Energy and Equity in Kansas City - The Green Impact Zone (GIZ) Case Presentation

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Transcript of Energy and Equity in Kansas City - The Green Impact Zone (GIZ) Case Presentation

Energy & Equity in Kansas City : The Green Impact Zone (GIZ)

NRE 537 Urban Sustainability


Calli, Prathmesh and Ryan

The Racialization of Space

1923: Racially Restrictive Covenants

Example of a racially restrictive covenant in Washington, DC 1958

(DC Public Records, courtesy of Prologue DC)

1934: Federal Housing Act

United States. Congress. Public Law 73-479, 73d Congress, H.R. 9620 , Box 54, Folder 1, William McChesney Martin, Jr.,

Papers., accessed on November 16, 2016.

1960s: Civil Rights Counter-Mobilization

1968-1970s: FHA's Section 235 Program

The Significance of Troost Avenue

“Built a wall” to divide whites/blacks

● Land use & marketing strategy which

leveraged Troost Ave. to divide white /


● Kansas City “served as a model” for post

World War II suburban growth

Troost Avenue Aftermath:

● ‘White-Flight’ to West Side of Kansas City

● Led to decades of GIZ disinvestment &

eventual energy poverty issues

1957 NAREB advertisement discouraging whites from living on the eastern

side Troost Ave. (i.e. present day GIZ neighborhoods). From Gotham

Viewing the Troost Avenue Divide in Social Explorer

The GIZ Difference

The GIZ Difference

● Championed by Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II

● 5 target neighbourhoods

● Funding of around $170 million dollars

● Unique model of community involvement, participation, and engagement

● Multiple Stakeholders

Local StakeholdersCommunity Development Corps.

Neighborhood AssociationsResidents & Volunteers

FundersFederal (ARRA)

City of KCU.S. Dept of TransportationKansas City Power & Light

Administration MARC


Missouri DNR


Focus Areas


● Information, Outreach and Education

● Understanding the Community

● Instilling belief

● Taking Action

● Delivery

● Change


Political Ecology

The Political Ecology Components Surrounding GIZ Outcomes

FundersFederal (ARRA)

City of KCU.S. Dept of TransportationKansas City Power & Light

Administration MARC


Missouri DNR

Local StakeholdersCommunity Development Corps.

Neighborhood AssociationsResidents & Volunteers


Historical Land Use Policy & Real Estate PracticesRacialization of Space

Policy Barriers

Winners vs Losers

Market Barriers

Regulatory Requirements

Priorities of Allocated


Federal Priorities

Decades of Disinvestment

Up-Front Costs

Power Relations

(Landlord v. Renter)

Political Ecology

Power Relations Structural Barriers to


Winners & Losers of

allocated funds

● Politics as usual:

Reallocated Funds

● Landlord holds card in

‘Split Incentive’


● Time required to train &

mobilize new workforce

● Up Front Cost to


● Regulatory

Requirements (ARRA)

● Bureaucratic Priorities

● Public Priorities

Activity Questions for Reference

● How can each of the following characteristics of political ecology be applied to the

KC case?

● What were the impacts of the capitalist market-system?

● How did the market-system result in uneven geographic distribution of goods/bad?

● Who are the winners and losers? Did they stay the same throughout the

implementation of the GIZ?

● What does the chain of explanation look like that lead to the establishment of the


● How can the GIZ be seen as a “seed”?

● What evidence is there of methodological pluralism throughout the GIZ process?
