Encoding, Consolidation, and Renormalization in Depression...

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Transcript of Encoding, Consolidation, and Renormalization in Depression...

1521-0081/72/2/439–465$35.00 https://doi.org/10.1124/pr.119.018697PHARMACOLOGICAL REVIEWS Pharmacol Rev 72:439–465, April 2020Copyright © 2020 by The Author(s)This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC Attribution 4.0 International license.


Encoding, Consolidation, and Renormalization inDepression: Synaptic Homeostasis, Plasticity, and Sleep

Integrate Rapid Antidepressant EffectsTomi Rantamäki and Samuel Kohtala

Laboratory of Neurotherapeutics, Drug Research Program, Division of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, Faculty of Pharmacy(T.R., S.K.) and SleepWell Research Program, Faculty of Medicine (T.R., S.K.), University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

Abstract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439Significance Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439

I. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440II. Synaptic Homeostasis Hypothesis as the Foundation for Encoding, Consolidation, and

Renormalization in Depression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441III. The Neurobiological Premise of Major Depression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442IV. Examining Rapid Antidepressant Effects through Encoding, Consolidation, and Renorm-

alization in Depression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444A. Encoding Activity into Synaptic Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445

1. Cortical Excitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4452. Synaptic Potentiation and Spinogenesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4473. Acute Changes in Circuit Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448

B. Subacute Consolidation of Synaptic Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4491. Protein Synthesis and Synaptic Consolidation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4492. Homeostatic Emergence of Wake Slow-Wave Activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450

C. Renormalization and Consolidation of Synaptic Strength during Sleep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4511. Slow Waves and Rapid Antidepressant Responses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4512. Sustained Antidepressant Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453

V. Discussion of Encoding, Consolidation, and Renormalization in Depression and ItsImplications for Antidepressant Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458

Abstract——Recent studies have strived to find anassociation between rapid antidepressant effects anda specific subset of pharmacological targets andmolec-ular pathways. Here, we propose a broader hypothesisof encoding, consolidation, and renormalization in de-pression (ENCORE-D), which suggests that, fundamen-tally, rapid and sustained antidepressant effects relyon intrinsic homeostatic mechanisms evoked as a re-sponse to the acute pharmacological or physiologic

effects triggered by the treatment. We review evidencethat supports the notion that various treatments witha rapid onset of action, such as ketamine, electrocon-vulsive therapy, and sleep deprivation, share the abil-ity to acutely excite cortical networks, which increasessynaptic potentiation, alters patterns of functionalconnectivity, and ameliorates depressive symptoms.We proceed to examine how the initial effects areshort-lived and, as such, require both consolidation

Address correspondence to: Dr. Tomi Rantamäki, Laboratory of Neurotherapeutics, Drug Research Program, Division of Pharmacologyand Pharmacotherapy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki, Viikinkaari 5E, 00790 Helsinki, Finland. E-mail: tomi.rantamaki@helsinki.fi; or Dr. Samuel Kohtala, Laboratory of Neurotherapeutics, Drug Research Program, Division of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy,Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki, Viikinkaari 5E, 00790 Helsinki, Finland. E-mail: samuel.kohtala@helsinki.fi

This work has been supported by the Academy of Finland (T.R.) [Grants 276333, 305195, 312664], the Business Finland (T.R.), the Brainand Mind Doctoral Program (S.K.), the Orion Research Foundation (S.K.), and the Emil Aaltonen foundation (S.K.). T.R. and S.K. are listed ascoinventors on a patent application, wherein new tools enabling the development of rapid-acting antidepressants and the efficacy monitorsthereof are disclosed based on the basic principles of ENCORE-D. T.R. and S.K. have assigned their patent rights to the University of Helsinkibut will share a percentage of any royalties that may be received by the University of Helsinki.



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during wake and maintenance throughout sleep toremain sustained. Here, we incorporate elements fromthe synaptic homeostasis hypothesis and theorize thatthe fundamental mechanisms of synaptic plasticityand sleep, particularly the homeostatic emergence ofslow-wave electroencephalogram activity and therenormalization of synaptic strength, are at the centerof sustained antidepressant effects. We conclude bydiscussing the various implications of the ENCORE-Dhypothesis and offer several considerations for futureexperimental and clinical research.

Significance Statement——Proposed molecular per-spectives of rapid antidepressant effects fail to ap-preciate the temporal distribution of the effects of

ketamine on cortical excitation and plasticity as wellas the prolonged influence on depressive symptoms.The encoding, consolidation, and renormalization indepression hypothesis proposes that the lasting clin-ical effects can be best explained by adaptive func-tional and structural alterations in neural circuitriesset in motion in response to the acute pharmacolog-ical effects of ketamine (i.e., changes evoked duringthe engagement of receptor targets such asN-methyl-D-aspartate receptors) or other putative rapid-actingantidepressants. The present hypothesis opens acompletely new avenue for conceptualizing andtargeting brain mechanisms that are important forantidepressant effects wherein sleep and synaptichomeostasis are at the center stage.

I. Introduction

Major depression is a highly prevalent and dis-abling psychiatric illness. Common symptoms includedepressed mood, anhedonia, and cognitive dysfunc-tion, and the patient’s emotional state is frequentlydominated by negative thinking and low self-esteem.Recurrent, self-reflected, and uncontrollable rumina-tion is one of the hallmarks of disease phenomenology(Nolen-Hoeksema et al., 2008; Hamilton et al., 2015;Whisman et al., 2020). Furthermore, depression isassociated with negative biases in cognition, whichpredispose depressed individuals to exhibit a betterrecall for negative information compared with healthysubjects (Harrington et al., 2017). Patients sufferingfrom depression may avoid social interaction and lin-ger in despair and suicidal thoughts, often with tragicconsequences.The etiology of depression is poorly understood but

involves complex neurobiological and neurodevelop-mental underpinnings. Depression is not the result ofany specific pathology affecting only single-cell types,brain areas, or neural networks but is characterizedby structural and functional alterations of a morecomplex cortico-limbic circuitry (Price and Drevets,2012). Moreover, although the illness may manifestsuddenly, the underlying pathology takes time to de-velop and depends on both environmental and geneticfactors. Nevertheless, certain treatments, most notablysubanesthetic ketamine, can ameliorate the coresymptoms of depression and suicidality within justa few hours. These remarkable effects of ketaminehave been intimately connected with its ability to

increase neurotrophic signaling and synaptogenesisalong with the facilitation of synaptic plasticity inbrain areas implicated in the pathophysiology ofdepression (Duman and Aghajanian, 2012; Dumanet al., 2016; Rantamäki and Yalcin, 2016). Indeed,interest in manipulating some of the molecular mech-anisms of synaptic plasticity directly with novel drugsis increasing. Synaptic plasticity, however, is anactivity-dependent property of neural networks tochange, (Changeux and Danchin, 1976; Thoenen,1995; Hensch, 2005; Park and Poo, 2013) and itscontrol cannot be outsourced for a specific molecularentity or any antidepressant treatment of that matter(Castrén, 2005, 2013; Castrén and Rantamäki, 2010).

Synaptic plasticity is proportionally high during earlylife, when neural networks are developed and fine-tuned (Hensch, 2005). During these periods, informa-tion from environmental interaction is encoded intostabilizing synapses and networks at a high rate. Thisactivity-dependent interplay is thought to shape thestructure and function of these networks for later life.However, animal studies suggest that dendritic spinesof the cerebral cortex eventually become highly stable,with a majority lasting throughout life (Grutzendleret al., 2002; Yang et al., 2009). While stability increases,plasticity is not entirely lost. This is best exemplified bythe lifelong ability to learn. Learning is dependent onfunctional changes in neuronal circuitry, which can bemodified via alterations to the number (formation andelimination), morphology, and strength of synaptic con-tacts (Trachtenberg et al., 2002). Animal studies sug-gest that high-frequency stimulation-induced long-term

ABBREVIATIONS: AMPAR, a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionic acid receptor; Arc, activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein; BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor; CaMKII, Ca21/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II; CEN, central executivenetwork; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; DMN, default mode network; ECS, electroconvulsive shock; ECT, electroconvulsive therapy;EEG, electroencephalogram; E-LTP, early phase LTP; ENCORE-D, encoding, consolidation, and renormalization in depression; EPSP, ex-citatory postsynaptic potential; GluR1/2, glutamate AMPA receptor subunits 1 and 2; GSK3b, glycogen synthase kinase 3b; HNK, hydrox-ynorketamine; IEG, immediate early gene; L-LTP, late phase LTP; LTP, long-term potentiation; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase;mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin; NMDAR, N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor; NREM, non–rapid eye movement; PSD, postsynapticdensity; REM, rapid eye movement; rTMS, repetitive TMS; SCC, subgenual cingulate cortex; SHY, synaptic homeostasis hypothesis; SN,salience network; SWA, slow-wave activity; SWS, slow-wave sleep; TMS, transcranial magnetic stimulation; TrkB, tropomyosin receptorkinase B.

440 Rantamäki and Kohtala

potentiation (LTP; cellular model of learning) increasesthe formation of dendritic spines in the developing brain,whereas synapses may preferentially increase in size inolder animals (Lang et al., 2004; Bailey et al., 2015). Themain pharmacological targets of ketamine, that is,glutamatergicN-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs)and a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionicacid receptors (AMPARs), are crucial components forneural activity and synaptic plasticity. Mechanisticstudies investigating ketamine’s antidepressant actionshave focused on these receptor ion channels and theirdownstream effectors (Zanos and Gould, 2018), whereasmore global mechanisms contributing to synaptic plas-ticity have received less attention.A single subanesthetic dose of ketamine produces

antidepressant effects within hours, and the effects aremost prominent 24 hours after the treatment. Theantidepressant effects of ketamine may continue evenup to a week or two. We hypothesize that these lastingclinical effects of ketamine can be best explained byadaptive functional and structural alterations in neu-ral circuitries set in motion in response to the acutepharmacological effects of ketamine (i.e., changes evokedduring the engagement of receptor targets such asNMDARs). Most importantly, the timescale of the effectsset forth by ketamine suggests that fundamental mech-anisms associated with synaptic homeostasis and sleepplay key roles in sustaining the antidepressant effects.Here, we build on the synaptic homeostasis hypothesis(SHY) of sleep (Tononi and Cirelli, 2003) and propose thehypothesis of encoding, consolidation, and renormaliza-tion in depression (ENCORE-D), which provides novelperspectives for understanding and examining the com-plex neurobiology around rapid-acting antidepressants.

II. Synaptic Homeostasis Hypothesis as theFoundation for Encoding, Consolidation, and

Renormalization in Depression

Accumulating evidence suggests that sleep is essen-tial for long-lasting changes in synaptic function, plas-ticity, and learning (Maquet, 2001; Stickgold, 2005;Tononi and Cirelli, 2014). Tononi and Cirelli (2003)have described a mechanism for the regulation ofsynaptic plasticity during wake and sleep, known asSHY (Fig. 1). It proposes that the restoration of synaptichomeostasis is the fundamental function of sleep. Thishomeostasis is challenged during waking by increasesin synaptic potentiation and by immense synaptogene-sis during early development (Tononi and Cirelli, 2014).Accordingly, during waking, the brain is active and inan optimal state for learning, which is encoded intolong-lasting changes in the strength, number, andwiringof neuronal connections, fueled by molecular cascadesand plasticity-related proteins such as brain-derivedneurotrophic factor (BDNF) and activity-regulatedcytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc) (Bramham et al.,

2008; Shepherd and Bear, 2011). In contrast, duringsleep, our brains become disconnected from the externalworld. The state of disconnection associated with stagesof deep sleep is ideal for the systematic renormalizationof synaptic strength because the brain is not influencedby ongoing sensory stimuli (Tononi and Cirelli, 2019).SHY further proposes that synaptic downscaling duringdeep sleep is crucial for preserving synaptic strengthat a sustainable level. It allows for further synapticplasticity to take place during the next day whilepreventing the metabolic costs associated with excessivepotentiation and excitability during waking. In otherwords, “sleep is the price the brain pays for plasticity”(Tononi and Cirelli, 2014).

