Energy What is energy? Energy is the ability to do work.

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Energy What is energy? Energy is the ability to do work.

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  • Energy
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  • What is energy? Energy is the ability to do work.
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  • Law of Conservation of Energy Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
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  • There are two states of energy or types of energy. Potential and kinetic.
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  • Potential Potential is stored energy
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  • Kinetic Kinetic is the energy of motion.
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  • There are five main forms of energy. Chemical Mechanical Electromagnetic Heat (thermal) Nuclear
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  • Chemical Energy Energy that is available for release from chemical reactions.
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  • Mechanical Energy Energy due to a objects motion (kinetic) or position (potential).
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  • Electromagnetic oLight energy o Includes energy from gamma rays, xrays, ultraviolet rays, visible light, infrared rays, microwave and radio bands oMoving electric charges
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  • Heat or Thermal Internal motion of atoms. The heat energy of an object determines how active its atoms are.
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  • Nuclear Nuclear energy is the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom and can be broken into: fusion (energy of the sun which is the combing of two or more nuclei) and fission(the splitting of an atom like in a nuclear reactor).
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  • Energy Transfer Chemical Electrical Sound (mechanical) Light (Electromagnetic) Thermal Mechanical
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  • There are three types of (energy) heat transfer. Convection Conduction Radiation
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  • Convection Convection is the transfer of heat energy in a gas or liquid by movement of currents due to changes in density.
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  • Conduction is the transfer of energy through matter from particle to particle.
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  • Radiation Allows heat to be transferred through wave energy.
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  • Renewable Renewable resources are those resources that can be replaced as they are used up. Some examples include: soil air water wood sunlight
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  • Non-Renewable Nonrenewable resource are those natural resources that cannot be replaced once they are used up. Some examples include: oil coal gas uranium
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  • would happen without In fact .. NOTHING ENERGY