
Post on 19-Mar-2016

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a story about work and work sucking.

Transcript of employed

‘employed’ by Andrew dennis. A story so short that it kind of embarrasses me. I am not, however, embarrassed by my lack of punctuation

and capitalisation.

I stand up and scream, right THAT’S IT, i’ve had enough. Im quitting and YOU... My boss looks at me. ‘me?’ Yeah you. You’re a dick He just laughs and laughs, which of course makes us all start to laugh. And we start to sweat a bit from all the laughing, because it’s the most amount of energy we’ve spent in hours, until i pick up my work colleague – Stephen (a very skinny man, much like myself, but skinnier and with glasses far less stylish than my own) – and i use him like a baseball bat to smash my computer screen open Out comes this beam or ray or sparkle of sunshine. It radiates the room and, for just a moment, we all feel so peaceful (except Stephen who is without brain or face) ‘you gotta pay for that’ Boss says, RUINING THE MOMENT I just give him the V and jump on into the computer. I had always known i would eventually get sucked in to the computer but i hadn’t quite pictured it like this As it turns out, inside computers there’s a world. I land on soft dunes of sand. Before i do ANYTHING, i let the sand run through my fingers a bit. I try to purr like a cat but it just sounds like i’m clearing my throat. ‘yes?’ I look around but don’t find anyone.

‘hello?’ i say ‘hi’ it replies ‘where are you?’ ‘everywhere. What do you want?’ ‘huh?’ ‘you cleared your throat. Trying to get my attention, right?’ ‘actually i was purring’ This made the sand laugh. Oh, yes, sorry – it was the sand talking. Strange as it may seem. I know by this point you might not believe a word of this, and rightly so, but stay with me because i’ll probably lose interest in finishing the story anyway I decided to stay on the sand dunes, talking to the sand, because i wasn’t in a rush. I mean, i’d discovered a new world inside a computer. I had every right to take my sweet time exploring