SHY indicates that synaptic potentiation (e.g., evokedby neural activity) during waking is connected to thehomeostatic increase of slow-wave sleep (SWS) duringconsecutive non–rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep.This can be measured in electroencephalogram (EEG)recordings as ;0.5–4 Hz slow-wave activity (SWA) andis proposed to reflect the strength of cortical synapses(Tononi and Cirelli, 2003). Indeed, a motor-learningtask evokes the homeostatic increase of SWA duringsubsequent sleep in the cortical area representative ofthe given action during sleep along with improvementin task performance in humans (Huber et al., 2004).Moreover, selective SWA disruption in the motor cortexduring post-training sleep impairs subsequent motorperformance (Fattinger et al., 2017), whereas facilita-tion of SWA may aid the consolidation of declarativememories (Marshall et al., 2006; Lu et al., 2018).

Fig. 1. Synaptic homeostasis hypothesis (SHY) (see Tononi and Cirelli,2003, 2014). During waking, cortical synapses become potentiatedproportionally to their activity, resulting in a net increase in synapticstrength. Synaptic potentiation during waking is connected to a homeo-static increase in slow-wave activity (SWA) during non–rapid eyemovement (NREM) sleep, during which the systematic normalization ofsynaptic strength (synaptic downscaling and renormalization) takesplace. Larger and most potentiated synapses may remain unscaled.Furthermore, weak connections may be eliminated, whereas the relativestrength of the remaining connections is preserved. This mechanismallows further synaptic plasticity to take place during the next day whilepreventing the metabolic costs associated with excessive potentiation andexcitability during waking.

Sleep and Rapid Antidepressant Effects 441

During SWS, cortical and thalamic neurons oscillatebetween up and down states, characterized by thetendency to fire and to be silent, respectively (Tononiand Cirelli, 2019). This slow and synchronized rhythmicactivity has been proposed as the basis for sleep-dependent synaptic down-selection, along with someother forms of neural activity, such as hippocampalsharp wave-ripples (Norimoto et al., 2018). Throughoutthe course of SWS, the cortex proposedly undergoesa process of synaptic renormalization to produce a globalyet specific downscaling of synaptic strength. Largerand most potentiated synapses appear most likely toremain unscaled compared with smaller and lesspotentiated synapses (de Vivo et al., 2017). As furtherposited by SHY, synaptic connections that are mostactive during sleep are preferentially spared (Tononiand Cirelli, 2019). Such protection from downscalinghas been evaluated in computer simulations (Hashmiet al., 2013; Nere et al., 2013) and has recently gainedsupport from an animal study, in which urethane wasused to reproduce the up and down states of NREMsleep combined with state-specific optogenetic stimula-tions (González-Rueda et al., 2018).The states of wakefulness and learning are accompa-

nied by LTP-like changes and increases in synapticdensity and neuronal complexity in the brains ofanimals subjected tomanipulations such as an enrichedenvironment or whisker stimulation (Moser et al., 1997;Kolb et al., 1998; Knott et al., 2002; Tononi and Cirelli,2014). In line with SHY, studies have demonstratedthat synapse size and the number of AMPARs insynaptic sites decrease during sleep (Vyazovskiy et al.,2008; de Vivo et al., 2017; Diering et al., 2017). Thesechanges occur along with decreases in cortical firingrates and synchrony (Vyazovskiy et al., 2009) and in thefrequency and amplitude of miniature excitatory post-synaptic currents (Liu et al., 2010). Moreover, studiesinvestigating the evoked responses from transcranialmagnetic stimulation (TMS) in humans suggest thatcortical synaptic plasticity is restored after sleep butimpaired following sleep deprivation (Kuhn et al.,2016). Time spent awake also results in a net increasein cortical spines in mice, whereas sleep results in spineloss (Maret et al., 2011; Yang and Gan, 2012). Thesechanges may not be, however, limited to the cortex, asa recent study suggests that sleep-dependent synapticrenormalization may also occur in the hippocampus(Spano et al., 2019).Sleep is likely involved in severalmechanisms beyond

synaptic renormalization proposed by SHY. Indeed,sleep is often considered to be a key stage for memoryconsolidation (Diekelmann and Born, 2010). For exam-ple, the active consolidation hypothesis proposes thatmemory traces encoded during waking are reactivatedand consolidated during sleep (Diekelmann and Born,2010). These processes have beenmainly investigated inthe hippocampus, where reactivation of neural ensemble

activity occurs during sleep; however, such reactivationsmay also occur in concert or independently in other brainareas (Marshall and Born, 2007). Moreover, differencesin sleep-dependent processing likely exist between var-ious types of memory traces. These hypotheses may thusrepresent various characteristics of wake- and sleep-dependent plasticity that are not mutually exclusive.

III. The Neurobiological Premise ofMajor Depression

Major depression can emerge at almost any age;however, it is most prevalent in adults aged 18–64years, with a median age of onset in the 20s (Kessleret al., 2003, 2012). Notably, this is around the periodwhen prefrontal cortical development and synapticdensity eventually stabilize toward the adult range(Chugani et al., 1987; Huttenlocher and Dabholkar,1997; Petanjek et al., 2011; Tamnes et al., 2017).Although depression is often diagnosed in adulthood,a vast amount of evidence indicates that it has de-velopmental components in many cases. Already in1649, René Descartes referenced the involvement ofwhat is now called an implicit (i.e., nondeclarative)memory by describing how “[an aversive childhoodexperience may] remain imprinted on the child’s brainto the end of his life [without] any memory remaining ofit afterwards” (Schacter, 1987). Indeed, the incorpora-tion of early negative memory traces and experiencesmay contribute to dysfunctional network architectureand altered implicit cognition, which is known to behighly relevant for depressive disorders and severalassociated behavioral characteristics, such as negativ-ity (Gaddy and Ingram, 2014) and suicidal thinking(Nock et al., 2010). Such alterations are most likely todevelop during sensitive periods and are difficult toremodel thereafter. Animal studies have demonstratedthat even slight changes in the organization of neuronalnetworks during sensitive periods contribute to func-tional alterations that persist throughout life (Greenhillet al., 2015). These developmental windows exist forvarious brain functions and networks, including thoseengaged in higher-order cognitive functions and emo-tional processing (Silbereis et al., 2016). Thus, early lifeadversity-driven structural alterations may be impor-tant in the onset of depressive disorders later in life, anidea supported by numerous studies (Newman et al.,1996; Pine et al., 1999; Hammen et al., 2000; Heim andNemeroff, 2001; Dougherty et al., 2004; Cohen et al.,2006; Kitayama et al., 2006; Kessler et al., 2010; Teicheret al., 2014; Li et al., 2016c; Bandoli et al., 2017; Ellis et al.,2017; Tyborowska et al., 2018;Martins-Monteverde et al.,2019; Ohashi et al., 2019). Notably, severe forms of earlylife stress, adversity, and maltreatment are associatedwith the most difficult treatment-resistant forms ofdepression (Bernet and Stein, 1999; Nanni et al., 2012;Williams et al., 2016).

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Depression is recognized not to result from anyspecific pathology affecting only single-cell types orareas but is characterized by altered functioning ofa more complex cortico-limbic circuitry. The medialprefrontal cortex, particularly the subgenual cingulatecortex (SCC), along with connecting subcortical struc-tures, such as the hippocampus (Videbech and Ravnkilde,2004; Kempton et al., 2011; Santos et al., 2018), theamygdala, and the nucleus accumbens, are affected(Ressler and Mayberg, 2007; Heshmati and Russo, 2015;Akil et al., 2018). Hyperactive hypothalamus-pituitaryadrenal axis and the overproduction of stress hormones,decreased neurotrophic support, and reduced neuronalplasticity are thought to underlie some of the atrophicchanges associated with depression (Lee et al., 2002;Duman and Monteggia, 2006; Castrén et al., 2007; Liuet al., 2017). These changes commonly manifest asa decreased volume of cortical and limbic areas inpatients suffering from depression (Lorenzetti et al.,2009; Kempton et al., 2011; Schmaal et al., 2016, 2017),and they are also supported by both human imaging andpostmortem studies showing reductions in corticalneurons and synapses (Rajkowska et al., 1999; Kanget al., 2012; Holmes et al., 2019). The extent of thesechanges is associated with the duration and severity ofthe disorder. Studies in animal models have demon-strated that exposure to chronic stress results in similaratrophic alterations (Duman and Aghajanian, 2012).Dysregulation of connectivity within cortical and

limbic networks is also evident in depressive disorders.Notably, although major depression is commonly asso-ciated with reduced neural activity, synaptic plasticity,and even atrophy in several regions, other areas andnetworks may exhibit increased activity or hypercon-nectivity, which contributes to the overall dysregulationof information processing and symptomatology such asrumination. The triple networkmodel proposes that thedefault mode network (DMN), salience network (SN),and central executive network (CEN) are at the core ofseveral psychopathologies (Menon, 2011). In particular,depression is associated with increased DMN connec-tivity (Greicius et al., 2007; Hamilton et al., 2015),whereas connectivity or activity within SN andCENaresuggested to be reduced (Menon, 2011). It has beensuggested that a switch between internally directedcognition of the DMN and externally directed cognitionof the CEN is modulated by SN (Sridharan et al., 2008;Goulden et al., 2014).Dysregulation of the DMN may be of pivotal impor-

tance in depression, as it is associatedwith self-referentialthinking, remembering the past, future planning, and theevaluation of survival cues (Buckner et al., 2008). More-over, abnormal DMN activity and functional connectivitycorrelate with the severity of depression and rumination(Greicius et al., 2007; Sheline et al., 2010; Berman et al.,2011). Importantly, the activity of the DMN is under-pinned by patterns of hyperconnectivity between the

DMN and other regions related to symptoms of depres-sion. For example, Hamilton et al. (2015) have proposedthat the primary dysfunction contributing to depressiverumination is not overactivity of the DMN per se butrather the level of connectivity with the SCC, whichdemonstrates increased activity (Mayberg et al., 1999).Deep-brain stimulation of the SCCwhitematter tract hasbeen shown to reverse symptoms in treatment-resistantdepressive patients along with the normalization of SCCactivity (Mayberg et al., 2005); however, a large mul-tisite randomized sham-controlled trial failed to re-produce statistically significant antidepressant efficacy(Holtzheimer et al., 2017). Future functional imagingand elaborate deep-brain stimulation studies that in-volve (multi)targeting key brain areas and networkswill not only yield further important insights into theeffectiveness of these treatments but also elucidate theunderlying pathophysiology of depression.

Several pathophysiological paths may dictate theemergence of depression and the associated struc-tural and functional alterations. Apart from depres-sion being born out of early-life predisposition, late-onsetdepression may also rely on mechanisms involvingimplicit cognitive processes and networks (Beck, 2008;Gotlib and Joormann, 2010; Rock et al., 2014; Rayneret al., 2016), which confer vulnerability to stress andstrengthen negative thought patterns through contin-ued conscious and nonconscious mental exercise. Thismay lead to changes in neural networks determined byactivity-dependent synaptic plasticity, measurable aschanges in synaptic strength and altered neural net-work balance in favor of the hyperactive circuits.Conversely, persistent hyperactivity can also facilitatereadjustments in functional and structural connectivitythrough mechanisms of homeostatic plasticity (Fauthand Tetzlaff, 2016). Over the course of worsening ofdepression, global levels of synaptic potentiation maydecrease because general patterns of activity are “dom-inated” by only a subset of networks. Several othercircuits and networks concurrently demonstrate dysre-gulated activity and connectivity, resulting in long-termdepression–like plasticity, which ultimately culminatesin reversible structural atrophy. This may be evidencedby the lowest levels of synaptic density in several brainareas in patients with the highest levels of depressionmeasured indirectly using a radioligand for synapticvesicle glycoprotein 2A (Holmes et al., 2019). A viciouscycle could be created by the skewed balance betweenhypo- and hyperactive networks. For example, hyper-active depressogenic networks may repeatedly reacha saturation of synaptic plasticity, which consistentlybuilds their relative strength during waking and main-tains it over the renormalization of synaptic strengthduring SWS. Similar processes leading to alterations insynaptic connectivity are likely shared by many otherpsychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress disorder (Krystal et al., 2017a,b).

