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Nashoba Regional School District


INFORMATION FLUENCYStandards and Benchmarks

Pre K - 12

Nashoba Regional School District Technology Literacy and Information Fluency Standards and Expectations

Work in this document is based upon the standards outlined in the Massachusetts Recommended Pre K-12 Technology Literacy Standards, October 2007 and the Massachusetts Recommended Pre K-12 Information Fluency Standards, February 2007.


The 2007 NRSD PreK-12 Technology Literacy and Information Fluency Standards and Expectations document are the result of the dedication and effort of many dedicated staff. The work here reflects… We acknowledge the efforts of…

Contributors:The Nashoba Regional School District acknowledges the contributions made to the development of these materials by the

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Nashoba Regional School District Technology Literacy and Information Fluency Standards and Benchmarks, 5/25/2023 1

Overview and OrganizationOverview:Statement for the rationale of combining the PreK-12 Technology Literacy and Information Fluency Standards and Expectations standards …The role of technology and information literacy in today’s local and global society/workforce.

Organization:Unique to this document is a combination of Technology Literacy and Information Fluency Standards and Benchmarks. Standards and benchmarks that originated from the Massachusetts Recommended Pre K-12 Technology Literacy Standards are identified with (TL) and Expectations that originated with the Massachusetts Information Fluency Recommended Pre K-12 Standards are identified with (IF).Statement of how and why these standards are separated by grade level spans…The difference between the concept of “exploratory skill” (grade K-2) vs. “standard” (grade 3-12). Like all of the core NRSD curricula documents, the Technology Literacy and Information Fluency document includes the following key components:

Big Ideas: The enduring understandings of the big picture of learning. Big ideas are transferable beyond the scope of a standard. One or more big ideas for each of the standards have been identified. Concepts associated with big ideas increase in complexity by grade level.

Essential Questions: Provocative, student-friendly questions designed to engage student interest and guide inquiry into the important ideas in a field of study. Essential questions are intended to stimulate discussion and rethinking over time. By answering essential questions, students come to understand the Big Idea.

Benchmarks: Statement discussing E -Exposure, I- Introduced, R-Reinforced, and M- Demonstrating Mastery. Statement about the integration/infusion of these benchmarks into curriculum……

The skills and concepts enumerated in this document can be attained by students in a variety of ways:

While learning the content of the curriculum in everyday classroom activities Activities in Computer Labs and Media Centers Specific course work (e.g., taking a graphics design course) Independent study (e.g., supporting a specific project) Extracurricular activity (e.g., publishing a school newsletter)

Nashoba Regional School District Technology Literacy and Information Fluency Standards and Benchmarks, 5/25/2023 2

Table of Contents


EXPLORATORY CONCEPTS: BASIC OPERATIONS AND PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS.............................................6EXPLORATORY CONCEPTS: ETHICS, SOCIETY AND SAFETY........................................................................6EXPLORATORY CONCEPTS: PROBLEM SOLVING AND COMMUNICATION.....................................................7EXPLORATORY CONCEPTS: APPRECIATE LITERATURE................................................................................7


EXPLORATORY SKILL: BASIC OPERATIONS AND PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS....................................................8Basic Operations (1.1 TL).......................................................................................................................8Word Processing and Desktop Publishing (1.2 TL)...............................................................................8Database and Spreadsheet (Tables/Charts and Graphs) (1.3 TL).........................................................8Internet and Multimedia (1.4 TL)...........................................................................................................8

EXPLORATORY SKILL: DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP IN THE CLASSROOM, ETHICS, AND SAFETY.........................9Ethics (2.1 TL)........................................................................................................................................9Use Information: Ethical (4. IF).............................................................................................................9Classroom/Society (2.2 TL)....................................................................................................................9Health and Safety (2.3 TL)......................................................................................................................9


Define an Information Task (1. IF).......................................................................................................10Develop Information Seeking Strategies (2. IF)...................................................................................10Locate and Access Information (3. IF).................................................................................................11Gather and Use Information (3. TL).....................................................................................................11Use Information: Evaluate and Extract (4. IF)....................................................................................11Evaluate (7. IF).....................................................................................................................................11Participate in Collaborative Activities (6. IF)......................................................................................11Problem Solve (3.2 TL).........................................................................................................................12Communication & Collaboration (3.3 TL)...........................................................................................12Synthesize Information (5. IF)..............................................................................................................12

EXPLORATORY SKILL: APPRECIATE LITERATURE......................................................................................12Appreciate Literature (8 IF).................................................................................................................12


STANDARD: BASIC OPERATIONS AND PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS...................................................................14Basic Operations (1.1 TL).....................................................................................................................14Word Processing/Desktop Publishing (1.2 TL)....................................................................................14Database (1.3 TL).................................................................................................................................15Spreadsheet (1.4 TL).............................................................................................................................15Internet, Networking, and Online Communication (1.5 TL).................................................................15Multimedia and Software Applications (1.6 TL)...................................................................................15

STANDARD: DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP, ETHICS, SOCIETY, AND SAFETY.........................................................15Ethics (2.1 TL)......................................................................................................................................16Use Information: Ethical (4. IF)...........................................................................................................16Society (2.2 TL).....................................................................................................................................16

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Health and Safety (2.3 TL)....................................................................................................................16STANDARD: RESEARCH AND INFORMATION FLUENCY; CRITICAL THINKING, PROBLEM SOLVING AND DECISION MAKING; COMMUNICATION; AND CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION...........................................17

Define an Information Task (1. IF).......................................................................................................17Develop Information Seeking Strategies (2. IF)...................................................................................18Locate and Access Information (3. IF).................................................................................................18Research (3.1 TL)..................................................................................................................................18Use Information: Evaluate and Extract (4. IF)....................................................................................19Evaluate (7. IF).....................................................................................................................................19Participate in Collaborative Activities (6. IF)......................................................................................19Problem Solving (3.2 TL)......................................................................................................................20Communication (3.3 TL).......................................................................................................................20Synthesize Information (5. IF)..............................................................................................................20

STANDARD: APPRECIATE LITERATURE......................................................................................................20Appreciate Literature (8. IF)................................................................................................................20


STANDARD: BASIC OPERATIONS, CONCEPTS, AND PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS...............................................22Basic Operations (1.1 TL).....................................................................................................................22Word Processing/Desktop Publishing (1.2 TL)....................................................................................22Database (1.3 TL).................................................................................................................................23Spreadsheet (1.4 TL).............................................................................................................................23Internet, Networking, and Online Communication (1.5 TL).................................................................23Multimedia and Software Applications (1.6 TL)...................................................................................23

STANDARD: DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP, ETHICS, SOCIETY, AND SAFETY.........................................................24Ethics (2.1 TL)......................................................................................................................................24Use Information: Ethical (4. IF)...........................................................................................................24Society (2.2 TL).....................................................................................................................................24Health and Safety (2.3 TL)....................................................................................................................25


Define Information Task (1. IF)............................................................................................................25Develop Information Seeking Strategies (2. IF)...................................................................................26Locate and Access Information (3. IF).................................................................................................26Research (3.1 TL)..................................................................................................................................27Use Information: Evaluation and Extraction (4. IF)............................................................................27Evaluate (7. IF).....................................................................................................................................27Participate in Collaborative Activities (6. IF)......................................................................................27Problem Solving (3.2 TL)......................................................................................................................28Communication (3.3 TL).......................................................................................................................28Synthesize Information (5. IF)..............................................................................................................28

STANDARD: APPRECIATE LITERATURE......................................................................................................28Appreciate Literature (8. IF)................................................................................................................29


