Elementary School Home-School Connection (Marking period 2)...Elementary School Home-School...

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Transcript of Elementary School Home-School Connection (Marking period 2)...Elementary School Home-School...

Elementary School Home-School Connection

(Marking period 2)

يأمركم أن تؤدوا المانات إلى أهلها وإذا حكمتم بين الناس أن تحكموا بال إن الل ا يعظكم به إن الل نعم كان عدل إن الل سميعا بصيرا

Verily, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is that which Allah instructs you. Verily, Allah is ever hearing and seeing.

Surat An-Nisa 4:58

"It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped.

Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out

against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a

million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep

down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." - Robert F. Kennedy (1925 - 1968),

American Politician and Civil Rights Activist

April 2016 School’s website: www.andalusiaschool.org

Message from Sister Bibi Baksh, Elementary School Instructional Leader

Yes! The school year is coming to an end. It is, therefore, very important that you

schedule meetings with your child’s teacher if you have any concerns.

Upcoming Events:

April 5th – 7th : ELA State Tests (completed)

April 13th- 15th : Math State Tests

April 20th : Grade 2 Annual poetry Celebration

April 21st :Grades 3-5 Trip to American Museum of Natural History

April 23rd : Andalusia School Annual Fundraiser, 6pm

April 29th : Annual Islamic Show

May 5th : Third Marking Period Progress Report Distribution

May 10th : Annual Flower Day

June 21st : Awards Ceremony

June 22nd : Graduation


This is the slideshow we presented on the day of the Winter Show. Take a look at your

children at work:


This is the video of the show if you missed it:



Quran Islamic Studies Arabic Khadijah Aamir Musatafa Rab Nadine Alassaf Zainedeen Juboori Marieme Seck Lamees Abdalla Arshil Rohman Aiza Abbas Moatez Nagi Rama Jamal Fatima Salim Fares Nofal Malek Elbatrawish Zakariah Abdel-Rahim Deen Giljic Deen Giljic Safa Rached Malek Elbatrawish Mahma Nouman Mariam Aamir Asiya Alhaggagi Minhaah Naqvi Amaan Shariff Minhaj Naqvi Khaled Nofal Ibrahim Malik Meral Alhariri Uzair Bashar Manar Nassar Ammar Shariff Rawada Elbatrawish Khalid Mahadeen Nour Aziz Manaar Nassar Social Studies Manar Nassar Omar Farooq Joud Abdalla Ibrahim Nawab Ilham Lawani Saada Dzhambekova Ammar Ghaswala

English Talal Saleem Abdul Aziz Hamdi

Arham Bashar Maryam Aamir Computer Ameerah Lawani Khizar Abbas Zakariyah Abdel-Rahim Ibrahim Rashid Fida Fazilatun Atika Saleem Amaan Shariff Waiz Aamir Adam Alomari Huda Jamshaid Saajid Rohman Rahmatullah Camara Ammar Shariff Khalid Mahadeen Raeesah Gafur Uzair Bashar Manaar Gulrukh Gym Nour Aziz Art Sama Elbatrawish

Shanzay Bhatti Zahra Rahman Ahlam Elkhattabi Johson Manaar Nassar Ayesha Razzak Aisha Saleh Saajid Rohman Fatima Salim Kareem Mahadeen Asiyah Abbas Ayah Gubari Zaid Kolya Waiz Aamir Adja Seck Ammar Ghaswala

Math Aisha Rasheed Zahra Haleem

Ridwaan Toor Fatima Khizaran Citizenship

Karrem Abdullah Science Fahad Nagarwala

Abdul Malik Gubari Ranea Yousef Fares Nofal Munaiza Syed Sumaiya Khan Aisya Alhaggagi Ayah Gubari Ayser Adama Ibrahima Diallo Ayezah Nouman Sajidah Eideh Hadiya Naqvi Uzair Bashar Bilal Malik Khadijah Shabbir Shanzay Bhatti Hadia Jamshaid Azemina Tosic Ammar Shariff Saajid Rohman Azem Srdanovic Manaar Gulrukh Ibrahim Nawab Waiz Aamir Saajid Rohman Manaar Gulrukh

Award Ceremony Highlights March 18, 2016


Success at The All Islamic School

Spelling Bee at Al-Madinah School

March 23, 2016

Congratulations to Andalusia's students and their parents! The following are results of the 2016 All Islamic School Spelling Bee Competition. Trophies were given to 1st to 5th place. Kindergarten: Ayisha Razzaq. 3rd 1st grade: Zachariah AbdelRahim 4th 2nd Grade: Ayezah Nouman: medal for 6th 3rd Grade: Huzaifah Jamshaid 1st 4/5 category: Asiyah Abbas 3rd Congratulations!

