ENG SS13 Januar 2014

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ENG SS13 Januar 2014

Transcript of ENG SS13 Januar 2014


Pažljivo pročitajte uputstvo.

Ne okredite stranice dok to ne dozvoli dežurni nastavnik.

Test traje dva sata.

Za vrijeme rada na testu nije dozvoljena upotreba rječnika i elektronskih

uređaja. Odgovore treba pisati hemijskom olovkom. Odgovori napisani

grafitnom olovkom nede biti priznati.

Provjera razumijevanja slušanog teksta sastoji se od dva zadatka. Svaki tekst

slušadete dvaput. Imadete dovoljno vremena da pročitate pitanja prije nego što

čujete tekst kao i da provjerite svoje odgovore. Za vrijeme slušanja možete da

zapisujete odgovore. Poslije slušanja, imadete dva minuta da pregledate svoje


Odgovore na pitanja u zadacima 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2 i 3.1 treba pažljivo prepisati

na List za odgovore. Odgovori na ova pitanja koji nijesu napisani na Listu za

odgovore nede se priznati.

Kod pisanja sastava dozvoljeno je pisanje koncepta na listovima za koncept.

Vodite računa o broju riječi, jezičkoj pravilnosti i čitljivosti teksta. Konačna

verzija se čitko prepisuje na predviđeno mjesto u testu i ona de biti ocijenjena.




1.1 You will hear the BBC presenter Kirsty Young ask Roger Waters, one of the members of Pink Floyd, about the famous song “The Wall”. Listen to the interview and choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

1. What did the audience love about the song “The Wall” when it appeared in 1979?

A. both the music and the visual side of the song B. just the music C. just the visual side of the song

2. Autobiographical elements in the song “The Wall” are concerned with Roger Waters’

A. brother B. father C. mother

3. What kind of political message does the new production of the song “The Wall” have?

A. It has an ecological message. B. It is a song against racism. C. It as a song against war.

4. What does Roger Waters encourage people to bring to help build the new version of the wall?

A. bricks B. photographs C. records

5. Who moved Roger Waters to tears after one of his concerts?

A. an invalid B. a refugee C. a war veteran




1.2 You will hear the British journalist Colin Freeman talking about his experience of being

kidnapped by pirates in Somalia. For sentences 1–5, decide if each statement is true or false and put a tick (√) in the appropriate box.


1. Colin Freeman and his colleague were kidnapped by their own bodyguards.

2. Colin Freeman was on the way to the British embassy when he was kidnapped.

3. Colin Freeman and his colleague were held by the pirates for six months.

4. The two journalists were kept in a cave in the mountains.

5. The Somali police finally rescued the two journalists.


2.1 Read the text and choose from the titles A-I the one which fits each gap (1-8). There is one

extra title which you do not need to use.

Practical Tips from four Years of Travelling the World

For those who are just starting out or reading from home, some practical tips from 4 years of

travelling around the world:

1. ____________________________________________

The nature of travel is that it intensifies human experiences, transcending social rules that would

apply at home. So when I meet a great group of people we end up spending days talking, sharing

meals and exploring. Most people are open to meeting others and learning from them as they travel.

2. ___________________________________________ What it means is learning how to use guidebooks to your advantage. I rarely look to guidebooks for

the name of a hostel or restaurant. Instead, I look at their recommendations. Almost every one of

those recommendations will help you find another good restaurant within walking distance,

especially in less developed countries. Smart people quickly learn that when these books

recommend a place, they quickly get overcrowded and prices go up. The solution: they open a place

right next door or nearby. Without fail, those are the places that are cheaper, more delicious.

3. __________________________________________

Regardless of what climate I pack for, I’ve always got these five things in my bag: safety whistle,

doorstop, headlamp, sleep sheet and sarong. I’ve got many other things as well, but these five are

there, for shorter trips or longer trips or anything in between.

4. ________________________________________

You cannot deny that in most of the world, the common thing of culture, tradition and family is food.

So, take a cooking class. See if you can learn how to cook with a local family. Go to the markets and

watch how people eat, how they handle their foods or when their primary mealtimes occur. Most

places are so much more than a list of sights to see; most places tie their food to their communities,

to their history.



5. __________________________________________

When I go to a new place, I find the eldest cab driver possible and ask him where he ate breakfast.

