ENGLISHrainbowschooljp.com/myuploads/2016/05/10th.pdf · 3. Make an illustrative power point...

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Transcript of ENGLISHrainbowschooljp.com/myuploads/2016/05/10th.pdf · 3. Make an illustrative power point...


1. Summaries of any 10 current articles from newspaper paste picture related to it. Do the work in a folder.

2. Compose a humorous poem of about twenty lines. Give it an interesting title. Use any rhyme scheme you may

choose any one of the following topics.


Cricket fever

Visit to a ‘Mall’

An unforgettable experience

You school (Write the poem in A4 Size coloured sheet)

3. Read the novel ‘The Diary of a young girl’ and prepare its book review. (should be typed or written beautifully)

(June 12, 1947 to March 16, 1944)

4. Revise the syllabus covered.

5. Complete the syllabus of your English work book for I term.

[Le projet d’été]


Il faut faire les cartes flash sur les thèmes suivants: (10 AUCUN)

A. Les prepositions

B. Les adjectifs

C. Les conjugasions

D. Culture et civilization

E. Les articles

1. Il faut faire un signet(bookmark) sur un proverb.

2. Completes leçon 1 et 2 (Grammaire) en cahier d’exercices.

3. Il faut apprendre tout le travail effectué dans le cahier.


Essayez d’être créatif.

Recherchez le vocabulaire dans le dictionnaire.

N’utilisez pas <<google translator>>

Bonnes vacances!



1. Make an illustrative project file which includes the following: (Roll No- 1 – 15)

(i) Introduction to Pythagoras Theorem

(ii) 5 different methods to prove Pythagoras Theorem

(iii) 5 examples of application of Pythagoras Theorem in real life.

2. Make an illustrative project file on the following: (Roll No- 16 – 30)

Search 20 mathematical symbols from the internet, books, magazines etc. Collect information about

their origin, meaning and their use in different areas of mathematics.

3. Make an illustrative power point presentation including the following points: (Roll No- 31 onwards)

i) Introdution to trigonometry.

(ii) Fields to which trigonometry is applicable.

(iii) Use of trigonometry in daily life.


Make one chart on the given topics:


(1)Real Numbers






Q1. Show that square of an odd positive integer is of the form 8q + 1, for some positive integer q.

Q2. If the HCF of 210 and 55 is expressible in the form 210 × 5 + 55y, find y.

Q3. Find the largest number which divides 245 and 1029 leaving remainder 5 in each case.

Q4. Check whether 5n can end with the digit 0 for any natural number n.

Q5. If HCF of two numbers is 145 and their LCM is 2175. If one number is 725, find the other.

Q6. Prove that 5 + 2 √ 3 is an irrational number.

Q7. After how many places of decimals, the decimal expansion of the rational number will


Q8. State the fundamental theorem of Arithmetic.

Q9. Using prime factorization, find the HCM and LCM of 72, 126 and 168.

Also show that HCF x LCM ≠ product of the three numbers.

Q10. Express each of the following as the product of its prime factors.

(a) 6435 (b) 8085 (c) 2184

Q11. Using Euclid’s division algorithm, find the HCF of the following.

(a) 1288, 576 (b) 155, 1305 (c) 240, 1024

Q12.Show that every positive even integer is of the form 2q and every positive odd integer is of the

form 2q+1, where q is some integer.

Q13.The product of two numbers is 20736 and their HCF is 54, find their LCM.


Q1. If (x + k ) is a factor of 2x² + 2kx + 5x + 10, find k. Q2. If α and β are the zeros of a polynomial p(x) = 3x² – 5x + 6 , find

(i) (α / β) + ( β / α ) (ii) α³ + β³

Q3. Find all the zeroes of the polynomial f (x) = 2x4 – 3x³ – 5x² + 9x – 3, if two of its zeroes are ± √ 3.

Q4. Divide (3 – x + 2x² + x³ – 3x4 ) by (2 – x ) and verify by division algorithm. Q5. If ‘1’ is one of the zeroes of the polynomial p(x) = 7x – x³ – 6. Find its other zeroes.

