Endosymbiosis- Theory that the Evolution of the Eukaryotic Cell arose from the symbiosis of...

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Endosymbiosis- Theory that the Evolution of the Eukaryotic Cell arose from the symbiosis of...

Endosymbiosis- Theory that the Evolution of the Eukaryotic Cell arose from the symbiosis of different

species of prokaryotes.

Protista=“the first” eukaryote

The Kingdom of Protista=ParaphyleticWhy? Because the ancestral Eukaryote of the protists also gave rise to plants, fungi, and animals. One group of protists shares a more recent ancestor with plants, one with fungi, and one is most closely related to animals.

The Protista (“First of all”) is composed of predominantly single-celled eukaryotic organisms dating back 1.5 billion years. Protists are usually unicellular with intracellular specialization where the organelles divide the “labor” within the cell. (some are colonial or multicellular). Most Protists reproduce asexually and in some cases, sexually. Protists respond to stimuli with simple reflexes and some have means of locomotion using flagella, cilia or pseudopodia. These organisms can be heterotrophic, saprozoic and/or autotrophic.



The following slides are examples of protista that you need to know for your quiz

An example of the earliest free-living eukaryotes to possess mitochondria. Many are photosynthetic, some heterotrophic or parasitic.

Example: Euglena

Example of Ciliates: StentorSpirostomum

organisms have a flattened membranous sac beneath outer cell membrane. This group includes ciliates, dinoflagellates (photosynthetic), and the apicomplexans (spore forming parasites).


Example: Plasmodium-parasite that causes malaria

Choanoflagellata: (means “collared whiptail”) Sister Group to the Animals!

Simple diagram of sponge body showing flagellated ,collared, cells.

Colonial Form

Theory for the evolution from colonial choanoflaggelate protist to first sponge-like proto-animal.

These are primitive eukaryotes that lack mitochondria Example: Giardia

Following are additional examples of protista that are not on your quiz.

Diplomondia and Parabasalida - Giardia

Dinoflagellate =responsible for red tide Example: Ceratium

Brown algae (marine: kelp), water molds and diatoms (contain chlorophyll) Example: Diatoms

Red Algae