TriP, Mach 31, 2016 Pre K to Grade 2 visited Lehman College Theater and enjoyed the campus for lunch



Writer’s Showcase

Grade 5: Advertisement for Crunchy Crickets Company

Nutritious Bugs

I know what you're thinking: the idea of eating bugs is just gross! Yeah, well, I hear you, but the

truth of the matter is that some bugs contain lots and lots of protein. Our company, Crunchy

Crickets, believes that bugs are the best protein source that can save the planet. Bugs can be a

very healthy alternative to all the junk food your kids eat. Just be careful; not all bugs are safe to

eat! Leave it to us experts to create nutritious foods for you and your family! Remember our

motto, Crunchy, Chewy, Chunky and Munchy!

Fatima Shamshad

Go Bugs!

Ever craved a yummy, chocolatey dessert or a gooey, fudgey brownie, but your mom said that it

was too unhealthy? Well, with our delicious cricket flour, you'll be packing on the muscles

while you lazily eat strawberry cake on your couch! How do you ask? All you have to do is buy

our Itty Bitty cricket flour and make all of your favorite foods using it. The best thing about his

product is that while you're eating your normally unhealthy dessert, you actually won't feel

guilty about doing so. This special flour will prevent you from packing on pounds you

otherwise would. Our bugs are raised within small containers that eat only food and no

chemical making them the perfect choice for your family. They also cost very little to raise

meaning more money for your pocket. The only question is, why wouldn't you buy it?

Zainab Koyla

Grade 4: YOUTH IN ISLAM, Reflection

The NIA Masjid in New Jersey held an education program on Saturday, December 26, 2015.

This program was about the Muslim youth of the community. This program helped people learn

how to be yourself and what it means to be a true Muslim.

The NIA Masjid is located in Newark, New Jersey. The masjid has participated in many things

such as programs and games for children for many years. "I think that it was educational and

interesting," says Sarah Rasheed, a fourth grade student from Andalusia School. She thinks that

this program should go on more often.

Sheikh Ali started this program in 2015. It brings learning to almost 5,000 students from many

different places around the country. In 15 lessons over 5 weeks, kids learn about kindness and

Islam. "They understand how to react when they hear news and learn how to work in teams

because of the games they play," says Raymond Rasheed.

In the end of the program everyone went to go pray. After we finished praying, we took a lunch

break. Then, we got right back to the learning session. When it was over, everyone went home

and talked about how much fun it was.

Aisha Rasheed

Grade 3: Response to TFK/ Women’s History Month: Malala Yousafzai

Malala influences me because she is so young and she is fighting for education. The

Taliban shot her and she was still spreading a speech about the importance of education even to

boys. She even won the Nobel Peace Prize. In the article it states, “Soon after they took over,

Malala, then 11, gave a speech: How dare the Taliban take away my right to education?” This

shows how brave she was even when she was young.

Malala was so brave she did not give up. Malala is a symbol of courage. In the text it

states, “She is a champion of education rights for girls. The Taliban tried to kill her because

they don’t want girls to go to school. They were afraid that she was going to spread this

message to everyone. She is a Muslim and a strong girl.

Bilal Malik

Malala influences me because she fights for women rights. In the text it states, “Malala, then

eleven, gave a speech: How dare the Taliban take away my right to education?” Also, in the text

it states, “She is a champion of education rights for girls”. Also, Malala influences me because

she was a confident Muslim girl. She went around the world to spread the message that all

children should have the right to education.

Mustafa Kolya

Thoughts on Women’s History Month by Grade 1 Women’s History Month is important because many women have suffered. Tawakkul Karman

was one of the women who suffered. She protested for women’s rights all over the world.

Munaiza Syed

I think Women’s History Month is important because it is about women. Women helped other

women. Ibtihaj Mohammed was a USA fencer. She was the first woman to wear her hijab in the

Olympics. She is very brave.

Tahir Toor

Grade 2: Poetry

Peace Song of the Bluebirds

It’s really spring,

when the Bluebirds sing.

They sing a song of hope,

For all the children in the world to cope!

All the other animals seem to dance along,

To the tranquil melody of their song.

Do the Bluebirds know of their message,

As they make a tune from this voyage?

Bilal Yousef

The Day and Life of a Balloon

I sit among my colorful friends in a bunch,

The wind hits me with a sudden punch!

I see birds moving around,

Why am I tied up on this bench stuck on the ground?

I was made to float through the sky,

I can only imagine the adventures up so high!

Come on! Come on kid! Pick me up! Set me free!

Why can't someone, adult, kid, even that pigeon hear my plea?

Huda Jamshaid


Rasulullah (SAW) said, “Do you know who will go first on the Day of

Resurrection to the shade of Allah? Those who when given what is

right accept it, when asked for something give freely and who judge

in favor of others as they do for themselves.”


Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. Benjamin Franklin

Please email Sister Bibi at: bibinarisha@yahoo.com with suggestions, concerns and feedback. Insha Allah, we will continue to make progress with collaboration among administration, teachers, parents and students.