Employee motivation and happiness webinar 9 16 13

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Employee Motivation and Happiness Webinar presented by Pursuit-of-Happiness.org. How do you help employees be happier and motivated so they will be more productive and stay with you longer.

Transcript of Employee motivation and happiness webinar 9 16 13


Welcome to the Employee Motivation and Happiness

Webinar(you will need a pen and paper for 4 activities during the


What makes your employees happy?

Type your answers in the comments box.


Employee Motivation and Happiness

October 23, 2013

Presenter: Ray WhiteDirector of Workplace



Defining Happiness

1. Happiness does not equal employees skipping around the office and smiling all the time.

2. Happiness is about employees wanting to get out of bed and come to work everyday.

3. Happiness is about employees being engaged and productive.

4. Happiness includes challenges as well as successes.


Why is Happiness Important?

“We’ve been able to conclusively link employee satisfaction and engagement to customer satisfaction and business performance.”

Wiley and Kowske

“Studies …have shown a clear relationship between high levels of employee engagement and improved financial and operational results.” Towers and Watson

“Your happiest employees are 47% more productive than their least happy colleagues.” Jessica Pryce-Jones

“…we have proven that engaged organizations have 3.9 times the earnings per share (EPS) growth rate compared to organizations with lower engagement in their same industry.” Gallup


Keys to Employee Motivation and Happiness

Remember Pam C.

P – PurposeA – AutonomyM – Mastery


C – Connection



“Human beings want meaning and purpose in life. The Meaningful Life consists in belonging to and serving something that you believe is bigger than the self .” Martin Seligman

In research led by Frankl - “having a purpose or meaning in life” was chosen by more than 80% of respondents while money was chosen by around 16%.


- connecting today with something in the future.



1. Identify the company’s purpose. Give them a “Why”

2. Tell them how they contribute to that purpose

3. Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.

- connecting today with something in the future.

What Steps Should I Take



Activity: Write down the purpose of your company, your team, or one of your employees.

- connecting today with something in the future.


Autonomy- “… the feeling that your life, its activities and

habits, are self-chosen and self-endorsed“ Journal of Personality and Social


“Having a strong sense of controlling one’s life is a more dependable predictor of positive feelings of well-being than any of the objective conditions of life we have considered…” Angus Campbell.

Boer and Fischer found that autonomy is a better predictor of happiness than money.


Autonomy- the feeling that your life, its activities and habits,

are self-chosen and self-endorsed“ Journal of Personality and Social


What Steps Should I Take

1. Constantly ask yourself – “What decisions can they make?”

2. Tell them What and Why – let them decide how.

3. Create Performance Benchmarks


Autonomy- the feeling that your life, its activities and habits,

are self-chosen and self-endorsed“ Journal of Personality and Social


Activity: Write down three areas where you can give your team more autonomy.


Mastery- Learn, progress and constantly improve

Top 2 items participants wanted in an ideal job1. Progress in their Careers2. Be good at their jobs

Based on data from iOpener

Wiley and Kowske found that 79% of employees who didn’t think they could reach their career goals at their current company were considering leaving.

“The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times… The best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.” Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi



What Steps Should I Take?

1. Create challenge and opportunity for Flow.

2. Delegate

- Learn, progress and constantly improve

3. Clarify Learning and Development as well as Career Development opportunities.

4. Hold them accountable



Activity: What kinds of learning opportunities can you create for your team members?

- Learn, progress and constantly improve


Connections- Positive relationships and opportunities to

connect with peers and supervisors

“Experts at the Gallup Organization suggest that people need to have good friends at work…” Diener

“…social support was the best predictor of happiness during stressful times.” Achor, Stone, Ben-Shahar

“70 years of evidence that our relationships with other people matter, and matter more than anything else in the world.” Vaillant

One of the #1 predictors of job satisfaction, engagement, and retention is your relationship with your direct supervisor.


What Steps Should I Take?

1. Facilitate and encourage friendships in the workplace.

2. Celebrate birthdays, work anniversaries, promotions, and babies.

Connections- Positive relationships and opportunities to

connect with peers and supervisors

3.Events and Team Competitions

4. Employee-Supervisor Relationships – Respect, Empathy, Gratitude, and Admiration


Activity: List 3 ways you can encourage connections among your team.

Connections- Positive relationships and opportunities to

connect with peers and supervisors


Activity: Give a bonus/budget to someone who exemplifies your company purpose. Ask them to spend it on a charity or their team members.

Purpose, Autonomy, Mastery, Connections


Thank You




List of Books to Read

1. Drive - Daniel Pink

2. Happiness - Ed Diener and Robert


3. The How of Happiness – Sonja


4. Flourish - Martin Seligman

5. Happiness at Work - Jessica Pryce-


6. Flow – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

7. Dream Manager – Mathew Kelly


Thank You

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