English 1B Response Log #1

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Transcript of English 1B Response Log #1

Log entry #1: Worksheet for Ch. 1 & 2 ARQ and Ch. 2 WA

Word-process brief and concise responses to each question in complete sentences. Responses to all questions should not be more that 2 pages double-spaced and must be based on the textbooks.

1.What is meant by thinking critically?

2. What is emphasized in the sponge approach and in the panning for gold approach to thinking? While both are valuable, explain why and how which one is more significant in the thinking process.

3. How is critical thinking a social activity.

4. Define values? What has the major influence on one’s choices and behavior?

5. How is an argument defined in Ch. 1 ARQ?

6. Describe 3 reasons why wishful thinking is an obstacle to critical thinking.

7. Define an issue. How do we find an issue in our reading? How do we discover one to write about? (be sure to use both texts for this response)

8. Define a conclusion. How do we find a conclusion in reading and in listening?

9. What is meant by reading to believe and reading to doubt?

10. Describe what Georg Hegel meant by dialectical thinking. Explain how Peter Elbow and expert thinkers apply dialectics to the thinking process.

11. Name 10 genres of argument.