Email social media

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Transcript of Email social media

Presented by:Debra Aho WilliamsonSenior Analyst

M A R C H 2 5 , 2 0 1 0

Maximizing the E-Mail / Social Media Connection

Webinar Attendees

Why All the Fuss About E-Mail and Social Media?

What’s it all about?

Two clues


Consumer usage patterns: Is e-mail really dead?

Marketer usage and spending: Social + e-mail

Four ways to maximize the connection:1. Multiply the sharing opportunities.2. Provide a broader platform for advocates.3. Shift the control to your consumers.4. Use e-mail metrics to enhance social ROI.

Digital communication has become moreopen and social

1998 2006 2010

E-mail is NOT dead

But social network usage is growing quickly

Millennials are just as likely as most older generations to use e-mail regularly

There are chinks in e-mail’s armor, however

Text messaging is more likely to challenge e-mail than social media will

Key Takeaways: Consumer Usage

The death of e-mail has been exaggerated.

Communications are more open and increasingly involve social media.

Consumers want to share opinions about brands.

Social may not be as big a threat to e-mail as text messaging.


Consumer usage patterns: Is e-mail really dead?

Marketer usage and spending: Social + e-mail

Four ways to maximize the connection:1. Multiply the sharing opportunities.2. Provide a broader platform for advocates.3. Shift the control to your consumers.4. Use e-mail metrics to enhance social ROI.

The impact of social media weighs heavily on the minds of e-mail marketers…

…so they are investing in both

Spending on social media marketing to rival e-mail spending in 2012 (Forrester)

2010: The year social media makes e-mail even stronger

37% of marketers already use e-mail to promote social networks and another 31% are planning to (Econsultancy and Adestra).

55% of retailers who use Twitter link to their Twitter account in their e-mail campaigns (Email Data Source and Goodmail).

Integrating the two channels is the fourth-most-important e-mail marketing initiative for 2010, business executives say (StrongMail).


Consumer usage patterns: Is e-mail really dead?

Marketer usage and spending: Social + e-mail

Four ways to maximize the connection:1. Multiply the sharing opportunities.2. Provide a broader platform for advocates.3. Shift the control to your consumers.4. Use e-mail metrics to enhance social ROI.

Sharing is shifting

5 billion pieces of content shared every day Users send more traffic to news sites than

Google News does (Hitwise, March 2010)

86% of sharing activity still takes place via e-mail, with 10% on Facebook and Twitter Twitter offers enormous reach potential, but e-mail

leads in conversions (Q3 2009)

Among social media sites, Facebook leads in sharing 44% used Gigya widget to share on Facebook;

29% shared via Twitter (February 2010)

Creating links between social media and e-mail marketing provides more ways for people to share

How to multiply the sharing opportunities

Add “share with your network” links to e-mail messages.

Use analytics to understand:1. Who is sharing? 2. How are they sharing?3. What happens next, after message is passed along?

Customize/segment your e-mail AND social media messages to encourage your best advocates to share even more and extend your reach.


Consumer usage patterns: Is e-mail really dead?

Marketer usage and spending: Social + e-mail

Four ways to maximize the connection:1. Multiply the sharing opportunities.

2. Provide a broader platform for advocates.

3. Shift the control to your consumers.

4. Use e-mail metrics to enhance social ROI.

Personal connections and social network connections are trusted sources of information

The No. 2 reason people become fans on Facebook?

They are already your customers

Court your best e-mail customers and encourage them to become fans or followers in social media.

Then provide them with the tools to share their knowledge and their passion.

Use analytics to segment lists and send targeted communications that inspire commenting and sharing.

How to give a broader platform for advocates

E-Mail Subscribers

Know more about product More savvy and more experienced decorators Receive newsletters with expert advice and tips

Source: MarketingSherpa

Facebook Fans

Relatively inexperienced, but want to show off their work Looking for “how-to’s” Communications strategy includes sneak peeks and new-product promotions

Wilton designs communications to match its audience


Consumer usage patterns: Is e-mail really dead?

Marketer usage and spending: Social + e-mail

Four ways to maximize the connection:1. Multiply the sharing opportunities.

2. Provide a broader platform for advocates.

3. Shift the control to your consumers.

4. Use e-mail metrics to enhance social ROI.

Internet users have little time for irrelevant newsletters or promotions

Consumers use multiple ways to interact with a company or brand

Once upon a time, Conan might have used e-mail to market this …

Instead, he used only Twitter.

The results: Most shows sold out within hours. Twitter followers felt special.

Shift the control to the consumer

Use the combination of e-mail and social media to provide multiple ways for consumers to interact with your company.

Brand interactions in social media may be less likely to be perceived as spam.“The great thing about social media is it’s completely permission based. Consumers can just unfollow or unfan you and they’ll never see you again.”—Kristin Hersant, StrongMail


Consumer usage patterns: Is e-mail really dead?

Marketer usage and spending: Social + e-mail

Four ways to maximize the connection:1. Multiply the sharing opportunities.

2. Provide a broader platform for advocates.

3. Shift the control to your consumers.

4. Use e-mail metrics to enhance social ROI.

Marketers are far more confident of their ability to measure ROI from e-mail than from social media

Success metrics for e-mail marketing are well established

But the No. 1 metric used to track social media success is site traffic

Few marketers are looking for hard metrics from integrating social & e-mail

Experienced social media marketers are more likely to measure leads and sales

Key Takeaways: Consumer and Marketer Usage

E-mail remains a powerful way to reach consumers, even as they spend more time with social media.

Younger Internet users still use e-mail, but their communications are spread across several channels, making it more challenging to reach them.

Marketers are increasing investments in both e-mail and social media.

Key Takeaways: Maximizing the Connection

If you haven’t started integrating e-mail and social, now is the time. “Share with a friend” is only the first step.

Marketers must also analyze sharing behavior, find their best advocates and understand how their e-mail and social media lists compare. Give consumers multiple avenues to interact.

Some may want discounts via e-mail, others via Twitter. Bring e-mail marketing rigor to social media


Learn more: eMarketer Reports

“Maximizing the E-Mail/Social Media Connection”

“Social Network Ad Spending: 2010 Outlook”

“Getting and Keeping Customers: Search and E-Mail Tactics”

COMING SOON: “Social Network Users and Usage”

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Thank you!

Debra Aho WilliamsonSenior

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