Once he gets over his shock that this is what I want to know, he tends to break into a huge grin and

start talking about food. Eventually, he takes me there. And the food is almost always delicious,

fresh and somewhere I’d have never found without his help.

6. _________________________________________

I made the mistake of not packing them when I left in 2008 and they were the first thing I bought in

South America. I’ve had a pair with me ever since. While my quick-dry pants are terrific for hiking, I

personally don’t feel fashionable in them. I also want to feel like myself, and I do wear jeans quite a

lot when I am back in North America.

7. _______________________________________

Yes, there are cultural differences and traditions that differ – vastly – but the basics of human

emotions and the kindness in a smile are everywhere, and a beautiful reminder of our shared

humanity. Ask questions, encourage people to ask them of you. In the end, human connection is

what makes the world go round.

8. ______________________________________

I don’t mind them very much – besides, they are everywhere. You get used to the clickety sounds of

them roaming around because you have no real choice. The good news is that they rarely, if ever,


A. Be a travel parasite.

B. Being a solo traveller does not mean that you are lonely.

C. Cockroaches are, in fact, as universal as you feared.

D. Food makes the world go round.

E. Let your parents help you pack.

F. People are more alike than you think.

G. Stop listening to people who tell you not to pack jeans.

H. Taxi drivers: more than just getting from A to B.

I. There are things you should not leave home without.


2.2 Read the text. For questions 1-8 choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best

according to the text.

Town called Eighty Eight

From her post office in the front corner of the 88 Market, Donnie Sue Bacon handles mail for 70

rural addresses. In a town this size, the postmistress knows everybody in town by name, face and

magazine subscription. Most of the 200 people of Eighty Eight get their mail by general delivery.

That means Mrs. Bacon puts it aside until they come in and get it. Why buy a post office box if you

went to school with the postmistress? 5

People don't often move away from this farming community in south-central Kentucky, and it's even

less common for anyone to move in. Consistency is a fact of life here. Mrs. Bacon has been

postmistress for 31 years and for 30 of those years nothing ever changed but the price of stamps.

But by the second day of January 1988 she knew this year would be different in Eighty Eight. All at

once, Mrs. Bacon's postmark had become a hot item. By spring she had retired her old pad and 10

stamp and the Postal Service had equipped her with a new self-inking postmark device. A group of

seniors from the University of Southern California sent in their graduation notices so they would be

postmarked Eighty Eight, Ky (Kentucky).

Letters from one coast passed through Eighty Eight to be christened on their way to the other coast.

Gradually that fact began to take hold in Eighty Eight. When people came into the market, its owner, 15

Rose Mary McPherson, would joke that, to commemorate the occasion, they all ought to get

together and do something big on Aug. 8 - 8/8/88. The people laughed because nothing big ever

happened in Eighty Eight. The biggest thing ever was when the village reported 88 votes for Dewey

and 88 for Truman in the 1948 election and the fact was included in ''Ripley's Believe It or Not.''

But articles started appearing in newspapers, and a national television news program sent a camera 20

crew in. Soon Mrs. Bacon was getting letters from all over the world. People in Italy, Argentina and

Singapore wanted those letters mailed out of Eighty Eight on 8/8/88. Finally one day, Mrs.

McPherson turned to Mrs. Bacon and said, ''You know, Donnie, we really ought to have us a


Nobody objected much, as it turned out, and so the celebration was held on Sunday, the eve of 25

8/8/88. The big event on the following day was the wedding at 8:08 of a Wyoming couple who

thought it would be memorable to get married in Eighty Eight that day (the only difficulty being that

if either of them ever forgets the anniversary, it'll be tough to come up with a good excuse).

1. Why is Mrs. Bacon familiar with all town people?

A. She works in a post office.

B. The town called 88 is small.

C. People subscribe to magazines.

D. Her post office is near the market.


How do people get their mail by ‘general delivery’? A. Mrs. Bacon puts it in their post office boxes.