STANDARD: BASIC OPERATIONS, CONCEPTS, AND PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS...............................................30Basic Operations (1.1 TL).....................................................................................................................30Word Processing/Desktop Publishing (1.2 TL)....................................................................................30Database (1.3 TL).................................................................................................................................31Spreadsheet (1.4 TL).............................................................................................................................31Internet, Networking, and Online Communication (1.5 TL).................................................................31Multimedia and Software Applications (1.6 TL)...................................................................................32Web Authoring and Publishing Tools (1.7 TL/NRSD)..........................................................................32

STANDARD: DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP, ETHICS, SOCIETY, AND SAFETY.........................................................32

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Ethics (2.1 TL)......................................................................................................................................33Use Information: Ethics (4. IF)............................................................................................................33Evaluate (7. IF).....................................................................................................................................33Society (2.2 TL).....................................................................................................................................33Health and Safety (2.3 TL)....................................................................................................................34


Define Information Task (1. IF)............................................................................................................34Develop Information Seeking Strategies (2. IF)...................................................................................35Locate and Access Information (3. IF).................................................................................................35Research (3.1 TL)..................................................................................................................................35Use Information: Evaluate and Extract (4. IF)....................................................................................36Participate in Collaborative Activities (6. IF)......................................................................................36Problem Solving (3.2 TL)......................................................................................................................36Communication (3.3 TL).......................................................................................................................37Synthesize Information (5. IF)..............................................................................................................37

STANDARD: APPRECIATE LITERATURE......................................................................................................37Appreciate Literature (8. IF).................................................................................................................38

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Technology Literacy and Information Fluency Grade Pre K

Exploratory Concepts

Exploratory Concepts: Basic Operations and Productivity ToolsStudents will begin to recognize the main components of a computer as well as identify other types of everyday technology (i.e. computers, cameras, audio/video players, cell phones, televisions, traffic lights, wrist watches, coffee makers, cash registers, etc.) Students will explore open-ended developmentally appropriate computer applications in a manner that is engaging and playful.

Big Idea: Technology is a tool that helps us perform tasks and create products.

Essential Questions: What is technology?

Can technology be helpful?

The following are suggested activities. Students and teacher discuss a variety of technology tools and the tasks they helps us to

perform or the product that they helps us to produce.

Students are provided opportunities, at the teacher’s discretion, to explore an open-ended software programs on a classroom or lab computer.

Teachers model the use of a digital camera to document student experiences and products.

Exploratory Concepts: Ethics, Society and SafetyStudents will be able to follow classroom rules surrounding the use of technology in the classroom.

Big Idea: Technology needs to be used carefully and safely.

Essential Questions:What does it mean to be careful when you are using something?What are some of the rules that we should have in our classroom that will help us to use our technology safely and carefully?

The following are suggested activities. Students help create classroom rules regarding the use of technology and agree to follow


Students draw pictures representing the rules.

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Exploratory Concepts: Problem Solving and CommunicationStudents will begin to explore the use of technology to problem solve and communicate.

Big Idea:Technology can be helpful to solve problems and can be used to talk to or send messages to others.

Essential Questions:What are some of the ways that we could send a message or talk to someone that is not in the classroom?What would they need to get the message, hear us or see us?

The following are suggested activities.

Students discuss, with the teacher, technology tools that help people communicate with each other.

Teachers model the use of a computer to watch an educational video or visit an educational website with the class.

Exploratory Concepts: Appreciate Literature

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Technology Literacy and Information Fluency Grades K - 2

Exploratory Skills and Expectations

Exploratory Skill: Basic Operations and Productivity ToolsStudents will become familiar with the technology and information literacy tools available to them in their classroom, computer lab and library. By the end of grade 2 students will be able to perform basic computer skills and demonstrate an understanding of the basic functions and applications of a computer.

Big Idea: Technology is used a tool for learning.

Essential Questions:How can a technology tool help you learn? What do you need to know about using technology in order to help you learn?

By the end of second grade, students will have been INTRODUCED to and provided opportunities to REINFORCE the following skills…

Basic Operations (1.1 TL)

Demonstrate beginning steps in using available hardware and applications (e.g., turn on a computer, launch a program, use a pointing device such as a mouse). (1.11)

Explain that icons (e.g., recycle bin/trash, folder) are symbols used to signify a command, file, or application. (1.12)

Identify, locate, and use letters, numbers, and special keys (e.g., space bar, Shift, Delete), on the keyboard. (1.13)

Recognize the functions of basic file menu commands (e.g., New, Open, Close, Save, Print). (1.14)

Word Processing and Desktop Publishing (1.2 TL)

Use a word processing application to write, edit, print, and save simple assignments. (1.21)

Insert and size a graphic in a word processing document. (1.22)

Database and Spreadsheet (Tables/Charts and Graphs) (1.3 TL)

Explain that computers can store and organize information so that it can be searched. (1.31)

Use a simple computer graphing application to display data. (1.32)

Internet and Multimedia (1.4 TL)

Demonstrate understanding that the Internet links computers around the world, allowing people to access information and communicate. (1.41/NRSD)

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Demonstrate the ability to use tools in painting and/or drawing programs. (1.42)

Exploratory Skill: Digital Citizenship in the Classroom, Ethics, and SafetyStudents will understand age appropriate rules in school that pertain to technology use that will help them to be good classmates. Students will be introduced to the steps in evaluating resources for their appropriateness, select the best and extract the relevant information. Students will practice ethical behavior and respect for intellectual property rights.

Big Idea: There are rules that that help us to use technology safely and responsibly. There is a process

to evaluate and synthesize information. Students need to begin to understand the concept of copyright and fair use.

Essential Questions:We read and listen to information from the Internet, television, radio, books and magazines almost every day. Should we believe all of it? Why do people publish information, create movies, and songs? Is it important to know the creator or author? Are we always safe when we use computers? Why or why not?The computer lab and the library have rules for using technology; should we have classroom rules when we use our computer(s), digital camera(s) or other technology tools?

By the end of second grade, students will have been INTRODUCED to and provided opportunities to REINFORCE the following skills…

Ethics (2.1 TL)

Follow classroom rules for the responsible use of computers, peripheral devices, and resources. (2.11)

Demonstrate awareness that media is owned by the person(s) who created it. (2.12/NRSD)

Use Information: Ethical (4. IF)

Ethical Behavior in Information (4.c.)

Indicate the source of information (4.28)

Identify author and title of an information source (4.29/NRSD))

Classroom/Society (2.2 TL)

Explain why there are rules for using technology at home and at school. (2.21)

Identify the purpose of a media message (to inform, persuade, or entertain). (2.22)

Describe how people use many types of technologies in their daily lives. (2.23)

Health and Safety (2.3 TL)

Follow the school rules for safe and ethical Internet use. (Use of Internet in this grade span is

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determined by district policy.) (2.31)

Demonstrate knowledge of ergonomics and electrical safety when using computers. (2.32)

Demonstrate understanding that a password helps protect the privacy of information. (2.33/NRSD)

Exploratory Skill: Research and Information Fluency; Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making; Communication; and Creativity and InnovationStudents will be introduced to the research process. Students will organize new information to construct a product that communicates the results of their research. Students will participate effectively in groups to pursue and generate information. This may include both self and peer evaluation.

Big Idea:The act of researching involves the ability to effectively use tools and resources to find,

organize and make sense of information. Problem solving and decision making comes from looking at information in different ways and sharing ideas with others. There are a variety of tools and resources that help us organize, share and present new knowledge.