Sleep and Rapid Antidepressant Effects 443

The processes leading to the depressed state are likelyfurther fueled by stress; inflammation (Vogelzangset al., 2012); cognitive, emotional, and genetic factors(Joormann and Siemer, 2011; Dunn et al., 2015); sleepproblems (Nutt et al., 2008); and other disposingfactors, such as lack of gratifying daily exercise andsocial communication. Overall, depression is associ-ated with reduced physical activity patterns alongwith dysregulation of sleep and circadian rhythm(Nutt et al., 2008; Hasler et al., 2010; Burton et al.,2013). Conversely, sleep disturbances are signifi-cantly associated with an increased risk of depression(Baglioni et al., 2011; Li et al., 2016b) and suicidality(Malik et al., 2014; Bernert et al., 2015). Moreover,altered sleep architecture is particularly associatedwith affective disorders (Benca et al., 1992). De-pressed patients commonly exhibit disturbances insleep continuity, a shortening of rapid eye movement(REM) latency, increases in REM density, and in-creased total REM sleep time, although these changesare not specific for affective disorders (Riemann et al.,2020). Notably, REM sleep plays an important role inemotional processing (Tempesta et al., 2018), andrenormalization of amygdala activity is suggested tobe one of the physiologic roles of REM, a process likelydisrupted in patients suffering from anxiety (Van DerHelm et al., 2011). Furthermore, depression is oftenassociated with reduced SWS and a lower delta sleepratio, which is indicative of a smaller decrease in SWAoccurring from the first NREM episode to the last(Kupfer et al., 1990; Armitage, 2007). Most importantly,some of these sleep-related abnormalities are presenteven when patients are in remission (Rush et al., 1986),

and they are associatedwith an increased risk of relapse(Modell et al., 2002).

IV. Examining Rapid Antidepressant Effectsthrough Encoding, Consolidation, and

Renormalization in Depression

Several attempts have been made to pinpoint theprecise mechanistic basis underlying ketamine’s anti-depressant effects. Ketamine’s abilities to boost, atsubanesthetic doses, glutamatergic firing and to in-crease AMPAR function are among the key areas ofinterest (Zanos and Gould, 2018; Zanos et al., 2018b).These ketamine-induced changes are thought to nor-malize dendritic spine loss and synaptic plasticitywithin the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus throughmolecular mechanisms involving, but not limited to,BDNF (Liu et al., 2012; Lepack et al., 2014) and itsprimary target tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB)(Yang et al., 2015), mitogen-activated protein kinase(MAPK) (Réus et al., 2014), mammalian target ofrapamycin (mTOR) (Li et al., 2010), and glycogensynthase kinase 3b (GSK3b) (Beurel et al., 2011) (forreviews see Duman and Aghajanian, 2012; Dumanet al., 2016; Rantamäki and Yalcin, 2016; Rantamäki,2019) (Fig. 2). The following questions then arise: howdoes ketamine master these mechanisms, and how dothey lead both to rapid and sustained antidepressanteffects and to the rescue of abnormal functional connec-tivity and plasticity?

According to the prevailing view, ketamine has almostan ingenious ability to regulate a chain of molecularevents connected with synaptic plasticity. This has led

Fig. 2. General mechanistic principles underlying rapid antidepressant effects. (A) Evoked glutamate bursts (e.g., through disinhibition of inhibitoryinterneurons) and AMPAR-mediated facilitation of BDNF signaling and synaptogenesis within the medial prefrontal cortex are considered importantfor the rapid antidepressant effects of ketamine. (B) Ketamine is readily distributed in the body after systemic administration; however, it undergoesrapid elimination and metabolism. The antidepressant effects of ketamine become most evident when its psychotropic actions and acutepharmacological effects fade out, and the therapeutic effects may last for days or weeks. ENCORE-D proposes that the key to understanding the fullspectrum of neurobiological changes triggered by ketamine is in the adaptations triggered within the brain in response to a pharmacological“challenge.”

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some researchers to suggest that mere regulation of anyof these effectors leads to rapid and sustained antide-pressant responses. Although this idea has turned out tobe promising in some rodent studies (Shirayama et al.,2002; Chen et al., 2012; Fukuda et al., 2016; Hasegawaet al., 2019), it essentially ignores how these molecularevents are part of activity-dependent synaptic plasticity(Changeux and Danchin, 1976; Thoenen, 1995; Hensch,2005; Park and Poo, 2013) (see Introduction). Moreover,such molecular perspectives fail to appreciate the tem-poral distribution of the effects of ketamine on corticalexcitation andplasticity aswell as the prolonged influenceon depressive symptoms (Fig. 2). The acute pharmacolog-ical effects of ketamine are short-lived, lasting only a fewhours, though many neurobiological alterations becomeevident long after the immediate engagement of targetreceptors suchasNMDARs.Notably, emergingpreclinicaldata indicate that specific metabolic byproducts of ket-amine, namely, hydroxynorketamines (HNKs; especially2R,6R-HNK), bring about rapid antidepressant effects inrodents, thus suggesting that the gradual buildup of thesemetabolites take part in ketamine’s rapid and sustainedantidepressant effects (Zanos et al., 2016). HNKs do notshare the pharmacological profile of ketamine (Zanoset al., 2016; Lumsden et al., 2019) and thereby challengethe original idea that NMDARs inhibition plays anessential role in (rapid) antidepressant effects (Trullasand Skolnick, 1990; Skolnick et al., 1996). This topic issubject to active ongoing work and debate in thepreclinical domain, while patient studies are still un-derway (Collingridge et al., 2017; Zanos et al., 2018a;Hashimoto, 2019). However, a recent study did finda correlation between plasma 2R,6R-HNK levels andthe antidepressant and antisuicidal effects of ketamine inpatients (Grunebaum et al., 2019), but higher rather thanlower levels correlated with less clinical improvement.Instead of solely giving the credit to ketamine or to

some of its metabolites, or to any particular molecularevent for that matter, ENCORE-D proposes that ket-amine’s ability to transiently excite cortical neurocir-cuits triggers the intrinsic mechanisms of synapticplasticity (Waltereit and Weller, 2003; Peineau et al.,2008; Hoeffer and Klann, 2010; Lu et al., 2014) andhomeostasis upon drug withdrawal (i.e., after thedisengagement from target receptors), leading to facil-itated encoding of activity-dependent changes andincreases in synaptic strength. These synaptic changesare then consolidated during subsequent steps thatinvolve changes in transcription and protein synthesis.In accordance with SHY, these activity-dependentalterations may reach their final state through theglobal renormalization of synaptic weights during sub-sequent sleep, resulting in long-term changes in circuitactivity and functional connectivity. Fundamentalmechanisms of sleep, and particularly SWA, are at thecore of this process, which results in the engraving ofwhat can be thought of as a pharmacologically induced

“memory.” This is not a memory trace in a strictlyexplicit sense. It is instead recapitulated as the sum ofsynaptic changes that the pharmacological effect setsin motion and that are subsequently consolidated andsustained throughout sleep. These alterations ulti-mately affect the patterns of neural activity and theflow of implicit cognitive processes, promoting thoughtpatterns free of depression. As will be discussed, sucha hypothesis may be relevant not only for ketamine butalso for other manipulations capable of eliciting rapidand sustained antidepressant effects. We now overviewevidence supporting the key steps of the ENCORE-Dhypothesis (Fig. 3).

A. Encoding Activity into Synaptic Change

1. Cortical Excitation. Though competing explana-tions for the rapid antidepressant effects of ketaminehave been proposed, most converge on the idea thatsubanesthetic (i.e., antidepressant) doses of ketaminelead to widespread cortical excitation and increases inenergy metabolism (Breier et al., 1997; Lu et al., 2008;Li et al., 2016a; Abdallah et al., 2018a) (Fig. 2). Theseeffects have been suggested to occur through the in-hibition ofNMDARspresent onGABAergic interneurons,which leads to decreased inhibition of excitatory pyra-midal neurons and increased glutamatergic signaling(Homayoun and Moghaddam, 2007), as demonstratedin animals (Moghaddam et al., 1997; Chowdhury et al.,2017) and humans (Abdallah et al., 2018a). The excit-atory effects of ketamine are dose-dependent, as anes-thetic doses decrease glutamate activity (Moghaddamet al., 1997), and “markers of excitation,” such as thephosphorylation of p44/42-MAPK, are differentiallyregulated by low and high doses of ketamine in rodents(Li et al., 2010; Kohtala et al., 2019b). The rapidantidepressant effects of ketamine have been proposedto be dependent on this glutamatergic excitation andthe regulation AMPARs, as blocking these channelsabolishes antidepressant-like behavioral responses inrodents (Maeng et al., 2008; Koike et al., 2011; Koikeand Chaki, 2014).

The altered “balance of inhibition and excitation”produced by ketamine is thought to be displayed asincreased high-frequency gamma oscillations on a corti-cal EEG. The effects of ketamine on gamma power aredose- and area-specific; furthermore, they are mostprominent during the peak of pharmacological effectswhen the target receptors are preferentially occupied(Maksimow et al., 2006; Kohtala et al., 2019a,b), butthey remain upregulated several hours after drugadministration in patients (Nugent et al., 2019a).Moreover, patients who have lower baseline gammapower and experience larger increases in response toketamine also report better antidepressant responses(Nugent et al., 2019a). In another study, ketamineresponders displayed a difference in peak gamma re-sponse to a somatosensory stimulus when compared

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with nonresponders, further suggesting that alteredexcitation and synaptic potentiation are important firststeps for ketamine’s antidepressant effects (Nugentet al., 2019b).Global cortical excitation is perhaps even more

obvious with many of the other treatments possessingrapid antidepressant potential. Electroconvulsive ther-apy (ECT) remains as one of the most effective inter-ventions for treatment-resistant depression. Thoughseries of consecutive treatments are typically requiredfor therapeutic effects of ECT, some studies have shownantidepressant effects already after the first treatmentepisodes (Rich, 1984; Fligelman et al., 2016). Thealternating current induced by ECT essentially forcesactivity into groups of cortical neurons (Fink, 2014).

Neurons along the traveling current, dictated by elec-trode placement, begin firing simultaneously, whichresults in the propagation and generalization ofepileptiform activity. Similar to ECT, pharmacologi-cal convulsants such as flurothyl have been success-fully used to treat depression in the past. In animals,seizures induced by electroconvulsive shock (ECS; ananimal model of ECT) have been suggested to facili-tate glutamate release and NMDAR activation (Reidand Stewart, 1997). Notably, findings related to ECShave provided important evidence for the upregula-tion of BDNF following seizures (Nibuya et al., 1995).These findings formed the basis for the neurotrophinhypothesis of depression, which for the first timesuggested that neurotrophic support is an important

Fig. 3. A simplified model of the ENCORE-D hypothesis. (A) During the development of depression, susceptible neuronal networks become graduallyhyper- (red) or hypoactive (blue) under predisposing environmental conditions, and they retain that state at the expense of optimal networkfunctionality. This may manifest as, for example, uncontrollable self-focused rumination, depressive thoughts, anhedonia, and cognitive dysfunctions.Rapid-acting antidepressants (i.e., ketamine represented in the figure) have excitatory effects that are reflected in the activity of local circuits, leadingto increases in cortical synaptic strength and the re-emergence of global functional connectivity patterns. This breaks the recursive cycle of ruminationand allows for the immediate relief of depressive symptoms. (B) Increased excitatory tone and synaptic strength are reflected in the homeostaticemergence of waking slow-wave activity (SWA) after the acute pharmacological or physiologic effects of the said intervention have ceased. This phase isassociated with the activation of several pathways implicated in synaptic plasticity and protein synthesis, and it contributes to the subacuteconsolidation of synaptic change. In subsequent slow-wave sleep (SWS), SWA is increased proportionally to the increase in cortical synaptic strength,and the global renormalization of synaptic strength takes place. During this period of renormalization, the increased activity of previouslystrengthened circuits offers protection from synaptic downscaling. Therefore, groups of synapses may maintain their relative potentiation, whereasothers are relatively depotentiated. However, if no further excitatory stimulus or other therapy is applied, susceptible neuronal networks may againgravitate toward their depressogenic state over the course of several sleep-wake cycles. Once depressogenic patterns of activity are re-established,symptoms of depression re-emerge.