B. The postmistress puts it in her post office box.

C. They go to the school post office box to get it.

D. They go to the post office to collect it there.

2. Which statement is true?

A. Rarely anyone comes to 88 to live there.

B. More people move in than move away.

C. Mrs. Bacon has seen a number of changes in 88.

D. The price of stamps has changed 30 times.

3. What does the sentence “All at once, Mrs. Bacon's postmark had become a hot item.” (lines 10-11) imply?

A. January 1988 was hotter than usual.

B. Old postmark device was not self-inking.

C. More and more people wanted the 88 postmark.

D. The Postal Service sent a group of seniors to 88.

4. How fast did the town people realize the importance of their town’s name in 1988?

A. The text doesn’t say.

B. All at once.

C. Nobody realized it.

D. Little by little.

5. Who had reported about the only previous ‘big’ event in Eighty Eight?

A. “Ripley’s Believe It or Not”

B. Rose Mary McPherson

C. The postmistress

D. Dewey and Truman

6. What was Mrs. Bacon expected to do on 8/8/88?

A. Appear in newspapers and television.

B. Report on the celebration.

C. Mail people’s letters out of her town.

D. Deliver mail to Mrs. McPherson.

7. When was the town celebration held?

A. After the wedding ceremony.

B. On Sunday, August 7th

C. On Sunday, August 8th

D. At 8:08, Monday


3.1 Read the text below and decide which word (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Juno going to Jupiter

Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System, a gaseous giant 1. __________ mainly of

hydrogen and helium. It was 2. __________ by robotic spacecraft during the Pioneer and

Voyager fly-by missions, and by the Galileo orbiter.

When the Juno Probe blasts off this August, it will aim to find out more

about this huge planet. It will take the Juno Probe five years to

3.__________ Jupiter.

Experts hope that studying Jupiter will 4. __________ to a better

understanding of our solar system because they think that Jupiter and the

Sun were 5. __________ at the same time.

Juno will be the first mission to Jupiter by a craft using solar panels instead

of thermoelectric generators.

And of course Juno will carry a wide 6. __________ of scientific instruments in order to

7.__________ the composition of Jupiter’s magnetic 8. __________ and its atmosphere. That

will help 9. __________ our understanding of magnetic objects, and also our understanding of

young stars with their own planetary systems. The Guardian (adapted)

1. A concerned B composed C consisted D contained

2. A expanded B explained C explored D expelled

3. A arrive B come C get D reach

4. A enable B lead C let D make

5. A formed B formulated C founded D found

6. A choice B host C many D range

7. A collect B conclude C gather D investigate

8. A field B object C range D rotation

9. A decline B improve C make sure D scan



3.2 Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate form.

The Inheritance

The Inheritance is a 2007 British road film through contemporary Scotland following two

brothers journeying north to find their late father’s inheritance. The film cost just £5,000 and

1_______________________(film) over the course of 11 days in February 2007.

Two brothers meet at their father's funeral. David 2 ______________(come) up from London,

Fraser lives in the village he was brought up in. In their father's old workshop they discover a

note instructing them 3 _____________(find) his inheritance located somewhere on the Isle

of Skye. They set off in his old VW van heading north, finding conflict, comedy and bitter

memories as they are forced to confront their past and each other. 4 _____________(pick) up

a hitchhiker – the mysterious, enigmatic Tara – finally brings them to breaking point as they

reach Skye. She 5_______________(leave) them, taking off in the van, and on a remote

beach, as the sun sets, David and Fraser face their final confrontation.

The Inheritance 6 ____________________(direct) by Charles-Henri Belleville and made

entirely on location in Scotland, only 7 ________________(use) natural light. Previously, the

story 8________________________(adapt) adapted to suit the circumstances. Says Tim:

"Originally we were going to improvise everything - work with actors I knew, get a minibus,

shoot at specific locations, drive north, film everything, live it, breathe it, edit together and

present accordingly. That was the plan, but we 9 ___________________(need) a story to

match the scenery and the music. So I wrote it."


4.1 Your best friend has two dogs and you have one. Last weekend you read an advertisement

about a dog show (exhibition) that will be organized in your town. Write an e-mail to him / her.

fill in the field: Subject

tell him / her you like the idea of going to the show (exhibition)

Tell him / her:

where to come

when the show starts

that you’re allowed to take your dog to the show

Write 40 – 60 words. Do not write your name.























































4.2 Choose one of the following writing tasks and write 100-120 words. Use specific


The highschool joys ansd sorrows

The best match I have ever watched




























































































































































