Ems - Summer I ’11 - T101 Lecture 16: Love, Sex & Death I

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Transcript of Ems - Summer I ’11 - T101 Lecture 16: Love, Sex & Death I

Welcome to Summer T101

Day 17!


Tomorrow = Death with Daphna and Pro-Ana websitesToday: Love & Sex: online dating, sexting, porn, virtual sex, cybernetic love.

Extra credit opportunity worth 25XP (Due Tues. June 7th):

• Write 2 page paper or create 2 minute video Describe one T101 lecture (guest or otherwise) you found particularly interesting. [Video must be uploaded to Youtube] • Say why you found it interesting. Depth counts!! Be specific. General comments like, “It was just really cool” won’t get you points.

Love is cybernetic in a media life

I'm apparently drawn to people who are willing to commit to a shared hallucination and make it real. Second Life isn't just in our minds -- residents can supplement the family income through in-world businesses, and the in-world currency has value in the offline world. How long before we stop calling 3-D worlds "virtual"?

“society” as the outcome of social experiences:Love, sex & death in media life…

Online dating sites are booming!

Online dating: relationships made easy

Relationships begin and end online: FBO & relationship status updates

“When you make a decision to be with a person in cyberspace you are making a commitment to their network of friends and acquaintances,” – From our readings

“The thing is you never really get out of the relationship.”

“you cannot de-boyfriend yourself.”

“There are whole new rules of digital etiquette we are going to have to figure out,” Mr. Rainie said. “Right now, we don’t have the tools. That makes it very confusing for most people.”

•Every second $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography.

•Every second 28,258 internet users are viewing pornography.

•In that same second 372 internet users are typing adult search terms into search engines.

•Every 39 minutes a new pornographic video is being created in the U.S.

Virtual sex: Hot Coffee mod

What is virtual sex? Pornography often drives the development of new media. Pornographers have mastered all kinds of media formats.

High Joy

“It’s enough to get rejected in real life,” said Ms. Hill, 28, who blogs about legal issues and lives in New York. “But does it have to happen so often in my online world too? It makes me want to keep my digital life separate in future relationships, whomever they are with.”

According to T101 Media Life what’s wrong with this statement from our readings?