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feature in the pathophysiology of depression and antide-pressant actions (Duman et al., 1997).Sleep deprivation, another nonpharmacological treat-

ment of depression and an important tool for examiningSHY in relation to sleep (see above), also increasescortical excitation (Huber et al., 2013; Meisel et al.,2015; Ly et al., 2016) and extracellular glutamate levels(Dash et al., 2009). In addition, several other experimen-tal rapid-acting depression treatments, such as theantimuscarinic agent scopolamine (Furey and Drevets,2006; Voleti et al., 2013; Chowdhury et al., 2017; see alsoPark et al., 2019) and psychedelic drugs (Scruggs et al.,2003;Muschamp et al., 2004; Vollenweider andKometer,2010; Kometer et al., 2013; Carhart-Harris et al., 2016,2018), acutely increase cortical excitation and glutamateactivity despite obvious pharmacological differences.We recently reported that nitrous oxide (“laughinggas”), an NMDAR-blocking anesthetic possessing rapidantidepressant potential (Nagele et al., 2015), increasesmarkers of cortical excitation, including the expressionof immediate early genes (IEGs) such as c-Fos (Fos proto-oncogene), Arc, and Homer1 (homer protein homolog 1)(Kohtala et al., 2019b).Whether other anesthetics withantidepressant potential, such as isoflurane (Langeret al., 1995; Weeks et al., 2013; Antila et al., 2017) orpropofol (Mickey et al., 2018), also regulate corticalexcitation in a similar manner remains to be investi-gated. Several reports have, however, highlighted theparadoxical excitation that frequently takes placeduring general anesthesia, characterized by a patternof burst-suppression in the cortical EEG (Kroeger andAmzica, 2007; Ferron et al., 2009). It could be that thevariable therapeutic outcomes of general anesthesiareported in depressed patients are related to theunpredictable nature of such treatments on corticalexcitation.2. Synaptic Potentiation and Spinogenesis. Neural

communication in neocortical circuits is adjusted in co-ordination with experience. Changes can be made byaltering the strength of synaptic connections or throughthe growth and retraction of dendritic spines andaxonal boutons (Holtmaat and Svoboda, 2009). Synap-tic potentiation, synaptic strength, and spine sizecorrelate with one another, with stronger spines beinglarger in size and capable of more effective neurotrans-mission. Indeed, studies using caged glutamate releasedat individual spines have demonstrated increased LTPtaking place alongwith increases in spine size (Matsuzakiet al., 2004).Changes in the phosphorylation and trafficking of

AMPARs constitute the early phase of LTP (E-LTP)formation (Esteban et al., 2003; Yang et al., 2008), whichis the starting point for activity-induced synaptic alter-ation. This change is set in motion by an increased Ca21

flow through NMDARs, which leads to the activationof calcium-dependent enzymes such as CaMKII (DeKoninck and Schulman, 1998). CaMKII regulates several

targets, including AMPARs (Incontro et al., 2018), p44/42-MAPK (Zhu et al., 2002), and BDNF-TrkB signaling(Harward et al., 2016), and its activity is associated withthe control of spine size and synaptic strength (Lee et al.,2009; Pi et al., 2010). Among other things, spine size andsynaptic strength are regulated by the constant dynamicmotion of AMPARs to and from the postsynaptic mem-brane (Derkach et al., 2007). The activation of NMDARsand the following Ca21 influx is thought to play a role inthe phosphorylation, lateral diffusion, and incorporationof GluR1 subunit containing AMPARs from extrasynapticsites to the active postsynaptic densities (PSDs). More-over, small GTPases rat sarcoma protein and Ras-relatedprotein have been found to control AMPAR subunittrafficking and synaptic potentiation through mech-anisms requiring MAPK activation (Zhu et al., 2002).Increased activation and expression of GluR1 sub-units in the synaptic membrane contributes to en-hanced channel conductance and function, which areimportant for E-LTP expression (Hayashi et al., 2000;Derkach et al., 2007; Kristensen et al., 2011), whereassubsequent accumulation of GluR2-containing AMPARsmay contribute to maintaining LTP. Concomitantly,activity-induced signaling cascades, including MAPK,reach the nucleus and activate transcription factors(Barco et al., 2002). This leads to changes in theexpression of IEGs, such as c-Fos (Fos proto-oncogene),which orchestrates further transcriptional events. IEGmRNAs, which are encoding proteins that support thefunctions of synapses and dendrites, are transported tothe synapse for local protein synthesis (e.g., Bdnf,Homer-1a, Arc) (Flavell and Greenberg, 2008; Lismanet al., 2018). These processes, involving changes intranscription and translation, are generally deemed tocontribute to the late phase of LTP (L-LTP) (Derkachet al., 2007; Costa-Mattioli et al., 2009).

Ketamine has been shown to regulate CaMKII,eukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase (Adaikkan et al.,2018), GSK3b (Beurel et al., 2016), and the phosphor-ylation of GluR1 subunits (Zhang et al., 2016), alteringthe expression, composition, and trafficking of AMPARsto the postsynaptic membrane. The blocking of AMPARsabolishes the ketamine-induced BDNF release andphosphorylation of MAPK in primary neuronal cul-tures, suggesting that these processes are dependenton increased glutamatergic signaling (Lepack et al.,2016). Ketamine also induces several transcriptionalchanges in IEGs, including alteredHomer1 expression(de Bartolomeis et al., 2013; Ficek et al., 2016). TheseIEGs are translated and accumulate in the PSD, whichrefers to complex scaffolds of proteins located in closeproximity to the postsynaptic membrane in dendriticspines. Proteins such as Homer1, Arc, and PSD-95 areimportant components of the PSD and contribute toglutamatergic signaling and synaptic function. Changesin Homer1a expression are particularly interest-ing because it has been associated not only with the

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homeostatic regulation of sleep (Maret et al., 2007;Mackiewicz et al., 2008) but also with the antidepressant-like effects of ketamine, sleep deprivation, and ECS inrodents (Conti et al., 2007; Serchov et al., 2015). Arecent study demonstrating that systemic administra-tion of cell-permeable Homer1a recapitulates thebehavioral responses of ketamine in rodents providesa further link between Homer1a and rapid antidepres-sant responses (Holz et al., 2019).The administration of ECSs also produces prominent

synaptic potentiation in rodents. Studies have shownthat brief electroconvulsive seizures essentially reducethe degree to which further LTP can be induced in thedentate gyrus of anesthetized rats. Indeed, analyses ofthe EPSPs (excitatory postsynaptic potentials) andpopulation spike size suggest that LTP induction hadalready occurred after ECS induced seizure activity,thus hampering further potentiation attempts (Stewartand Reid, 1993; Stewart et al., 1994). These results arealso supported by a study in which hippocampal EPSPcharacteristics were monitored throughout a series ofECS treatments. The increase in EPSP slope developedgradually over the course of the first five seizures,whereas a single seizure did not induce a significantchange (Stewart et al., 1994). The saturation of LTP-like plasticity and synaptic strength appears to resistfurther potentiation attempts, whereas weaker synap-ses are more likely to gain in strength (Abraham et al.,2001; Abraham, 2008). Similar to ECS, sleep depriva-tion is thought to saturate LTP-like plasticity inhumans (Kuhn et al., 2016) and rats (Campbell et al.,2002; Vyazovskiy et al., 2008). Ample evidence demon-strates the upregulation of IEGs in response to bothECS and sleep deprivation (Cirelli and Tononi, 2000).Apart from synaptic potentiation, the growth of

dendritic spines and their retraction offer powerfulways tomodulate circuit activity. In some cortical areas,alterations in the density of spines and synapses havebeen demonstrated to occur after exposure to differenttraining paradigms, enriched environments (Greenoughet al., 1985; Moser et al., 1994, 1997; Kolb et al.,2008), and sensory stimulation (Knott et al., 2002;Trachtenberg et al., 2002; Holtmaat et al., 2006). Onthe other hand, chronic stress decreases spine densityin areas implicated in depression, such as the pre-frontal cortex and hippocampus; this finding is com-monly observed in animal models of depression (Qiaoet al., 2016). Though the structures of dendritic andaxonal arbors remain relatively stable in adulthood,even subtle changes in the growth or retraction ofboutons and dendritic spines may affect functionaland behavioral outcomes. Several factors are thoughtto be important for the structural plasticity of den-dritic spines, including presynaptic activity (Engertand Bonhoeffer, 1999; Maletic-Savatic et al., 1999),glutamate release (Richards et al., 2005), neurotro-phins (Tanaka et al., 2008), mTOR signaling (Lipton

and Sahin, 2014), CaMKII (Glazewski et al., 2000),and GSK3b (Cuesto et al., 2015; Cymerman et al.,2015; Ochs et al., 2015), among others.

Furthermore, animal studies investigating the effectsof ketamine on spine synapse alterations have foundthat a single subanesthetic dose of ketamine increasesthe synthesis of synaptic proteins and the number ofdendritic spines in the medial prefrontal cortex (Liet al., 2010; Moda-Sava et al., 2019). In the chronicunpredictable stress model of depression, ketamine isable to rapidly reverse the loss of spines along with theamelioration of depressive behavior, an effect that isblocked by the administration of rapamycin, which isan mTOR antagonist (Li et al., 2011). In addition toketamine, ECS has been shown to rescue deficits inspine morphology induced by the stress hormone corti-costerone in the mouse cortex along with the inductionof activity-dependent synthesis of BDNF (Maynardet al., 2018). A similar rescue of stress-induced dendriticchanges after ECS treatment has been shown in thehippocampus of rats (Hageman et al., 2008; KaastrupMüller et al., 2015). However, in a recent study, theincrease in prefrontal cortical spines was not requiredfor the rapid effects of ketamine on animal behavior orcircuit function (Moda-Sava et al., 2019), thus suggest-ing that alterations in synaptic strength and circuitfunction may be responsible for the fast onset ofantidepressant effects, whereas spinogenesis contrib-utes to the sustained action. Upcoming clinical studieswill be important to elucidate the role of synaptogenesisand underlyingmechanisms such asmTOR in rapid andsustained antidepressant effects.

3. Acute Changes in Circuit Function. Currentnetwork models of brain function suggest that function-ality is generated through the activation neural ensem-bles consisting of groups of neurons (Yuste, 2015).ENCORE-D proposes that rapid antidepressant effectsare set forth by increased cortical excitation, activationof neural ensembles, and the resulting synaptic poten-tiation during stimulation or pharmacological action.These changes rapidly alter the computational pro-cesses in cortical circuits, ultimately modulating pat-terns of functional connectivity and the emergence ofbehavioral states. Such reorganization may also con-tribute to the acute increase in prefrontal functionalconnectivity reported in depressed patients treatedwith ketamine (Abdallah et al., 2018b). Indeed, re-cent studies suggest that the optogenetic activation ofgroups of neurons in the visual cortex can generateneural ensembles that spontaneously recur in rodents(Carrillo-Reid et al., 2016) and that learning can rapidlyengender memory engrams in the human neocortex(Brodt et al., 2018).