Q6.Find the quadratic polynomial, sum and product of whose zeroes are 2 and – 1 respectively.

Q7. Find the quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are and .

Q8.Find the polynomial whose zeroes are 2, 1 and – 1. What is its degree?

Q9. Find the polynomial whose zeroes are reciprocals of the zeroes of the polynomial 2x² + 3x – 6.

Q10. Find the ratio of the sum and product of the zeroes of the polynomial 5x² + 2x – 10.

Q11. If the sum of the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial kx² + 2x + 3k is equal to their product, find k.

Q12. Find the polynomial whose zeros are squares of the zeroes of the polynomial 3x² + 6x – 9.

Q13 Find all the zeroes of the polynomial p(x) = x4 – 7x³ + 9x² + 13x – 4, if two of its zeroes are (2 +√ 3) and ( 2 - √ 3).

Q14. What must be subtracted from 8x4 + 14x³ - 2x² + 7x – 8 so that the resulting polynomial is exactly divisible by 4x² + 3x – 2?

Guidelines for the project : Each student will prepare and submit one project from the above mentioned topics. Following essentials are required to be fulfilled for its preparations: a)Total length of the project report will be 10-12 pages (at least) b)The project will be hand-written and credit will beawarded to original drawings, illustrations and creative use of materials. c)The project will be developed in this sequence: i.Cover page showing project title and student information. ii.List of contents iii.Acknowledgement iv.Introduction v.Description vi.Bibliography


1.Make a science magazine having the following content using A-4 size coloured sheets(6-7


List out 5 natural phenomena (with pictures) taking place in our surrounding due to

chemical reactions.

Two articles based on recent discoveries in chemistry.

2.Complete lab manual activities as given by the teacher.


Guidelines for Preparation of Project Report.

1. The total length of the Project Report will not be more than 15 pages of A-4 size paper. 2. The project report will be handwritten and credit will be awarded to original drawings, illustrations and

creative use of materials. 3. The project report will be presented in a neatly bound Ring folder. 4. The project report will be developed and presented in the following order:

Page- 1 Cover Page showing project title, student information, school and year.

Page-2 Contents: List of contents with page numbers.

Page- 3 Acknowledgements: Acknowledging the institution, offices and libraries visited and

Persons who have helped.

Page- 4 Project Overview: Purpose, Aim, Methodology and experiences while doing the


Page- 5 to Page- 12 Subject Matter: Chapters with relevant headings.

Page- 13 Conclusions: Based on findings. (Summary and Suggestions)

Page- 14 Bibliography : It should have the title, pages referred, author, publisher, year of

publication and if a website the name of the website with the

specific website link which has been used.

All the photographs & sketchers should be labeled and acknowledged. Page- 15 Teacher’s Evaluation Report

Last date of submission: 9th July, 2016

Note: Date of Viva will be declared later on.




This is to acknowledge all those without whom this project would not have

been reality. Firstly, I would wish to thank our Social Science teacher

…………………………………….. Who gave his/her immense support,

dedicated his/her time towards it and made us understand how to make this

project. Without his/her guidance, the project would not have been complete.


The matter contained in it has been widely taken from the internet and

newspaper. The statistical data has been extracted from



SCHOOL’S NAME _______________________________

ADDRESS _______________________________________

STUDENT’S NAME _______________________________

ROLL NO. ______________________________________

CLASS __________________________________________

SECTION ________________________________________


1. Content accuracy and originality ______________

2. Presentation and creativity ___________________

3. Process of project completion _________________

4. Viva-Voice __________________________________

5. Overall remarks _____________________________


6. Teacher’s signature _______ Date _______

With school stamp.

Do any one of the following:

Project No.1: Role of Govt. /Non-Government functionaries in your locality in

Disaster Management.

Project No. 2: Generating Awareness on Disaster Management

Project No. 3: Preparation of Models of Disaster Resilient Structures.

Project No. 4: Pocket Guide of First Aid.

