Electronic Signature Forms: How Do They Change Hospitals?

Post on 25-Jan-2015

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Electronic signature forms make it easy to keep up with the fast-paced environment of a hospital, as well as adhere to their strict legal standards. Here are some of the advantages of electronic signature forms in the healthcare industry.

Transcript of Electronic Signature Forms: How Do They Change Hospitals?



They Complete the Transition to Paperless Hospitals.1

Because it saves time, money, and space, hospitals are rapidly transitioning toward a

paperless record system. Electronic signature forms are essential to complete the paperless system by enabling patients to sign consent forms and other documents electronically.

2 There’s Less of a Chance of Losing or Misfiling Important Documents.

It’s easy to misplace a piece of paper. Electronic signature forms allow the document to go directly into the patient’s digital file the moment they sign. Files are always backed

up so the form is safe.

3 It’s Cleaner Than Scanning.

Although scanners are generally reliable, they don’t always ensure a clean and readable scan. Employees may not notice errors when scanning

large stacks of paperwork, which may be a problem. Electronic forms ensure that this

doesn’t happen and eliminates the chance of human error.

4 It’s Easy For Patients.

Having the ability to sign documents and forms on an electronic device makes it simpler for both

hospital staff and patients as it reduces the nuisance of stacks of paperwork. The text is larger on electronic forms as well, making it

easier for older eyes to read.

5 All Legal Requirements Are Met.

If you’re worried about signing forms electronically, it’s important to note that electronic

signatures are legally binding just like paper forms, which ultimately makes the process more

efficient and simpler.