Emmanuel Lutheran Church 2014-2015 Narrative Spending Plan

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Emmanuel Lutheran Church 2014-2015 Narrative Spending Plan

A Message from Pastor Beth Neubauer

I am excited about this 2014–15 Emmanuel Narrative Spending Plan, especially after completing our year-long study of the Bible by way of The Story. God’s story did not end with the book of Revelation. Today, Jesus calls Emmanuel to take its place in history—to go & serve, teach & baptize, feed & heal, and grow new disciples!

As you thumb through this booklet, think about how God is using us to write the next chapter of The Story. Can you think of a more important purpose to share than Emmanuel’s mission? To sow seeds of Jesus’ love here—in our homes—work places—schools— and communities, through our words—actions— and choices.

During the fiscal year that concludes June 30, the many ministries of Emmanuel Lutheran Church have collectively advanced the work of the Lord within our congregation and throughout the larger local and global communities. As we look ahead to 2014–15, many of the programs undertaken in the past year will continue to evolve. It will be a time of both continuity and change, offering both the assurance and dependability of the familiar as well as the excitement and challenge of newer initiatives. Some of these evolving initiatives include:

The Sunday evening worship service. We expect it to continue to grow in popularity, as more members take advantage of the flexibility and convenience, and we experiment with different worship formats and music.

2014–2015 Narrative Spending Plan

If we take that mission seriously, we know why the ministries in this book are worthy of our heartfelt support. We each need feeding whether in worship assemblies, study groups, prayer fellowships, spiritual counseling or the support of friends. And we each need to feed others—certainly with that which provides daily sustenance, but also with the Bread of Life that alone satisfies deeper hungers. This narrative spending plan envisions how we do both.

The biblical story is about a God who constantly reaches out, restores what is broken, and bids frightened children to trust and journey forward. We can’t move towards the Promised Land while being enslaved by the familiar and comfortable. God promises to go with us—and I’m thankful for your partnership on the journey! Let the next chapter begin…

Our newest staff members, Director of Music Ministries Rod Harbin and Director of Communications Tawana Jacobs. Both bring new energy and ideas to their positions, and in the coming year they will continue interacting with staff and ELC Ministry Teams to implement their visions for these important ministries.

Important next steps for our building program, Building in Faith. With the capital campaign now concluded, the Building Team, church staff and members will work together to develop proposals for design, construction and financing of the new fellowship hall, kitchen and related site improvements.

We are grateful to all of you for your continued service to our Lord, Jesus Christ, through your loyal support of Emmanuel.

A Message from Dennis Moyer, Council President

GrowiNG iN PrAiSe Worship, Music

GrowiNG iN FAith Education, Youth,



• Oversee and support expanded youth and children’s music and arts program on Tuesday evenings

• Investigate capturing worship elements (sermons, prayers, songs,…) for sharing via ELC website and social media

• Evaluate and support changes to enhance Sunday evening worship service

• Carry out deepening and sustaining individual faith development through Vacation Bible School, Sunday School, Confirmation, men’s and women’s retreats, family ministry and cross-generational events

• Integrate in-depth study of Book of Acts as a fall focus and The Story of Jesus in the spring for worship, education and small groups

• Continue preparing for Emmanuel’s participation in 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering through fundraising and group-building

• Foster sense of responsibility and relationship among all age groups of the congregation

GrowiNG iN ServiCe Global Mission, Community Outreach

GrowiNG iN CoMMuNity Health & Healing, Evangelism, Congregational Life, Stewardship



• Continue to support various international missions and service projects at Village of Hope in Haiti, accompaniment with Lutheran Church in El Salvador and Christian fellowship with Lutheran Church in Namibia

• Continue support and work with ongoing ministries that support the poor and homeless in our local area such as ODB, NoVaCo, Lamb Center, Star Tree, FACETS, CHO, Shelter House and Fellowship Square Housing, challenging the congregation to support the ever growing number of families and individuals needing assistance

• Increase participation in national disaster response opportunities, such as Intergenerational Rebuilding Projects

• Support the work of Lutheran camps and campus ministries that serve our metro area

• Continue support of NoVA Habitat for Humanity

• Address needs of congregation and community in dealing with grief, loss, illness or other afflictions

• Improve greeter program and enhance follow-up with guests in worship through the First Friends process

• Seek ways to enhance ELC’s involvement in the Vienna/Oakton community

• Coordinate fellowship component of Rally Day event in September

• Provide three to four fellowship opportunities for the wider congregation

• Engage congregation in a year-round stewardship education process

• Conduct analysis of congregational giving patterns to discern useful information

OvEraLL SpEndinG pLan TOTaL:$1,265,226

2589 Chain Bridge Road, Vienna, VA 22181

(703) 938-2119 • elcvienna.org

PMS 287PMS 543PMS 465

GrowiNG iN CoMMuNity


GrowiNG iN ServiCe

25%GrowiNG iN FAith


GrowiNG iN PrAiSe


Each of these growth areas is supported by professional staff, administrative expenses (IT, utilities) and property costs. More detailed information is available in the church office.