Essential Questions:Is it important for us to be able to organize information in order to solve a problem? Why or why not?Is it important to organize information before you present it to other people? Why or why not?Is it important for a library to be organized? Is it easier to solve a problem by yourself or with a group?

By the end of second grade, students will have been INTRODUCED to and provided opportunities to REINFORCE the following skills…

Define an Information Task (1. IF)

Rephrase the classroom assignment: What am I supposed to do? (1.1)

Identify existing knowledge and, with assistance, list areas where more information is needed. Example: complete a topic chart: What I know, What I think I know, What I need to find out. (1.2)

Brainstorm additional questions to answer in solving an information problem. (1.3)

Develop Information Seeking Strategies (2. IF)

Identify the parts of a book, e.g. spine, spine label, cover, title page, verso page, barcode (if automated library). (2.1)

Explain the difference between fiction and non-fiction. (2.2)

Recognize which resources are the best to use and why. (2.3)

Web or map a topic based on prior knowledge and preliminary background information.

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Develop a strategy to solve an information problem: PLAN-DO-REVIEW (based on Big6TM) (2.5)

Locate and Access Information (3. IF)

Ask a question that requires information-seeking. (3.1)

Independently find the library media center. (3.2)

Independently approach the library teacher for assistance. (3.3)

Understand that there is a relationship to spine label and book content. (3.4)

Identify shelving order – top to bottom, left to right. (3.5)

Independently locate fiction and non-fiction sections in the school library. (3.6)

Independently locate computers in the school library. (3.7)

Gather and Use Information (3. TL)

Use various age-appropriate technologies to locate, collect, and organize information. (3.11)

Review teacher-selected Internet resources and explain why each resource is or is not useful. (3.12)

Use Information: Evaluate and Extract (4. IF)

Evaluation of Appropriateness (4.a.)

Distinguish fiction from nonfiction (4.1)

Extraction of Most Relevant Information (4.b.)

Sort, classify and sequence pieces of information (e.g. Place events along a timeline, sort families of animals, etc.) (4.12)

Evaluate (7. IF)

Using provided checklist or rubric, determine that project is complete and accurate. (7.1)

Judge the process. Ask questions: What did I like? What was easy? What was difficult? How can I do it better next time? (7.2)

Judge the product. Ask questions: Did I complete all the steps required by my teacher? What have I learned? How can I improve my final product? If I had to do it over again, what would I do differently? (7.3)

Participate in Collaborative Activities (6. IF)

Demonstrate appropriate group conduct (take turns speaking, respect opinions, use library voice). (6.1)

Listen to the information and ideas of others. (6.2)

Exhibit an understanding of the rights of other library users. (6.3)

Cooperate with others and shares resources and materials. (6.4)

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Work with other students to create and evaluate simple information products. (6.5)

Assist other students with book selection. (6.6)

Exhibit proper respect for and care of library materials, facilities, and equipment. (6.7)

Understand the layout and organization of the library. (6.8)

Understand and follow library rules and procedures. (6.9)

Problem Solve (3.2 TL)

Use age-appropriate technologies (e.g., a simple graphing application) to gather and analyze data. (3.21)

Communication & Collaboration (3.3 TL)

Use a variety of age-appropriate technologies (e.g., drawing program, presentation software, etc.) to communicate and exchange ideas. (3.31)

Synthesize Information (5. IF)

Create and share pictures with others. (5.1)

Use new words or sentences in describing the pictures. (5.2)

Present a final product using an appropriate format: report, diorama, poster, software program, or other medium of communication. (5.3)

Exploratory Skill: Appreciate Literature Students will gain an increased enjoyment of literature and grow in their abilities to locate and select appropriate reading materials independently.

Big Idea:Reading is an important lifelong skill.

Essential Questions:Why is learning how to read important? Should everyone know how to read?What make a story or a book fun to listen to or to read?

By the end of second grade, students will have been INTRODUCED to and provided opportunities to REINFORCE the following skills…

Appreciate Literature (8 IF)

Understand the importance of the library as an information source. (8.1)

Demonstrate active listening skills. (8.2)

Listen to literature for pleasure and information. (8.3)

Use illustrations to acquire a greater understanding of the story. (8.4)

Demonstrate the proper care of library materials. (8.5/NRSD)

Use library collection for pleasure reading. (8.6)

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Understand the difference between an author and an illustrator. (8.7)

Demonstrate comprehension of a story heard, read or viewed through verbal discussion and/or written responses or artwork. (8.8)

Share books by favorite authors and illustrators. (8.9)

Identify books that are special award winners (e.g. Caldecott and Coretta Scott King Awards) by recognition of symbol on cover. (8.10)

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Technology Literacy and Information FluencyGrades 3 - 5

Standards and Expectations

Standard: Basic Operations and Productivity ToolsStudents will increase their skills when using technology and information literacy tools available to them in their classroom, computer lab and library. By the end of grade 5 students will be able to perform age appropriate computer skills and demonstrate an understanding of the basic functions and applications of a computer.

Big Idea:Technology provides students various ways of acquiring new knowledge, alternatives methods of demonstrating what they know and engaging with others.

Essential Questions:How would learning change for you if there was no technology? (i.e., no computers, Internet, audio books, videos)How can technology help you locate, organize, change and communicate information?

By the end of fifth grade, students will have been INTRODUCED to and provided opportunities to REINFORCE the following skills…

Basic Operations (1.1 TL)

Demonstrate basic steps in using available hardware and applications (e.g., as directed or allowed by teacher and school: log into a computer, connect/disconnect peripherals, upload files from peripherals). (1.11)

Select a printer, use print preview, and print a document with the appropriate page setup and orientation. (1.12)

Use various operating system features (e.g., open more than one application/ program, work with menus, use the taskbar/dock). (1.13)

Demonstrate proper keyboarding techniques. (e.g. identify the home row keys, start with correct finger placement, use both hands on the keyboard, use correct posture) (NRSD/1.14)

Word Processing/Desktop Publishing (1.2 TL)

Use menu/tool bar functions in a word processing program (i.e., font size/style, line spacing, margins) to format, edit, and print a document. (1.21)

Copy and paste text and images within a document, as well as from one document to another. (1.22)

Proofread and edit writing using appropriate resources (e.g., dictionary, spell-checker, grammar resources). (1.23)

Database (1.3 TL)

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Define the term" database" and provide examples from everyday life (e.g., library catalogues, school records, telephone directories). (1.31)

Define terms related to databases, such as “record,” "field," and "search." (1.32)

Do simple searches of existing databases (e.g. online library catalog, electronic encyclopedia). (1.33)

Spreadsheet (1.4 TL)

Demonstrate an understanding of the spreadsheet as a tool to record, organize, and graph information. (1.41)

Identify and demonstrate understanding of terms and concepts related to spreadsheets (i.e., cell, column, row, values, labels, chart, graph). (1.42/NRSD)

Enter/edit data in spreadsheets and perform calculations using simple formulas (+, -, *, /), observing the changes that occur. (1.43)

Internet, Networking, and Online Communication (1.5 TL)

Demonstrate understanding of and use age-appropriate online tools and resources (e.g. tutorial, assessment, web browser). (1.51/NRSD)

Save, retrieve, and delete electronic files on a hard drive or school network. (1.52)

Demonstrate understanding of terms related to the use of networks (i.e., username, password, network, file server). (1.53/NRSD)

Identify and use terms related to the Internet (i.e. web browser, URL, keyword, World Wide Web, search engine, links). (1.54)

Use age-appropriate Internet-based search engines to locate and extract information, selecting appropriate keywords. (1.55)

Multimedia and Software Applications (1.6 TL)

Create, edit, and format text on a slide. (1.61)

Create a series of slides and organize them to present research or convey an idea. (1.62)

Copy and paste or import graphics; change their size and position on a slide. (1.63)

Use painting and drawing applications to create and edit work. (1.64)

Standard: Digital Citizenship, Ethics, Society, and SafetyStudents will understand age appropriate rules and policies in school and in society that pertain to technology use that will help them to be good citizens and keep safe. Students will be able to evaluate resources for their appropriateness, select the best and extract the relevant information. Students will practice ethical behavior and respect for intellectual property rights.