As indicated by ENCORE-D, the local and moreglobal rearrangements in neural communication resultin the rapid amelioration of depressive thought pat-terns. Once implicit cognitive patterns are restored, the

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underlying neural ensembles and networks begin togather synaptic strength in competition with prevailingdepressogenic network activity. In other words, thestimulus-facilitated activation of previously “dormant”circuits may rapidly switch the balance toward moreunconstrained patterns of local and global activity. Nota-bly, ketamine has been shown to reverse stress-inducedchanges in the ensemble activity of prefrontal corticalprojection neurons accompanied by antidepressant-likebehavioral changes in rodents (Moda-Sava et al., 2019).Changes in functional connectivity are also associ-

ated with the antidepressant effects of ECT andneuromodulatory treatments. For example, a studyby Argyelan et al. (2016) used resting-state functionalmagnetic resonance imaging to measure the frac-tional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation andfound that depressed patients had higher baselineactivity and connectivity in the SCC, with highervalues predicting a better response to ECT. Thisincreased activity was reduced after a single ECTtreatment and completely normalized at the end ofthe treatment course. On the other hand, Liu et al.(2015) reported an increase in the local activity andconnectivity of the SCC in response to ECT. Moreover,Perrin et al. (2012) investigated the effects of an ECTtreatment course on global functional connectivityand found a decrease localized to a limited area withinthe left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) inseverely depressed patients. A recent study by Leaveret al. (2018) proposed that pretreatment connectivitymeasures of the DLPFC and SCC predict ECT treat-ment outcomes. Several studies have also reportedfunctional connectivity changes in response to repeti-tive TMS (rTMS) in depressed patients (Ge et al., 2017;Kito et al., 2017; Richieri et al., 2017; Du et al., 2018;Iwabuchi et al., 2019). Positive responses to rTMS havebeen associated with reduced connectivity of the SCCto the DMN (Philip et al., 2018), along with reducedactivity of the SCC and connectivity with the DLPFC(Hadas et al., 2019), supporting the hypothesis ofaltered connectivity in these areas underlying depres-sive symptoms (Hamilton et al., 2015). Moreover,sleep-deprived healthy participants and depressedpatients demonstrate alterations in functional connec-tivity patterns (Bosch et al., 2013; Chen et al., 2018;Kong et al., 2018). In particular, after sleep depriva-tion, depressed patients demonstrate reduced connec-tivity between the ACC and DMN (Bosch et al., 2013).In synthesis of the discussed studies, ENCORE-D

proposes that rapid-acting antidepressants share theproperty of eliciting pronounced cortical excitation andsynaptic potentiation, thus promoting altered encodingof information and changes in network dynamics. Theincrease in excitatory tone effectively leads to acutealterations in functional connectivity, as reported withketamine, sleep deprivation, ECT, and rTMS. Areas andnetworks implicated in treatment responses include, but

are not limited to, theACCandSCC, theDLPFC, and theDMN. However, future studies are likely to offer betterperspectives on which specific brain regions and net-works are most relevant for antidepressant action. Assuggested by ENCORE-D, the switch in connectivityentails the disruption of depressogenic network dom-inance and the reinstatement of normal patterns ofconnectivity and activity, evidenced as a decrease inrigid patterns of thought, such as depressive rumina-tion, which is a core symptom of depressive disorders.These changes, however, are short-lived, and as such,they require consolidation to remain sustained.

B. Subacute Consolidation of Synaptic Change

1. Protein Synthesis and Synaptic Consolidation.Synaptic consolidation generally refers to the posten-coding process, which stabilizes stimulus-induced ac-tivity into a more stable (“storable”) form. This isassumed to occur within a short time from the inductionof a memory trace, being finalized in synaptic alter-ations that confer resistance to amnesic agents. Inanimals, the administration of protein synthesis inhib-itors does not affect short-term improvement (i.e., short-term memory) in task performance while disruptinglong-term memory (Davis and Squire, 1984). The acti-vation of pathways important for protein synthesisduring memory consolidation suggests an intertwinedrelationship between memory and translation (Costa-Mattioli and Sonenberg, 2008). Indeed, de novo proteinsynthesis is required for the consolidation of inducedLTP, which is the basis for the formation of lastingmemories (Goelet et al., 1986; Cammalleri et al., 2003;Bekinschtein et al., 2007). Moreover, the induction ofL-LTP through electrical or pharmacological stimula-tion is thought to require changes in gene expressionalong with the local translation of mRNAs in dendrites(Kelleher et al., 2004; Sutton and Schuman, 2006;Costa-Mattioli and Sonenberg, 2008). The blocking ofeither the transcription steps or the translation inhibitsthe formation of lasting synaptic change.

The translation of newprotein products is suggested tocontribute to both the stabilization of activity-inducedchanges in synaptic strength and the structural plastic-ity of dendritic spines (Vanderklish and Edelman, 2002;Miniaci et al., 2008; Tanaka et al., 2008). Moreover,a mechanism of synaptic tagging has been proposed toexplain how short-term memories transform into long-term memories (Frey and Morris, 1997). In synaptictagging, a stimulus establishes molecular “tags” inactive synapses that can then become further potenti-ated in L-LTP by associating with newly synthesizedplasticity-related proteins. Kinases triggered duringE-LTP are thought to contribute to L-LTP, such asMAPK (Thomas andHuganir, 2004), CaMKII (Ma et al.,2015), protein kinase B (Pen et al., 2016), phosphoinosi-tide 3-kinase (Asrar et al., 2009), and protein kinase C(Jalil et al., 2015).

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Activation of mTOR and MAPK, which initiate pro-tein synthesis through eukaryotic translation initiationfactors 4E and 4E-binding protein 1, are among themultiple pathways involved in translation regulationfor plasticity and memory (Hay and Sonenberg, 2004;Amorim et al., 2018). Key components of these path-ways are MAPK-interacting serine/threonine-proteinkinase 1 and 2. The disruption of this translationmechanism has been shown to result in depression-like behavior in mice (Aguilar-Valles et al., 2018).Importantly, several studies associate the increasedphosphorylation TrkB, MAPK, mTOR, and GSK3bwiththe antidepressant-like effects of ketamine in rodents(Li et al., 2010; Beurel et al., 2011; Lepack et al., 2016;Sun et al., 2016). A seminal study by Li et al. (2010)demonstrated that a subanesthetic dose of ketamineinduced phosphorylation changes in mTOR, p70S6K,eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E-binding pro-tein 1, p44/42-MAPK, and protein kinase B within30 minutes, whereas synaptic proteins Arc, SynapsinI, PSD95, and GluR1 were upregulated hours later. Theblocking of mTOR by rapamycin also blocks ketamine-induced antidepressant-like effects and accelerated fearextinction responses (Li et al., 2010; Girgenti et al.,2017), suggesting that protein synthesis is importantfor the consolidation of these effects. Similarly, theblocking of MAPK signaling diminishes ketamine’santidepressant-like effects (Réus et al., 2014). More-over, studies have suggested that the activation ofmTOR and protein synthesis are linkedwith ketamine’sability to increase the formation of dendritic spines inthe prefrontal cortex (Li et al., 2010; Moda-Sava et al.,2019). This effect likely relies on pharmacologicallyinduced excitation, as electrophysiological experimentshave shown increased spine formation to occur rapidlywithin hours of an LTP-inducing stimulus (Engert andBonhoeffer, 1999; Maletic-Savatic et al., 1999; Toniet al., 1999; Tang et al., 2002).Among other targets implicated in synaptic consolida-

tion and ketamine’s effects is GSK3b, a promiscuouskinase with multiple functions and targets (Li and Jope,2010). Its activity can be blocked by increased phosphor-ylation at the serine-9 residue, which has been shown totake place in LTP induction (Peineau et al., 2007) andketamine administration (Beurel et al., 2011). This in-activation following LTP disrupts the induction of long-termdepression in synapses for up to an hour, possibly byaltering AMPAR trafficking, and it has been suggested tomaintain information encoded during LTP for subse-quent consolidation (Peineau et al., 2007). The inhibitionof GSK3b has been proposed to be necessary for the rapidantidepressant-like effects of ketamine observed in mice(Beurel et al., 2011), with coadministered lithium (anunspecific GSK3 inhibitor) leading to additive effects (Liuet al., 2013). However, a recent clinical trial reported thatlithiumdidnot increase or prolong the effects of ketaminein depressed patients (Costi et al., 2019).

Notably, many studies have focused on either imme-diate or relatively sustainedmolecular changes inducedby ketamine, measured during the acute pharmacologicaleffects of the drug or during the day following treatment.These approaches have generally not accounted for thetemporal gradients of molecular changes that may takeplace during acute pharmacological effects of ketamineand thereafter (t1/2 ;10–15 minutes in mice) (Maxwellet al., 2006). To this end, we investigated the time-dependent effects of nitrous oxide and flurothyl on thesemolecular responses, as the exceptional pharmacokineticsof these compounds allows for the differentiation of acuteeffects from effects emerging immediately after. Nitrousoxide produced no regulation in the phosphorylation ofTrkB, GSK3b, and p70S6K (downstream of mTOR)during gas administration (i.e., duringNMDARblockade);instead, changes took place gradually after the gas flowwas terminated (Kohtala et al., 2019b). Similarly, thesesignaling mechanisms remained unaltered immediatelyduring a flurothyl-induced seizure but, again, appearedgradually during the postictal period. These resultssuggest that pathways involved in synaptic plasticityand protein synthesis are differentially regulated duringacute excitatory effects and periods following thereafter.Detailed time- and dose-dependent studies of ketamineon these pathways must, however, be carried out.

2. Homeostatic Emergence of Wake Slow-Wave Activity.SWA, characterized by ;0.5–4 Hz high amplitudeoscillations in the EEG, occurs predominantly duringphysiologic deep NREM sleep; however, it also occursunder states of sedation and anesthesia and, in somecases, locally during prolonged waking (Nir et al., 2017).Several studies have suggested that rapid-acting anti-depressants share common features of regulating SWAduring sleep. Notably, the pronounced upregulation ofSWA can also occur during quiet waking (Sachdev et al.,2015). Though increased waking SWA has previouslybeen considered to be mainly a pathologic EEG signa-ture, it has also been suggested to serve as a proxy forcortical plasticity (Assenza and Di Lazzaro, 2015). Theincreases in waking SWA appear to follow similarprinciples as the upregulation of SWS, with high levelsof neuronal activity resulting in increases in subsequentEEG slowing. For example, the arousal-promotingeffects of subanesthetic ketamine are countered byincreases in the intensity of SWA after the acutepharmacological effects have dissipated and againduring sleep in rats (Feinberg and Campbell, 1993,1995). Similarly, albeit more pronounced and long-lasting, increases in SWA take place following adminis-tration with MK-801 (dizocilpine; a potent and durableNMDAR antagonist) (Campbell and Feinberg, 1996a,b),sharing features with the SWS rebound caused by sleepdeprivation (Campbell and Feinberg, 1999). Increases inwaking SWA have also been noted following the cessa-tion of nitrous oxide administration in humans (Henrieet al., 1961;Williams et al., 1984; Foster and Liley, 2011).

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The emergence of rebound SWA is not limited topharmacological agents that possess antidepressantproperties. Postictal increases in SWA after ECT arewidely documented, and other convulsive therapies,such as flurothyl, share similar features (Chusid andPacella, 1952; Fink and Kahn, 1957; Chatrian andPetersen, 1960; Kriss et al., 1978; Silfverskiöld et al.,1987; Sackeim et al., 1996; Perera et al., 2004). Notably,pronounced postictal EEG slowing has been associatedwith rapid antidepressant responses (Folkerts, 1996)and clinical improvement after ECT (Nobler et al., 1993;Suppes et al., 1996). As already noted, though a sin-gle seizure is usually insufficient to produce markedsymptomatic relief in depression, some patientshave responded already to a single ECT (Rich, 1984;Fligelman et al., 2016). In further support of the ideaof the homeostatic emergence of waking SWA inresponse to neural activity, a clinical study usingcortical intermittent theta burst stimulation foundincreases in waking delta frequency power followingthe stimulation (Assenza et al., 2015).We have recently observed an increase in waking

SWA following the withdrawal of nitrous oxide, aftersubanesthetic ketamine, and as a rapid response toflurothyl-induced seizures in mice (Kohtala et al.,2019b; Kohtala et al., unpublished data). This phenom-enon is best exemplified by nitrous oxide, which evokesSWA within 5–15 minutes after gas cessation when thedrug has been essentially eliminated (exhaled unchangedwithinminutes) from the body (Kohtala et al., 2019b). Theperiod of nitrous-oxide–induced waking SWA, along withcoinciding increases in the phosphorylation of TrkB,GSK3b, and p70S6K, continues long after drug with-drawal (Kohtala et al., 2019b) and overlaps witha probable time period for changes involved in synapticconsolidation. Whether subanesthetic ketamine regu-lates this molecular cascade similarly during homeo-static SWA remains to be investigated.The MAPK pathway is a possible candidate involved

in the homeostatic upregulation of SWA, as increases inthe phosphorylation of p44/42-MAPK occur during theacute excitatory effects of nitrous oxide, subanestheticketamine (Kohtala et al., 2019b), and ECS/flurothyl(Hansen et al., 2007; Rosenholm M., et al. unpublisheddata). Conversely, large decreases in MAPK phosphory-lation occur during SWA induced by sedative or anes-thetic agents and during the homeostatic regulation ofwaking SWA (Kohtala et al., 2016, 2019b). Intriguingly,the MAPK pathway has been shown to regulate sleepduration through activity-induced gene expression dur-ing wakefulness, with p44/42-MAPK deletion or inhibi-tion significantly increasing the duration of wakefulnessin mice (Mikhail et al., 2017). Though the function ofthis phenomenon remains almost completely unstudied,ENCORE-D suggests that the period dominated bywaking SWA in response to rapid-acting antidepressantsrepresents a physiologically meaningful step for the

subacute consolidation of activity-induced synapticchanges, involving alterations in both protein synthe-sis and energy metabolism, resembling deep or localsleep. Notably, a recent study conducted in zebrafishdemonstrates the homeostatic emergence of a sleep-like state immediately following acute administrationof pharmacological agents that prominently increaseneuronal activation (Reichert et al., 2019).

