ENGLISH FOR COW 2ductt111.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/E4C2.pdf · 2016-10-28 · I’m combing...

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Transcript of ENGLISH FOR COW 2ductt111.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/E4C2.pdf · 2016-10-28 · I’m combing...


I’m good at• “I’m” được sử dụng ở đây như “ I am”

• “Good at” khi muốn nói chúng ta giỏi hoặc cảm thấy thoải máikhi làm việc gì đó

'Good at' informs someone what you excel at and arecomfortable doing

I’m good at drawingI’m good at Video games

I’m good at swimming

I’m good at driving

I’m good at reading

I’m good at sports I’m good at writing I’m good at math

I’m good at dancingI’m good at chess

I’m + (V-ing/adj)• “I’m” là cách viết rút gọn của “I am”

• Thêm động từ dạng V-ing hoặc tính từ để miêu tả việc mình đang làm hoặc thể hiện cảm xúc bản thân

I’m hanging a picture I’m texting I’m combing my hair

I’m eating lunch I’m scared I’m brushing my teeth

I’m driving to work I’m crying

I’m typing an email

I’m cooking dinner I’m interested in the job

I’m sad I’m exercising

I’m learning

I’m gettingKhi kết hợp “I am” và “getting” chúng ta đang muốn nói với aiđó về việc chúng ta đang chuẩn bị có, bị ảnh hưởng hoặc nhậnđược cái gì đó

When combining the words 'I am' and 'getting' you are tellingsomeone 'you' are gaining possession, being affected by orhave plans to seek out and obtain a particular thing.

I’m getting better I’m getting ready for bed I’m getting married

I’m getting a coldI’m getting a toothache

I’m getting good at reading I’m getting a job I’m getting tired

I’m getting a new carI’m getting a puppy

I’m trying “I’m trying” khi muốn nói chúng ta đang cố gắng làm một cái gì đó.

'I am trying' informs someone that you are attempting to accomplishsomething using bodily, mental, or spiritual strength. By adding a verbto 'I'm trying' you are pointing out exactly what it is you are attemptingto do.

I’m trying to eat healthy I’m trying to understand

I’m trying to get a job I’m trying to call my family I’m trying to enjoy my dinner

I’m trying to educate myself I’m trying to explain myself I’m trying new food

I’m gonna + (verb)Từ “gonna” (ˈɡɔːnə) sai cmn về mặt ngữ pháp going to nói với ai đó về kế hoạch bạn định làm tại thời điểm đó hoặctrong tương lai gần

The word 'gonna' is incorrect grammatically. The equivalent inproper grammar would be 'going to.' When using the word'gonna' you are telling someone what you are planning to do atthat moment or in the near future.

I’m gonna eat some cake I’m gonna send out my resume

I’m gonna go to work I’m gonna run a marathon

I’m gonna ask her out for dinner

I’m gonna have some coffee

I’m gonna stop smoking

I’m gonna help my friends

I’m gonna read a bookI’m gonna take swim lessons