Big Idea:

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Using technology is a privilege that comes with many responsibilities for safe, legal and socially acceptable use. Good research skills involve the ability to properly evaluate resources for their appropriateness, select the best and extract the relevant information.

Essential Questions:Should you be able to use technology in school or at home with out regard for rules your parents or your school created? How do we know if something we read, see or listen to is true or not? Why is it important to put your name on your work?

By the end of fifth grade, students will have been INTRODUCED to and REINFORCE the following skills…

Ethics (2.1 TL)

Explain and demonstrate compliance with school rules (Acceptable Use Policy) regarding responsible use of computers and networks. (2.11)

Demonstrate understanding of responsible uses of technology and digital information; describe possible consequences of inappropriate use. (2.12/NRSD)

Demonstrate understanding of Fair Use Guidelines for the use of copyrighted materials (e.g., text, images, music, video, etc.) in student projects. (2.13/NRSD)

Use Information: Ethical (4. IF)

Ethical Behavior in Information Use (4.c.) Define plagiarism. (4.30)

Using provided format, write an appropriate bibliography. (4.31)

Using a provided format, write correct citations for text and images gathered from electronic resources. (4.32)

Society (2.2 TL)

Identify ways in which technology is used in the workplace and in society. (2.21)

Work collaboratively online with other students under teacher supervision (following district policies and if the district allows). (2.22/NRSD)

Analyze media messages and determine if their purpose is to inform, persuade, or entertain. (2.23)

Demonstrate understanding that some web sites and search engines may include sponsored commercial links. (2.24/NRSD)

Explain how hardware and applications can enable people with disabilities to use technology. (2.25)

Health and Safety (2.3 TL)

Recognize and describe the potential risks and dangers associated with various forms of online communications. (2.31)

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Identify and demonstrate understanding that the strategies used for the safe and efficient use of computers, (e.g., passwords, virus protection software, spam filters, popup blockers). (2.32/NRSD)

Demonstrate safe email practices, recognition of the potentially public exposure of email and appropriate email etiquette (if the district allows student email use). (2.33)

Recognize and demonstrate ergonomically sound and safe use of equipment. (2.34)

Standard: Research and Information Fluency; Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making; Communication; and Creativity and InnovationStudents will evaluate both the research process and the final product. This may include both self and peer evaluation. Students will participate effectively in groups to pursue and generate information. Students will organize new information from multiple sources to construct a product that communicates the results of their research.

Big Idea:The research process requires planning, organization and collaboration with others. It is important to understand the different functions technology tools serve in order to use them effectively to perform research, problem solve, and organize and present information.

Essential Questions:Why do you need to have an organized plan when researching?How can technology help you organize, process and share information?What makes you want to pick up a book and take a look inside?What makes you want to watch a video, movie or multi-media presentation?

By the end of fifth grade, students will have been INTRODUCED to and REINFORCE the following skills…

Define an Information Task (1. IF)

With assistance, list the criteria for a research assignment. (1.4)

Demonstrate overall understanding of the final product, e.g. “I need to create a… (multimedia presentation, diorama, poster, essay, etc.)” (1.5)

Use the teacher-selected essential question to develop a topic focus, e.g. “Why do leaves turn different colors in the fall?” (1.6)

Gather background information by reading, viewing or listening to a variety of pre-selected and self-selected resources. (1.7)

As a class, develop student-driven essential question. (1.8)

As a class, develop subsidiary questions to answer in solving an information problem. (1.9)

Identify existing knowledge as well as additional information necessary to solve the problem. (1.10)

Develop Information Seeking Strategies (2. IF)

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Identify and use parts of a book to gather information: copyright, publisher, title page, table of contents, glossary, etc. (2.6)

Demonstrate understanding that there are different types of resources that can be used for different purposes: books, databases, children’s periodicals, pre-selected class websites, reference materials such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauruses, almanacs, etc. (2.7/NRSD)

Demonstrate understanding of the differences and uses of basic reference materials as sources of information: dictionary, encyclopedia, atlas, almanacs, thesaurus. (2.8/NRSD)

Identify key words that will enable information on a topic to be located. (2.9)

Use the online catalog with assistance, to determine if information sources in the school library. (2.10/NRSD)

Web, map, or diagram a main topic with sub-topics. (2.11)

Develop a strategy for finding relevant information, including a variety of types of resources (based on the Big6TM) (2.12)

Locate and Access Information (3. IF)

Identify an information need. (3.8)

Know the role and expertise of the library teacher and staff. (3.9)

Understand the organization of the library media center. (3.10)

Exhibit understanding and rudimentary use of the Dewey Decimal System. (3.11)

Use library catalog (card or electronic) to locate information sources. (3.12)

With assistance, choose appropriate information source (reference material, subject matter, reading level). (3.13)

Understand differences between materials in reference section. (3.14)

With assistance, use print reference materials appropriately. (3.15)

Identify and use table of contents, index, and glossary. (3.16)

With assistance, find information from maps and charts. (3.17)

Explore and develop understanding of how to gather information. (3.18)

Research (3.1 TL)

Locate, download, and organize content from digital media collections for specific purposes, citing sources. (3.11)

Perform basic searches on databases (e.g., library card catalogue, encyclopedia) to locate information, using two or more keywords and techniques to refine and limit such searches. (3.12)

Explore the practice of evaluating Internet resources in terms of their usefulness for research. (3.13/NRSD) (see also Evaluation for Appropriateness (4.5 IF))

Use content-specific technology tools (e.g., environmental probes, sensors, measuring devices, simulations) to gather and analyze data. (3.14)

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Use online tools (e.g., email, online discussion forums, blogs, and wikis) to gather information collaboratively with other students, if district allows it. (3.15)

Use Information: Evaluate and Extract (4. IF)

Evaluation for Appropriateness (4.a.) With assistance, develop criteria for relevant print information, including age of source

using copyright date. (4.2)

Compare and contrast information from different sources. (4.3)

With assistance, distinguish between primary and secondary sources. (4.4)

Explore the practice of evaluating web sites. (4.5)

Extraction of Most Relevant Information (4.b.) Read print and non-print material to gather information. (4.13)

Take notes using guided research forms to extract relevant information. (4.14)

Choose appropriate order for information (chronological, alphabetical, topical, etc.) (4.15)

Evaluate (7. IF)

Conference with peers, teachers, and library teacher during the creation of the product evaluation. (7.4)

Participate in Collaborative Activities (6. IF)

Exhibit an understanding of the rights of other library users. (6.10)

Work cooperatively with others and share resources and materials. (6.11)

Assist other students with book selection. (6.12)

Exhibit proper respect for and care of library materials, facilities, and equipment. (6.13)

Understand the layout and organization of the library. (6.14)

Keep books and materials in order when browsing. (6.15)

Understand and follow library rules, policies and procedures. (6.16)