Project No. 5: Institutional Case Study on Disaster Response.

Project No. 6: Communication Facilities for Disaster Management.

Project No. 7: Preparation of Disaster Contingency Plan.

Note: In your fair register write down the important points of the chapters done in the



Q1. Create a presentation of at least 6 slides on the topic “3G Technology”.

Q2 . E -Reservation Steps for getting Railway or Air ticket using any govt. e-

reservation website. (R. No.-1-20)

Q3. Latest Technologies used to transfer Data. (R. No.-21-40)


From the following options, select and tick the one that is in the simple future tense. 1. I did not smoke.

(a) I will not smoke.

(b) I will not smoking

(c) I will not smoked.

2. I exercise everyday to stay fi t and healthy.

(a) I will exercised everyday to stay fi t and healthy.

(b) I will exercising everyday to stay fi t and healthy.

(c) I will exercise everyday to stay fi t and healthy.

3. I opened a small fl ower shop in the market.

(a) I will open a small fl ower shop in the market.

(b) I will opened a small fl ower shop in the market.

(c) I will opening a small fl ower shop in the market.

4. The president and his wife raised funds for charity.

(a) The president and his wife will raising funds for charity.

(b) The President and his wife will raised fund for charity.

(c) The President and his wife will raise fund for charity.

5. I stuck to my resolution.

(a) I will sticking to my resolution.

(b) I will stick to my resolution.

(c) I will stuck to my resolution.

Select and tick the option that is in the passive voice.

1. Ravi had to revise the document.

(a) Ravi had to be revised in the document.

(b) The document had to be revised by Ravi.

2. Ram should learn how to adjust to change.

(a) Adjusting to change is what Ram should learn.

(b) How to adjust to change must be learned by Ram.

3. Seema has changed the curtains of the bedroom.

(a) The curtains of the bedroom have been changed by Seema.

(b) The curtains of Seema’s bedroom are changed.

4. Can Nayan update this fi le?

(a) Can this fi le update Nayan?

(b) Can this fi le be updated by Nayan?

5. The youth should change things for the better.

(a) Things should be changed for the better by the youth.

(b) The youth have to change things for the better.

6. He made some changes to this document.

(a) To this document some changes he made.

(b) Some changes were made to this document by him.

7. You can change your future by learning English.

(a) Your English can change your future.

(b) Your future can be changed by learning English.

8. Nothing can change his mind.

(a) His mind can’t be changed by anything.

(b) His mind can be changed by nothing.

9. The party workers do not like the new policies.

(a) The policies do not like the new workers.

(b) The new policies are not liked by the party workers.

10. Change makes progress possible.

(a) Progress is made possible by change

(b) Change makes possible progress.

Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns.

1. Except Ruhi and _______________, everyone else arrived late at the movies.

(a) I, (b) me

2. Ravi was very helpful to_______________when we went trekking in the mountains.

(a) us, (b) ourselves

3. We really enjoyed_______________on the trip to Manali last month.

(a) us, (b) ourselves

4. His friends did not appreciate_______________going to the fair alone.

(a) his, (b) himself

5. Please bring some cotton for your ears if you do not want to be bored by_______________

continuous chatter on the trip.

(a) his, (b) him

6. As our driver had fever, Naman and_______________offered to drive the car for the rest of

the journey.

(a) mine, (b) I

7. One of_______________will have to speak to the travel agent and make arrangements for

the trip.

(a) you, (b) your

8. We must reach the airport on time, or else_______________will miss the fl ight.

(a) we, (b) us

9. It was_______________who wanted to go to the mountains instead of the beach.

(a) Himself, (b) he

10. Two of the group members, including_______________, have offered to make food and

travel arrangements for the trip.

