Emma Lazarus Sephardic Family · Catalogue of Pedestal Fund Art Loan Exhibition . The New COIOSSUS...

Post on 15-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Emma Lazarus Sephardic Family · Catalogue of Pedestal Fund Art Loan Exhibition . The New COIOSSUS...

Emma Lazarus Sephardic Family

Levi Strauss Ashkenazi Family

Descended from Sephardic and Ashkenazi


Grew up in wealthy and large household.

Learned French, Italian, and German. Loved

books and literature.

Learned started to write poetry. Met Ralph

Waldo Emerson and exchanged letters.

Pubished poetry at an early age.

PechaKucha PechaKucha

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The Jewish Immigrant. Vol. 2, no. 1. (January 1909). New York: Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, 1909 Hebraic Section, Library of Congress (54)


Give me your tired, your poor

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe


The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed

to me.

I left my lamp beside the golden door.