In summary of this section, ENCORE-D proposesthat the acutely emerging homeostatic increase inwaking SWA after cortical excitation, which coincideswith the activation of several pathways involved insynaptic plasticity and protein synthesis, contributes tothe subacute consolidation of synaptic change.Moreover,the homeostatic processes that are activated in responseto excitation may share common mechanisms with theemergence of waking SWA after cortical stimulation orincreased sleep SWA after TMS or sleep deprivation.Future studies that specifically investigate the electro-physiological, molecular, and cellular changes occurringimmediately after rapid-acting antidepressant treat-ments, as well as their functional and clinical signifi-cance, will be of great importance to test this hypothesis.

C. Renormalization and Consolidation of SynapticStrength during Sleep

1. Slow Waves and Rapid Antidepressant Responses.Sleep plays an extremely important role in learning andmemory consolidation (Abel et al., 2013). During differ-ent stages of sleep, rich patterns of neural activity taketurns in periods of REM and NREM sleep throughoutthe cortex. Neurons previously activated during the dayare recruited by patterns of reactivation, which arethought to contribute to the consolidation of pre-viously encoded information. Increasing knowledgeof the mechanisms of sleep suggests that complexinteractions between different brain regions, emerg-ing neural activity, and the phases of sleep act inconjunction to modulate learning and memory. Forunderstanding the basic idea of ENCORE-D, we nowfocus on examining mechanisms associated with SWSfrom the perspective of SHY (Tononi and Cirelli,2003). However, it is important to recognize thatseveral differentmechanisms throughout the complexpatterns of sleep periods may be ultimately involved.

According to SHY, synaptic potentiation during ac-tive waking is connected to the homeostatic increase inSWA during sleep. In other words, the higher the levelof cortical synaptic potentiation, the higher the in-tensity of slow waves during subsequent sleep. Thisconnection between preceding neural activity and theemergence of subsequent sleep SWA has been dem-onstrated in numerous studies. For example, SWSis increased after sleep deprivation (i.e., recoverysleep) (Cajochen et al., 1999; Huber et al., 2000) andafter cortical TMS (Huber et al., 2007). Local increasesin SWA emerge after sensory or motor stimuli in

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experience-related brain areas during NREM sleep(Kattler et al., 1994; Huber et al., 2004; Mascetti et al.,2013), whereas arm immobilization reduces SWA inthe sensorimotor area (Huber et al., 2006) and darkrearing in the visual cortex (Miyamoto et al., 2003).Moreover, several studies have investigated theeffects of sleep manipulations for the consolidationof nondeclarative memories (Stickgold, 2005; Miyamotoet al., 2017). For example, boosting sleep spindlesenhances finger-sequence tapping task performance(Lustenberger et al., 2016), and the perturbation ofsleep slow waves in the motor cortex decreases motorperformance (Fattinger et al., 2017). Notably, SWSalso correlates with cerebral protein synthesis in mon-keys (Nakanishi et al., 1997) and rodents (Ramm andSmith, 1990) and has been suggested to contribute tothe formation of dendritic spines after learning (Yanget al., 2014).During stages of deep sleep, cycles of SWS and synaptic

renormalization take place (Tononi and Cirelli, 2003).Based on the previous activity of the synapses and theneural networks they are part of, synapses may losepotentiation, remain unchanged, or, in some cases,gain strength (Fig. 1). This renormalization of synapticstrength during sleep contributes to adjusting thebaseline of neural activity for the subsequent waking.The ENCORE-D hypothesis proposes that the sleepfollowing ketamine and other rapid-acting antidepres-sant treatments is important for the sustained consol-idation of synaptic changes and the full realization ofthe antidepressant effects through the renormaliza-tion of synaptic weights. Moreover, ENCORE-D pro-poses that in depression, the balance between wakingneural activity and synaptic renormalization in sleepis compromised. Depressed patients spend significantamounts of time in rumination, whereas complexcognitive tasks, or even routine daily activities, mayseem insurmountable. This is perhaps also evidencedin decreased patterns of motor activity during the day,whereas increases in activity take place during thenight (Burton et al., 2013). Rapid-acting antidepres-sants administered during waking cause rapid changesin synaptic strength and circuit function, which aresubacutely consolidated in the following hours. Duringsubsequent sleep, a period of further consolidation,along with the reactivation of neural activity and therenormalization of synaptic strength, takes place, therebyallowing homeostatic processes to readjust network func-tion in a sustained manner. Under these circumstances,previously hypoactive but now pharmacologically poten-tiated neural networks can conserve some of their gainedstrength throughout SWSand the accompanying synapticrenormalization.In support of ENCORE-D, clinical evidence suggests

that the most robust antidepressant responses to sub-anesthetic ketamine become evident during the follow-ing day (i.e., after one night’s sleep) (Berman et al.,

2000; Zarate et al., 2006a; Lapidus et al., 2014; Phillipset al., 2019). Studies have also demonstrated thenormalization of global functional connectivity patternswhen measured 24 hours after treatment (Abdallahet al., 2017a,b) and decreases in suicidal cognition withinthe same time frame (Price et al., 2014, 2009; Wilkinsonet al., 2018). Likewise, antisuicidal responses in de-pressed patients have been associated with reductionsin wakefulness the night following ketamine treat-ments (Vande Voort et al., 2017). Moreover, a recentdouble-blind placebo-controlled crossover functionalmagnetic resonance imaging imaging study demon-strated the normalization of connectivity between theinsula and DMN in depressed patients when comparedwith healthy controls 2 days after ketamine adminis-tration (Evans et al., 2018). The authors have high-lighted the role of the insula in emotional informationprocessing and in modulating the switch between theCEN and DMN, which may be involved in the improve-ment of depressive symptoms.

The most direct evidence supporting the importanceof SWA in rapid-antidepressant action originates froma clinical study that demonstrated increases in sleepSWA after subanesthetic ketamine treatments and fur-ther showed that this increase correlated with antide-pressant efficacy (Duncan et al., 2013a). Moreover, a lowbaseline delta ratio has been demonstrated to predicta better mood response to ketamine the day followingtreatment (Duncan et al., 2013b). These studies sug-gest that ketamine’s sustained effects on mood may berelated to subsequent SWS through the accrual ofsynaptic potentiation during wakefulness and by themodulation of synaptic renormalization during sleep.In addition, ECT-induced increases in SWS (as well asincreased REM sleep duration and a decrease in REMdensity) have been reported to occur in remittingpatients but not in nonremitters (Göder et al., 2016),suggesting that the regulation of brain activity duringsleep is implicated in antidepressant responses to ECT.

Several mechanisms have been proposed to be poten-tially involved in the processes that lead to the globalyet selective renormalization of synaptic strength dur-ing sleep as proposed by SHY (reviewed by Tononi andCirelli (2019). Different rules could apply in the renorm-alization of synaptic strength, several of which havebeen tested in computer simulations (Hashmi et al.,2013; Nere et al., 2013). One of these is a “protectionfrom depression”mechanism, which suggests that whena neuron fires strongly during sleep, because of theprominent coactivation of its different inputs, its syn-apses maintain their strength throughout sleep. Theend result is a relative increase of strength in theseprotected synapses in relation to other synapses thatare more likely to be downscaled. This idea is supportedby a recent in vivo study, which demonstrated a similareffect during urethane anesthesia that mimics the upand down states of neural activity during NREM sleep

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(González-Rueda et al., 2018). Another recent study haslent support to the function of the up states of SWA insynaptic down-selection by studying neuroprostheticlearning in an experiment in which the activity ofneurons in themotor cortexwere pairedwith the controlof a feeding tube (Gulati et al., 2017). The authorsobserved that after sleep, a slight increase occurred inthe peak firing of the direct units in causal control of thetask activity, whereas the firing of most of the indirectunits were markedly reduced. The lack of firing duringsleep was found to predict synaptic down-selection.Furthermore, when closed-loop optogenetic inhibitionwas used to reduce firing during the on states of slowoscillations, sleep-induced learning improvements wereprevented, and the decrease in indirect unit activity didnot occur. In addition to slow-wave oscillations, hippo-campal sharp wave-ripples may not only promotesynaptic weakening but also allow for previously acti-vated hippocampal place cells to maintain their firingrate throughout sleep (Norimoto et al., 2018).Apart from patterns of neural activity, several

plasticity-related proteins may be important for therenormalization of synaptic strength during sleep.Among potential candidates are Homer1a and Arc,which are known to increase during extended wakingand excitatory neuronal activity (Cirelli and Tononi,2000; Diering et al., 2017). Though the overall levelsof Homer1a in the cortex are higher during wake thanin sleep, the amount of Homer1a in the PSDs increasesin sleep and acts to replace longer isoforms of Homer(Diering et al., 2017). This effectively inactivates thesignaling complex with metabotropic glutamate recep-tors, facilitates the endocytosis of AMPARs from thecell membrane, and results in the downscaling ofsynaptic strength. Indeed, the dysfunctional regula-tion of Homer1a may be involved in the development ofnetwork imbalances, as suggested by ENCORE-D. Forexample, a genome-wide association study, combinedwith neuroimaging, found a single-nucleotide poly-morphism of Homer1 to exert significant influenceover prefrontal cortical activity during cognitive andmotivational processes (Rietschel et al., 2010). Fur-thermore, in the context of synaptic tagging, Arc hasbeen proposed to act as one of the tags for synapticdepression by promoting the endocytosis of AMPARs(Chowdhury et al., 2006). Arc has also been suggestedto accumulate, particularly in synapses that have notbeen prominently activated, resulting in decreasedsynaptic strength (Okuno et al., 2012). At this time,though the role of altered TrkB, GSK3b, p70S6K, andMAPK signaling during SWS remains unknown, it isplausible they are involved in processes of consolida-tion or renormalization throughout sleep.2. Sustained Antidepressant Effects. A significant

yet scarcely studied issue of ketamine treatments is thegradual relapse of depressive symptoms, which typi-cally already occur a few days after the treatment.

ENCORE-D proposes that if no further excitatorystimulus or other therapy is applied following the initialtreatment, then susceptible neuronal networks maybegin to regravitate toward an unfavorable, depresso-genic state. This occurs during several subsequentwake-sleep cycles, effectively resulting in the loss ofa treatment-induced increase in the relative potentia-tion of nondepressogenic networks. Depressive thoughtpatterns again emerge along with a more “rigid” func-tional connectivity. Indeed, Evans et al. (2018) reportedthat the connectivity changes induced by ketamine indepressed patients were reversed after 10 days, in linewith the duration of ketamine’s antidepressant effectsand in alignment with a viable timeframe for multiplecycles of renormalization to occur. Moreover, repeatedketamine infusions have cumulative effects in treatingdepression, and patients that relapse between treat-ments still respond to new infusions (Phillips et al.,2019). This suggests that such changes can be reestab-lished with further treatments.