Discuss information and ideas with others, listen well and change their own ideas when appropriate. (6.17)

Use information sources, select information and ideas that will contribute directly to the success of group projects. (6.18)

Respect others’ ideas and backgrounds and acknowledge their contributions. (6.19)

Encourage consideration of ideas and information from all group members. (6.20)

Respond respectfully to the points of view and ideas of others. (6.21)

Participate actively in group discussions to analyze information products and solutions. (6.22)

Collaborate with others to design, develop and evaluate information products and suggest solutions. (6.23)

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Problem Solving (3.2 TL)

With teacher direction, use appropriate technology tools (e.g., graphic organizer) to define problems and propose hypotheses. (3.21)

Use spreadsheets and other applications to make predictions, solve problems, and draw conclusions. (3.22)

Communication (3.3 TL)

Create projects that use text and various forms of graphics, audio, and video (with proper citations) to communicate ideas. (3.31)

Use teacher-developed guidelines to evaluate multimedia presentations for organization, content, design, presentation, and appropriate use of citations. (3.32)

Communicate with other students and other classes using appropriate technology, including email if the district allows it. (3.33)

Synthesize Information (5. IF)

Consider the purpose and audience for the product and/or presentation. (5.4)

Organize the information in a way which is appropriate for the assignment, project, or question. (5.5)

Standard: Appreciate LiteratureStudents will gain an increased enjoyment of literature and grow in their abilities to locate and select appropriate reading materials independently.

Big Idea:Students need to develop an understanding of the many types of literature in the world.

Essential Questions:Why are there so many different kinds of literature?Why is it important to understand a variety of literature?

By the end of fifth grade, students will have been INTRODUCED to and REINFORCE the following skills…

Appreciate Literature (8. IF)

Recognize various genres of literature. (8.11)

Demonstrate awareness of literature from various cultures and genres (e.g., nursery rhymes, fairy tales, folklore, poetry). (8.12)

Make connections among materials read, heard or viewed. (8.13)

Make predictions in literature. (8.14)

Recognize basic story elements; character, setting and problem. (8.15)

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Technology Literacy and Information FluencyGrades 6 - 8

Standards and Expectations

Standard: Basic Operations, Concepts, and Productivity ToolsStudents will increase their skills when using technology and information literacy tools available to them in and outside of their school. By the end of grade 8 students will be able to perform age appropriate computer skills and demonstrate and understanding of basic functions and applications of a computer and the Internet.

Big Idea:Technology is a life long tool for learning and creating. Technology is constantly evolving and a strong foundation of basic skills and concepts will enable users to preform efficiently and effectively to achieve specific goals.

Essential Questions:Do you think the technology skills that you learn today will be the same skills you use in ten years?Do you think it is important to learn basic technology concepts and skills? Why or why not?

By the end of eighth grade, students will have been INTRODUCED to and REINFORCED the following skills…

Basic Operations (1.1 TL)

Use features of a computer operating system (e.g., determine available space on local storage devices and remote storage resources, - access the size and format of files, identify the version of an application). (1.11)

Identify successful troubleshooting strategies for minor hardware and software issues/problems (e.g., “frozen screen”). (1.12)

Independently operate peripheral equipment (e.g., scanner, digital camera, camcorder), if available in the school. (1.13)

Identify and use a variety of storage media (i.e., CDs, DVDs, flash drives, school servers, and online storage spaces), and provide a rationale for using a certain medium for a specific purpose. (1.14)

Demonstrate keyboarding techniques that result in accuracy, and general efficiency in computer operation. (For students with disabilities, demonstrate alternate input techniques as appropriate.) (1.15)

Word Processing/Desktop Publishing (1.2 TL)

Demonstrate use of intermediate features in word processing applications (e.g., tabs, indents, headers and footers, end notes, bullet and numbering, tables). (1.21)

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Create, save, open, and import a word processing document in different file formats (e.g., RTF, HTML). (1.22)

Database (1.3 TL)

Describe the structure and function of a database, using related terms appropriately. (1.31)

Create a simple database, defining field formats and adding new records. (1.32)

Perform simple operations in a database (i.e., browse, sort, filter, search on selected criteria, delete data, enter data). (1.33)

Plan and develop database reports to organize and display information. (1.34)

Spreadsheet (1.4 TL)

Describe the use of spreadsheets to calculate, graph, organize, and present data in a variety of real-world settings. (1.41)

Create an original spreadsheet, using formulas. (1.42)

Use various number formats (e.g., scientific notation, percentages, exponents) as appropriate. (1.43)

Produce simple charts and graphs from a spreadsheet. (1.44)

Distinguish among different types of charts and graphs, and choose the most appropriate type to represent given data. (1.45)

Apply advanced formatting features to customize tables, charts, and graphs. (1.46)

Internet, Networking, and Online Communication (1.5 TL)

Use web browsing to access information (e.g., enter a URL, access links, create bookmarks/favorites, print web pages). (1.51)

Identify probable types and locations of web sites by examining their domain names and demonstrate understanding that misleading domain names are sometimes created in order to deceive people (e.g., .edu, .com, .org, .gov, .au). (1.52/NRSD)

Demonstrate understanding of and correctly use terms related to networks (LANs, WANs, servers, and routers), Internet connectivity (DSL, T1, T3). (1.53/NRSD)

Demonstrate understanding of and correctly use terms related to online learning (e.g., IP address, post, thread, Intranet, discussion forum, drop box, account, password). (1.54/NRSD)

Demonstrate understanding that some web sites require the use of plug-ins and specific browser versions to access content. (1.55/NRSD)

Use email functions and features including replying, forwarding, attachments, subject lines, signature, and address book. (Use of e-mail is at district discretion and may be a class-wide activity if students do not have individual accounts.) (1.56)

Multimedia and Software Applications (1.6 TL)

Create a multimedia presentation using various media as appropriate (e.g. audio, video, animations, etc.). (1.61)

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Use a variety of technology tools (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, grammar-checker, calculator) to maximize the accuracy of work. (1.62)

Standard: Digital Citizenship, Ethics, Society, and SafetyStudents will understand age appropriate rules and policies in school and in society that pertain to technology use that will help them to be good citizens and keep safe. Students will be able to evaluate resources for their appropriateness, select the best and extract the relevant information. Students will practice ethical behavior and respect for intellectual property rights.

Big Idea:Digital citizenship is the responsible, ethical, and safe use of information computer technology (ICT) by responsible members of society and citizens of a global community.

Essential Questions:How does technology make ethical, cultural, and societal issues more complicated?What do you think the consequences of plagiarism should be? Why?What makes your personal identity so important? Is it worth protecting?How can a thorough understanding of the ethical issues and the applicable law help us to avoid unethical behavior?

