Engaging People Through Social Media as a Recruiter - Presentation to The InterQuest Group

Post on 26-May-2015

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Presentation Louis Welcomme from Colleague Software gave to specialist IT and analytics recruiters, The InterQuest Group at their internal conference. Described as a ‘network and training event’ by InterQuest, the conference was a relaxed, enjoyable and highly productive environment for the consultants, who were eager to learn and listen to new ideas and techniques for engaging and sourcing online. Louis gave a short 15 minute presentation to 7 groups of consultants on ‘engaging people through social media’ throughout the afternoon. Everyone was very receptive to some of these new attitudes and approaches towards recruiting that involve longer term social engagement, content marketing and relationship building methods. Find out more here: http://www.colleague.eu/media/view/allies-sourcing-and-social-engagement-at-the-interquest-group-conference

Transcript of Engaging People Through Social Media as a Recruiter - Presentation to The InterQuest Group