Following these sameprinciples, ENCORE-Dproposesthat therapeutic sleep deprivation also increases corticalexcitation through the accrual of synaptic potentiation orother mechanisms of altered excitability. Similar to therapid effects of ketamine, sleep deprivation results ina decrease in depressive symptoms in approximatelyhalf of patients (Wu and Bunney, 1990). This decreasein symptoms builds up throughout the sleepless nightand ismaximal the following day. However, contrary toketamine, the effects of sleep deprivation are typicallyhighly transient, with a large majority of patientsrelapsing after a night of sleep or even after takinga short nap. ENCORE-D proposes that this differencein sustainability is because of differences in both theconsolidation of excitation-induced synaptic changeand the renormalization during treatment-evokedSWS. Although both treatments lead to changes inneural activity and patterns of connectivity (i.e., rapidantidepressant effects), the changes induced by sleepdeprivation may not be sufficiently consolidated orprotected from subsequent renormalization but areinstead lost in time, like tears in rain. The mechanisticbasis for such a difference remains unknown; however,it is well acknowledged that sleep deprivation resultsin impairments of learning and memory while de-creasing long-lasting forms of synaptic plasticity (forreviews, see Havekes et al., 2012; Abel et al., 2013).These detrimental changes may occur through thereduced expression of genes that are important inregulating translation for memory encoding and consol-idation. Moreover, both ketamine and sleep deprivationincrease glutamate release, whereas ketamine may alsoblock postsynaptic and extrasynaptic NMDARs, whichcontribute differentially to processes such as the activa-tion of the mTOR pathway, the activity of transcriptionfactors, and BDNF synthesis (Sutton et al., 2007; Autryet al., 2011; Nosyreva et al., 2013; Miller et al., 2016).

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Here, the metabolites of ketamine, such as HNKs, mayalso play an important role.Unlike subanesthetic ketamine, ECT is commonly

associated with cognitive dysfunction, including impairedlearning and memory (Nuninga et al., 2018). The majordifferences in the extent, duration, and selectivity of theexcitatory activity produced by rapid antidepressanttreatments may ultimately determine their functionalconsequences and the onset of the antidepressanteffects. Though ECT-induced seizures are highly pro-nounced and global forms of excitatory activity, ket-amine drives cortical excitation in a subtler way,essentially facilitating more physiologic levels of neu-ral activity. Moreover, excitation may involve particu-lar (micro)circuits, depending on the properties of thetreatment or the pharmacology of the drug. Differ-ent drugs and treatments are thus likely to havevarying effects on a network level. Notably, ECT, oncethe traveling current and neural activation generalizesinto a global seizure, remains in no way selectiveregarding which neuronal populations are activated;it thus effectively disregards the physiologic patternsof neural communication. The processes of encoding,consolidating, and subsequently renormalizing synap-tic strength during SWA may consequently also behighly disorganized, which can have not only therapeu-tic but also detrimental effects onmemory and cognitivefunctions.

V. Discussion of Encoding, Consolidation, andRenormalization in Depression and Its

Implications for Antidepressant Treatments

We and others have previously proposed models forintegrating mechanisms of synaptic plasticity intoantidepressant actions (Castrén, 2005, 2013; Castrénand Rantamäki, 2010; Leuchter et al., 2015; Harmeret al., 2017). According to the network hypothesis ofantidepressant action, long-term treatment with con-ventional antidepressants such as fluoxetine producea heightened state of cortical plasticity that allows forrewiring of synaptic connections in the adult brain.Importantly, such rewiring is not considered to beorchestrated by the drugs themselves but by the networkactivity in collaboration with environmental stimuli.Rapid-acting antidepressants alleviate depressionwithin hours, indicating that their mode of action isfundamentally different from conventional antide-pressants, although the treatments trigger severalshared molecular pathways (Rantamäki et al., 2007,2011; Rantamäki, 2019). Moreover, in line with thenetwork hypothesis, the effects of rapid-acting antide-pressants can hardly be explained by basic pharmacolog-ical principles. For example, the antidepressant effects ofketamine become most evident when its psychotropicactions (Berman et al., 2000) and acute pharmacologicaleffects on NMDARs fade, and the therapeutic effects may

last for days or weeks. Such dynamic and long-lastingeffects of a pharmacologically short-acting drug can bebest explained by adaptive functional and structuralalterations in neural circuitries, involving physiologicmechanisms of sleep and plasticity.

Building on aspects of the network hypothesis ofantidepressant action and SHY (Tononi and Cirelli,2003), ENCORE-D proposes that to understand rapidantidepressant effects, we should pay attention to thephysiologic homeostatic adaptations triggered withinthe brain in response to pharmacological (i.e., NMDARblockade) or physiologic challenges (e.g., convulsions,sleep deprivation) and its consecutive release (seeWorkman et al., 2018) (Fig. 4). In this framework,fundamental mechanisms of synaptic plasticity andsleep are at the center of attention. In short, ENCORE-Dsuggests that altered synaptic encoding takes placeduring treatment-induced neural excitation and net-work activity, which is subsequently consolidated duringperiods that overlap with the emergence of waking SWAin the following hours. Finally, the synaptic and networkalterations set forth by the treatment reach amore stableform during different stages of sleep, when synapticrenormalization, and likely many other processes re-lated to consolidation and reactivation of neural activ-ity patterns, takes place. The hypothesis proposes thatduring these phases, rapid-acting antidepressantstrigger important yet temporally distinct mechanismsfor the emergence of sustained alterations in neuralnetworks.

As posited by ENCORE-D, the different temporalphases constitute mechanisms that work in conjunctionto achieve alterations in network function. Indeed,agents that facilitate SWA more directly and withoutpreceding cortical excitation do not bring about thera-peutic effects despite activating some of the molecularcascades implicated in synaptic plasticity and antide-pressant responses, such as TrkB signaling and theinhibition of GSK3b (Kohtala et al., 2019b). Thoughthese molecular events are important for the mecha-nisms underlying antidepressant effects, relevant neuralactivity is required to harness these molecular machin-eries into producing meaningful activity-dependentalterations in synaptic structure and function. Asdemonstrated by several animal experiments, disruptingeither glutamatergic neurotransmission (Zanos et al.,2016) or these molecular mechanisms (Li et al., 2010;Beurel et al., 2011; Pochwat et al., 2017) results indiminished antidepressant-like responses because with-out activity, the machinery does not have a purpose, andwithout the machinery, activity cannot elicit sustainablechange. Further studies are required to elucidate howthe molecular and functional alterations directly acti-vated by sedative-anesthetic drugs differ from those thatoccur during the homeostatic emergence of waking SWAor subsequent SWS in response to cortical excitation.Thus, ENCORE-D predicts that efforts to directly and

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specifically target individual components of complexmolecular pathways are unlikely to lead to antidepres-sant outcomes in patients. This hypothesis is, however,built on studies of treatments possessing rapid antide-pressant effects currently in the clinical domain, and itaims to explain their effects through a common neurobi-ological framework. This does not rule out that rapid andsustained antidepressant effects might also be achievedviamechanisms not aligningwith this hypothesis, such asby using novel treatments not yet proven in the clinicalsetting. With the current enthusiasm about novel antide-pressant developments, the principles of ENCORE-Dwill need to be re-examined and expanded as newfindings emerge.It is also important to recognize that merely increas-

ing SWS may not be beneficial for treating depression.On the contrary, some preliminary studies have foundthat the reduction of SWS is associated with modestimprovements in depressed mood (Landsness et al.,2011) or negative affect (Cheng et al., 2015). From theperspective of ENCORE-D, the dysfunctional renorm-alization of synaptic strength (i.e., reduced downscalingin depressogenic or facilitated downscaling in nonde-pressogenic areas) may constitute one characteristicthat maintains depressive information processing. Onepossibility is that reducing SWS in depressed patientscould allow nondepressogenic areas to also maintainhigher levels of synaptic potentiation throughout sleep,resulting in a small restoration of network balance.However, for more robust antidepressant responses suchas those produced by ketamine and perhaps ECT, likelydetermined by the path of the initial electrical current(Leaver et al., 2018), synaptic activation and potentiationin specific circuits, along with putative protection fromrenormalization during SWS, may be required. More-over, focusing merely on alterations in the amount of

SWS is misleading because changes in its temporalexpression may be equally important. For example,several studies have suggested that the delta sleepratio may be indicative of clinical outcomes in thetreatment of depression (Kupfer et al., 1990; Nissenet al., 2001; Duncan et al., 2013b; Lotrich andGermain,2015), with lower values associated with a higher riskof relapse (Kupfer et al., 1990). A recent study demon-strated that a lower delta sleep ratio predicted mooddisturbance in depressed individuals who were sub-jected to a 3-hour sleep-delay challenge, highlightingthe distinction between the accumulation of SWS andits dissipation in regulating emotional functioning(Goldschmied et al., 2019). Importantly, it must beemphasized that the role of SWS, or delta sleep ratio,in either rapid or sustained antidepressant effects ofketamine remains to be thoroughly investigated. Tofurther unravel these mechanisms, experiments inwhich the process of SWA/SWS accumulation, alongwith its emergence during both wake and subsequentsleep are manipulated, are essential.

One intriguing aspect related to the study of noveltreatments of depression is ketamine’s ability to pro-duce rapid antidepressant responses, whereas severalother drugs targeting glutamatergic neurotransmissionhave failed in patient studies (Ibrahim et al., 2012;Quiroz et al., 2016; Sanacora et al., 2017; Henter et al.,2018). It is tempting to speculate that the pharmacoki-netics (Fig. 4) and receptor-binding properties of ket-amine allow durable yet not too extensive corticalexcitation to take place, especially when compared withless ormore potent or long-lastingNMDARantagonists.For example, while both ketamine and MK-801 (dizo-cilpine) are noncompetitive inhibitors of NMDAR ionchannels, the channel-trapping capability is lower forketamine (Zanos et al., 2018a). Moreover, memantine,

Fig. 4. Potential implications of the ENCORE-D hypothesis for the treatment of depression. Rapid and sustained antidepressant effects critically relyon homeostatic adaptations (e.g., slow EEG activity during waking and sleep) triggered within the brain in response to the intervention in question(e.g., ketamine). The ability of the intervention to evoke such adaptations depends on several baseline variables (cortical excitability and sleep,genetics, medication) and specific aspects related to the dosing of the treatment (e.g., administration route, circadian time of administration,pharmacokinetics and thus duration of acute pharmacological effects, and external factors). Subjective experiences during the treatment, along withsupportive psychotherapy and mechanisms of sleep, may influence the sustainability of the clinical outcome.