By the end of eighth grade, students will have been INTRODUCED to and REINFORCED the following skills…

Ethics (2.1 TL)

Explain ethical issues related to privacy, plagiarism, spam, viruses, hacking, and file sharing. (2.11)

Explain how copyright law protects the ownership of intellectual property, and explain possible consequences of violating the law. (2.12)

Explain fair use guidelines for using copyrighted materials (e.g. images, music, video, text) in school projects. (2.13)

Use Information: Ethical (4. IF)

Ethical Behavior in Information Use (4.c.) Independently write a work cited page using the MLA format.. (4.33/NRSD)

Independently create correct citations for text and images gathered from electronic resources. (4.34)

Demonstrate understanding that use of materials is limited by the Fair Use Guidelines of copyright law. (4.35/NRSD)

Explain and demonstrate ethical and legal behavior in the copying of electronic files. (4.36)

Society (2.2 TL)

Identify and discuss the technology proficiencies needed in the workplace, as well as ways to prepare to meet these demands. (2.21)

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Identify and describe the effect technological changes have had on society. (2.22)

Explain how technology can support communication and collaboration, personal and professional productivity, and lifelong learning. (2.23)

Analyze and explain how media and technology can be used to distort, exaggerate, and misrepresent information. (2.24)

Give examples of hardware and applications that enable people with disabilities to use technology. (2.25)

Health and Safety (2.3 TL)

Explain the potential risks associated with the use of networked digital information (i.e., Internet, mobile phones, wireless, LANs). (2.31)

Provide examples of safe and unsafe practices for sharing personal information via e-mail and the Internet if the District allows. (e.g. social networking sites, instant messaging) (2.32/NRSD)

Demonstrate understanding that computers, networks, and information need to be protected from viruses, intrusion and vandalism. (2.33/NRSD)

Demonstrate understanding of terms associated with the safe, effective, and efficient use of telecommunications/Internet (i.e., password, firewalls, spam, security, Acceptable Use Policy). (2.34/NRSD)

Standard: Research and Information Fluency; Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making; Communication; and Creativity and InnovationStudents will evaluate both the research process and the final product. This may include both self and peer evaluation. Students will participate effectively in groups to pursue and generate information. Students will organize new information from multiple sources to construct a product that communicates the results of their research.

Big Idea:The research process requires planning, organization and collaboration with others. It is important to understand the different functions technology tools serve in order to use them effectively to perform research, problem solve, and organize and present information.

Essential Questions:Why is it important to learn a process for researching?Why is it important to evaluate resources for your research needs?What does it mean to extract relevant information from your sources in order to creatively solve problems or make decisions?Why is it important to collaborate as part of the learning process?Why is it important to select an appropriate media format to communicate, present and share new understanding and knowledge?

By the end of eighth grade, students will have been INTRODUCED to and REINFORCE the following skills…

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Define Information Task (1. IF)

Understand the criteria for the research assignment. (1.11)

Explain what the final product will look like. (1.12)

Select a topic from a range of possibilities. (1.13)

Use the teacher-provided essential question to develop a topic focus, or develop a self-selected essential question. (1.14)

With assistance, develop a thesis statement (grade 8). (1.15)

Develop subsidiary questions to help address the essential question. (1.16)

Identify pre-existing knowledge, as well as additional information necessary to solve the problem. (1.17)

Skim and read from print and electronic general reference sources to gain an overview of the topic. (1.18)

Develop Information Seeking Strategies (2. IF)

Understand organizational systems for resources, both print and non-print. (2.13)

Independently search the online catalog. (2.14)

With assistance, select keywords and phrases for using internet search engines and directories, as well as online subscription databases. (2.15)

Be able to narrow and broaden keywords and phrases. (2.16)

Understand the difference between, and the uses of, primary and secondary resources. (2.17)

Map or outline a topic with subtopics. (2.18)

Develop and use strategy for locating relevant information in a variety of sources. (2.19)

Locate and Access Information (3. IF)

Independently choose appropriate information source (subject matter, reading level, and format). (3.19)

Locate appropriate articles in encyclopedias. (3.20)

Locate appropriate articles in print periodicals. (3.21)

Use atlases and almanacs. (3.22)

Retrieve information from grids, schedules and tables. (3.23)

Use cross-references to locate additional information. (3.24)

Recognize inadequacies or gaps in information. (3.25)

In keeping with the research process outlined in ELA Curriculum Framework and TL Standards, identify electronic sources of information (e.g. Internet, CD-ROM, online periodical databases, online catalogs). (3.26)

Use technology to locate, evaluate and collect information from a variety of sources. (3.27)

Use search engines effectively to find relevant, unbiased, and current information on a

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topic. (3.28)

Identify source of information with a web address (URL). (3.29)

Research (3.1 TL)

Explain and demonstrate effective searching and browsing strategies when working on projects. (3.11) (see also Develop Information Seeking Strategies 2.15, 2.16 IF)

Collect, organize, and analyze digital information from a variety of sources, citing sources. (3.12)

Use a variety of computing devices (e.g. probe ware, handheld computers, digital cameras, scanners) to collect, analyze and present information for curriculum assignments. (3.13)

Use Information: Evaluation and Extraction (4. IF)

Evaluation for Appropriateness (4.a.)

Independently check copyright date to determine age of information source. (4.6)

Independently discriminate between primary and secondary resources. (4.7)

Evaluate electronic resources for accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, comprehensiveness and bias. (4.8)

Extraction of Most Relevant Information (4.a.)

Independently take notes. (4.18)

Summarize and paraphrase information. (4.19)

Choose appropriate order for information (chronological, alphabetical, hierarchical in terms of importance, persuasive position). (4.20)

Evaluate (7. IF)

Analyze the evaluation results to improve their communications through developing evaluation criteria and doing self and peer evaluations. (7.5)

With assistance, describe the ethical use of information. (7.6)

Use critical and creative thinking skills to analyze, synthesize and evaluate relevance, reliability, and authority of sources. (7.7)

Evaluate how effectively they communicate their research results by using predetermined criteria (7.8.)

Review and evaluate the process of transforming information into knowledge. (7.9)

Summarize new knowledge gained through peer presentations. (7.10)

Participate in Collaborative Activities (6. IF)

Understand and follow library rules, policies and procedures. (6.16)

Discuss information and ideas with others, listen well and change their own ideas when appropriate. (6.17)

Use information sources, select information and ideas that will contribute directly to the success of group projects. (6.18)

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Respect others’ ideas and backgrounds and acknowledge their contributions. (6.19)

Encourage consideration of ideas and information from all group members. (6.20)

Respond respectfully to the points of view and ideas of others. (6.21)

Participate actively in group discussions to analyze information products and solutions. (6.22)

Collaborate with others to design, develop and evaluate information products and suggest solutions. (6.23)

Problem Solving (3.2 TL)

Independently use appropriate technology tools (e.g., graphic organizer) to define problems and propose hypotheses. (3.21)

Use and modify databases and spreadsheets to analyze data and propose solutions. (3.22)

Use guidelines to evaluate the content, organization, design, use of citations, and presentation of technologically enhanced projects. (3.23)

Communication (3.3 TL)

Plan, design, and develop a multimedia product to effectively present research findings and creative ideas, citing sources. (3.31)

Identify differences between various media and explain issues associated with repurposing information from one medium to another (e.g., from print to the web). (3.32)

Use a variety of telecommunication tools (e.g., e-mail, discussion groups, web pages, blogs, web conferences) to collaborate and communicate with peers, experts, and other audiences (at district’s discretion). (3.33)

Synthesize Information (5. IF)

Use word processing, editing and spelling tools to produce an original product that clearly communicates research results. (5.6)

Demonstrate collaborative learning skills, when appropriate. (5.7/NRSD)

Understand that preparing for a presentation will become a life long skill. (5. 8)

Standard: Appreciate LiteratureStudents will gain an increased enjoyment of literature and grow in their abilities to locate and select appropriate reading materials independently.

Big Idea:Reading is an important lifelong skill that is essential to the learning process and personal intellectual growth.

Essential Questions:How do you develop an interest in reading for pleasure?What does it mean to have an appreciation for literature?Why is it important to have an appreciation for literature?