(a) he, (b) him

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from the given options:

1. I _____________________ moved to a new city.

(a) recently, (b) daily

2. I now live _____________________ in the heart of Delhi.

(a) comfortable, (b) comfortably

3. My house is a _____________________ two-bedroom fl at in Mayur Lok.

(a) spaceful, (b) spacious

4. I live here with my _____________________ friend, Manish.

(a) best, (b) better

5. There is a _____________________ monument near our house.

(a) history, (b) historical

6. When I fi rst moved to Delhi, I found the city to be too _________________and crowded.

(a) noisy, (b) noiseful

7. Now that I have lived here for a couple of years, I can’t imagine moving back to my


(a) small, (b) tiny

8. Delhi is the capital of India and is __________________ connected to all major cities of the

country by road, rail, and air.

(a) good, (b) well

9. Mayur Lok is one of the ___________________ localities in Delhi.

(a) best, (b) good

10. The area is well-maintained and planned ___________________

(a) prettily, (b) beautifully

Fill in the blank with the correct preposition given in the bracket:

1. I’m very excited about meeting my friend today __________________ Dilli Haat in the

evening at 4.

(a) on, (b) at

2. My friend stays in INA colony near Dilli Haat, whereas my house is quite far __________ it.

(a) across, (b) from

3. In the morning, my friend had given me the directions ____________ this place over the


(a) to, (b) about

4. I will take Bus no. 540 ____________ the Central Terminal and get off

the INA bus stand.

(a) from, in (b) from, at

5. My friend had said that Dilli Haat is right ____________ the road.

(a) across, (b) over

6. She will be waiting for me ____________ the Sikkim food stall.

(a) on (b) at

7. The Sikkim food stall is located ____________ the Manipur and Rajasthan food stalls.

(a) across, (b) between

8. The hot momos served there are so tasty - I can’t wait ____________ eat them!

(a) for, (b) to

9. Oh! I think that’s my bus ____________ that red truck.

(a) behind, (b) over

10. I must hurry up and get ____________ it or my plans for a great evening will be spoilt.

(a) onto, (b) in


Class –X Topic – Health & Nutrition


Interview some of the people who are suffering from various ailments. Also tell them that practicing yoga can help them

get rid of various ailments.

Based on information collected, write it along with few pictures of different forms/asanas of yoga.


Visit in your neighborhood and prepare a survey report on the health status of people living in the area. (Roll No.


Report should contain following points

1. Name of the area under survey.

2. Land size and population density.

3. Health facileness

4. B.M.I, I.M.R & Life expectancy

5. Role of health in county’s development

Imagine you have to organize a “Blood Check Up Camp” in your school. Prepare an action plan, arrangements to

be made. Also, make brochures for the advertisement. (Roll no. 21-45)




Q1. How much sleep, exercise & nutrition do students need to maintain a healthy life style.

Q2. Are there any health hazards associated with video displays?

Q3. Compare the heart rate of young & adult following vigorous exercise.

Q4. Compare B.P. reading between young & old, male & female & athlete/non athlete.

Q5. What is the effect on the kidneys from drinking different types of liquids?

Q6. Are herbs a viable alternative to modern medicine?


Collect the data of healthy & unhealthy persons from your house and locality. Divide your data in class internal in age

group 1 to 5, 6-10, 11-15 and so on.

1. Find mean of healthy persons

2. Find mean of unhealthy persons

3. Find median of healthy persons

4. Find median of unhealthy persons

5. Draw ogive more & less than of healthy persons



use only A4 size colourful sheets to do the work. Below is the colour specified for particular subject.

English – Blue

Hindi – Green (Light)

Maths – Yellow

Science – White

Social Science – Pink

Also design a cover page with following headings and information





Project under the theme



Under this theme the students are requested to choose one of the activities mentioned

below and showcase their talent on paper, attractive prizes will be awarded for the best


Spread awareness to save the precious gift of God…. Our dear daughters..!!

On an A- 4 Sized sheet make a poster bringing out the theme .

Prepare a slogan on the above theme.

Write a self composed poem in about 50 to 60 words either in Hindi or English.

Write an essay in about 200 to 250 words, expressing your thoughts on the above

theme…. ( English or Hindi )

Make an attractive cover page for the folder in case of essay or poem.

Note ; it is mandatory for all students to give their entries choosing one of the

activity on 1st July 2016.