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which is a low affinity, voltage-dependent, uncompeti-tive NMDAR antagonist (Gilling et al., 2009), has notdemonstrated robust antidepressant effects in clinicaltrials (Zarate et al., 2006b; Kishi et al., 2017). Thoughketamine’s acute effects last for a few hours (Clementsand Nimmo, 1981; Mathew and Zarate, 2016), meman-tine has a half-life of several days in humans (Matsunagaet al., 2018) as well as differential effects on NMDAreceptor desensitization (Glasgow et al., 2017). Notably,one of the proposed mechanisms of action for the use ofmemantine in the treatment of neurodegenerative dis-eases is its neuroprotective properties against glutama-tergic excitotoxicity (Parsons et al., 1999), whereasthe antidepressant effects of subanesthetic ketaminehave been directly linked to an acute increase inglutamate bursting (Moghaddam et al., 1997). Theseproperties may explain why ketamine is unique inprovoking relatively rapid homeostatic adaptations,and they encourage the search for novel, rapid-actingantidepressants among short-acting agents that in-fluence glutamate bursting.Several other features may also explain the unique

effects of ketamine. Notably, a recent animal studysuggests that the gradual metabolism of ketamine andthe appearance of specific metabolites, preferentially2R,6R-HNK, account for the therapeutic lag, and theymediate antidepressant effects through a mechanismnot involving NMDAR blocking (Zanos et al., 2016). It isplausible that these ketamine metabolites may directlyincrease neural excitation and engage mechanisms pro-posed by ENCORE-D, as evidenced by increased gammaoscillations in some preclinical studies (Zanos et al., 2016,2019). However, it currently remains unknown whetherthesemetabolites have clinical efficacy by themselves or ifthey contribute to augmenting or sustaining ketamine’seffects. These questions will hopefully be answered byupcoming clinical trials and animal experiments.An interesting line of research employing motor-

activity monitoring in depressed patients has associatedthe rapid antidepressant effects of ketamine with theregulation of circadian timekeeping (Duncan et al., 2017,2018). These studies suggest that parameters of circa-dian timekeeping may be important in uncovering themechanisms of both rapid and sustained responses toketamine as well as the identification of patients who aremost likely to benefit from the treatment. In a modelproposed by Duncan et al. (2017), depressed patientsexhibit diminished interactions of sleep homeostatic andcircadian mechanisms, leading to the promotion ofa depressed mood. Treatment with ketamine increasesplasticity, SWS, and sleep quality while amelioratingdepressive symptoms. At the same time, ketaminemodulates circadian timing and output. This resultsin both weakened interaction of homeostatic andcircadian mechanisms and an acute reduction ofthe circadian mood component. The authors suggestthat in sustained responses, the interaction between

homeostatic and circadian is strengthened throughreciprocal activation, which facilitates a more func-tionally relevant interaction and greater temporalorganization of the transcriptome. Conversely, in re-lapse, the interaction between homeostatic and circa-dian returns to its weakened state. As such, thistheoretical and experimental approach is highly im-portant for recognizing and integrating motor andcircadian aspects into the study of rapid-acting anti-depressants, some of which may turn out to be highlyrelevant in the context of ENCORE-D as well.

Apart from obvious pharmacodynamic and kineticdifferences, varying doses, dosing paradigms, androutes of administration may be major contributorsto the effects of different rapid antidepressant drugs(Fig. 4). For ketamine, subanesthetic doses produceincreases in glutamatergic neurotransmission, whereashigher anesthetic doses may suppress neural activity(Moghaddam et al., 1997; Chowdhury et al., 2017;Abdallah et al., 2018a). Subanesthetic and anestheticdoses also differ in the molecular pathways that areacutely activated (Kohtala et al., 2019a). Nonetheless, itremains to be investigated whether higher anestheticdoses may also reach excitatory concentrations once themajority of the drug is metabolized. Such postanesthe-sia reactions are well known by anesthesiologists andare often referred to as emergence phenomena, whichmay manifest as, for example, agitation, confusion, andhallucinations (Marland et al., 2013). Importantly, thisphenomenon is by no means limited to ketamine; it canoccur upon awakening from general anesthesia con-ducted with various drugs. Altogether, general anes-thetics can facilitate paradoxical excitation of the cortexwhen the drug concentrations are low (Voss et al., 2008),an effect that may hold unprecedented potential totrigger rapid antidepressant effects.

It is likely that no optimal dosage or intensity oftreatment exists that would be beneficial for everypatient. In this regard, volatile and gaseous anes-thetics hold great potential, either as a sole agent or incombination with another short-acting NMDAR an-tagonist, to titrate the dosing almost in real time toelicit sufficient excitation. It is important to keep inmind, however, that these effects are not restricted toNMDAR antagonists, as the manipulation of severalother receptors and physiologic mechanisms may effi-ciently produce similar neurobiological consequences.Excitatory drugs and treatments unarguably do notcontain any inherent information that would effectivelytarget the underlying pathology of depression. Instead,ENCORE-D proposes that they exert their beneficialeffects by unbalancing the current state of neural andnetwork homeostasis, which allows innate neurobiolog-ical mechanisms to adequately adjust. In this context,neurophysiological measures such as the emergence ofincreased rebound SWA and subsequent SWSmay turnout to be particularly useful in determining optimal

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dosing and treatment paradigms for bringing abouta remedying state in a personalized manner (Fig. 4).New avenues of research may also arise from un-

derstanding rapid-acting antidepressants from the per-spective of memory functions. For example, a stimulusmay have no immediate effect on synaptic strength butcan modulate the subsequent expression of plasticity,a phenomenon known as metaplasticity (Young andNguyen, 2005). Indeed, investigations into spacing LTPinduction in an intermittent manner have suggestedthat dividing training over time produces stronger andlonger-lasting memories than a single bout of inten-sive learning (Lynch et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2014).Whether such physiologic mechanisms hold relevancefor developing more effective rapid-acting antidepres-sant treatments (i.e., intermittent administration para-digms) remains to be investigated. In this context,treatments such as nitrous oxide, short-acting ketamineanalogs (Dimitrov et al., 2019), and theta burst stimu-lationmay be particularly useful for several consecutiveintermittent periods of administration in a single session(Fig. 4). For these types of novel treatment paradigms,conventional drug-development principles that aim forstable, steady-state concentrations and long half-livesmay need to be discarded.One neglected aspect in the research and treatment of

brain disorders is related to the variability in the stateof the brain. Themechanisms implicated in ENCORE-Dprovide the basis for the idea that the baseline state ofthe underlying neural networks may influence rapidantidepressant outcomes (Fig. 4). For example, ket-amine reportedly has distinct electrophysiological, asmeasured by magnetoencephalography, and behavioraleffects when administered to depressed or healthy sub-jects (Nugent et al., 2019a). Though depressed patientsexhibit rapid improvements in their symptoms, healthycontrols may even display increases in depressivesymptoms for up to a day after ketamine administra-tion. A possible explanation offered by ENCORE-Dis that unless dysfunctional connectivity is present,ketamine may negatively influence network homeo-stasis. In support of the idea that baseline conditionsaffect the outcome of ketamine treatment, mice sub-jected to the chronic social defeat model of depressionhave been found to elicit glutamate functional hyper-connectivity and altered responses to ketamine whencompared with naïve mice (McGirr et al., 2017).Following the idea of variability in brain states,

emphasis should also be placed on studies that addresswhether the timing of treatment contributes to itsclinical effects (Ruben et al., 2019) (Fig. 4). Treatmentsgiven during the early morning could produce differentoutcomes than those in the evening, as cortical excit-ability is regulated by circadian rhythmicity (Ly et al.,2016) as well as wake and sleep (Kuhn et al., 2016). Tothe best of our knowledge, the impact of timing has notbeen addressed with ketamine, or other rapid-acting

antidepressants, although such experiments have beenplanned (Zhuo et al., 2019). These principles may alsoprove to be crucial for the refinement of the basicresearch of psychiatric disorders in general. Laboratoryrodents, such as mice and rats, are widely used inbiomedical research to understand the pathologic pro-cesses underlying depression and to study and developantidepressants. Though many important discoverieshave been made, the translation of preclinical observa-tions into novel treatments is scarce. ENCORE-D urgesus to consider that a part of this translational gap isexplained by our ignorance of the most fundamentalaspects of animal physiology: the circadian rhythm andsleep. Most rodent species used for biomedical researchare nocturnal. Although the contrast between active,wakeful, and vigilant states during light and darkperiods in rodents is not as stark as in humans,(nocturnal) mice and rats are clearly more active duringthe dark period and sleep in bouts predominantlyduring the day. Yet, and solely because of the conve-nience of the experimenter, a vast majority of rodentstudies are conducted during the inactive period. Arecent observation of prominent circadian variation inketamine metabolism (Martinez-Lozano Sinues et al.,2017) suggests that the timing of administration maysignificantly contribute to the neurobiological effects setforth by ketamine and its metabolites.

The mechanisms proposed by ENCORE-D may alsobe important for the antidepressant actions of psy-chedelic drugs, which have recently gained renewedinterest in psychiatry. Psilocybin, a prodrug of the5-HT2A agonist psilocin, has shown promise in a rangeof psychiatric conditions, including treatment-resistantdepression. Studies suggest that, unlike ketamine,these drugs may have positive effects lasting formonths (Carhart-Harris et al., 2016), although properplacebo-controlled randomized clinical trials are stilllacking. Interestingly, the expression of 5-HT2A recep-tors is especially enriched in the high-level associationregions, such as those within the DMN (Beliveau et al.,2017). Compared with ketamine, the effects of psilocinmay thus bemore focused to this hub network, which isdysregulated in depressive states (Carhart-Harris andFriston, 2019). Molecular mechanisms suggested tounderlie the effects of other rapid-acting antidepres-sants, such as TrkB and mTOR signaling, are alsoassociated with psychedelics and their ability to pro-mote structural and functional plasticity (Ly et al.,2018). An important distinction between the thera-peutic use of ketamine and classic psychedelics comesfrom the therapeutic context (Fig. 4). Psychedelictherapy uses psychedelic drugs to promote peak innerexperiences during a session together with a therapist.It may turn out that the extraordinarily long-lastingeffects of psychedelic therapy arise when the person andhis or her experiences are the focus of the treatment.Salient stimuli, for example, a powerful psychologic

Sleep and Rapid Antidepressant Effects 457

experience, combined with a pharmacologically facili-tated state may be expected to produce the mostpersistent changes in memory and cognitive patterns.In this context, examining the principles of ENCORE-Dtogether with previously proposed theoretical perspec-tives, such as the entropic brain hypothesis (Carhart-Harris et al., 2014) and the relaxed beliefs underpsychedelics framework (Carhart-Harris and Friston,2019), may turn out to be particularly fruitful. Theseemerging perspectives also encourage further researchinto both ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (Dore et al.,2019) and the impact of subjective experience on thetherapeutic outcome.ENCORE-D also provides a plausible neurobiological

basis for the rapid and sustained antidepressant effects.For example, sleep deprivation is a relatively efficientrapid-acting antidepressant (efficient increase in activity/encoding); however, its therapeutic effects are seldomsustained (dysfunctional consolidation and/or renorm-alization). On the other hand, ketamine may suffi-ciently allow both phases to take place. According toone recent hypothesis (Wolf et al., 2016), sleep depri-vation extends the period when cortical neurons gathersynaptic strength or excitability. This allows synapsesto reach an optimal zone for LTP inducibility (Normannet al., 2007), which compensates for the attenuatedassociative synaptic plasticity in depression and leadsto the remediation of depressive symptoms. This hy-pothesis does not exclude the principles of ENCORE-D,which proposes that the increase in cortical excitabilityinduced by sleep deprivation (and other putative rapid-acting treatments) is important for altering patterns ofbrain activity and subsequent synaptic changes. How-ever, though alterations in LTP inducibilitymay exist insome brain areas of depressed patients, ENCORE-Dsuggests that the observed decrease in cortical excit-ability is mainly representative of the pathophysiolog-ical process itself, meaning that neural activity is moreconcentrated on select depressogenic networks whereinsynaptic plasticitymay even be facilitated (Nissen et al.,2010). This skewed balance leads other networks toexhibit a relative decrease in activity over the course ofdisease progression, which continues to worsen in avicious cycle as depressive symptoms increase.Finally, the advantage of ENCORE-D is that it does

not depend on any synaptic pathology, molecular path-way, or deficit that affects global synaptic plasticity;instead, it relies on mechanisms of activity-dependentnetwork tuning in several brain networks associatedwith major depression. Though many aspects of thehypothesis remain conceptual and speculative, and, atthis stage, require further testing, this perspectiveprovides a plausible framework for explaining howdepression may arise from early adverse psychologicexperiences and/or later cognitive behaviors over time.Moreover, ENCORE-D provides a mechanistic frame-work for a variety of pharmacological and physiologic

treatments capable of eliciting rapid antidepressanteffects, and it suggests that understanding the sharedmechanisms between these treatments may providefundamental insights into both rapid antidepressantaction and physiologic brain function.


We thank Heikki Tanila, Okko Alitalo, and Chiara Cirelli fordiscussions and advice. Okko Alitalo is also thanked for preparingthe final figures.

Authorship Contributions

Wrote or contributed to the writing of the manuscript: Rantamäki,Kohtala.

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