Eleven Forgotten Laws Bob Proctor - Review

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Eleven Forgotten Laws Bob Proctor - Review

Product Review: 11 Forgotten Laws6 Ways to Apply the Laws of Success

What Is The 11 Forgotten Laws?

A self improvement home study program

In 7 hour long audio format

Published in 2008

By Bob Proctor and Mary Morissey

To help people who have watched The Secretbut haven't succeeded in applying it

This is a compact reviewFor the full video reviewClick here

The Purpose of This Program

To help you become in harmony with the Universeby understanding how it works

The Universe works using these eleven Laws

Ask yourself1. What is your purpose in life?2. What do you want to achieve?

The Purpose of This Program

If you are still struggling and feeling frustratedit's because you are not in harmony

To help you be in harmony with the Universeis the purpose of The 11 Forgotten Laws

Who is Bob Proctor?

Author of You Were Born Rich

Helped millions people become better

Mary Morissey isBob's co-author

Who is Bob Proctor?

Both Bob and Mary are great teachersand they practice the Universe principles

They can help you learn and become betterby applying the same principles

What Are the Universal Principles?

#1. The Law of ThinkingGive your mental energy to the thoughts that are essential to your success

What Are the Universal Principles?

#2. The Law of SupplyWhatever you need to be successful is already available

What Are the Universal Principles?

#3. The Law of AttractionOpen your eyes to find the people and information that can help you

What Are the Universal Principles?

#4. The Law of ReceivingBe open to receive them

What Are the Universal Principles?

#5. The Law of GratitudeBecome better at receiving and using the help that you get

What Are the Universal Principles?

#6. The Law of CompensationUse this help to work on your goalsand achieve them

More About the Eleven Laws

These are only 6 of the Universal LawsStart applying them today to manifest your dreams

For the complete 11 Laws,watch my full review of Bob Proctor's Forgotten Laws

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