Embracing and Leading Change

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Transcript of Embracing and Leading Change

Bret L. Simmons, Ph.D.


NV WealthCounsel Forum

May 6, 2015

Embracing and

Leading Change




What do you want

to learn today?

What are you going

to do today?


The Process of Leadership

Assume responsibility for the choice to

engage with others and use your influence

to pursue substantive changes that

advance a shared purpose

The Process of Leadership

Assume responsibility for the choice to

engage with others and use your influence

to pursue substantive changes that

advance a shared purpose

What is the hardest choice you have to make

when you participate in this process?


Yesterday’s home runs

don’t win today’s games

Babe Ruth

Berger, W., “A More Beautiful Question” (2014)

Leading or Lagging?

Competitive Parity

1. How?

Competitive Advantage

1. Why?

2. What if?

3. How?

With all that’s changing in

the world and in our

customer’s lives, what

business are we really in?

Berger, 2014

Continuous Change

Radical Change

Law of Change

• “Change happens only as a result of

insurmountable market pressure”

Coine & Babbitt, 2014

• Are you applying the pressure or

reacting to it?

Sigmoid Curve (Charles Handy)Sigmoid Curve (Charles Handy, 1995)

Discipline of The Second Curve

“..always assume that we are

near the peak of the first curve

and should therefore be starting

to prepare for the second” (p.57)

For anything to change, someone has to start

acting differently. Can you get people to start

behaving differently? (p.4)

Change Metaphor

Rider - Rational – Deliberates, analyzes,

looks into the future

– Provides planning and


Elephant – Emotional– Feels pain and pleasure

– Provides the energy

Direct the Rider

Follow the bright spots:

Investigate and clone the successes


postcards:Shows the Rider

where you are

headed and the

Elephant why the

journey is worthwhile

Change is easier

when you know where

you are going and why

it is worth it

Script the critical moves

Be specific about the behavior you want to change

Direct the Rider

• What looks like resistance is

often a lack of clarity

• Clarity dissolves resistance

Motivate the Elephant

Find the feeling

Motivation comes from

confidence. The

Elephant has to believe

that it’s capable of

conquering the change

Shrink the change:

Break down the change until it

no longer spooks the Elephant

Sense of progress is critical

Make change a matter of identity, not consequences

Who am I? What kind of situation is this? What

would someone like me do in this situation?

Grow your people

Encourage a growth

mindset by praising

effort rather than skill

Growth Mindset

• Talent is NOT fixed unless you

believe that it is. Treat talent as

something almost everyone can

earn, not that just a few people


• Everyone can learn to work



Motivate the Elephant

Change is hard because people wear

themselves out. What looks like

laziness is often exhaustion

Shape the Path

Tweak the environment. When the situation

changes, behavior changes

Build Habits

Supportive habits that are easy to embrace and

advance the new behavior

Action Triggers: Decisions you make to execute a

certain action when you encounter a certain situation

Checklists help educate

people about what is best by

showing then the right way to

do something

Rally the HerdBehavior is contagious; help it


Shape the path

What looks like a people problem is

often a situation problem. When you

shape the path, you make the change

more likely, no matter what’s happening

with the Rider and the Elephant

The law of crappy

systems trumps

the law of crappy




• Identify a change that needs to happen right

now in your life or work. What are you going

to do about it tomorrow?

• Tell someone about your decision to change

• Think of ways to apply the

Rider/Elephant/Path metaphor to enable the