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By the end of eighth grade, students will have been INTRODUCED to and REINFORCE the following skills…

Appreciate Literature (8. IF)

Incorporate critical and creative thinking skills to evaluate literary elements and conventions. (8.16)

Display knowledge of various types of print material, of genres, and of selection aids. (8.17)

Identify and read from a variety of genres (e.g. historical, realistic, fantasy, fiction, folklore, poetry, biography, nonfiction). (8.18)

Recognize reading as a lifelong pursuit. (8.19)

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Technology Literacy and Information FluencyGrades 9 - 12

Standards and Expectations

Standard: Basic Operations, Concepts, and Productivity ToolsOverview statement here.

Big Idea:Technology is a life long tool for learning that is constantly evolving. It is important to always keep current in technology literacy and information fluency in order to be active participants in a global society.

Essential Questions:What role does technology play in our daily lives?How can technology help to prepare students for college and/or the workforce?How can technology influence your academic performance?Why do you need to be a lifelong learner in the field of technology?

By the end of twelfth grade, students will have been INTRODUCED to, REINFORCED and MASTERED the following skills…

Basic Operations (1.1 TL)

Identify the platform, version, properties, function, and interoperability of computing devices including a wide range of devices that compute and/or manage digital media. (1.11)

Use online help and other support to learn about features of hardware and software, as well as to assess and resolve problems. (1.12)

Install and uninstall software; compress and expand files (if the district allows it). (1.13/NRSD)

Understand effective backup and recovery strategies. (1.14)

Demonstrate an understanding of the criteria for evaluating hardware and software appropriate for a given task (e.g., features, versions, capacity). (1.15/NRSD)

Demonstrate keyboarding techniques, including the use of keyboard shortcuts, to complete assignments efficiently and accurately. (For students with disabilities, demonstrate alternate input techniques as appropriate.) (1.16)

Identify and assess the capabilities and limitations of emerging technologies. (1.17)

Word Processing/Desktop Publishing (1.2 TL)

Apply advanced formatting and page layout features when appropriate (e.g., columns, templates, and styles) to improve the appearance of documents and materials. (1.21)

Use editing features appropriately (e.g., track changes, insert comments, search and replace). (1.22)

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Identify the use of word processing and desktop publishing skills in various careers. (1.23)

Database (1.3 TL)

Understand the importance of designing the structure of a database to meet its intended goals. (1.31)

Duplicate the structure of a database without data. (1.32)

Save database files in various formats. (1.33)

Manipulate non-alphanumeric digital data (e.g., geospatial data from MassGIS1, images, audio) within a database. (1.34)

Define the term “metadata,” and explain how metadata describes the structure and workings of an organization's use of information. (1.35)

Use database features to create mailing labels, form letters, and perform mail merges. (1.36)

Identify the use of database skills in various careers. (1.37)

Spreadsheet (1.4 TL)

Define and use functions of a spreadsheet application (e.g., sort, filter, find). (1.41)

Enter formulas and functions; use the auto-fill feature in a spreadsheet application. (1.42)

Explain and use advanced formatting features of a spreadsheet application (e.g., reposition columns and rows, add and name worksheets). (1.43)

Differentiate between formulas with absolute and relative cell references. (1.44)

Use multiple sheets within a workbook, and create links among worksheets to solve problems. (1.45)

Import and export data between spreadsheets and other applications. (1.46)

Create and use pivot tables. (1.47)

Explain how various formatting options are used to convey information in charts or graphs. (1.48)

Identify the use of spreadsheet skills in various careers. (1.49)

Internet, Networking, and Online Communication (1.5 TL)

Use search engines and online directories. Explain the differences among various search engines and how they rank results. (1.51)

Demonstrate effective search strategies for locating and retrieving electronic information (e.g., using syntax and Boolean logic operators). (1.52/NRSD) (see also Locate and Access Information, 3IF)

Describe good practices for password protection and authentication. (1.53)

Demonstrate a basic understanding of addressing schemes (i.e., IP addresses, DHCP, DNS). (1.54)

1 For more information, see MassGIS's web page, GIS in Education at http://www.mass.gov/mgis/gisedu.htm.

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Identify career options in network technologies. (1.55)

Multimedia and Software Applications (1.6 TL)

Identify technology tools (e.g., authoring tools and other software resources) that can be used to create a multimedia product. (1.61)

Use a variety of applications to plan, create, and edit multimedia products (e.g., slide presentations, videos, animations, simulations, podcasts). (1.62)

Explain the differences between hypermedia (which is interactive and non-linear) and traditional media (which is non-interactive and linear); provide examples of each. (1.63)

Link information residing in different applications (e.g., linking a chart in a word-processing document to the spreadsheet where it was created). (1.64)

Identify career options in multimedia and software development. (1.65)

Web Authoring and Publishing Tools (1.7 TL/NRSD)

Distinguish between effective and ineffective web site designs. (1.71)

Explain terminology related to web page authoring (e.g., HTML, URL, links, browsers, plug-ins, web servers). (1.72)

Use HTML or web-authoring tools to create, edit, and publish/create unified, well organized web sites with effective navigation (e.g., Dreamweaver, blogs, wikis or other Web 2.0 tools). (1.73/NRSD)

Explain basic practices that contribute to a web site's accessibility to people with disabilities (e.g., using alternative text, captioning, and consistent structure). (1.74)

Explain how to test and debug web files for quality assurance. (1.75)

Identify career options in web design, development, and management. (1.76)

Standard: Digital Citizenship, Ethics, Society, and SafetyOverview statement here.

Big Idea:Digital citizenship is the responsible, ethical and safe use of information computer technology (ICT) by responsible members of society and citizens of a global community.

Essential Questions:How does technology make ethical, cultural, and societal issues more complicated?What do you think the consequences of plagiarism should be? Why?What is your personal identity worth to you? Does the use of technology make it more or less vulnerable?

By the end of twelfth grade, students will have been INTRODUCED to, REINFORCED and MASTERED the following skills…

Ethics (2.1 TL)

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Demonstrate compliance with the school’s Acceptable Use Policy. (2.11)

Explain issues related to the responsible use of technology, including privacy and security. (2.12)

Explain laws restricting the use of copyrighted materials. (2.13) (see also Ethical Behavior in Information Use, 4.41IF)

Identify examples of plagiarism, and discuss the possible consequences of plagiarizing the work of others. (2.14)

Write correct in-text citations and reference lists for text and images gathered from electronic sources. (2.15)

Give examples of the appropriate and responsible use of communication tools such as chats, instant messaging, blogs, wikis and other social networking tools. (2.16/NRSD)

Discuss misuse of technology for personal and commercial reasons (e.g., software piracy, unauthorized file sharing/downloading, virus spreading, and hacking); explain possible consequences. (2.17)

Use Information: Ethics (4. IF)

Ethical Behavior in Information Use (4.c.) Demonstrate and advocate for legal and ethical behaviors among peers, family and

community regarding the use of technology and information. (4.37)

Explain the provisions of the school’s Acceptable Use Policy in original language, and its importance as it relates to Internet Safety. (4.38/NRSD) (see also Health and Safety, 2.35/NRSD)

Use quotations and footnotes appropriately. (4.39)

Cite electronic sources correctly. (4.40)

Explain laws restricting use of copyrighted materials on the Internet. (4.41)

Evaluate (7. IF)

Independently apply legal principals and ethical conduct related to information technology such as: (7.11)

Copyright Plagiarism Privacy Telecomputing etiquette Acceptable use of resources

Society (2.2 TL)

Design and implement a personal learning plan that includes the use of technology to support lifelong learning goals. (2.21)

Evaluate the authenticity, accuracy, appropriateness, and bias of electronic resources, including web sites. (2.22)

Analyze the values and points of view that are presented in media messages. (2.23) (see also Use Information: Evaluation for Appropriateness, 4.8IF)

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Describe devices, applications, and operating system features that offer accessibility for people with disabilities. (2.24)

Health and Safety (2.3 TL)

Evaluate school and work environments in terms of ergonomic practices. (2.31)

Describe and use safe and appropriate practices when participating in online communities, such as discussion groups, blogs, and social networking sites. (2.32)

Explain and use practices to protect one's personal safety online (e.g., not sharing personal information with strangers, being alert for online predators, reporting suspicious activities). (2.33)

Explain ways individuals can protect their technology systems and information from unethical users. (2.34)

Attend NRHS Web Safety Awareness program prior to signing the Nashoba Regional School District’s AUP. (2.3/NRSD)

Standard: Research and Information Fluency; Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making; Communication; and Creativity and InnovationOverview statement here.

