'd better B might G ought O best

41 li I _ you, I'd apologise.A am B were G had been O would be

42 I hope I'll be able to _ this fear of spiders.A overcorne B overdo C overtake O oversee

43 I wish I _ so much work to do today.A didn't have B don't have G wouldn't haveO haven't got

44 li only I _ about this place last year.A would know B knew G had known O have known

45 They _ to hospital in an ambulance.A took B had taken C'were taken O have taken

46 The others _ something to eat by the kitchen staffat the moment.A are being given B are giving G were giving O give

47 Where were you being _ to?A drive B .drave G driving O driven

48 You should wear elbow _ when you are climbing.A bags B pads G stops O breaks

49 Come on, it's time to _ the plane.A board B climb Gget into O take off

Circle the carrect answers: A, B, C ar O as in the example O,

O What _ about my idea for the holidays?@do you think B you think G are you thinking

O you are thinking

More and more young people _ our club these days.Ajoin B don't join G are joining O aren't joi.ning

2 We _ always on time for school on Monday.A are Barrive G come O get

3 I don't know how you put _ with those people.A on B out C off O up

4 He really thinks a lot of _.A rum B his C hirnself O he

5 We have to try and understand _ if we want to livetogether.A us B together G ourselves O each other

6 I've got a new sweatshirt with a _ for when it is cold.A top B hood G cover O lid

7 How long _ that book?A you have been reading B you have readG have you read O have you been reading

8 We've had this car sinceA a long time B at least 3 yearsG more than 6 months O my aunt died

9 Be careful you don't _ that file on the computer.A destroy B undo G delete O remove

10 If the battery is too_ , your phone won't work.A low B soft C down O slow

11 The thing you are looking for is made _ plastic.A for B of G up of O on

12 Can you help me? My phone is out of .A working B place Corder O time-

13 I _ along the road when I saw the card.A was walking B walked G have walkedO had walked

14 When they arrived, we _ the game.Ahave already fmished B were already finishedG had already finished O already finished

15 When I opened the door, I _ my friend.A was seeing B saw C have seenO had seen

16 The police asked if there were any _ who had seenthe crime.A witnesses B victims Gjuries Ojudges

17 _ to play tennis when you were younger?A Would you B You used G Did you O Did you use

18 I remember he _ always fall asleep on the sofa.A had B us ed C would O did

19 I think you _ to go to bed.A ought B should G must O can

20 What time _ get up yesterday?A did you have B must you G did you have toO were you having to

21 He 's very _ and never thinks of anyone else.A tolerant B selfish G balanced O decisive

22 Do you _ li I smoke?A mind B wonder G matter O upset

23 He's so relaxed. The most laid - _ person I know,A out B down G over O baek

/ I /

50 Only one _ four people enjoy flyingAfrom Bin C of Oout

51 Tm not going to lie.' She said she _lie.Awas going not to Bisn't going to C wasn't going toOis going not to

52 'I wasn't there.' He said _ there.A I wasn't Bhe wasn't Che hadn't beenOhe hasn't been

53 'We'll do it now.' She promised that they would do it_.Anew B then Cthat day Othat time

54 'We can go on holiday next week.' He explained theycould go on holiday _.Anext week B the following week C the week beforeOthe previous week

55 He out of university because it was too difficult.Afell Bwalked Gjumped Odropped

56 There are laws against _ truant from schoo!.Amaking Bplaying Cgoing Obeing

57 'Have you finished?' He asked us _ finished.Ahad we Bhave we Gli we have Oli we had

58 'What do you think?' She asked me what _ .AI thought B I think Gdid I think Odo I think

59 'Don't talk with your mouth ful!.' He told me _ talkwith my mouth full.Adon't B to not Gnot to Onot

60 Look at all the broken glass. There _ an accident.Amight be Bmust be Gmust have beenOmight have been

61 He _ have gat Iost. He's gat a map.Amay Bcould Ccan't Omustn't

62 We don't know what happened exactly, but we're sureit have been an accident.Acould not Bmust not Gmight not Omay not

63 They _ so that no one would hear them.Ayawned Bsighed Cgiggled Owhispered

64 He at his watch very quickly.Astared Bglanced Cfrowned Ogazed

65 This is a really _ room. It's hugelAspacious Bcramped Gcosy Oshabby

66 Doesn't anybody live here? No, it's _.Afilthy Buninhabited Ggloomy Ocharming

67 I think is the best invention ever.Aa computer Bthe computer Gcomputers Ocomputer

68 we met on holiday are corning to see us soan.AAperson B PeopIe CThe people O·The person

69 This is a very _ hotel. You have to wear a suitwhen you go to dinner.Aposh Bvain Gflattering Il strange

70 My father started going _ in his twenties and nowhe has no hair at all.Ashaved Bbald Gbare Ocropped

71 My mum is _ her hair cut at the moment.Abeing Bcutting Ghaving Omaking

72 We had our photos _ at schoollast week.Atake Btook Ctaking O taken

73 I need to go to the hairdressers. My _ is getting in myeyes.Afringe Bparting Cstubble Opony tail

74 This cream says it stops you getting _ on your facewhen you get old.Ahighlights Bdimples Gwrinkles Oplaits

/ !

75 Can I ask you where _ from?Ado you come Bare you C you come O did you come

76 I wonder us.Ali he likes Bdoes he like C that he likes Ohe likes

77 Do you know what _ last year?Adid he Bdid he do C he did Ohe did do

78 This is the first time I've ac ted on a real _.Afestival Bgallery Cvenue Dstage

79 The whole _ stood up and applauded at the end of theplay.Acrowd Bspectators Cgroup Oaudience

80 on' Let me finish!AWait BHold CKeep OStay

81 I'm sorry. I didn't _ that. Could you say it again?Aget Bhave Gtake Odo

82 The play was absolutely _'Agood B interesting Cbrilliant Obad

83 I thought the film was a bit _.Afunny Bboring Gclever Onice

84 _ Liverpool and Manchester are in the north-west .of England.AEither BNeither CEach of OBoth

85 Neither John _ I are going to the wedding.Anor Bar Gand Onot

86 _ my friends want to work abroad after university.AEvery BMost GAny of OAll of

87 At the end of the football match, the fans ran antotheApitch Bcourse Cstadium Ocourt

88 The _ gave the home team a penalty.Ajudge Bmanager Greferee Oconductor

89 He was the _ most expensive 'player ever.Aclub B clubs' Gclubs . Oclub's

90 It was the _ fault. They were being siliy.Aboys Bboy Cboys' Oboy's

91 Do you prefer team sports ar _ sports?A to make B lonely Gindividual Osingle

92 You should cut _ on sweet things. They're unhealthy.Adown Bout Gup Dunder

93 He wanted to avoid _ the same mistake again.Ato make B to making Cmake Omaking

94 I look forward _ from you.Ahear B to hearing Cto hear Ohearing

95 I expect _ from you soan.A to hear Bhearing Ghear O to hearing

96 He let us _ after five minutes.A to go Bgo Gto going Ogoing

97 I hate these _ stores. Every town is exactly the same.Achain B linked Gteam Ogroup

98 You can try on the trousers in the _ room.A trying Bdressing Gchanging Oshowing

99 I'd like to _ a complaint.Amake Bhave Ggive Odo

100Can I exchange this shirt _ sornething else?A to Bwith Gfor Ofrom

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