Big Idea:Adept skills and a keen understanding that technology can be used effectively to perform research, problem solve, communicate, collaborate and synthesize and present information will lead to a gaining a competitive edge in a global society and work force.

Essential Questions:Do better research skills lead to more accurate and current information?Is an author’s purpose just as important as their credentials?What does it mean to extract relevant information form your sources in order to creatively solve problems or make decisions?Why is it important to collaborate effectively as part of the learning process?Why is it important to select an appropriate media format to communicate, present and share new understandings and knowledge?

By the end of twelfth grade, students will have been INTRODUCED to, REINFORCED and MASTERED the following skills…

Define Information Task (1. IF)

Select a topic. (1.19)

Demonstrate understanding of the final product. (1.20)

Develop an essential question to answer. (1.21)

Skim/read reference sources to provide background information and generate subsidiary questions. (1.22)

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Develop a thesis statement, demonstrating a particular point of view. (1.23)

Develop Information Seeking Strategies (2. IF)

Use a strategy for finding relevant information from a variety of sources, and be able to shift the strategy as necessary, based on resource availability and relevance of found data. (2.20)

Assess the value of various types of electronic resources for data gathering, including databases, internet sites, electronic reference works, community and government electronic resources. (2.21)

Develop keywords and phrases to search for information. (2.22)

Use search engines and directories to survey a topic. (2.23)

Narrow or expand a topic based on preliminary searching. (2.24)

Select primary and secondary sources as appropriate. (2.25)

Locate and Access Information (3. IF)

Independently develop an information search strategy. (3.29)

Independently locate information outside the school library media center. (3.30)

Use periodical index. (3.31)

Use technology to locate, evaluate and collect information from a variety of sources. (3.32)

Use Boolean operators to query databases for information retrieval. (3.33)

Search for information within a source. (3.34)

Evaluate and select the best sources for the information need. (3.35)

Research (3.1 TL)

Devise and demonstrate strategies for efficiently collecting and organizing information from electronic sources. (3.11)

Compare, evaluate, and select appropriate electronic resources to locate specific information. (3.12)

Select the most appropriate search engines and directories for specific research tasks. (3.13)

Search for information within an electronic source (e.g., using the find command). (3.14)

Use Information: Evaluate and Extract (4. IF)

Evaluation for Appropriateness (4.a.)

Practice independent critical thinking when reviewing a potential information source by: distinguishing between verifiable facts and value claims; determining factual accuracy of a statement; detecting bias, identifying unstated assumptions, distinguishing between warranted and unwarranted claims and between relevant and irrelevant information, claims or reasons; recognizing logical inconsistencies or fallacies in a line of reasoning. (4.8)

Compare and contrast information from different sources. (4.9)

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Routinely evaluate web sites for authenticity when using them. (4.10)

Develop a list of authorities on a specific topic. (4.11)

Extraction of Most Relevant Information (4.b.)

Create original graphic organizers and outlines. (4.24)

Extrapolate information found in tables, charts, and graphs. (4.25)

Gather information to support a point of view in persuasive writing. (4.26)

Integrate (with correct citation) electronic research results into a research project. (4.27)

Participate in Collaborative Activities (6. IF)

Integrate their own knowledge and information with that of others in the group (e.g., wikis, blogs and other Web 2.0 tools). (6.26/NRSD)

Actively listen to and respectfully respond to the point of view of others. (6.27)

Collaborate with others to lead, facilitate, negotiate and otherwise participate in defining the information needs of a group. (6.28)

Participate actively in group discussions to devise solutions to information problems that integrate group members’ information and ideas. (6.29)

Work to move the group to consensus after substantive conversations and sharing of information and ideas among all the members of the group. (6.30)

Help organize and integrate the contributions of all the members of the group into information products. (6.31)

Work with others to create and evaluate complex information products that integrate information in a variety of ways. (6.32)

Participate effectively as a member of a group in evaluating the content and delivery of its work and the effectiveness of the group’s work habits. (6.33)

Problem Solving (3.2 TL)

Explain and demonstrate how specialized technology tools can be used for problem solving, decision-making, and creativity (e.g. simulation software, environmental probes, computer-aided design, geographic information systems, dynamic geometric software, graphing calculators, art and music composition software). (3.21)

Communication (3.3 TL)

Use a variety of media to present information for specific purposes (e.g., reports, research papers, presentations, newsletters, web sites, podcasts, blogs), citing sources. (3.31)

Demonstrate how the use of various techniques and effects (e.g., editing, music, color, rhetorical devices) can be used to convey meaning in media. (3.32)

Use online communication tools such as bulletin boards, discussion forums, listservs, and web conferencing to collaborate with peers, community members, and field experts as appropriate. (3.33)

Plan and implement a collaborative project with students in other classrooms and schools

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using telecommunications tools (e.g., email, discussion forums, groupware, interactive web sites, video conferencing). (3.34)

Complete at least one online credit or non-credit course or tutorial; discuss the benefits and disadvantages of this method of learning. (3.35)

Synthesize Information (5. IF)

Consider the purpose and audience for the product and/or presentation. (5.9)

Select an appropriate media format (oral, written, web/multimedia, TV/video) to communicate new understandings and new knowledge. (5.10)

Organize the information in a way which is appropriate for the assignment, project, or question. (5.11)

Create a storyboard, script, layout or rough draft of research notes. (5.12)

Use word processing, editing, dictionary and thesaurus tools to produce a polished, original product that clearly communicates research results. (5.13)

Present a final product using an appropriate format: report, diorama, poster, software program, web page or other medium of communication. (5.14)

Practice collaborative skills. (5.15)

Understand that preparing for a presentation will become a life long skill. (5.16)

Standard: Appreciate LiteratureOverview statement here.

Big Idea:Reading is an important lifelong skill that is essential to the learning process and personal intellectual growth.

Essential Questions:How do you develop an interest in reading for pleasure?What makes you want to read a book or article?What does it mean to have an appreciation for literature?Why is it important to have an appreciation for literature?

By the end of twelfth grade, students will have been INTRODUCED to, REINFORCED and MASTERED the following skills…

Appreciate Literature (8. IF)

Recognize characteristics styles of various authors and illustrators. (8.20)

Identify award-winning books, their selection criteria, and attributes. (8.21)

Perform preliminary research to enhance appreciation of literature. (8.22)

Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of the different literary genres, including: fantasy, folklore, poetry, drama, biography, short stories, science fiction, historical fiction, realistic fiction, realistic fiction, humor etc. (8.23)

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Demonstrate the process of self-selecting books for recreational reading. (8./NRSD)

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